Another childhood invention, I used to call them urchins (an old English name for hedgehog) but I've had a last minute change of heart before posting and now I'm going with the name hodmedod, an East Anglian name for hedgehogs.
I should think how you use these will depend on who and where you are. If you're of a Sonic generation and from a place without hedgehogs, that'll give you one innate view of them. If you're from somewhere where hedgehogs are native then odds are you'll already be basically well disposed towards hedgehogs - there are islands where they've been introduced and they're a problem, but literally nobody dislikes hedgehogs where they're native, they're quite charming little things.
As ever, there are various ways you can interpret humanoid hedgehogs, I do hope you enjoy my take in this.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Hodmedod AC: 6 HD: 1* Move: 120’(40’) Attacks: 1 weapon or 1 bite Damage: by weapon or 1d4 Number Appearing: 1d8 (6d8) Save As: F1 Morale: 8 Treasure Type: D Intelligence: 8 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 11 Hodmedod are anthropomorphic hedghehogs. They are around 4’ tall, with huge black feet and hands, long snouts with sensitive noses, and heavily spined backs. They are, by nature, scavenging creatures of the night, enjoying nothing better than sitting under a hedgerow crunching on nuts, birds eggs, fruits, bugs, worms, indeed anything they can find, and willy happily wile away the moonlit hours among other friendly hodmedods, gossiping in their own rather snuffling language and feasting upon natures bounty.
Some hodmedods live in cities, where they similarly scavenge all they can, and many take on gainful employment in gardens and farms where they are excellent at sniffing out and destroying pests. Some become adventurers, and while they can in theory pursue any class most often they become thieves (having excellent night vision, with infravision to 60’ and a +5% bonus to hide in shadows and move silently) or, appropriately, hedge wizards.
Hodmedods are friends of both the fey races and myconids, having particular empathy with the marasmian myconids. While they are rarely aggressive themselves, they will defend themselves, their young and their fey friends if called upon to do so. Curiously, the spiny coverage of hodmedods render them immune to thieves backstabs. Any creature engaging an urchin in melee combat using a weapon shorter than a spear must make a save vs. dragon breath each round or be stuck by 1d2 spines, for 1d2 damage each.
Hodmedods are typically sociable and friendly, but naturally malodorous with a musky, unpleasant aroma. They can bathe to control this smell but among their own kind they prefer not to.