Hytiliaph - Heredity table
by John CalvinWell, I've been going through some of my old notes and I came across some ideas for Hytiliaph and this old thread. There are additional notes (perhaps half complete) that I haven't shared yet, and I figured I'd put some time in to complete them and post them here. For now I'll leave you with a heredity table. The mountain Triancepes will follow shortly.
DRAGON HEREDITY Hytiliaph |-Tarilinaf (796-?) | (935-960) |-Hyphanif (954-?) | | |------|-Quarria (954-?) | | Quarlara |-Tartharaph (954-?) | | (865-960) | | |-------|-Tiliatherum (935-?) Meryitharia |-Felminaria (935-?) (741-?) |-Marilithal (935-?) |-Oeraphon (935-?) |-Tariphon (963-?) |-------|-Oeraliah (963-?) Gramnaliah |-Gralinaf (963-?) (901-?) |-Hytiria (963-?) Hytiliaph |-Tengwer (973-?) |-------| Glynwyth |-Maritill (973-?)