BECMI / RC House Rules
by Jody HongFor those Who play BECMI / RC Classic D&D here is my house rules. I would love to see other House Rules and would also like to know what others think of these House Rule
Every DM makes modifications to the rules. These are simply my modifications. You will need either the Basic thru Master boxed sets or The Rules Cyclopedia.
General Skills: Ignore the how many you have based on class rules. Starting skills are 2 + INT Modifier. gain an additional skill point at certain levels past 1st level(4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,27,30,33,36 and every 300,000 XP past your maximum level)
Heroic Characters: The PC's are special and as such every character of 1st level has maximum hit points to start. To get the class you want to play you may switch any one ability score with another to make the prime requisite of the class you want high enough to play that class. the player may then do the 2 for 1 options that are discussed in the rules. At Every 500000 XP a player adds 1 to any one attribute score. 18 maximum for any attribute.
Staffs: Even though it is a two handed weapon this weapon is available to any class.
Two Handed Weapons: Do not add DEX bonus to initiative rolls but you do get an initiative roll.
Death: When you reach 0 HP you are dead. However for the sake of role playing at the end of combat The about to die character can Role Play their "Death Speech". This inspires Role Play. Characters that Die and come back by Raise Dead or other spells gain their level X 1000 in Experience Points.
Commoner Class: Not a class to be played but to make NPC's more varied Commoners could be higher levels just for the sake of toughness and variety so that a 15th level commoner has 15 more HP(Commoners gain +1 HP per Commoner level), Learned to cast a single spell once per day, Knows one of the thieves skills as a thief of equal level, Etc..."Reactive" Spells: As long as the spells are memorized they can be used even if the caster has already taken an action. They are still removed from memory. Some examples of these types of spells are SHIELD, WITHDRAW, DISPEL MAGIC, etc...
SAVING THROWS: Spells like fireballs and lightning bolts are dodged by DEX bonus not WIS bonus. Mental Spells are Resisted by WIS bonus.
Druid Spell - Protection From Lightning is now Protection From Energy and is available to ALL Spell casters as a 4th Level Spell. The major Difference is the caster choosing which type of energy(Fire, Cold, or Electricity) He or she resists.
Demi-Humans and XP: No Demi-Humans gain any bonus to XP regardless of attributes.
CLERICS: Each deity grants some form of granted powers or abilities to their clerics. The Immortals and the powers they grant for my campaign can be found in the Wrath of the Immortals boxed set. I have added 1 extra spell per level of cleric spells for clerics to memorize. A clerics charisma bonus is used in his favor on any turn undead rolls including that his charisma bonus is a penalty to saving throws that resistant undead that are allowed saving throws must make. They can
choose the Armor and the Shield Mastery from the fighter chart.DRUIDS: I do not like the get to 9th level and then become a druid rules because it just does not make sense to me so I allow druids to start at 1st level. . Weapon Restrictions Change(Staff, Spear, Dagger, Scimitars(short swords), Sickle(1d4 damage), Club, Slings). Weapon restriction is about representation of aspects of nature not about what materials they are made out of. Armor Restriction is about materials so that stays the same except that Scalemail made out of natural scales is also allowed. They get to start with an animal companion of 2 or less HD that acts as a normal animal that is completely loyal to the Druid. The DM can say yes or no to what you choose as a companion. at level 9 and every 9 levels after 9th the companion gains another HD. Now if a 9th level Druid were to replace his animal companion because his other companion died for example the 9th level druid could either choose a 2HD animal that would get +1 to its HD or he could choose a 3 HD Animal that gets no bonus HD. A 36th level Druid has a 6HD companion whether it is a new animal that starts at 6HD or his original companion that gained +4 HD. I have added 1 extra spell per level of druid spells for druids to memorize.
FIGHTERS: Because I am not using the weapon mastery rules I have a Fighter Option chart that fighters may choose options from instead. They still have everything else as listed in the Rules Cyclopedia. Concerning Smash, Parry, and Disarm. At level 3 they can choose one of these 3, Then a 2nd choice at level 6 and will have all 3 at level 9.
