Well, I said I'd hit Monster of the Day 100 with a bang. I present for your entertainment the second of my flatulence monsters. Ifnationes ignis. An extraplanar humanoid with the kind of special attack that only some daft child would think up. As I did, as a daft child. But these guys still make the occasional appearance on planar adventures in my campaign.
Inflationes Ignis
by Cab Davidson
Stat Inflationes Ignis* AC: 7 HD: 2** Movement Rate: 120’(40’) Attacks: 1 weapon or 1 explosion Damage: By Weapon -1 or 8d6 Number Appearing: 2d6 (6d6) Save As: F4 Morale: 9 Treasure Type: M Intelligence: 12 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 28 The inflationes ignis are small, red humanoids no taller than 2’6”, with pointed ears and faces that appear as if their skin is tightened and pulled backwards across their bald heads, giving then permanent beady eyed grins. They are almost always naked, but carry small, metal bags with them wherever they go.
They are native to certain outer planes where energy is dominant, but in which entropy has some influence. While not evil they are intelligent, aggressive, manipulative, greedy, and totally lacking in scruples. They may attack with weapons but typically choose a more unpleasant mode of attack.
Once per minute (6 rounds) an inflationes ignis may secret a cloud of noxious smelling gas in a 20’ diameter centred upon themselves. While not toxic, this gas highly flammable. Inside their metal bags they usually only carry a few treasures and one other thing – matches. When the match is struck or any other source of flame encountered, the gas will immediately combust, inflicting 8d6 damage on all creatures within range. Multiple inflationes ignis (the name being derived from an ancient term for ‘fire farter’) may overlap in the same area, increasing damage proportionately up to a maximum of 20d6, or they may create a network of exploding spheres that simultaneously ignite.
They are themselves immune to all forms of heat or fire damage, electricity, acid, and gas. They are immune to first level spells and to normal weapons, magical weapons being needed to hit them.
While they have successfully colonised various outer planes, many immortals of energy have been disappointed with their progress, none advancing as magic users, clerics or thieves and few attaining any levels in any adventuring class. While their physical abilities are spectacular, it has been impossible for them to establish any form of civilisation for themselves.