Shark, Hammerhead
by Cab Davidson
Stat Lesser Greater AC: 4 4 HD: 5 7 Move (swimming): 180’(60’) 180’(60’) Attack: 1 bite 1 bite Damage: 1d10 2d8 No. Appearing: 0 (1d4) 0 (1d8) Save As: F3 F4 Morale: 8 9 Treasure Type: Nil Nil Intelligence: 2 2 Alignment: Neutral Neutral XP Value: 175 450 Hammerhead sharks are aggressive hunters that will often take an experimental bite out of anything in the water. The lesser hammerhead is around 4’-5’ long, whereas the greater hammerhead can reach 15’-20’. They have keen senses, and can sniff out blood within 300’ as all sharks can. They are immediately recognisable by having distinctive hammer shaped heads, with their eyes positioned very widely spaced at either end. This gives them extraordinarily wide vision, which alongside keen senses of smell and vibratory reception make them almost impossible to surprise (only surprised on a 1 on 1d12).