Here would be a first attempt at establishing a Hulean Calendar. I have been using a mixed approach (seasonal & religious) to the meanings of months names. The names were inspired by ancient Turkic, but are in no way meant to be accurate translations. I have used "ay" (which means "month") as a suffix. For days I chose a simple approach (the one used in modern Chinese): number them from 1 to 7 (Gün means day). I thought this would add a layer of "foreigness" to Hule. Notes on some the meanings further below.
Hulean Calendar
by Christian ConstantinMonths:
1. Ozakay "oven" or "stove" = Nuwmont (Midwinter)
2. Yağmuray “rain” = Vatermont (Late winter)
3. Körmekay “to see” = Thaumont (Early spring)
4. Yaprakay “leaf” = Flaurmont (Middle spring)
5. Sabaray “plough/plow” = Yarthmont (Late spring)
6. Bozgoday “Bozgodan” = Klarmont (Early summer)
7. Süzmekay “infiltrate” = Felmont (Midsummer)
8. Tapmakay “to adore” = Fyrmont (Late summer)
9. Arkâdaşay “friend” = Ambyrmont (Early autumn)
10. Ezkimay "sowing" = Sviftmont (Middle autumn)
11. Kazimay "beginning of winter" = Eirmont (Late autumn)
12. Kyaray "snow" = Kaldmont (Early winter)Days of the week:
1. Günbir = Lunadain
2. Günıki = Gromdain
3. Günüç = Tserdain
4. Gündör = Moldain
5. Günbeş = Nytdain
6. Günaltı = Loshdain
7. Günyedi = SoladainA pronunciation guide to Turkish can be found here
I am thinking about using the traditional Mongolian script (still in use in Inner Mongolia) to illustrate Hulean. Why? Well, first, it is pretty (see: http://www.cjvlang.com/Writing/writmongol/mongolalpha.html); second, it's not widely used/known and written from top to bottom both of which would add to Hule's mysterious/outlandish aspect; finally, and most important, it's easy to write using a simple app (http://www.mongolfont.com/en/windows/mnglpad.html if you want to have fun with it). Simply put: instal/open mnglpad, switch your input language to the newly created Mongolian option (alt+shift), type the English text/"Hulean" word et voilà! Of course, the result will be gibberish for any Mongolian reader, but did I say it's gonna be pretty?
Körmekay “to see”: The name of this month comes from two origins. From a meteorological perspective, it evocates the coming of the warmer spring sun and the end of the heavy fog common in the Hulean Basin in late winter/early spring. From an historical/religious perspective it commemorates the enlightment/liberation brought by Hosad (Hosadus) to the people of Hule in the early spring of BC 1271.Bozgoday “Bozgodan”: The first month of summer (and most comfortable in Hule) was dedicated to Bozdogan by the Holy Men.
Süzmekay “infiltrate”: Again, this name has two meanings: (1) it is the dryest month of the year and water tend to sink deep into ground, (2) it is seen by the Holy Men as the best month for covert operations abroad as most nations are busy working the fields or fighting wars.
Tapmakay “to adore”: The eight month of the year is dedicated to the Eight and the Temple of Chaos.
Arkâdaşay “friend”: This is a month of sharing with friends, but also with "friendly" local humanoid tribes and "friendly" tax perceptors.
Given that, historically, Hule has been the cultural, economic center and demographic center of the region and given that many of the other states were either founded by Huleans fleeing the rule of the Holy men or were influenced by the Temple of Chaos, it would be safe to assume that they have adopted a form of Hulean script. My first idea for Hulean was to use the old Manchu script (which is closely related to traditional Mongolian, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchu_script), but I couldn't find a way to write it. Yet, Manchu could still be viewed as an alternative to Mongolian for Midlands or Kavkaz people. Old Uyghur (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Uyghur_alphabet) is another related alternative.
As for tribes further afield, it is probable that a majority of them are not litterate and rely on oral traditions. An interesting option would be to adapt Orkhon Runes (pre-islamic Turkish script, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Turkic_alphabet) to Mystara.