Cost of Healing: Potion and Honey
by AozDungeons & Dragons Master Rules D&D Master DM's Book Pg 4 [Image from wikimedia.org]
**Potion 1,000 to 10,000 gp**Also, in X7 The War Rafts of Kron (again Page 4) [Image from wikimedia.org]
Minrothad :
potions of swimming 8000* GP
Potion of waterbreathing 8000* GP
*Starting Price most merchants are willing to settle for a mere 4,000 gold pieces per potion
[Just to Highlight Potion cost]Dungeons and Dragons: Expert Rules, Set Two: Page 25 [Image from isbndb.com]
--Create a Potion of healing: 500 GP and 1 week [sells for at least 1000 GP]--
Alchemist (1000 gp/month): If given a formula or a sample, an alchemist may make duplicate potion at half the normal time and cost. So, a Potion of Healing every 3.5 days for 250 GP?? [if the Alchemist has all the materials]
So, what are all this numbers and prices for?? It's to show the insane price of a Potions. Then also think about the price of Killer Bee Special Healing Honey??
Killer Bees: AC 7; HD 1/2 or 1; hp 1-8 MV 150’(50’); #AT 1 sting; D 1-3 + poison + continual damage; Save F1; ML 9; AL N; each bee dies after it stings
Queen "Killer" Bee : AC 7; HD 2 ; hp 2-16 [9 average]; MV 150’ (50’); #AT 1; D 1-3 + poison; Save F1; ML 9; AL N; can sting repeatedly
A special kind of honey is found inside the beehive. If eaten, the honey acts as one half strength potion of healing, curing 1-4 points of damage. All the honey in the hive is needed to cure one character of 1-4 points of damage.
The Killer Bees Honey.
BEECause RVC Cares | Bee keeping, Bee farm, Hive home [Pinterest]![]()
How much would you sell the 125+?? GP wholesale [Sell for up to 500 GP at Market]
-During peak nectar flows [plus depends on region], a healthy hive normal honey bee hive can produce 2 to 5 pounds of honey per day:
-Most Hives produce 30 to 60 pounds of honey but differs from region to region. Strong hive can produce significantly more, potentially up to 100 pounds (45 kilograms) of honey per hive per year.But on average 3.5 pounds per day and lets say for every 10 pounds on normal honey then 1/2 pound [8 ounces] of the Special Healing Honey can also be harvested [Need 8 ounces for effect].
Honey Potion [Image from wixstatic.com]
A small Hamlet to small town may make their income from 60 community (60-100 or 80 pounds per year in great location) Hives wound make about 4800 pounds of honey: 480 Honey Healing Potions x125+ = 60+k GP per year [Not much to Adventurers but could be the sustain a whole town or even a small dominion]
Commercial beekeepers control hundreds or thousands of colonies of bees [of course that's normal honey and not Mystara "Killer" Bees] Would be interesting if in that Dominion there are Laws protecting Bees and Hives.
However, I could see every hamlet to city having "Killer" Bee Keepers just to have low tier healing option or a Business Venture for the PCs.
-Beeswax: you can sell the beeswax, or you can use it to make and sell lip balm, soaps, candles, hand creams etc.
-Pollen and Propolis: you can sell bee pollen and/or propolis. This does sell for quite a bit of money and can be very profitable. You need to be careful with selling this product due to local pesticide and herbicide use.
-Bee Removal: you can offer bee removal services. This can be quite profitable with the possibility of getting some free bees for your business.
Maintenance: you can maintain other people’s beehives for them and charge a reasonable fee. It is not uncommon for people to setup hives in their gardens etc., and not want to learn or take the time to manage them correctly. Some people are more than happy to pay someone else to look after their bees
-Pollination Services: offering this service can be very profitable. A lot of beekeepers only offer pollination services and make a full-time income doing so. It does require a lot of beehives, equipment, and experience.-Why I made it Every 10 pounds normal honey then you get 8 ounces of the Healing honey. I like honey but drinking/eating multiple pounds honey to heal 1d4 would be hard unless you were turned into a Werebear-
Werebear | Funny | Pinterest
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