PALADINS: Starts at 1st level. Minimum Charisma and Wisdom of 13. Fighters at -20% to XP. Must be Lawful. Detect Evil at will 60'ft. Casts Spells and Turns Undead as a Cleric of 1/3 level. If a Paladin does an unlawful act he/she must seek a Lawful cleric of at least 9th level for atonement. The paladin will not have his/her cleric abilities and detect evil abilities until the atonement(quest) is completed. He/she still has the -20% XP penalty. If a paladin ever knowingly does an evil act the powers are lost Permanently but the XP penalty remains.
MAGIC USERS: MU's can start using the Wish spell as soon as they can cast 9th level spells since clerics gain levels way faster than anyone else. They still have to find the spell to put in their books however. I am using the optional weapons for MU's so they can use a staff for example.THIEVES: In addition to the normal weapons allowed to a thief they may use staffs.
DWARVES: Think of their attack ranks as levels. This puts the dwarf at a max level of 22. +2 HP per level past 9th and they still use their "attack ranks" to determine THAC0. Dwarven Clerics are fully fledged clerics that gain +1 HP per level after 9th and use their "attack ranks" to determine THAC0. Concerning Smash, Parry, and Disarm. Dwarves can choose one of the 3 at 4th level, a 2nd choice at 8th level, and all 3 at 12th level.
ELVES: Think of their attack ranks as levels. This is for both spells and combat abilities so that a max level ELF is 20th level and they use their "attack rank" to determine THAC0. +1 HP per level after 9th. The only change in their final level is that they can cast 1 - 9th level spell (including wish if they can find it).
HALFLINGS: Think of their attack ranks as levels. They get a 9th HD(D6) and gain +1 HP per level after 9th. Their new max "attack rank" is M just like the other Demi-Humans meaning they can get to level 20. Halflings can opt to be Thieves. They use the same XP chart as normal Halflings. They do not gain any of the multiple attacks or fighter options (smash, parry, disarm) and have the same chances with all the thief skills as if a thief of equal level except hide in shadows which starts out at 33% and gains 3% per level after 1st. They still have 90% in the wilderness.
Options Rules: Every Character can choose an option at 1st level. Then depending on class will determine when another option can be chosen. Your class determines what charts you can choose from.
Clerics: Can normally only choose from the General chart at levels 1, 12, 24 and 36th level. however since clerics of different deities grant different abilities a cleric might be allowed to choose from another classes category. A god of war might allow the cleric to choose options off of the fighter chart for example.
Fighters: Can choose from the Fighter and General charts and can choose options at levels 1,6,12,24, and 36th level. The level 6 choice must be a Fighter option.
Magic-Users: Can choose from the Wizard and General charts. They get to choose at levels 1, 12, 24, and 36th level.
Thieves: Can choose from the Thief and General chart. They get to choose at levels 1, 12, 24, and 36th level.
Dwarves: Can choose from the general and fighter charts. They get to choose at levels 1, 11, 16, and 22.
Elves: Can choose from the general, fighter, or magic user charts. They can choose at levels 1, 10, 15 ,and 20.
Halflings: Can choose from the general, fighter, or Halfling charts. They can choose at levels 1, 10, 15, and 20.
Humanoid Monsters: Treat Non Giants as If a fighter of equal level to their HD and Giant Humanoids as if Half their HD. DM might change this based on what kind of monster it is.
1 - Weapon Training: Learn to use one normally restricted weapon and use it with no penalty.
2 - leather armor: you can now wear leather armor and it will not disrupt your magic
3 - Force of will: Automatically lose initiative. Cast a spell that requires a saving throw. The penalty to resist your spell is equal to your charisma reaction bonus.
4 - Familiar: The Wizard can summon a magical companion that is bonded to the wizard. The companion never willingly goes more than a mile away from the wizard. The companion has an intelligence score equal to half the wizards level(round down) but never more than the wizards Intelligence. The wizard can see through his companions eyes as long as he concentrates on this action. Any spell the wizard casts on himself can also affect his familiar if the wizard wills it so. The Companion has Hit Points equal to the Wizards level. The Familiar's attacks and saving throws are at the level of their master. If the companion dies the wizard instantly takes the companions HP in damage. A wizard must wait 1 month before he can summon a new companion. It takes 24 hours to summon a familiar. It is not wise to use your companion for combat but sometimes it is the familiar that chooses to aid his master...
Choose a familiar:
RAVEN or PARROT: The bird can speak common. Useful for sending messages.
