Top Ballista: Heart of Darkness 5E solo
by Karl David BrownHere we go again.
My solo method requires not having read the adventure so no spoilers please.
But, this is a play through of the 4th adventure in Top Ballista so: Contains Spoilers!
This is the 4th adventure in the series. Check out "Tabi Hunt", "Scream of Terror" and "Crash Landing" threads for more.
I'm using my D&D 5th edition conversion of Top Ballista available on the Vaults of Pandius.
For this adventure Elminster's Guide suggests a 19th level character to be equivalent to a 9th level party. Top Ballista introduced a new unusual playable species. Here is my Sphinx PC at 19th level.
It's been six years since my last tale.
After the Cloud Clipper landed at Serraine officers of the Watch and Top Ballista Squadron ground troops were waiting to take us into custody. I of coarse complied and after a few hours of questioning was released. It turns out air cadet Dunbar decided to show off to his friends by taking then on a jaunt in a Cloud Clipper that was not authorised. Most of the gnomes were let off with a warning but Dunbar got a hefty fine and was dishonourably discharged from the squadron. I heard later that he was running with a street gang in the Labour Quarter.
After the legal excitement of those first few days, I settled into the usual excitement of life in the flying city. For work I freelanced as a scholar and as a soldier defending the city. There were dragon attacks, exciting additions to the Great Library, rough-house training with the pegataur mercenaries, and I published a treatise comparing ancient Taldaran military tactics to those of contemporary Thyatis. In my spare time I lived in the museum-home of my people and enjoyed the techno-magical attractions of Serraine. You, however, don’t want to hear about the ‘usual excitement’ you have been waiting while I spin my tales for my account of the ‘Heart of Darkness’ incident. At last you, like the pupils of Gegratis the Orator, can now hear the account from one who was there...Like most Serrainers I was too late to ‘join the dots’. The increased rate of tourist disappearances, the spread of animated skeletons beyond city districts where Nagpa dwell, and then the incident with the corpse of the Alphatian noble, I forget his name, but The Watch finding his body in a sack and an unidentified nagpa fleeing the scene caused the Alphatians to ban their citizens from visiting Serraine, terrible news for the coffers of the City Council and businesses. It is among this disquiet that my tale begins.
Hmmm, limiting my own knowledge by not having read the adventure is tricky when the next few sections’ headings look like they are going to give away all the secrets. To make matters worse the referee is instructed to create preceding encounters. I’ve tried to skip over this using the preface above. I skip ahead to ‘Courses of Action for PCs’ then concoct a drive to get Leandrokrates on track. I can tell this is going to be hard work to solo this one.
I was in the Great Library idly studying a tome of ancient lore while people watching through the window when I saw a Nagpa leave the library with a bulging ragged book of notes. Given the news at the time of skeletons abroad and the recent incident with the Alphatian corpse I’m ashamed to say I suspicious of my fellow citizen. However, I likely would have looked back to my book and forgotten him if not for the foreigner that exited the library after him obviously following the nagpa. The human was a Glantrian by dress, a commoner, tall and broad despite being a hunchback. I watched the pair disappear around a girder on the street, the human furtively following the nagpa then shrugged and went back to my reading.
I probably would have eventually forgotten the incident except that a few days later I was back in my favourite spot by the window enjoying the setting sun, the city was flying south at the time, when my quiet revery was interrupted by a kerfuffle uncharacteristic of the Great Library. I turned toward the main desk and there was the Glantrian hunchback again arguing with Matazumi! Only an idiot foreigner would argue with Head Librarian Matazumi. For someone who is just a levitating glowing skull Matazumi was doing a good job of radiating annoyance. His green glow pulsed with increasing frequency and his skull positively vibrated! Curiosity piqued but also alarmed and looking for indications that I should make haste for the door I paid careful attention to the heated discussion. The human ‘Yegor Ponomarenko’ wants a library card. Matazumi is adamant that as a visitor to the city and not a resident the human will not be allowed to take books from the library. In the end when the undead skull librarian’s eyes begin to glow like white lightning the human male takes the hint and exits the library in a hurried lurch. Thankfully, Matazumi floats off annoyed but containing his wrath.
I close my book and, I’m ashamed to say, do not reshelve it before hurrying out to shadow the foreigner. It is after all it is the duty of every Serrainer to protect the city and I needed evidence of Glantrai agents and plots before I went to the Watch.
I pad out of the library slowly allowing the human to get a bit of a head start then languidly spread my wings and take to the air. Humanoids, especially Grounders, rarely look up.
Looks like a Stealth v. Yegor’s perception. Doing enough conversion to figure out his perception gives +5. He’s probably on alert so roll rather than passive perception.
