Humanoid Characters
by Pippin StranoThe Orcs Of That Gazetteer provides useful guidelines from creating both player character humanoids and npc leader humanoids. However, the document lacks details on the traits of the humanoids, and shortchanges the humanoids unnecessarily. Also, the experience point charts are very poor overall. To address these deficiencies, we will provide additional details and corrections here. All details not covered here are as they are listed in Orcs of Thar.
- Humanoid Strength DOES effect natural attacks
- The notes on Charisma are foolish. Treat humanoids’ Charisma as any other characters’ Charisma
- Humanoids can always give up a Weapon Mastery to gain 4 skill slots. This is often done by the humanoid equivalent of Artisans
- Prime requisite for all humanoids is Strength, with the exception of Kobolds, Goblins and Gnolls. For Kobolds, Goblins and Gnolls, the Prime Requisite is Dexterity
I am using the system defined within Charles Taylor's "Mastery Training for Everything" article herein.
Humanoid Ancestry and Entropic Intoxication
The ancestry of the humanoid races in Mystara, as presented in canon materials, is confused, contradictory and not entirely accurate. First off, only Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs and Bugbears are descendants of Beastmen. Gnolls are a created race, manufactured by the Nithians as a servant race. One characteristic that Gnolls do share with the true descendants of the Beastmen however is susceptibility to something called Entropic Intoxication.
Entropic Intoxication is what happens to creatures susceptible to the condition when they worship Entropic Immortals. When worship of an Immortal from the Sphere of Entropy begins, Entropic Intoxication begins to be felt in the first couple of weeks. The worshiper feels separated from the grim reality they occupy, and divorced of responsibility for whatever they do to make their existence more enjoyable. Over months the worshiper’s personality changes, creating the worst habits these species are known for. This is the source of goblins’ militancy, orcs’ blood lust, hobgoblins’ sadism and bugbears’ cannibalism. This is why these races will pursue actions that make no sense, even for their own well-being.
The descendants of the Beastmen are susceptible to this affliction because the Beastmen themselves were created by Hel as worshippers. The Gnolls however had their particular weakness for Entropic Intoxication slipped into their make up by Entropic Immortals. These Immortals wanted to turn the Gnolls from being a servant race for the Nithians into the beginning of the Nithian’s downfall. Entropic Intoxication affects Gnolls even more harshly than other races, as in described in their section.
Kobolds, Ogres and Trolls are not descendants of the Beastmen, nor were they created entirely through magic. Kobolds have their own unique history, one that has been significantly shaped by the actions of The Shining One. Ogres are related to Giants, though far enough removed from them that other Giants do not recognize any kinship with occasion exception of Hill Giants. Trolls are also related to Giants, though so far removed (and repugnant) from other Giants that no one recognizes kinship with them.
At Normal Monster, Kobolds start with –
- -3 Strength, -1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, +3 Dexterity (max 20), +0 Constitution, -2 Charisma
- Basic in either Traps and Snares or Animal Empathy in their tribe’s animal
- Level 3 low light vision
- 3 skills at Basic, one of which may be Animal Empathy in the tribe’s animal (if not already gained as a free skill)
- 2 Weapon Masteries at Basic
- Are considered as less than one hit die creatures for combat purposes
- Standard movement is 90’ / 30’, adjust when encumbered as appropriate
- Base AV is 2
Kobolds may only use tiny to small weapons without penalty. When the Kobold reaches first level, they gain 3 more skill slots and 2 Weapon Masteries and may take skills and Weapon Mastery to Skilled if they wish. At first level, Kobolds are considered 1+1 hit die creatures for combat purposes. Skills are gained based on Intelligence after that, and Weapon Mastery is gained at the same rate as Clerics. At second level they are considered 2 HD. Third level, 2+1 HD, fourth level 3 HD, fifth level 3+1 HD, sixth level 4 HD, seventh level 4+1 HD, and at eighth level Kobolds are considered 5 HD creatures for combat purposes. At 9th level they are considered 6 HD and gain an addition 1d4 hit points (not +2hp) with Constitution modifiers. For levels beyond 9th, Kobolds require 60,000 xp and gain only 1 hp per level. At 16th level Kobolds increase by one the number of hit die they are considered for combat purposes, and do so again at 21st, 26th, 31st, and 36th level.
