Immortals and Priesthoods
by Ramses RamirezFrom the magic restrictions in the HW boxed set, in AD&D terms, HW priests will NEVER have access to the following spheres: Charm, Summoning, Divination, Necromancy, and Animal. In addition, no "hold" spells work in the HW. Lastly, as a result of the Spell of Preservation, the HW priest needs a WIS of at least 16. THIS ARE ARCHETYPES FOR S&P. All priests receive 125- (Major+Minor Sphere Packet) CP to spend. Any unspent CP can be used to acquire NWP, traits, disadvantages or saved for later us in play.
Ahmanni Turtlerider
Priest AL: LG or LN
Min Ability Scores: Wis11
WP required: none
NWP required: Endurance(Swimming)
NWP Recommended: Craftsman(woodworking)
Weapons Permitted: bone harpoon, short bows, bone knives
Armour Allowed: leather wood jerkin (AC 7), helmets, no shields
Major Access: All, Animal, Plant, Elemental, Creation, Healing, Protection, Divination, Combat
Minor Access: none
Bonus Proficiencies: Profession (Seaman)
· All spells of Elemental Water cast as if 1 level lower (5)
· Profession(Seaman) improves at 4 per slot instead of 2 (5)
· After 3rd level priest can charm sea animals 3/day and once per creature. Creature needs to make a st. vs. spells to avoid the effects
· Can cast mage school of Elemental Water spells up to 7th level /9th level(10/15)
· Underwater HIS- similar to thief ability instead that the priest upon swimming underwater can HIS among the reefs and anything that casts shadow which can be used to blend into the surroundings with. The priest starts at 5% per level at level 1 and get 5% per level each level until a max of 95%(5)
· Priests get the waterbreathing ability 1/day(5)al-Kalim
Priest AL: any non-evil, non chaotic
Min Ability Scores: Str 15, Wis 11
WP required: scimitar
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: scimitar, jambiya, bows(all), maces(all), lance
Armour Allowed: all except plate mail and full plate
Major Access: All, Travellers, Combat, War, Protection, Divination, Healing, Animal, Plant
Minor Access: Weather
· As in GAZ 2 priest gain the following new spells at appropriate levels: detect water, poetic inspiration, truthtelling and know destiny. (5)
· Priests never deceived by lies from non-True Believers (10)
· Priests can detect lies from other True Believers unless victim makes a st. vs. paralysis with a -4 penalty. (5)Alphaks
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Wis 9 , Str 13
WP required: dagger
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: dagger/dirk, whip, long sword, broad sword, bastard sword, two-handed sword, scourge, whip
Armour Allowed: any
Major Access: All, Charm, War, Combat, Elemental Fire, Necromantic, Summoning, Chaos
Minor Access: Protection
· Can backstab with all appropriate bonuses and multipliers as a thief of same level (5)
· St vs. spells +2 bonus (5)
· Enters berserker rage every time confronts Alphatian or Glantrian magic users which gives priest a +2 to attack and damage for the duration of the fight. The priest has a "sixth sense" and "knows" if victim is a mage from the aforementioned nations or not.(5)Alphatia
Priest AL: LG or NG
Min Ability Scores: Int 13, Wis 11
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: any bludgeoning,
Armour Allowed: studded, padded, leather armour
Major Access: All, Creation, Guardian, Healing, Protection, Travellers, Divination, Charm
Minor Access: Necromantic
· Turn Undead/+2(10/15)
· Can verbally calm down 3/day any humanoid or HD of humanoids equal to 2xpriest'slevel in HD for 1 turn. (5)
· +2 bonus to st. vs. spells and rods (5)
· At 5th level/1st level can cast "suggestion" 3/day on 2xpriest's level in HD of humanoids for 1 turn unless make a st. vs. spells. In combat, can only be used on 1 victim. (5/10)
· Can cast lay on hands on himself for 2hp/priest's level once a day (5)
· Can cast following mage spells- forget, leomunds' lamentable belabourment, suggestion, and mass suggestion at appropriate levels (5)Asterius
Priest AL: any C or N alignment
Min Ability Scores: Wis 9, Dex 15
WP required: dagger
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: club, dagger, dart, bow, crossbow, knife, lasso, short bow, sling, broadsword, long sword, short sword, and staff
Armour Allowed: studded, leather, padded armour and elven chain.
