Huul'daac Tarthuul
by Aoz(Goblin for Golden Shadow) or more correctly Huul'daac Huun (Golden Ghost) or Huul'daac (Golden for short)
Patron of the Endless Game
Appearance: Golden Form.
Huul'daac with a Mirror Images | Image from crystalinks.com![]()
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 8th (temporal), LE, Entropy
All Stats, Power Points: 25, 637 (as of 1014 AC)
Symbol: Golden Skull
Portfolio: adventure, dungeons, entertainment, traps, rewards, and champions
Worshipped in: In the Known world and Mystara Space has around thousand clerics even a small cult in Hollow World of 19 Blackmoor Elves.History: His story starts with an enchantress named Maja Nordholm, who would become known as the “Sapphire Queen,” was a powerful and highly respected wizardess. It was said she had travelled the Multiverse and kept company with undead, fiends and even ancient dragons. Under her strong and charismatic leadership, many joined her Sapphire Kingdom.
Magic creatures and thousands of inspiring spellcasters made the pilgrimage to what would be her Great Sapphire Tower. Here, Sapphire Queen and her followers planned to erect the greatest kingdom of spellcasters (Living and Undead) and creatures of magic the world had ever known. As her Sapphire Kingdom grew in power, so did Maja Nordholm’s vision. Made possible by success and power also through conquest. To her, the prosperity of the kingdom demonstrated the obvious superiority of Her Kingdom over all others.
Maja was having a "friendly" duel with a rival Wizard King; the wizard opened a portal and "Egon" fell through then the rival wizard summoned a great war boar. This distracted Maja and the King tried to Power Word Kill her, but Maja was able to counter the attack. Egon got hit really hard and then Enchantress disintegrated "her" rival after a few minutes of throwing spells and counter spells.
Egon was in his mortal life a human from a modern world from another dimension that was saved by the Enchantress. He stayed with her and learned things about her world, and she learned about his world. Egon became Maja's Butler and even learned how to cast a simple cantrip spell a few days before his death. He was killed trying to stop a group of adventurers from getting to the Sapphire Queen Nordholm.
Egon awoke as a "ghost" but to his shock and horror that Maja was dead in the year 234 AC and her Kingdom in Ruins. It took him a few years to master his new powers and began to hunt those that killed Maja. Shortly after beginning his hunt, he was discovered by Nyx. His sadness and anger grew with the loss of each of his friends and apprentices a realization came to him after talking with Nyx in a dream.
He active an ancient alien device with his own ghostly essence creating dozens of Spectral wizards and clerics that now serve him in his realm. Since he came from another world, he has an understanding of advanced science and a basic understanding of magic. Along with being an undead being entity has learned a lot about life and death.
He got his revenge almost 400 years later by killing off all the descents of the adventurers that ended Maja's life. After a long road, he also completed the Dungeon Master's to Immortality at the same time. He transcended in 667 AC, taking on a golden form (Nyx thought it was different).
After ascending and doing the normal duties of an Immortal, he kept learning about magic and science. He was able to obtain a Flying Saucer: from IM1 The Immortal Storm on page 39. Flying spaceship is from an advance Aranea race even has a few followers among the spider people. The Aranea even thinks his "dungeon" is great idea and even recording and broadcasting a few shows to nearby worlds for profit.
Interesting Note: The personality of Maja Nordholm was very much like Nyx. He searched for her soul when he became an Immortal even traveling through time and was not able to find any traces of Maja Nordholm. He wonders if Maja Nordholm was a mortal identity of Nyx. He found Maja Nordholm and now Nyx to be interesting and fascinating beings. He ponders about how easy it was to erase the Sapphire Kingdom from the Known World and wonders if there is a Sapphire Kingdom in Hollow World.
Personality: After finding out Immortals watch and interfere with mortal even undead world, he realized that this was just a big game to most of the Immortals. He wants there to be rules and rewards for those that survive these games.
Huul'daac doesn’t think like other immortals, probably because of his origin and then what he became. What he’s mostly interested in is his "The Adventurers Guild" and his "dungeons" and continuing the game. He gains power and influence in the form of worship through "dungeon and adventures" which his clerics and the guild create then maintain.
He prefers to concentrating on his worshippers in the Adventurers Guild, his home plane or create a new cult somewhere else and build new dungeons for the game.
His real goal is "broadcasting" his dungeons to fellow immortals where they can bet or "interfere" through the exchange of power points and divert some of their attention away non-adventurers in known world.
He believes even a small portion of adventurers can cause enough chaos in the known world to make the Sphere of Entropy stronger. He does Not want to see the end of the world nor the universe and will work against even other Entropy Immortals to make the Game last indefinitely.
Patron: Nyx
Allies: Just Nyx; however, has many associates.
Enemies: None per say.
Classic D&D Stats
Followers’ Alignment: Followers can be any alignment, but clerics must be Lawful alignment.
Favored weapon: Shovel (clerics can use all types of bows and crossbows, mace, hammer, daggers, pick)
Clerics’ skills and powers: Permanent 30 feet infravision.
Will be updated...
Clerics can learn Engineering, Mining and Trap Making (Not free skills)
Clerics must donate 50% of their spells to the poor (if needed) in their downtime.