To clarify the history of the Kobolds, the Kobolds started as a race of mammalian dog men. They were taller than the current Kobolds (averaging slightly above the height of Dwarves but shorter than Elves or Humans), warm blooded and without any of the scales present on the current Kobolds. These early Kobolds lived close to the surface, living in a style not too different from Halflings. Their packs formed very structured and cooperative societies, with little crime and a feeling that knowledge belonged to the whole pack. The libraries that came out of this embrace of knowledge led to Kobolds with great skill in a number of trades, from farming, to civil engineering, to building machinery. These skills, combined with their small size, resulted in them frequently being taken as a slave race by larger, more powerful creatures. The loyalty to the pack felt by Kobolds meant that they wouldn’t abandon captured members, even when rescue only resulted in the entire pack being wiped out. Even when they were able to protect themselves from outright attack, Gnomes regularly would sneak in using illusion and steal the finest Kobold blueprints and technical manuals. All of this made the Kobold race more and more xenophobic, and created a racial hatred of Gnomes that lasts to this day. The Kobolds started living deeper and deeper underground. This subterranean existence helped the Kobolds some, but they found living underground very difficult. The cold, the lack of food, the dark, it all wore at the will of the Kobold race to survive.
During these dark days, The Shining One arose. He taught the Kobolds to use their mechanical abilities to build traps and other mechanisms to protect themselves from their enemies and to master their new environment. The helped devise many of the ideas for ambush that Kobolds use to today. However, even with The Shining One’s help, the Kobold race was destined for extinction, and The Shining One knew it.
Upon reaching Immortality, The Shining One started work on a long term plan to change the Kobold race to ensure its long term survival and eventual mastery of Mystara. Some of the initial changes were quite physically drastic. The Kobold race found their children having reptilian features to increasing degrees. Within a few centuries the Kobold race between a mammalian / reptilian hybrid, and this process continues to this day. The Shining One observed that a reptilian race could survive in the underground environment better, being better able to tolerate the cold temperatures and unreliable food supply. He also gifted the Kobolds with incredible infravision based on the thermal senses held by many other reptiles. The process has resulted in Kobolds becoming shorter, as The Shining One borrowed some of the essence from the Caman race to change the Kobolds. Kobolds were also taught to be more pragmatic about their individual survival without entirely destroying the tribal loyalty. One of the biggest changes was an edict from The Shining One to his faithful: writing was taboo. This was in response to the predations of the Gnomes.
When the transformation to a reptile race is complete, and Kobolds have managed to recover their lost height, The Shining One will feel his race is ready to go forth into the world once again. Upon this day he shall lift the taboo and guide the Kobolds to ancient treasure troves of Kobold knowledge. Equipped with knowledge, ruthlessness and a form The Shining One has crafted over millennium, the Kobold race will be a real threat to all Mystara.
At Normal Monster, Goblins start with –
- -2 Strength, -1 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity (max 19), +1 Constitution, +0 Charisma
- Level 3 low light vision
- 3 skills at Basic, one of which may be Animal Empathy (dire wolf)
- 2 Weapon Masteries at Basic
- Standard movement is 90’ / 30’, adjust when encumbered as appropriate
- Base AV is 1
Goblins may only use tiny to medium weapons. When the Goblin reaches first level, they gain 3 more skill slots and 2 Weapon Masteries and may take skills and Weapon Mastery to Skilled if they wish. Skills are gained based on Intelligence after that, and Weapon Mastery is gained at the same rate as Clerics. At fourth level, Goblins are considered 3 HD creatures for combat, not 4 HD. At fifth level, Goblins are considered 4+3 HD creatures for combat, not 5 HD. At sixth level only 5+3 HD, and at eighth level only 6+3 HD. At ninth level, Goblins gain 5 hit points and Constitution modifiers, and become 7 HD creatures for combat. For levels beyond 9th, Goblins require 110,000 xp and gain only 1 hp per level. At 11th level Goblins increase by one the number of hit die they are considered for combat purposes, and do so again at 16th, 21st, 26th, 31st, and 36th level.