Yegor rolls 14+5= 19
Leandrokrates rolls 9+3=12.
He’s onto me!I follow the human for a block. He’s obviously nervous looking around and hussling along and suddenly he ducks under a girder into a narrow alley.
Time for the chase rules again. This time using the urban table. Is he slower than most humans? No, apparently not. OK speed 30 feet. Following the instructions (DMG 252): roll initiative
Leandokrates 11+1=12
Yegor 19+4=23
What is the distance? Well I deliberately let him get ahead and was inside when he left so 2 rounds of walking = 60 feet.
Yegor dashes stretching the divide to 120’. 1 of 6 dashes allowed. Complication roll 14, no complication.
Leandrkrates dashes in flight 120’ closing the gap. 1 of 6 dashes allowed. Complication roll 9 = overzealous guard opportunity attack with spear 13+3=16 hit but non-magical does not damageI do a hasty wing-over into the alley and see the dark-haired hunchback sprinting away but I’m using gravity to speed my way as I fly down to my quarry. Seeing my feline form in pursuit of a figure an overexcited member of the Watch decides to intervene and tosses a spear my way. The spear barely hits but is no threat to my magical hide. Then I’m on my quarry.
At this point I have to pause and read Yegor’s stat-block and convert it so I can determine what his options are. I intend to grapple next.
OK, back
Yegor: Casts Darkness. Bonus action Disengage. Is there doorway or similar he can disappear into? Consult EGSA. 1d6=5=Yes. Move 30’.
Leandrokrates: Moves on land toward the sound of his retreat. Do I need to squeeze to follow? 2=No. Easily catch up to him. Grapple. Athletics 13+16=29. He resists: 12+4=16. He is Grappled.As I reach my quarry I go blind, there is nothing to see but darkness and in this sudden night my prey slips my grasp but my keen ears hear him scurry away. I follow the sound burst out into daylight, a dome of night behind and the hunchback within paw’s reach ahead. With two forepaws I grasp my prey even as he tries to slip aside.
Yegor: Tries to slip out of the grapple: 15+4=19. I try to stop him: 5+16=21.
Leandrokrates: “what is going on? Why were you following the nagpa? Tell me or I’ll shake it out of you rat!” Intimidation. EGSA: DC20, 1+5=6.“what is going on? Why were you following the nagpa? Tell me or I’ll shake it out of you rat!”
The ‘rat’, merely grins a cold grin. ”You have nothing on me and that Watch officer will be here soon”.Round 2.
I calculate the Watch arrives at the end of this round. Officer’s of the Watch always travel in squads so a squad arrives. Fortunately, I’ve already detailed the Watch.
Yegor tries to Break out of my grapple. 7+4=11
I resist his attempt to escape: 19+16=35 yeh nah.
Leandrokrates: Seeing the Watch approach I let the human go and address them “Greetings officers, just a misunderstanding between myself and this visitor to our city over his behaviour toward Matazumi in the library. However, all cleared up now and I wouldn’t want to interfere with the head librarian’s business.” EGSA: DC20. Persuasion roll 12+5. They are not buying it.I can hear the sound of rushing boots on the other side of the dome of darkness. The human futilely struggles to escape but when the first gnome officer of the Watch rushes out of the magical dark I take my forepaws off the human and speak to the Watch “Greetings officers, just a misunderstanding between myself and this visitor to our city over his behaviour toward Matazumi in the library. However, all cleared up now and I wouldn’t want to interfere with the head librarian’s business.” By now the rest of the patrol has emerged from the dark and they don’t look convinced.
”This citizen was pursuing you. We pride ourselves on the safety of visitors to our city.” states the gnome officer officiously. ”Do you wish to press charges?”
To my surprise the human replies “No, just a misunderstanding”Yegor persuasion EGSA DC10. 17-2=15
“If you say so sir. Perhaps if the citizen would stay to answer a few questions you can be on your way”
I give the officers my name and relate the two incidents that aroused my suspicions while the human vanishes into the lanes and alleyways.
After the officers depart I try to track the hunchback through the maze of Serraine’s streets.
Survival consult EGSA to create a DC 20 partially because this is my hometown. Roll 1d20+4 = 16. Nope
Although I know the city like the back of my paw the trail is cold and I’m not much of a tracker. I fail to find the human.