Major Access: All, Charm, Combat, Guardian, Numbers, Wards, Divination,
Minor Access: Travellers, ProtectionBonus Skills: Bureaucracy, Haggling with each slot to improve for these 2 skills raising score by 4 instead of 2 points.
· Can Turn Undead (10)
· In combat, every time hp goes down to half or less of total, priest enters an "anger" rage and attacks with a +2 bonus to hit and damage. In addition, in non-combat situations if priest is insulted he is prone to enter these rages (reflective of their Immortal sponsor's temper) unless he makes a wisdom check. If fails only interference from other PC companions or authority will subdue the priest. (5)
· Has MS and HIS abilities of thief at 5% (modified for race) at level 1. Gains an extra 5% per level to each up to a max of 95%. (10)
· Can use all spells of merchant class from Darokin GAZ (10)Atruaghin
AL: 90% LG, 10% NG
Min Ability Scores: Wis 16
WP required: none
NWP required: Knowledge(Atruaghin History), Local History, Animal Empathy(Totem Animal)
NWP Recommended: Firebuilding, Healing, Animal Training, Endurance, Leadership, Storytelling
Weapons Permitted: no metal weapons and as per clan
Armour Allowed: leather, studded leather, and padded leather
Major Access: All, Healing, Divination, Animal, Elemental , Weather, Protection, Plant, Charm, Summoning, Combat
Minor Access: None
· Can cast the following new spells at appropriate levels as detailed in GAZ 14: detect totem, minor blessing, charm animal, hunting paint, locate totem, call totem, firebow, thunder drum, war paint, blind totem, fire gate, sanctify, eye of the eagle, totem mastery, infravision, wrath of Atruaghin. (5)
· Can spot unhealthy food on sight. 5% chance per level of detecting artificial toxins. If toxins made by a thief a penalty of -2% per thief level is assessed. (5)
· Non-magical animals never attack these priests (5)
· Never deceived by lies (10)
· Can cast magic user spells legend lore and symbol which count as 5th and 7th level priest spells respectively. (5)
Special Restrictions: Uses same THACO as magesAtruaghin (Atruatzin, Quetzalcoatl)
Priest AL: 90% LG, 10% NG
Min Ability Scores: Wis 16
WP required: none
NWP required: Knowledge(Azcan History), Local History
Weapons Permitted: lance, club, mace, sling, staff, bola
Armour Allowed: leather armour, and shield
Major Access: All, Healing, Protection, Guardian, Combat, Elemental, War.
Minor Access: Sun
· Immunity to all Atzanteotl's pre-sacrificial subjugation spells and spell effects such as "Atzanteotl's Hand and Horror." (5)
· Never deceived by lies (10)
· 3/day priest can make a victim "forget" major task unless he makes a st. vs spells (5)
· Gains the thieving abilities of Move Shadows and Hide in Shadows both as a thief at 5% at first level and then gain 5% per level to each to a maximum of 95% (10)
· Mage spells each 3/day: 1st level- knock and remove fear, 3rd- Invisibility 10' radius, 5th - Improved Invisibility (5)NOTE: Priest's remove fear abilities is a special ability rather than a true spell. Mainly used to remove the fear accumulating in the heart of would be sacrificial victims. It is this fear that concentrates in a victim's heart that Atzanteotl needs for a successful sacrifice otherwise the attempt is ruined.
Atzanteotl, Azcan Priests
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Wis 16
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: mace, club, shield, sling, bola
Armour Allowed: leather armour, shields
Major Access: All, Chaos, Combat, Healing, Protection, Thought, War, Wards, Elemental Fire
Minor Access: Weather
· All priests can cause serious wounds 3/day (10)
· At 3rd level can perform a "suggestion" on 2x priest level in HD victims 3/day (10)
· Immune to all spells related to Elemental Fire (both priest and mage). Only half damage from normal fires and lava.(10)
· Can detect good 4/day (10)
· Can Control Undead(10)
· Atzanteotl's Horror- At 5th level priest obtains ability to instil fear into as many as 2xpriest's level in HD indifferent sacrifice victims through words causing them to panic in fright. Victim needs to make a st. vs spells to ignore effects.(5)NOTE: Atzanteotl's Azcan priests now have the new spells of "Atzanteotl's Hand" and "Sticks to Flying Vipers" as explained in the Azcan GAZ.
