Temples, Stone Circles and Monasteries in BECMI
by HåvardThese are special holy structures that can be constructed by the following classes (and perhaps others):
Temple - Cleric, Paladin, Avenger
Stone Circle - Druid, Dervish (Desert Druid),
Cloister/ Monastery - Mystic
?? - Shaman, ShamaniBut what are the game mechanical benefits of creating such a structure?
1: Retainers
- Clerics will be joined by 1d6x50 loyal troops + 1d6 Clerics of levels 1-3 (See RC p 137-138).
- Mystics will be joined by 1d2x10 1st level Mystics + 1d6x30 normal men seeking to become Mystics (See RC p 137-138).
- Druid/Dervish - Not mentioned, but I assume the same situation as for Clerics
- Shaman/Shamani - Not mentioned, but I assume the same situation as for Clerics.
2: Research
The temple or stone structure counts as a workshop & library which is required for researching spells or creating new magical items. The DM may require the PC to have acquired religious texts, scrolls or runestones etcHouse Rules (brainstorming)
So the part about Research is implied in the RC, but not spelled out exactly as I phrased it, but what about other rules and benefits?1. For Retainers I like how Matt Colville's Strongholds & Followers (5e) allows the Cleric to gain outerplanar or magical allies instead of just troops etc. I think it could be fun to allow something similar in BECMI too.
2. How about some benefits to Turning Undead?
3. Creation of Holy Water and similar semi-magical items?
4. maybe the ability of a Cleric in the temple to cast Protection from Evil without expending a spell slot?How to make Mystics a bit more interesting with regards to their Cloisters?