Pay lifestyle expenses at Wealthy level for a Large creature 8gp
The next day I ask around about the hunchbacked human. Quite a few people have noticed this distinctive foreigner standing head and shoulders above the gnome population but no-one seems to know anything. As I’m about to forget the whole matter an off-duty porter from the Imperial Hostelry relates that Yegor the hunchback is a servant of a guest at the hostelry, one Baron Miroslav Gorevitch-Stekel, a Glantrian noble. The pair are suspiciously private. Cleaning staff are not allowed to enter their rooms in their absence and if it is necessary to disturb the baron staff are told to knock and wait to be let in. Being private is not a crime so I still have only suspicions to take to the Watch. I resolve to investigate the Imperial in the morning, if nothing else there is an excellent breakfast buffet.
Pay lifestyle expenses at Wealthy level for a Large creature 8gp
Early in the morning I pad over to the 10-story edifice of white marble and brass that is the luxurious Imperial Hostelry. Inside I ignore the curious looks of foreigners unused to sphinxes and ask for a breakfast table at the front desk, preferably one at the back corner good for people watching “There are so many intriguing foreigners here but I would not want to disturb your guests. A discrete table out of the way in the back corner would be ideal.”
I take my time with a platter piled high with eggs, roast meats, and sausages hoping to spot either of the Glantrians. I don’t have a good description of the Baron but might recognise him by his finery and accent. As it is I don’t spot the baron but a good way through my plate the hurries down the grand staircase, foreigners often don’t trust the high speed mechanical lifts much to the disappointment of their gnome operators.
Does he spot me sitting in the dining hall? My stealth v high passive perception of 15. 17+3=20!.
He hurries out the door without seeing me. I leave payment for my breakfast and a healthy tip and head out into the street to shadow him.
Breakfast is part of wealthy lifestyle expenses. This does not feel like a significant change from the situation of the Stealth roll I’ve already made so I’ll let it stand.
The human lurches down the street for a few blocks. I see him rummage in his coin pouch pull out a tiny blob of something then gesture and proclaim a few arcane words before vanishing!
Arcana check to realise what just happened. EGSA for a DC 10. Roll 9+9=18.
I recognise the gum Arabic and a few words of the incantation and know that he has cast an invisibility spell. I immediately listen and watch for signs of the invisible man’s passage.
Perception check against his stealth. I disadvantage for his invisibility.
He rolls: 12+7=19
I roll: 2/12+14/=16. Sod a perception of 14 and I still failed!Despite my keen feline senses I can detect no sign of the invisible man. Disappointed I fly back to my lodgings. The more I investigate the Glantrian the more suspicious behaviour I observe and the intrigued I become. I am certain he is up to something nefarious, but what? I resolve to stake out the Imperial Hostelry until I find out.
8gp for living expenses and I give myself Inspiration for following my Ideal
The next morning. I give notice to my landlord at the Sphinx Halls then fly across the city to take a small, but luxuriously appointed room at the Imperial. The concierge dispatches one of the Imperial’s Tabi messages to arrange the delivery of my things from my residence. And then I spend the day in the dining Hall watching for the hunchback and his master, the baron. The day had turned to dusk and I was about to give up and retire for the night when I see what could only be the baron emerge from the lift. He is tall even for a human, over 6 feet, with pale skin and straight black hair combed back from a widow’s peek. He wear dark clothes of foreign cut with a cloak lined with scarlet silk. He looks to be in his thirties. The baron stalks slowly and deliberately across the lobby.
Does he notice me? My stealth v. his passive perception 11. Roll 9+3=12
After he exits with a distracted wave to the doorman I shadow him through the streets. He keeps to the main streets passing the skychair depot before turning starboard at the Fly School and passing between the Science Park and the Pegataur Eyries. This brings him to the Great Library and he stalks inside.
I really should be making more use of my spells. For example, Locate creature would have been useful last time.
No-one really notices when I enter the library, my kind and myself in particular are a common sight within it’s aisles of books, scrolls, and tablets. I spot the Baron immediately, he is at the help desk berating an assistant librarian. The gnome listens patiently and stone-faced as Baron Miroslav restates that he is an ”...important and monied noble and scholar and should be issued a card. I know my servant was not able to clear this up and so I have been forced to come here in person and away from my studies. Now if you will produce the documents I’ll be having my card now”
”Baron Miroslav, respectfully you are welcome to conduct your research here in the library but as a foreign citizen it is against regulations to issue you with a card” says the gnome calmly.
”Regulations! Regulations do not apply to me I’m a mage of noble blood. Fetch your superior and I’ll have tossed out!”
”As you wish Baron” the gnome then rings the dreaded little bell that calls the head librarian.
I select a periodical from the new arrivals stand using my mage hand spell and retreat to my usual spot by the window.
The head librarian arrives. Matazumi’s is a floating skull with a green glow. Unexpectedly for a foreigner, the Baron is unshaken by the head librarian’s terrifying visage. “This peasant has refused me a borrowing card. I DEMAND a card, an apology, and his removal from his current employment. Furthermore, I demand access to the Shroudwell Collection”
“NO” responds Matazumi in a barrotone like a hollow grave.