Atzanteotl, Broken Lands Priests
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Str 15, Wis 9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all medieval style weapons (swords, axes, bludgeoning weapons, polearms, etc)
Armour Allowed: all
Major Access: All, Chaos, Combat, War, Charm, Elemental Fire, Wards, Thought, Healing
Minor Access: Weather
Bonus Proficiencies: Gains "persuasion" for free
· Can cause light wounds 3/day (10)
· Detect good 3/day (10)Bagni Gullymaw
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Str 16 , Wis 9, and great appetite
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: usually none for trolls but strength makes up for it
Armour Allowed: usually none as above
Major Access: All, Charm, Creation, Necromancy, Combat, Divination, Sun(reverse), Weather, Summoning
Bonus Proficiencies: Odour Scenting with +2 bonus
Minor Access: none
· Recovers spells by resting or by devouring fallen enemies at the rate of 1 spell level per HD eaten. This rate is 2 spell levels per HD eaten for lawful good-aligned victims. (10)
· Immune to all poisons related to food (5)
· Gains a st vs. spells against spells which utilise acid or fire such as "Melf's Acid Arrow" and "Fireball." (5)
· Priests get d10 for hp instead of d8 (10)
· When priest hasn't eaten for more than 8 hours it undergoes a hunger craze that gives it a +2 to att and damage until it finds something to eat (5)NOTE: To become a priest of this faith one needs to have eaten 10 times own HD in foes
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Str 15 Wis9
WP required: mace
NWP required: none
NWP Recommended: Military Tactics
Weapons Permitted: all bludgeoning, especially mace
Armour Allowed: partial or no armour (see GAZ 10)
Major Access: All, Charm Combat, War, Chaos, Necromantic, Astral, Protection, Divination, Guardian
Minor Access: none
· 1st level- Berserker rage useable 3/day which gives a +2 to att/+2 to dam(10)
· Can wield weapons 1 size larger than himself and use them without penalty(10)
· Pandemonium Howl- priest can do a "howl" so loud that it can temporarily deafen foes that fail a st vs. paralysis so that effective communication between deaf victims and rest of party is nearly impossible. The area of effect is a 40' radius and is useable 3/day.(10)
· Priests receive a +1 to att/+2 to damage with mace weapons (10)
· At level 7/level 1 on an unmodified 20 on a hit and bypassing score needed to hit by at least 5, the priest "crushes" an enemy's skull automatically killing it.(5/10)
· Has thief ability HIS at 5% at level with an additional 5% per level until 95% (5)Benekander (Gareth)
Priest AL: LG or NG
Min Ability Scores: Wis 13
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all bludgeoning and staves
Armour Allowed: only leather, padded, and studded leather armours.
Major Access: All, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Divination
Minor Access: Creation
· Turn Undead (+2 to rolls versus Nyx, Thanatos' or Hel's undead servants) (15)
· 60' infravision just like elves and dwarves (10)
· Soothing word- This ability affects 2xpriest's level in HD worth of creatures. The charisma of the priest makes it possible to prevent opposing sides from going to battle and coming to peace. During a battle this ability can only be used on one creature. Victims get a st. vs. spells. (10)
· Starting at 1st level and up to 10th, priest gains the ability to speak one new language (either monster, demihuman or humanoid) per level. (10)
· Detect Immortal- Starting at 4th level, by making a st vs. sells with a -2 penalty, the priest can realise an Immortals' mortal form for what it really is. Also, he can tell whether visions received from an Immortal are really from Gareth or from another attempting to deceive. (5)
· When fighting Immortals in manifestation/corporeal form priests gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage (5)
· Danger Sense- After 5th level with a 2 mile radius per level priest can "feel" approximately where a wayward Immortal is taking advantage of mortals (5)
Proxies: Sitari Rohini and Anand Brishnapur (See p.158 Joshuan's Almanac)Calitha Starbrow
Priest AL: TN
Min Ability Scores: Wis 9, Int 11
WP required: none
NWP required: swimming
Weapons Permitted: trident cutlass, dagger, short bow, belaying pin
Armour Allowed: no armour
Major Access: All, Animal (only sea animals), Time Elemental Water, Protection, Healing, Guardian
Minor Access: Combat
· All clerics have an automatic "water breathing" ability 1/day (5)
· Priests gain a +3 to attack and damage against those who threaten the water environment/creatures. (10)
· Purify water- priest can purify 2ft3 of ocean water per level, 3/day (5)
· Underwater Danger Sense- Priest "sees" up to a range of a 2 mile radius per level a large scale attack against underwater creatures or ecology. (10)
· Starting at 3rd level priest learns one language each level up to 10th(5)