At Normal Monster, Orcs start with –
- +2 Strength (max 19), -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, +0 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, -2 Charisma
- Level 3 low light vision
- 3 skills at Basic
- 3 Weapon Masteries at Basic
- Uses same movement rates as humans
- Based AV is 1
Orcs may use small to large weapons. When the Orc reaches first level, they gain 3 more skill slots and 3 Weapon Masteries and may take skills and Weapon Mastery to Skilled if they wish. Skills are gained based on Intelligence after that, and Weapon Mastery is gained at the same rate as Fighters. At 9th level, Orcs receive another hit die with Constitution modifiers (not +2 hp). For levels beyond 9th, Orcs require 130,000 xp. At 12th level, Orcs increase by one the number of hit die they are considered for combat purposes, and do so again at 16th, 20th, 24th, 28th, 32nd and 36th levels.
At Normal Monster, Hobgoblins start with –
- +1 Strength, -1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity, +2 (max 19) Constitution, -1 Charisma
- Level 2 low light vision
- 3 skills at Basic
- 3 Weapon Masteries at Basic
- Uses same movement rates as humans
- Base AV is 1
Hobgoblins may use small to large weapons. When the Hobgoblin reaches first level, they gain 3 more skill slots and 3 Weapon Masteries and may take skills and Weapon Mastery to Skilled if they wish. Skills are gained based on Intelligence after that, and Weapon Mastery is gained at the same rate as Clerics. At fourth levels, Hobgoblins are considers to be 5 HD creatures for combat purposes. At fifth level 6+1 HD, sixth level 7+1 HD, and at eighth level they are considered 8+1 HD. At ninth level Hobgoblins gain an addition hit die + 1 for hit points with Constitution modifiers, and become 10 HD creatures for combat purposes. For levels beyond 9th, Hobgoblins require 150,000 xp. At 12th level, Hobgoblins increase by one the number of hit die they are considered for combat purposes, and do so again at 16th, 20th, 24th, 28th, 32nd and 36th levels.
At Teen, Gnolls start with –
- +2 Strength (max 19), -2 Intelligence, -3 Wisdom, +3 Dexterity (max 20), +1 Constitution, -2 Charisma
- Level 1 low light vision
- 2 skills at Basic
- +6 bonus on any skill that can use scent or hearing
- 1 Weapon Mastery at Basic
- Standard movement is 150’ / 50’, adjust when encumbered as appropriate
- Base AV is 1
Gnolls however take additional +1 damage per die from any attack that is inhaled or is sound based, and have -4 to saves versus any attack that is inhaled or is sound based. Gnolls may use medium to extra large weapons. When the Gnoll reaches Normal Monster, they gain one more skill at Basic and two more Weapon Mastery at Basic. At first level, they gain 3 more skill slots and 3 Weapon Masteries and may take skills and Weapon Mastery to Skilled if they wish. Skills are gained based on Intelligence after that, and Weapon Mastery is gained at the same rate as Fighters. Gnolls use the Revised Experience Table For Humanoids included in this document. At ninth level, Gnolls gain an additional hit die with Constitutional modifiers for hit points and for combat purposes. For levels beyond 9th, Gnolls require 260,000 xp and gain 3 hp per level. At 10th level and every even level after that, Gnolls increase by 1 the number of HD they are considered for combat purposes.
As mentioned before, Entropic Intoxication is particular hard on Gnolls. The Entropic Immortals that wanted to poison the Gnolls against their Nithian masters needed to ensure that the new race would not be the servant race they were designed to be. At first glance, Gnolls do not appear to be anything someone would want in a servant. This is because the Gnolls most Mystarans are familiar with are Gnolls poisoned by their worship of Entropic Immortals. Entropic Intoxication not only changes the personality of a Gnoll, but their body and mind as well. The ability score modifiers listed for Gnolls are for Gnolls that have either been under the influence of Entropic Intoxication for more than six months or were born to a mother that was under the influence. Gnoll children born under the influence stay afflicted until their teenage years when they start actively worshiping an Entropic Immortal to maintain the Intoxication.