“No? No!” shouts the Baron.
The gnome assistant librarian now looks nervous ”Baron, please. ... Perhaps you can return later when...”
Suddenly, Matazumi’s glow becomes a blazing wreath of green fire “GO”
“My work is of utter importance and...” begins the Baron.
“SILENCE” a word like thunder from the levitating skull and it is so. The baron speaks but there is no sound. The sound of scratching quills, the sounds of machines outside on the street, all utterly absent.
Furious, the Baron storms out silently into the night.History check do I know what the Shroudwell Collection is? EGSA for the DC15. 2+15=17
Why does the Baron want access to that restricted collection on Necromancy? I follow the Baron. He simply heads back to the Imperial and up the lift presumably to his rooms. I pad back to my rooms to ponder on what I know.
1) Miroslav is visiting Serraine
2) Miroslav’s servant was seen tailing a Nagpa. The Nagpa have a cultural acceptance of necromancy.
3) The pair are very secretive restricting access to their rooms and the servant has used invisibility as a precaution.
4) The servant at least is a spell caster of at least middling power.
5) Miroslav wants to take books from the library to study in private and wants access to a restricted collection of works on necromancy.
So, it is something to do with necromancy, a practice shunned by many grounders which might explain the secrecy. Ah hah! Perhaps this has something to do with the up-tick in tourist going missing. Most of us suspected harpies, but what if this pair are involved? How does the Nagpa fit in? Was he the same one seen by the Watch fleeing a crime scene recently? It takes a while for me to find sleep as my mind ponders my next coarse of investigation.Another 8gp for wealthy lifestyle. My cash reserves are running low.
I allow myself a sleep-in and then a filling breakfast in the dining hall. The baron nor his servant appear during my repast. My first task is to look to my own finances. Unwilling to take on the distraction of a freelance contract at this time I regretfully must sell one of my last treasures from my adventures around Rugaluv. I spend the day negotiating with various gem-sellers in the Artisan’s Quarter and finally get a good price for the stone. My money pouch full again I return for the evening meal (no sign of the pair of suspects) and then to my room. Tomorrow the investigation will continue.
Cashed in an Emerald worth 450 gp. Remove 8gp for wealthy lifestyle
The next couple of days I wait in the dining room for the pair from my corner with a good view of the building’s front door. Neither of the Glantrians show up for meals nor do they exist the hotel. This situation precludes following them. I consider my leads. There is the baron, the servant, the Shroudwell collection, and the nagpa. This last person I’d recognise if I saw him but otherwise, I have nothing to go on, no name, no residence nothing. The Shroudwell collection of necromancy tomes wouldn’t be much of a clue even if I could get to it. No doubt it is full of many distasteful magics that could be applied to a great many nefarious purposes. So, no the Glantrians remain my best lead.
At this point I really still don’t know what is going on. I’ve maintained my ignorance by selectively reading what I need to but no more. I do know a bit more about the baron than Leandrocrates does but I’m not sure that helps explain everything that is going on.
16gp for 2 days living expenses.
I need to remember to use Truesight more. I also have it as a spell, I considered changing it for another but since the spell enables me to gift the ability to others I don’t feel like I can justify changing it now.The next day I get up before the early dawn, the city is quite high, and eat an early breakfast before the sun rises. Then I head out into the cold dark street. Quite brisk, we must be high. Around a corner into a side-street out of sight of the hostelry and then spread my wings. I fly to a rooftop opposite the Imperial and set down gently. I then pad over to sheltered spot in the lee of chimney to hide.
Stealth check. 11+3=14. Enough to beat the Commoners in the building below the roof? Passive perception 10 assuming they are not asleep.
From my concealed vantage point I watch the front door of the hostelry and when the sun rises above the clouds below I scan the windows for a glimpse of the pair. They do not exit the building and if they are in their room they are in one of the rooms with the heavy drapes drawn all day, or a room without a widow onto the street. The latter seems unlikely for a baron.
Is there any chance that someone spots me during the day? The watch is on patrol and some of the citizens are flyers. EGSA exploration chart for a DC. DC10. I’m ok.
Investigations can involve long dull hours waiting for something that never happens. I have a whole day like that. However, as the sun goes down I stay putt. This stakeout will last all night in case they are slipping out after dark.
odd/even roll where odd=yes. 5=yes
My perseverance is rewarded when a little after dark a heavy drape is pulled back in one of the windows of the Imperial and I can see the Baron outlined by golden lamp light. He opens the window, turns to say something to Yegor then abruptly dissolves into a pillar of greyish fog. The fog-baron drifts out of the window. This confirms the baron has access to powerful magic. I watch the fog-baron drift out of the window and head Starboard over the rooftops.already established that we are above the clouds. I’m going to assume dim light.