· Casts any wizard spell from wizard school of Elemental Water as a priest spell (15)Chardastes
Priest AL: any
Min Ability Scores: Wis11
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all bludgeoning
Armour Allowed: all medieval armour, all shields
Major Access: All, Creation, Healing, Protection, Guardian, Necromancy, Divination, Time
Minor Access: none
Bonus Proficiencies: Healing, Herbalism for free and go up by 4 per slot instead of 2
· Casts all Healing and Necromantic spells as if 1 level lower (10)
· All Healing type spells are more effective by 1 die step (i.e. cure light wounds heals 1d10 hp instead of 1d8) (5)
· At 3rd level, can cast a "cure disease" spell 2 extra times a day (5)
· At 7th/1st level can ignore healing results of 1,2 (5/10)
· At 9th /1st level immune to reverse healing spells (5/10)
· At 12th/1st level can ignore healing results of 1,2,3 (10/15)Cretia
Priest AL: any C
Min Ability Scores: Str 13 Wis 9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: short bow, long bow, scimitars, axes, dagger/dirk, maces, short swords, lasso
Armour Allowed: leather, chain, all shields
Major Access: All, Charm, Combat, War, Chaos, Healing, Protection, Divination, Summoning
Minor Access: none
· Turn Undead (10)
· Induce Chaos- Can affect 1victim at a time for a total of 3/day. Victim needs to make a st. vs. paralysis or fall, hurt himself or otherwise embarrass himself in some way (5)
· Can cast 1st-7th level spells from Illusion/Phantasm mage school (10)Daniel Tigerstripes
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Str 15 Wis9
WP required: none
NWP required: Intimidation and Bravery
NWP Recommended: Military Tactics
Weapons Permitted: spear thrower, scallop-bladed short swords, bolas, blow guns
Armour Allowed: metal breastplate (AC7), metal shields
Major Access: All, Charm, Chaos, Combat, War, Elemental, Animal, Plant, Divination
Minor Access: Guardian
Bonus Proficiencies: Get Bravery for free. Intimidation/Leadership goes up by 4 instead of 2 per slot spent
· Their ferocity in combat gives them a +1 to attack and +1 to damage (5)
· Immune to poisons (10)
· Priests get d10 to hp instead of d8 (10)
· Priest undergoes a berserker rage 1/day (+2 to att and +2 to dam) when he loses 1/2 his hp (5)
· At level 8/level 1 their combat ferocity increases to give them a bonus of +2 to att, +2 to damage (10/15)Demogorgon
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Str 13, Con 13, Wis 11
WP required: whip
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: whip, scourge, long sword, short sword, bastard sword, dagger/dirk, polearms
Armour Allowed: all
Major Access: All, Charm, Combat, Necromantic, Summoning
Minor Access: War
· After 3rd level, gains ability to shapechange into a child or an animal reptile (snake or lizard) 3/day. (10)
· Energy Drain- After 4th level, with an unarmed touch attack priest can drain one energy level off victim with a successful hit. (10)
· Touch of Insanity- After 7th level, if what is required for an armed hit is 4 or more, the victim can become insane. The insane victim becomes a raving madman unable to attack (laughing hysterically, running around, talking to himself, screaming, biting his nails, or just doing nothing) for 1d4 turns(10)
· Can detect good 3/day. (10)
· Gets +2 to attack and damage against undead (10)Diulanna
Priest AL: LG, NG, TN, LN (about 3/4 of priests are women)
Min Ability Scores: Con 15, Wis 13
WP required: spear
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: spear, adze, ankus, stone axe, battle axe, hand axe, blowgun, dart, dagger, knife, machete, club, bola
Armour Allowed: none
Major Access: All, Animal, Combat, Plant, Elemental, War, Divination
Minor Access: Healing
Bonus Proficiencies: Endurance with each slot to improve raising skill by 4 points instead of 2
· All Diulanna's priests die at -15 hp instead of -10 (5)
· +1 to all individual initiative rolls (5)
· Iron Will- Diulanna's priests gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage (bonuses are +3 if a woman) as many as 3/day whenever DM feels that the priest needs to "step up" under adverse conditions (i.e. when losing in a fight, when the cleric and party is outnumbered by more than 2 to 1, when cleric has lost over 1/2 of hp etc). (10)
· +2 bonus (+3 if female) to st against spells and spell effects which affect the mind. (5/10)
· +2 bonus (+3 if female) against fear auras and fear spells (5/10)Djaea
Priest AL: LG or NG
Min Ability Scores: Int 15, Wis 11
WP required: none
NWP required: none
NWP Recommended: planet lore (of other planets in Mystaran solar system)
Weapons Permitted: war hammer, dagger, knife, axes (all), blowgun, dart, machete, club, bola
Armour Allowed: none
Major Access: All, Animal, Plant, Weather, Creation, Divination, Elemental, Sun, Astral
Minor Access: Healing
Bonus Proficiencies: Planar Geography, Planetology. For both proficiencies subsequent slots raise score by 4 instead of 2 points.