When a Gnoll that has not been under the influence starts worshiping an Entropic Immortal, their Dexterity starts to improve within the first couple of weeks. This continues, and their Strength increases as well after a month of worship. Within two months of beginning worship, Gnolls are stronger and much faster than they were before. Less noticeable, as it happens more gradually, the Gnoll’s Intelligence and Charisma decrease, particularly their Charisma. These changes don’t become noticeable until three months under the influence, and the process doesn’t complete until a full six months under the influence. After six months though, the Gnoll is less intelligent and much less able to interact with others in a productive manner.
A Gnoll that leaves the worship of an Entropic Immortal will not notice any change for three months or as soon as they start to worship a non-Entropic Immortal. Once the Intoxication starts to wear off, the personality changes start, the same as anyone recovering from Entropic Intoxication. However physical changes start to occur, and quickly. One week into de-tox, the Gnoll loses a point of Dexterity. Two weeks in, they lose a point of Strength. By this time, most Gnolls, tormented by the changes in their body and the conflict in their minds, fall back under the influence of the Sphere of Entropy. If the Gnoll persists for a month, they lose another point of Dexterity. These lost points cannot be restored through rest, healing or magic (though the abilities can be raised as normal by any means). At this point the Gnoll knows something is happening to them, but typically have no idea what. Their personalities are changing significantly, their bodies almost don’t feel like their own. If they don’t fall off the wagon, at three months their personality starts to stabilize, devoid of the mindless aggression and laziness typical of Gnolls. Their ability to see others as beings with a right to exist increases, and the total of these changes results in their Charisma increasing by one point. At four months, the Gnoll’s mind clears more, and they find the world around them easier to understand. The result is that their Intelligence increases by one point. Finally, at six months, the Gnoll has completely freed themselves of the influence of Entropic Intoxication. The positive traits of their pack mentality come through, and a true desire to contribute replaces the laziness brought on by the Sphere of Entropy.
Gnolls freed of the taint of Entropic Intoxication are not as strong and definitely not as fast as the Gnolls normally encountered. However they are smarter and more willing to work together, both with other Gnolls and other races as well. These are the Gnolls the Nithians wanted to have help them build pyramids, canals, and other great works. These are Gnolls that are capable of building worthwhile civilizations of their own rather than leading a parasitical existence. The Gnolls of Graakhalia, and some of the clans of Gnollheim have largely freed themselves of the yoke of Entropic Intoxication and their societies show it.
At Teen, Bugbears start with –
- +3 Strength (max 20), -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity, +2 Constitution (max 19), -2 Charisma
- Level 2 low light vision
- 2 skills at Basic
- +4 bonus on all Stealth rolls
- 1 Weapon Mastery at Basic
- Standard movement is 90’ / 30’, adjust when encumbered as appropriate
- Base AV is 1
Bugbears may use may use medium to extra large weapons. When the Bugbear reaches Normal Monster, they gain one more skill at Basic and two more Weapon Mastery slots at Basic. At first level, they gain 3 more skill slots and 3 Weapon Masteries and may take skills and Weapon Mastery to Skilled if they wish. Skills are gained based on Intelligence after that, and Weapon Mastery is gained at the same rate as Fighters. Bugbears use the Revised Experience Table For Humanoids included in this document. At ninth level, Bugbears gain an additional hit die + 1 (with Constitutional modifiers) for hit points, and are considered 11 HD creatures for combat purposes. For levels beyond 9th, Bugbears require 400,000 xp and gain 4 hp per level. At 10th level and every even level after that, Bugbears increase by 1 the number of HD they are considered for combat purposes.