I let the small cloud drift starboard against the wind for a while then spring into the air and spread my wings. I follow the little cloud starboard over the Science Park, the machines below silent now the visitors have all long gone home. I stay high and trust the streetlights to keep him night-blind to my dark shape gliding quietly behind and above him
Does he spot me? I’m giving my self advantage. He is probably alert and will roll perception against my stealth. The baron 9+1=10. Leandrokrates 10+3=13. No.
He flies over the Science Park and into the Upper Class Residential Quarter.
The cloud that is the baron drifts against the wind and down eventually settling on the balcony of an fancy three-story home and coalescing into the solid form of the baron. I circle above. A young woman exits from the glazed door to the balcony. I glimpse a boudoir within.
Do I notice anything unusual about this clandestine meeting? Insight. DC from EGSA with my usual modification =25. 1d20+4 = 5
The two soon amorously embrace. I wheel about and fly back to the hostelry to give the two lovebirds some privacy. There will be nothing to be learned here.
Back in my room, and after a good sleep, I take stock of what I know. If nothing else I need reassuring that this costly investigation is not a waste of time based on nothing more than suspicions.
8gp living expenses
1. The Baron is having a secret affair with a local young woman.
2. The Baron is a powerful magic user who is seeking access to a prohibited tome of necromancy in the Great Library.
3. The Baron and his servant Yegor rarely leave their room and demand an unusual level of privacy.
4. The servant Yegor is also a reasonable spellcaster.
5. I know which is their room now.
6. They are interested in a particular Nagpa for some reason.
7. There has been an increase in tourists going missing.
8. A nagpa was seen fleeing where a sack containing a dead foreigner was found. Is this the same person the servant was tailing?
The Foreigners are very careful. I could break into their room but such burglar-like behaviour sits ill with me and they are in their room most of the time. Certainly, I have have not seen them out and about at the same time. This line of investigation my be a dead end. Maybe I’ve been going about this all wrong, after all is was a nagpa that was seen fleeing a scene of a crime shortly before I witnesses Yegor trying to tail a nagpa. The nagpa have a presence in Serraine but, like my own people, they are a numeric minority. There are, what a bit over 100 of them in the city. That the two nagpa are the same person is not extremely unlikely. All I can think of to do is stake out the library, which is basically just returning to my usual daily routine.So, totally stumped I came up with this plan. Then I opened the original Top Ballista adventure book after several months away and looked at the next unread section and read the first couple of sentences and there it was. I’m more impressed with the writers of this adventure now
I avail myself of the included buffet breakfast then check out of the Imperial Hostelry and arrange a to stay in one of the many rooms in the museum-halls of my own people. This rearrangement of my affairs takes the lion’s share of the day and so I retire early.
4gp per day for Comfortable expenses
The next morning I fly over to the Great Library and install myself in my customary spot by the window with a good view of the comings and goings through the main entrance and the main enquiries desk.
I’m fortunate that a little past noon the Nagpa enters the library shivering a little from the the brisk cold of the high altitude Serraine is cruising at today.
Does he go to the Shroudwell collection? 1d6 = 3 no. Does he go to the teleportation magic section? 1d6= 4 Yes.
The nagpa does not go to the front desk and ask to see the restricted collection but instead heads deeper into the maze of shelves. I quickly use my spectral magehand spell to put down my book and draw a little bat-fur from my pouch then mutter the arcane words of a spell. Closing my eyes I see through the invisible floating eye my magic created. This I will to follow the nagpa. He shuffles far into the library until he comes to the section on teleportation magic. There he selects several volumes and takes them back to a nearby desk before sitting taking out his notebook and beginning work. Through my invisible floating eye I watch him consult reference books and scribble notes on obscure arcane theory for an hour before my spell winks out.
I then nonchalantly wander into that part of the library and conduct a little research of my own while keeping half an eye on him. In the late afternoon he packs his things and I let him get out of sight before hurrying to the entry hall myself. Through the window I see him shuffling off down the street and I cast my arcane eye spell again. As he proceeds through the streets I remain safely out of sight. He walks sternward to the nearest skyrail station. I make sure my invisible eye gets inside the car before it whooshes off at high speed. He gets off at the next station in the Artisan Quarter. I watch as he crosses the street and enters the shop-front of a workshop. My invisible eye slipping through the door with him. Presumably responding to the ting-ting of the door bell another nagpa emerges from the back to stand behind the counter. The two look to be talking amicably but my magical eye is deaf. I turn the hovering eye to look around the shop. It is filled with small metal contraptions. There are many water-clocks, a automaton shaped like a gnome that seems to smoke a pipe but the ‘smoke’ is steam, a brass and silver parrot that periodically flaps its wings and other such amusing toys often sold to rich foreigners visiting the city. A pair of gnome workers emerge from the back, wave goodbye and hang a ‘closed’ sign on the door as they leave. The two nagpa sit down to enjoy a pot of tea.