· Turn Undead (10)
· Purify Surroundings- After 5th level, 3/day priest can actually repair through magic broken terrain, make terrain fertile, repair broken trees etc. The area of effect is 1ft3 per level of the priest (10)
· Danger Sense- Priest can sense mass destruction of earth within a radius of 2 miles per level. (10)Eiryndul
Priest AL: any non-evil especially chaotic or neutral
Min Ability Scores: Wis 15
WP required: none
NWP required: comedy
Weapons Permitted: dagger/dirk, staff
Armour Allowed: any non-metal
Major Access: All, Charm, Guardian, Thought, Divination, Protection, Healing
Minor Access: none
· "Comedy: proficiency goes up by 4 for every slot spent instead of 2 (5)
· Can cast 1st-3rd level mage spells from both the Illusion/Phantasm and the Charm schools (10)
· Detects secret and hidden doors as an elf (10)
· Has MS and pickpocket thief abilities at 5% at 1st level. These abilities improve by 5% per level until a max of 95% (10)
· Distraction- At the start of a combat round, the priest may be able to perform some facial gesture, point somewhere or what not so that the victim will be tricked to look in another direction or otherwise be distracted. The priest needs to announce his intent at the start of the round. If the opponent fails an intelligence check (with a -1 penalty per every 5 levels of the priest) he is fooled by the distraction and loses his attack that round while the priest gets a free hit with a +3 to attack bonus. If priest fails, he loses his attack and the opponent does not get fooled while getting his normal attack. This ability works really well with strong but dumb creatures. (10)
· Practical Joke- useable once per victim 3/day. Victim needs to make a st. vs paralysis or trip, fall, forget what he was to say to his girlfriend, say something stupid to his girlfriend, spill food on his clothes while eating in front of others, do opposite of an intended action or any manner of embarrassing social mishaps can occur depending on the current situation. (5)
· After 5th level , a priest can shapechange into a member of the opposite sex or a humanoid with which he has made contact with in the past month as many as 3/day. The voices and clothing attire of the intended humanoid will also be emulated to perfection. (10)Faunus
Priest AL: N, NG, CG, or CN
Min Ability Scores: Wis 11
WP required: one
NWP required: artistic ability
Weapons Permitted: only wooden weapons (staves, wooden swords, etc)
Armour Allowed: any non-metal
Major Access: All, Animal, Plant, Charm, Summoning, Divination, Guardian, and Chaos
Minor Access: Protection
Bonus Proficiencies: Animal Lore and Drinking/Boozing for free
· Shapechange- After 3rd level, can shapechange into a goat, deer, or sheep each 3/day (10)
· Danger Sense- can sense when mass destruction of flocks of animals or herds is occurring with a sense radius of 2 miles per level (10)
· Priest can convince 2xpriest's level in HD worth of poachers to call off an attack against forest creatures 3/day. Poachers would need to make a st vs spells (10)
· Priest learns one new forest animal language per level starting at 3rd until 10th (10)
· Induce Revelry- After 5th level a priest can convince a normally serious humanoid the "urge" to stop whatever they are doing and go have a drink, take a break, or go to the local pub. The victim needs to make a st vs. paralysis and the priest can use this ability 2/day (5)Frey and Freyja
Priest AL: LG or NG
Min Ability Scores: Str 13 Int 13 Wis 9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all weapons
Armour Allowed: leather, chain mail, all shields
Major Access: All, Charm, Combat, War, Divination, Healing, Protection, Guardian, Law
Minor Access: Travellers
Bonus Proficiencies: Persuasion and Military Tactics
· Priest might be able to change the minds of hostile combatants by "charming" them and changing their intentions to peaceful ones. They can attempt to change the mind of 1 combatant at a time. The victim needs to make a st. vs. spells to avoid the effects(10)
· 3/day and affecting a total of 2xpriest's level in HD worth of creatures, a priest can "calm" down a hostile human through soothing words. The victim must fail a st vs. spells for this ability to work (10)NOTE: Because of the friendship qualities espoused by this priesthood , its priests need to always try to help their fellow man. A priest of Frey and Freyja would never let their comrades down or leave them to die.
