An iconic dinosaur and an odd omission from classic D&D, and another that I always felt needed a little more than the generic 'dinosaur, land herbivore medium' treatment in the Masters Set and the Rules Cyclopedia.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Iguanodon AC: 5 HD: 11 Movement Rate: 90’ (30’) Attacks: 2 thumbs Damage: 1d10/1d10 Number Appearing: 0 (3d6) Save As: F6 Morale: 7 Treasure Type: Nil Intelligence: 2 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 1100 Iguanodon are large (35-40’ long, 10-12’ high) roughly bipedal herbivorous dinosaurs, able to browse from bushes, low trees and from the ground. It has a somewhat beak like mouth at the end of a long, narrow head and powerful limbs. They can stand and typically run on two legs, but spend most of their time with one or both of their forelimbs on the ground. Notably their powerful hands have not only very nimble fingers (being able to manipilate and hold things using their little finger) but also hard, sharp, dagger like thumbs that can be used to inflict terrible wounds on would be attackers. On an attack roll of 19-20 the deep wounds inflicted by these thumbs inflict double damage.
Iguanodon are unaggressive unless threatened, and will usually ignore humans and demi-humans