When my spell is about to run out I leave the library and fly over landing gently on the roof of another workshop opposite the clock-maker’s.
Is anyone in this other workshop? YES. OK stealth check DC10 (commoner passive perception) to avoid them hearing me land on their roof. Roll 9+3=12. Made it
Peering over the eves I wait for the nagpa suspect to emerge.
When he does, does he spot me? I don’t have a stat block yet. Skimming, he is 10th level with WIS16 and Alertness skill. So Perception +7? 1d20+7=18+7=25. Beats my 12 easily.
When he emerges from the shop the nagpa cautiously scan the street then points at me “I see you.”
Initiative. Though not combat the sequence of events is important.
Leandrokrates 12+1=13
Nagpa 7+3=10 .
I call “Sorry, I saw you in the library researching teleportation and wanted to discuss scholar to scholar. Then you visited your friend and I didn’t want to interrupt. Nor to scar you by waiting outside, so I hid.”
Deception 10+5=15 v. insight 18+3=21. Sod.
With a muttered word the nagpa vanishes into thin air.
I cast locate creature. Ah! He has reappeared about 400 ft away sternward. Using my spell I can follow him and stay out of sight.
the nagpa has used one of two Dimension Door spells available to him. Given the worrying appearance of a stalking sphinx does he flee home or continue with his planned evening? 5 Yes he heads home..
Keeping buildings between us I pad through the Artisan’s Quarter following the magical ‘tug’ of my spell that pulls my mind in his direction. We pass under the skyrail line that forms the border between districts and enter the Upper-Class Residential Quarter which is filled with mansions of wrought metals and marble. Eventually, the tug settles on the direction of a home, presumably that of the nagpa, and then vanishes prematurely. The home is a large house of two stories on a mound in the middle of a garden compound and surrounded by a wall. The garden it a major show of wealth in our city of girders, metal, and stone.
The winking out of my invisible eye spell tells me the residence is warded against scrying, a common enough precaution among the rich. Therefore, the only way to find out more tonight would be to break in. Crouching in the street the shadows of light spilling out of the windows of the well-to-do like a common burglar. Is this where my curiosity has brought me. After all the expense and time spent following my suspicions that still all I have, suspicions. I have no evidence connecting this nagpa or the baron to the missing tourists or the murdered Alphatian. Am I chasing shadows and stalking innocent people? Full of doubt I pad a little way down the street then spread my wings and take to the frigid night air for home.
living expenses at Wealthy level for a Large creature 8gp.
After a somewhat restless night thinking over the matter and a breakfast of steak and strong black coffee I resolve to return to my usual between engagments routine at the Great Library and eateries of Serraine and do nothing except keep an eye out for the three and an ear on the gossip regarding the crimes.
Having made that decision I’ll now risk reading a little more of the adventure until I come across some event that Leandrokrates would either witness or hear about. Ok here’s my tram stop. Back to this after work
how long before I hear any news or gossip? I know Roll 1d10 days then make an investigation check. EGSA produces a DC20 for a local listening for gossip each point I fail by is +1 day each point I succeed by is -1 day. 1d10 = 3. Investigation check 12+15=27. Fine 0 days. Skimming the Trigger Events section for something the general public might notice...
It is not long before I hear something of interest. A couple of gnomes are gossiping in the eatery where I took breakfast the next day. Apparently, Stompri the only cloud giant living on Serraine delivered a very large chest to a nagpa called Heydrech in the Upper Class Quarter of the city. The address is the home of the suspect I tailed yesterday. Everyone is speculating what might be in the chest. Asking around I soon discover that the chest was taken off a Cloud Clipper cargo aeroplane for the gnome merchant house of Ebenezer Firehand & Sons. I wing over to the airport and speak to some old chums from my service alongside the Top Ballista Squadrons in defense of the city. From the ground crew I learn that the chest was from Ylaruam but no-one seems to know what was in it. Gnomes on the ground crew said the manifest just said ‘Misc Research Materials’ and everyone just assumed that meant dull academic books.
With everything else this adds up to enough of a lead to spur me to action but too flimsy to take to the Watch. I resolve to stake out Heydrech’s home again.