Halav, Church of Karameikos
Priest AL: LG or LN
Min Ability Scores: Str 15 Con 13 Wis 12
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all swords, javelin, maces
Armour Allowed: any armour, all shields
Bonus Proficiencies: Leadership, Military Tactics, Craft received at 10th
Special Restrictions: Priest must make a wisdom check whenever seeing humanoids or undergo rage in which he will fight blindly until he or the humanoids are slain. If all humanoids are slain priest needs to make another wisdom check to regain control. Failure means he attacks the nearest target, possibly even his own comrades!
Major Access: All, War, Combat, Protection, Divination, Law, Thought, Healing, Guardian
Minor Access: Animal
· +2 bonus to attack when battling humanoids (5)
· +2 to hit and +1 to damage with all spear weapons (5)Halav, Milenians
Priest AL: LG or LN
Min Ability Scores: Str 15 Con 13 Wis 12
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: spears, short swords, sunbolt javelin
Armour Allowed: cuir-boulli, all helmets, all shields
Bonus Proficiencies: Leadership, Military Tactics, Craft received at 10th
Special Restrictions: Priest must make a wisdom check whenever seeing humanoids or undergo rage in which he will fight blindly until he or the humanoids are slain. If all humanoids are slain priest needs to make another wisdom check to regain control. Failure means he attacks the nearest target, possibly even his own comrades!
Major Access: All, War, Combat, Protection, Divination, Law, Thought, Healing, Guardian
Minor Access: Animal
· +2 bonus to attack when battling humanoids (5)
· +2 to hit and +1 to damage with all spear weapons (5)NOTE: See Milenian GAZ for explanation on the new weapons and armour
Hattani Stoneclaw
Priest AL: LG or LN
Min Ability Scores: Dex13 Wis9
WP required: none
NWP required: Ledgehopping, Mountaineering
Weapons Permitted: short bows, hammers, staves
Armour Allowed: quilted cotton tunic, snake leather jerkins (AC8), no shields
Major Access: All, Animal, Plant, Combat, Thought, Elemental, Creation, Wards, Law, Weather, Healing
Minor Access: Minor
· Get "persuasion" for free. Ledgehopping and Mountaineering increase by 4 instead of 2 points per slot (5)
· Can cast spells from mage Elemental School (15)
· Has Climb Walls ability of thief. Starts at 5% and goes up by 5% per level until 95% (5)
· Evasion- These priests automatically save against damaging area of effect spells (such as fireball) and with save damage is quartered (5)
· Purify Terrain- are of effect is 480 yd2 or 11640 m2. Duration is 6 months. This spell makes a land fertile that otherwise suffered a drought (10)
· Gets +2 bonus to their dexterity due to their agility (10)Hel
Priest AL: NE or CE
Min Ability Scores: Str 13, Wis 13
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all medieval style weapons
Armour Allowed: leather, chain, all shields
Major Access: All, Necromantic, Charm, War, Combat, Summoning, Astral
Minor Access: Travellers
· Control Undead (10)
· Level Drain- At 3rd level, priest can cause level drain after a successful armed attack 3/day as long as the intent is announced before the attack. At 10th level this can be attempted 4/day, at 15th, 5/day, and at 20th, 6/day. (10)
· Priests can get resurrection spell early as if it were a 5th level spell (5)
· Shapechange- A priest must announce intent beforehand and then have physical contact with the person. The priest can shapechange into an exact duplicate of the person, humanoid, or demihuman 3/day. This ability is obtained after 3rd level (10)Ilsundal
Priest AL: LG
Min Ability Scores: Str 13 Wis 10
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all swords, all medieval style weapons
Armour Allowed: any
Major Access: All, Plant, Animal, Elemental, Weather, Healing, Law
Minor Access: none
· Turn Undead (10)
· Awareness- 50% of not being surprised on a 1 (5)
· Priest chooses 2 of the following 3 Elemental mage schools: air, earth or water. (25)NOTE: Treekeepers in addition to the above, get the new spells as detailed in the Alfheim GAZ
Priest AL: LG
Min Ability Scores: Int 13, Str 13