CAT: Wizard can Move Silently as if a thief of the same level.
TOAD: Wizard gains +3 Hit Points as long as toad is alive.
HAWK: Wizard has the sight of a hawk so that he can see things just as clearly at a distance as he can up close.
OWL: Wizard has night vision so that as long as there is some light you see as well during the night as you would during the day.
SNAKE: The snakes poisonous bite does 1 point of damage and causes the victim to take 1d6 constitution damage. The snake is small.Other Familiars can be added to this list as long as the DM approves what the Player is Requesting.
5 - Convert a spell: Choose 1 cleric or druid spell of 3rd level or less. It is now an MU spell of ONE LEVEL HIGHER that only you can use(if another MU finds your spell book they cannot use it)
6 - Intimate spell: Choose 1 spell of no higher than 3rd level. You never need to memorize it and can replace any memorized spell of equal or greater spell level with this spell. the amount of spells per day does not increase but at least if you lose your spell book you will always have this spell...
7 - Enhance Spell: This may be used a number of times in a day equal to 1+int bonus. Double the range, Area of Effect, or Duration(for those spells with a duration) of one spell you cast.
1. Extra Attack: you now have 2 attacks per round. This option cannot be chosen before 12th level.
2. Luck: Once per gaming session you can state what a die roll has become. "I rolled max damage on my backstab!" or "I rolled a 20 for my saving throw!". Declaring you rolled a 20 to hit is NOT a critical hit.
3. Witty Defense: If you have a High Intelligence you may add your Int bonus to AC. You must be aware of your foes to get this bonus.
4. Dagger Mastery: You now have +1 to hit and Roll 1d6 for damage with daggers.
5. Weapon Finesse: You may replace your Strength bonus with your Dexterity bonus to determine hit and damage For small Melee weapons. Useful for characters with higher Dex than Str.
6. Exceptionally skilled: +10% to any one thief skill.
7. Improved backstab: Now it is X3 instead of X2. X3 is max. A thief with Extra attacks only gets a backstab on the first attack.
8. Dual Weapon Mastery: same as the fighter option.
9. Parry: Just like the fighter option in the Rules Cyclopedia.
FIGHTER OPTIONS1. Shield Mastery: you now get a -2 to ac instead of -1 and can use your shield as a melee weapon doing 1d3+strength bonus in damage. if you do use it as a weapon you lose its ac bonus for that round.
2. Armor Mastery: You must have a 13+ strength to do this option. Your movement is only restricted by 30'ft in plate and suit armor and is not restricted at all in any other armor.
3. Two handed Mastery: You get +2 to damage and can Now add your Dex bonus to initiative when you use a Two Handed Weapon.
4. Weapon Finesse: You may replace your Strength bonus with your Dexterity bonus to determine hit and damage for small Melee Weapons. Useful for characters with higher Dex than Str.
5. Berserker: You cannot be wearing more than leather armor to get the bonuses from this. For a number of rounds equal to 1/3 your constitution score you get +2 to hit/damage per attack. If you have less than 2 attacks you now have 2 attacks. You also have a +2 ac penalty while berserk. When the rage ends you are exhausted and for 1 hour your character has -2 to hit and damage. You cannot go berserk while exhausted. you can berserk a number of times per day = to 1 + con bonus.
6. Second Wind: once per day a fighter with this option "heals" himself a number of hit points = to his level when he reaches 0 HP so that he can keep going.
7. Weapon Mastery: Choose a single weapon. You are so skilled with that weapon that you have +1 to hit and damage with that weapon.
8. Unarmed mastery: Unarmed damage is 1d4+strength bonus. This option can be chosen more than once. each additional choice upgrades the damage die as follows: 2nd choice = 1d6, 3rd choice = 1d8, and max of 4 choices = 1d10.
9. Dual Weapon mastery: Instead of -4 to hit with each weapon it is now -2 to hit with each weapon. Halflings can only use small weapons with Dual Weapon Attacks.
GENERAL HIGH LEVEL OPTIONS1. Quick Draw: pulling out a weapon is a FREE action.
2. Staff Mastery: you now get a -2 AC bonus vs armed foes(a T-rex trying to bite you = no, The orc king attacking you with his scimitar = yes, a foe trying to punch you is still yes)
3. Resistant: Choose Fire, Cold, acid or Electricity. You are naturally resistant and damage of the type you choose is reduced by 1 per die
4. Fast Healer: Instead of just 1d3 HP per day recovered by natural means you recover 1d6 + con bonus HP per day by natural means.