At Teenager (Youngster is no longer used for Ogres), Ogres start with –
- +4 Strength (max 21), -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -1 Dexterity, +3 Constitution (max 20), -2 Charisma
- 2 skill at Basic
- 1 Weapon Mastery
- Same movement rate as a human
- Base AV is 0
Ogres may use may use large to super sized weapons. When the Ogre reaches Normal Monster they gain one more skill at Basic and one more Weapon Mastery at Basic). At first level, they gain 3 more skill slots and 2 Weapon Masteries and may take skills and Weapon Mastery to Skilled if they wish. Skills are gained based on Intelligence after that, and Weapon Mastery is gained at the same rate as Clerics. Ogres use the Revised Experience Table For Humanoids included in this document. At ninth level, Ogres gain an additional hit die + 1 (with Constitutional modifiers) for hit points, and are considered 12 HD creatures for combat purposes. For levels beyond 9th, Ogres require 600,000 xp and gain 5 hp and an additional hit die for combat purposes, per level.
At Youngster (Whelp is no longer used for Trolls), Trolls start with –
- +3 Strength (max 20), -4 Intelligence, -4 Wisdom, +0 Dexterity, +4 Constitution (max 21), -6 Charisma
- Level 2 low light vision
- Physical attacks are 1d3 / 1d3 / 1d6
- Regenerate 1 hp per 10 segments
- No skills or Weapon Mastery
- Base AV is 2
At Teenager their physical attacks become 1d4 / 1d4 / 1d8, their AV becomes 3, and they regenerate 2 hp per 10 segments. At Normal Monster, their physical attacks become 1d6 / 1d6 / 1d10, their AV becomes 5, and they regenerate 3 hp per 10 segments. They also receive their first skill and Weapon Mastery, both at Basic. Once they are normal monsters, Trolls may use medium to extra large weapons. At first level, they gain one more skill slot and one more Weapon Mastery and may take skills and Weapon Mastery to Skilled if they wish. Skills are gained based on Intelligence after that, and Weapon Mastery is gained at the same rate as Magic Users. Additionally, at first level, Trolls start to regenerate at 4 hp per 10 segments and are considered 8 HD creatures for combat purposes.
At second level, their physical attacks affect creatures only harmed by silver weapons and their physical attacks become 1d8 / 1d8 / 1d10, are considered 9 HD creatures as well as their AV becoming 6. At third level, their physical attacks affect creatures only harmed by +1 weapons, and they start regenerating 5 hp per 10 segments. At 4th level, their physical attacks become 1d10 / 1d10 / 1d12 and affect creatures only harmed by +2 weapons, are considered 10+1 HD creatures as well as their AV becoming 7. Each even numbered level after 4th also increases the damage their physical attacks do by 1 and their AV increases by 1. At 5th level Trolls start regenerating at 6 hp per 10 segments and are considered 11+1 HD. At 6th level, Trolls are considered 12+1 HD creatures. At 7th level, Trolls start regenerating 7 hp per 10 segments. At 8th level Trolls are considered 13+1 HD creatures.
At 9th level, Trolls start regenerating at 1 hp per segment for non-fire / non-acid damage, and 1 hp per 10 segments for fire and acid damage, gain an additional hit die + 1 (with Constitutional modifiers) for hit points, and are considered 12 HD creatures for combat purposes. Trolls use the Revised Experience Table For Humanoids included in this document. For levels beyond 9th, Trolls require 800,000 xp and gain 6 hp and an additional hit die for combat purposes, per level. At every odd level after 9th (and one additional increase at 36th level) Trolls increase their regeneration rate by 1 hp segment for non-fire / non-acid damage, and 1 hp per 10 segments for fire and acid damage.
Revised Experience Tables
These are the values for humanoids that needed their entire experience point table replaced. Also, revised values are provided for Dwarves and Elves as well (as their xp progression made no sense either).
Level Gnoll Bugbear Ogre Troll Youngster - - - -3,000 Teenager -2,000 -3,000 -4,500 -6,000 Normal Monster 0 0 0 0 1 2,000 3,000 4,500 6,000 2 4,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 3 8,000 12,000 18,000 25,000 4 16,000 24,000 36,000 50,000 5 32,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 6 65,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 7 130,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 8 260,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 9 520,000 800,000 1,200,000 1,600,000