WP required: scimitar
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: scimitars, axes, maces short sword, dagger/dirk, longbow, short bow, lasso
Armour Allowed: leather armour, chain mail, all shields
Major Access: All, Combat, Protection, Law, Divination, Healing, Charm
Minor Access: War, Sun, and Elemental Fire
Bonus Proficiencies: Military Tactics
· Turn Undead/+2 to rolls (10/15)
· Obtains the spell "detect lie" at first level (5)
· Can cast "produce fire" 3/day (10)
· Prophecy- Once a major conflict/war begins against a nation that the priest is fighting for, once or twice a month the priest receives "visions" of how the enemy troops will be arranged. In game terms, he has ideas of very rough, preliminary enemy battle tactics and can then begin formulation of pre-battle battle tactics. These visions will never be completely "clear" however and depending on how the PC construes them could be a mixed blessing.(5)Ixion(Horon)
Priest AL: any non-evil
Min Ability Scores: Wis 16, Str 13
WP required: none
NWP required: none
NWP Recommended: charioteer-driving
Weapons Permitted: dagger/dirk, stick, mace-axes, normal, short swords, polearms, staff, sword-staff, axes, clubs, maces
Armour Allowed: Nithian plate mail, textile armour, helmet
Major Access: All, Sun, Plant, Combat, Thought, Creation
Minor Access: Animal
· can cast any spell from magic-user school of Elemental Fire (15)
· infravision at will (10)
· 5th level- light spell 1/day (5)
· 10th level/1st level- flaming sword at will, + 1d4 additional flame damage to each attack(5/10)
· Berserker rage- if insulted, WIS check at -4 or go berserk (+2 att, dam) for a number of rounds equal to priest's level (10)
· +1 bonus to heat exhaustions checks for every 3 levels XP (5)
· Turn Undead /+2 to rolls (10/15)Ixion- in all his manifestations and forms
Priest AL: any neutral alignment
Min Ability Scores: Wis 13, Str 13
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: jambiya(Indian dagger), katar(Indian dagger), tulwar(Indian sword)
Armour Allowed: all shields, no armour
Major Access: All, Necromancy, Combat, War, Plant, Creation, Healing, Animal, Law, Protection, Sun
Minor Access: none
Bonus Proficiencies: Military Tactics
· Turn Undead/ +2 to rolls (10/15)
· Can cast "produce flame" 3/day (10)
· After 3rd level can shapechange 3/day each into a turtle, horse, or elephant (10)
· Incite Berserker Rage- Priest takes one round to incite a fighter companion into rage (+2 to hit, +2 to dam). The duration of the rage is 6 turns and the fighter is not winded thereafter. (10)
· Energy Drain- After 2nd level, Can suck out energy of creatures that are old for their species (DM's discretion). With every hit suffered, target makes a st vs. paralysis or lose 1HD as if hit by an energy draining monster. (10)
· Modified version of "bless"- Makes land fertile (and encourages plant growth) that has been affected by drought. Has area of effect of 1/640 square miles and a duration of 6 months. This "bless" is a 2nd level spell. (10)Ixion(Otzitiotl)
Priest AL: any non-evil alignment
Min Ability Scores: Wis 16, Str 13
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: club, staff, sling, bola
Armour Allowed: leather armour, shield
Major Access: All, Sun, Creation, Elemental Fire, Combat, Healing, War
Minor Access: Animal
· +1 HD at level 1, and +1 to hp thereafter (as with Azcans) (10)
· Immunity to all of Atzanteotl's pre-sacrificial subjugatory spells and spell effects such as "Atzanteotl's Hand" (5)
· All Azcan priests of Otzitiotl gain infravision equivalent to dwarves and elves (10)
· Can cast magic from wizard school of Elemental Fire (15)
· Turn Undead/ +2 to roll (10/15)
· Berserker rage if insulted (as with Horon clerics above) (10)
· Can cast produce fire 3/day (10)
· At 10th/1st level, weapon held can becoming flaming adding 1d4 points of damage to each attack (5/10)NOTE: For all his priesthoods, Ixion demands a lot of worship, so that all his priests must spend 1 hour every day honouring him or their spells won't be granted that day until they spend a day resting and honouring the Immortal.