I casually fly over the area. Trees are rare in Serraine but the upper class district has some lush gardens. As luck would have it there is a tree in the south west of Heydrech’s garden that should offer cover and a good vantage point to watch his front door.
Shortly after dark I quietly fly into that tree.Stealth check. I’ll use this to evade any one in the garden who is looking. I’ll give myself advantage for darkness. 5/8+3=11.
I settle into the tree on a large high bough and peer out through the foliage. I’m soon rewarded by a nagpa entering, but this one is not Heydrech the nagpa lacks Heydrech’s unusual height and upright posture. The nagpa is accompanied by a pair of animated skeletons. She opens the gate quietly and furtively crosses the yard before disappearing through the front door which is about 20 foot in front of me and 20 foot below. After a few minutes another nagpa comes into the yard again with a pair of skeletons. Then two minutes later another. Eventually, I see six nagpa all with skeletons and none carrying any light quietly cross the grounds to enter the house. I carefully take note of any details I can in the hope of being able to identify them later. With Heydrech that makes 7 nagpa of the hundred or so that live in Serraine. Proportionally, that’s a big conspiracy. I consider my options, skeletons I can handle seven likely spellcasters against which my magical skin offers no protection? I think not. The secretive manner of their meeting does not bode well and protective feelings of patriotism well up in my breast. I resolve to wait until the other members of the cabal depart then investigate the house.
After a few hours the first of the Nagpa leaves with her two skeletons still in tow. After that every few minutes another departs. Over about an hour I count out all six visiting nagpa and their accompanying skeletons.
The next problem is how to get in? I spend a while contemplating the spells and abilities at my disposal. In the end I decide on a simple plan find a window large enough and peering through use mage hand to quietly undo the latch. But first I wait an hour in the hope that the owner of the house has gone to bed.
I flit down quietly to the nearest window.
This might draw the attention of a hidden guardian Leandrocrates knows nothing about. Roll perception 8+5=13, he’s busted.I alight by the window. The room within is concealed by heavy drapes. Then I hear galloping of across lawn I turn and see nothing at first...
It says the creature “rushes in” so no surprise round despite its invisible status. Roll initiative. Leandrocrates 11+1=12, Foe 1+1 =2. Does my Truesight ability need an action? From my players guide “Truesight. At 13th level you can cast truesight at will on
yourself with a distance of 120 feet.” . So ‘cast’ like the spell. Ok casting time of spell? We consult the PHB. Well the 5e spell is called ‘True Seeing’ so I’ll need to edit that. I should also probably specify no material components and otherwise use ‘5e speak’. Anyways, casting time 1 action. So, that And move I suppose. Take to the air! Fly up 50 ft.
The hound easily covers the 25 ft to be below my position then hold action IF I get within range, THEN use breath weapon. Does Leandrocrates know about hell hound breath weapon? Highest of religion and arcana. Difficulty from EGSA DC10, I imagine this is somewhat common knowledge: 9+9=18, so yes....until I focus my inherent True sight with a word and peering of the eyes and craning of the neck. Then I see it a huge hound wreathed in licking flames with black charred skin. A hell hound! I bound into the air and fly up 50’, well beyond its fiery breath.
Round 2, Drop to 30’ above hound, cast Fear. Hound to make WIS save DC17, roll 6+1=7, Fail
I stoop to 30ft above the fiend spread my glorious wings and rear rampant while speaking the words of the spell. Who knows what lord of Hell the hound sees as I become its greatest fear in its mind’s eye. The flaming hound turns and sprints away. I remain airborne so the hound can see its greatest fear and keep running until eventually the creature disappears around a building some distance away. Then I land by the window. Time to get in before the hound snaps out of it. I cast mage hand and am relieved to see the spectral hand appear. Whatever wards protect the house did not prevent this simple cantrip. I mentally command the hand to flich the latch and raise the window, then I leap through. My bulk pushes the drapes aside and I land in lushly furnished living room with expensive furniture and a waterclock. There is a door on the East wall and stairs leading up. Assuming private bedrooms and perhaps a servants’ quarters are upstairs, I decide to explore the ground floor for evidence from the meeting.
I’m assuming Heydrech is rich and therefore there are light globes
I pad across the room to the door and use the mage hand to open the door. There is a narrow hall beyond, uncomfortably narrow for someone of my proportions. Across the hall is another door and to the south I recognise the front door.
This hall and most doors Leandrocrates must use the squeezing rules. Hah, here is says the house is lit by small oil lamps. This really should have been in a section on general features of the house. I’ll leave the light globes since they make sense in Serraine in a rich house
I use mage hand to open the door and bound in. It’s a study with a desk and bookcases loaded with books lining the walls. There is also a large statue of a cat carved of amber that must be worth a fortune. As I land the cat statue stirs...
