Possible Future Fate: Heldannic Knights invade Norwold
by Marc SaindonA possible fate for Alphatian colonies in Norwold is that with Alphatia destroyed in a cataclysm after WOTI (or retconned as a lesser but still disastrous civil war), the already present Alphatian-Heldannic rivalry degrades in a full war. Alphatia is at war with itself, with Zandor finding his rule contested, and Thyatis is expanding on the Isle of Dawn, conquering alphatian client states (despite Thothia intervention). Thyatis is also busy on a second front in Davania, so Norwold isn't a priority, and is ripe for conquest for the Heldannic Order.
The Heldannic Knights push forward, conquering rapidly but ove-extending its resources. Alphatian colonies fall back in a few remaining strongholds, entrenched hopelessly, until the unimagible happens: a clique of Thyatian senators (with investments in Oceansend) covertly sponsors a supply run and a mercenary force (Ostlander mercenaries, paid in Minrothad coinage to avoid suspicions) to relieve Ericall in Alpha. The city manages to survive the winter, but the kingdom of Norwold itself is now limited to a single city-state.
Naturally, in a world of magical divination and intervening immortals where no secrets are safe, part of the scheme is revealed to the Heldannic Knights' upper echelons, and in turn this sets the stage for growing resentment, possibly a Cold War, between Thyatis and the Heldannic Knights, two expanding empires. Further attempts to conquer Alpha are instead into a containment plan by the Heldannic Knights.
(art from: https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1100/format:webp/1*iIKAZWZPS2FMypyQ9AnfRg.jpeg by Mariusz Kozik)