5. Touched by Death: Mindless undead do not attack or bother you unless you attack them first or a chaotic caster directly controls them to go after you.
6. +1 HD: whatever Die you use to gain levels you get one more + con bonus. This can only Be chosen once.
7. Touched by magic: Raw magic is a part of you. Choose a L1 or L2 spell from either the Druid, Cleric or MU chart. You can cast that spell as if a Minimum required caster for that spell once per day.
8. Half Elf: This option is available to any human character class and must be taken at 1st level only. Your Level limit is 25 Unless you are a Magic-User in which case your limit is Level 30. You are a Half Elf. You face certain social stigmas from both humans and elves for being who you are and you never get bonus XP for high attributes but in return you have Infravision 60' and Detect Hidden 1-2, D6.
9. Half Orc: This option is available to any human character class and must be taken at 1st level only. Your Level limit is 25 Unless you are a Fighter in which case your limit is Level 30. You are a Half Orc. You face a social stigma from just about everyone you encounter so life is going to be tough for you and you never gain bonus XP for having high attributes but You have Infravision 60' and your THAC0 is determined by How many Hit Dice you are or your class. Whichever is better.
10. Tough: Gain an addition +1 HP per level after 9th.
11. Unarmed Mastery: As the fighter option but can only be chosen once.
12. Thief Skill: Choose one skill a thief can have at 1st level except backstab. You can perform this skill as if a thief of equal level. find traps and remove traps are considered 1 choice even though they have different percentages.
Halfling Option chart
1. Use WANDS: It is not understood how but a Halfling with this ability can use any WAND(not rods or wizard/cleric staffs).
2. Infravision: 60'ft as an elf or dwarf. Must be chosen at 1st level.
3. Way of the Defender: If you are LAWFUL, You are a PALADIN. You must be able to qualify for the class to take this option.
4. Animal Companion: As if a DRUID of equal level.
5. Luck: Same as the thief option
6. Weapon Finesse: Same as the thief option
Range: 10'
Duration: 1 Round
Effect: One word command toward one targetThis spell allows the caster to utter a one word command. The word must be in a language that the recipient is able to understand.
The recipient obeys to the best of his or her ability as long as the command is clear and unequivocal. A command to "DIE!" would make the recipient faint for a round, but there would be no other harmful effects(unless he was walking a highwire at the time). Typical commands include halt, run, go, surrender, etc.
Undead are not affected by command. Creatures with 13 or higher intelligence or creatures with 6 or more Hit Dice/levels are entitled to a saving throw vs. Spells. Creatures who meet both qualifications do not get two saving throws.
Level 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level of caster
Effect: Makes one person immune to being surprised.
When cast, this spell bestows upon the recipient an aura of calm and certainty, such that he or she cannot be surprised while the effect lasts. This spell does not provide the recipient with any sort of "danger sense" or related ability; it merely prevents him or her from becoming stunned momentarily due to being ambushed or surprised. When cast upon an individual who has been stunned or otherwise temporarily incapacitated due to being surprised or failing a morale check (in the case of NPCs), that person will be able to act normally.
Steadfastness cannot counteract paralysis (such as that which results from a ghoul's touch), or similar effects achieved through poisons; nor can it nullify the effects of hold person or similar spells.Level 3
Range: Self
Duration: See below
Effect: Buys time to thinkWhen this spell is cast, The Player of the character has 10 real minutes to think about what action they want to take next. This spell is a "free" action so that when game time resumes the character may then take any normally allowed action for their turn.
Level 4
Holy Sustenance
Range: 0' (caster only)
Duration: 1 day + 2 hours/level of caster
Effect: Temporarily eliminates the caster's need for food or drink.
When cast, this spell allows the cleric to sustain him- or herself with holy energy, obviating the need for food and/or drink for a period of one day, plus an additional hour per level. The cleric will be able to act and move normally, fight without penalties, and cast other spells, without suffering the effects of starvation and/or dehydration. This spell does not protect the caster from the effects of the elements; therefore, a cleric could survive for days in a desert without water, but the intense heat could still be deadly. No ill effects are suffered after the spell's duration ends, but this spell may not be cast more than three times in a single month (or 28 day period, whichever is shorter).