Time for a fight. But first I need the stats of my opponent. While creating the creature I was reminded of the Truesight rule in the 5e Monster Manual, I’ll adapt that for my sphinxes.
Initiative Leandrocrates 5+1=6, Amber golem 8+1=9. Sod.
Amber Golem. Immune to my Fear spell. Move to close and multi attack. Claw/Claw/Bite. 1+5 (fumble), 19+5=24 hit 2d6+5 =11+5 =16 damage, Leandrocrates on 134hp, 3+5=8 miss.
Leandrocrates: This should be an easy fight so just attack 2xClaws 8+10=18 hit, 11 magical slashing golem is on 69hp. 20+10=30 hit and critical. 14 magical slashing golem on 55.
The amber tiger statue lunges with claws and open jaws but I writhe out of the way, and it only scores a slash, four bloody lines tell me that the creature’s claws are enchanted.
I savagely claw back, my own inherently magical claws gouging the soft honey-coloured stone.ROUND 2. Amber golem multiattack. 19+5=24 hits. 14 damage. Leandrocrates on 120hp. To hit 15+5=20, hit. 4+5=9 damage. Leandrocrates on 111hp. 4+5=9 the bite misses.
Leandrocrates: 14+10=24 hit. 21 damage. Golem on 34hp.The animated tiger statue claws my hide again, but I return the favour.
Amber golem 13+5=18 hit. 15 damage. Leandrocrates on 96. 19+4=23. Hits. 12 damage. Leandrocrates on 84. 9+4=13, miss.
Leandrocrates: 17+10=27 hit. 19 damage. Golem on 15 hp. 4+10=14. Hits. 16 damage. Golem defeated.The gemstone tiger rends my flesh again and again but two gouges of my claws to the neck and the head falls to the thick carpet with a thud and the stone cat shudders then is still. However, the fight has cost me. I take a moment to drink down four precious healing potions which removes all but a few minor cuts.
4 healing potions raises me to 110, one off max. 2 healing potions left.
The guardian dispatched I listen for evidence that the melee has drawn attention. Interestingly, there is no sounds to indicate my presence has been noted. I hastily look through the notes on the desk and the library. There is nothing incriminating though there are many learned works on arcana. However, I am no common burglar and I do not take any of the volumes.
There is only one door in and out of this room. The rear half of this ground floor must be accessed through a door other than the front door. Perhaps, these rear rooms are for servants? Anyway, I again cross the hall into the lounge and then ascend the stairs. The narrow stairs lead up to an east-west corridor with 4 doors, 2 on the north, one on the east, and another on the south. Using my mage hand I open the nearest northern door. The room beyond is a small bedroom suitable for a humanoid. There is dust on the furnishings. Clearly, this room is rarely used.
Working my way down the cramped corridor the next door is the one on the South. I try the handle with my Mage Hand. Beyond is a larger bedroom that lacks the dust of the last one and the bed has been slept in. In the bedside table is a book. I use the Mage Hand to pick it up. The cover has the title in several dialects including, surprisingly, Skycommon. The book is “Corporeal Animation and Secrets of Ye Necromancie”. I flick through the pages but the language of the text is unknown to me. There is nothing illegal about necromancy in Serraine so I place the book back. There is a door on the east wall but I ignore this for now.
Squeezing back into the narrow hall I proceed to the next door, the second on the northwall. Beyond the door is a room of the same dimensions as the other northern room but this one is filled with old but expensive furniture, nick-knacks, and dusty books. I pick up a few books they most are in languages I do not read the few I can parse are a mix of scholarly works on politics, history, tactics, and necromancy. I lose a few minutes to reading before pulling myself away and moving on to the last door at the end of the hall. Beyond the door is a lounge with comfortable furnishings but there is a musty smell as if the room has not been used for a long time. There Are tow doors out one on the south by the south eat corner and another on the east wall. I pad across to the eastern door first. Beyond the door is a bathroom with a large bath, a indoor plumbing toilet of the kind only seen in Serraine and a large wash basin. There is the smell of scented soap in the air and the worn soap bars and other clues point to regular use. There is a window but no other doors onward. I return to the lounge and try the other door. Beyond this is an utterly empty room. The doors in the room obviously leading to rooms I’ve already seen. Looks like I’m going to have to go down to the servant’s entrance back door and look for clues on the ground floor. Fortunately, this empty room has a window so I use Mage hand to unlatch and lift the glass and drop out into the night. I spread my wings and fly around the corner of the building...