Playable Hobgoblin Class
by Reverend Dungeon MasterXP Progression: Fighter table.
Ability Modifiers:
+1 Constitution,
-1 Dexterity,
-1 Charisma.Hit Dice: 1d8 at level 1; gains 1d8 per level up to level 9, +3 HP per level thereafter.
Martial Discipline (bonus +1 to attack rolls with swords and polearms, level 1).
Darkvision 60’.
Tactical Leadership (allies within 10 feet gain +1 to morale checks, level 3).
Endurance (+2 saves vs. poison and exhaustion, level 5).
Battle Hardened (reduce incoming damage by 1 point, level 7).
Command Presence (can command 2d6 hobgoblin followers, level 9).Restrictions: Proficient with all weapons and armor, but no spellcasting.
Alignment: Lawful or Neutral.