Level 5
(un)Holy Strike
Range: 60'
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: (un)Holy energy damage to all targets in a 5'ft radiusThe Cleric can choose any foe within 60'ft of him and bring down pure (un)Holy energy to cause 8d6 damage to that foe and all that are within 5'ft of that foe. A successful save vs. Spells reduces the damage to half. Undead take double damage from this spell if it is HOLY.
Level 6
Mass Striking
Range: 30'ft
Duration: 1 turn
Effect: +1d6 additional damage for multiple weaponsThis spell is just like Striking but the cleric can grant this power to 1 weapon per every 2 levels of the cleric round down so that a 17th level cleric for example could imbue 8 weapons in range to have Striking.
Level 7
Range: touch
Duration: 1 hour
Effect: quickly recover Hit points lost and lost appendages.For the Duration of the spell, The recipient of the spell recovers 2 HP a round. Lost Appendages(an arm, an eye, etc.) can either be reattached(and useable the next round) or will be regrown by the end of the spell. The spell is so powerful that even damage from fire and acid Regenerate at 1 HP a round.
Level 1
Pass Without Trace
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 Turn per level
Effect: Leave no means left to be followed or trackedRegardless of the terrain the recipient of the spell passes through He or She will leave no footprints or scents of any kind while this spell is in effect so that it is impossible to track the recipient of this spell.
Level 2
Range: touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Effect: +3 Armor Class to 1 creatureIf the recipient of the spell does not already have natural armor(scales for example) then this spell grants a -3 Bonus to Armor Class due to the recipients skin becoming as hard as bark
Level 3
Magic Fang
Range: 30'ft
Duration: 1 round per level of Druid
Effect: Enchant an animal to be able to attack magical creaturesFor the duration of the spell one animal enchanted by this spell has all of its natural weaponry enchanted to be a +1 magic weapon. At level 9 and every 9 levels after that increase the plus by one so that an animal enchanted by a 36th level Druid has +5 weaponry. The animal truly gains the bonuses to hit and damage for the duration of the spell.
Level 4
Freedom of Movement
Range: touch
Duration: 1 turn per level
Effect: unhindered movement for duration of the spellWhile this spell is in effect the subject of the spell has full movement even in conditions that would normally be otherwise. He or she Moves through water as if it were air, WEBS can do nothing to stop the movement of the subject of this spell, and while this spell is in effect the recipient of this spell is Immune to any HOLD spells. This spell will free a person from any HOLD spells. The subject of the spell is not immune to being paralyzed however.
Level 5
Wall of Fire
Range: 60'
Duration: Concentration
Effect: Creates 1200 square feet of fireThis spell creates a thin vertical wall of fire of any dimension and shape, determined by the spell caster, totaling 1,200 square feet (for example,10'x120', 20' x 60', 30'x40', etc.). The wall is opaque and will block sight. The wall cannot be cast in a space occupied by another object. It lasts as long as the caster concentrates, without moving, on it. Creatures of less than 4 Hit Dice cannot break through the wall. Creatures of 4 HD or more can break through, but take 1d6 points of damage in\the process. Undead and cold-using creatures(white dragons, frost giants, etc.) each take double damage while breaking through.
Level 6
Transmute Metal to Wood
Range: 240'
Duration: Instantaneous and Permanent.
Effect: All Non-Magical metal in a 40'ft radius burst becomes woodChoosing anywhere within range, The Druid creates a burst of energy In a 40'ft Radius that Instantly and permanently changes all exposed metal to wood. Coins in Pouches and any metals that are not at least partially exposed are not affected. Magic Metal Items are also not affected. Armors lose 2 points of armor class and weapons changed to wood by this spell will break after the first use in combat.
Level 7
Druidic Shapechange
Range: The Druid
Duration: 1 turn per level
Effect: Druid may change formThis spell is Identical to the 9th Level Magic-User spell but with the following changes: The Druid can only take the forms of any animal and of any Elemental(16 HD max). They can cast spells while in any Elemental and Simian forms. 36th Level Druids can take the form of Dinosaurs, Their Elemental forms are now 24 HD on plane chart, and They can cast spells in ANY of the forms they take.