Jammudaru (Vaprak, Prince of Nightmares)
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Str16 Int9 Wis9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all axes, all bludgeoning, all polearms, clubs, maces, warhammers
Armour Allowed: none to partial armour (see GAZ 10)
Major Access: All, Necromantic, Combat, Summoning, Chaos, Charm, Healing, Divination, War
Minor Access: Thought, Guardian
· Can backstab as a thief of same level with appropriate bonuses (5)
· Priest earn twice XP value of a victim if they eat it in their boiling cauldron(gri-gri). Foe is eaten at a rate of 1HD per turn (10)
· Priests get a +2 bonus to saving throws vs curses and curse-like effects (5)
· +2 to att/+2 to damage to all opponents who have directly insulted, harmed priest, his family or friends in some way (10)
· Being priest of hate gets a -4 penalty on all reaction rolls. Being so hateful is a severe hamper on relationships (5)
· Nightmare Plunge- The priest can shapechange partially for 2-3 rounds into the disgusting slimy mucous and worm-filled monstrosity that is his patron Immortal 2/day on victim of choice. A chosen victim who witnesses this repugnant transformation or sees how priest eats a victim boiled alive must make a st vs. breath weapon or be "horrified" by the scene and flee. Starting that night and every night thereafter Jammudaru will personally enter the hapless victim's dreams and torture him with the vilest of nightmares. Every night and every 5d6 minutes victim will wake up with a bloodcurdling scream with the upshot that the victim will never be able to get a good night's sleep leaving him a tired wreck unable to memorise spells unless a "sleep" is cast on him. Every week victim loses 1 point off of Con At the end of every month victim gets a chance to do a st vs. breath weapon again to shrug off the effects otherwise the nightmares continue until the next month and another saving throw. If Con ever goes to zero, victim dies. (10)Ka
Priest AL: NG or LG
Min Ability Scores: Int 16 Wis 16
WP required: none
NWP required: geology
NWP Recommended: local or ancient history
Weapons Permitted: club, staff, sling, bola
Armour Allowed: leather armour only, all shields
Major Access: All, Thought, Numbers, Law, Creation, Elemental, Healing, Guardian
Minor Access: Weather, Animal, Plant
· Gains +1HD at level 1 and +1 to hp every level thereafter (10)
· Infravision ability identical to elves and dwarves (60') (10)
· After 3rd level can shapechange into and out of an allosaurus for a total of 3d4 rounds a day. Or for 3/day each the priest can change into a snake or any various types of small lizards. (10)
· Utterance of Forgetfulness- At 5th level , Ka's priests can convince 2xpriest's level in HD worth of creatures to forget about an invasion, an attack, or any such endeavour against another civilisation in the Hollow World. A st vs. spells can save against the effect. (5)
· At level 10 the priest can cast "hallucinatory terrain" 1/day (5)
· Immune to all Atzanteotl's pre-sacrifice effects such as "Atzanteotl's Horror and Hand." (5)Kagyar(Ptahr)
Priest AL: any
Min Ability Scores: Wis16 Int16
WP required: hammer
NWP required: artistic ability
Weapons Permitted: all hammers, bludgeoning weapons
Armour Allowed: leather armour, any shield
Major Access: All, Combat, Creation, Plant, Healing, Protection, Elemental
Minor Access: War
Special Restrictions: Priest must make a new work of art every 10 sleeps and protect work in a papyrus wallet. Anything other than art put in dissolves along with the wallet. He must work at least 2 hours/day on art pieces or all creative and combat abilities will be lost until 2 consecutive sleeps per priest level are spent in repentance. Works of priest worth about 100 gp/level.
· With each level gained can make a new charm of resource. (as in Nithian GAZ) Can never make more than 1 of each type
· At 25th level begins to create the egg of wonder. This gem must cost at least 2,000gp and takes a full year to complete. More details in Nithian GAZ (10)
· +1 to st vs. rods, staves, and sells (replaced at 4th level with 3% MR and an increase of 3% to MR every level after that) (10)
· With each level gained cam make a new charm of resource. (as in Nithian GAZ) Can make 2 of each type (10)
· Gets a +4 bonus to artistic ability checks, and +5 to all other art-related skills in addition to heat metal (10)Kagyar
Priest AL: any lawful
Min Ability Scores: Wis9 Cha9
Prime Requisites: Str and Wis
WP required: hammer
NWP required: artistic ability
NWP Recommended: blacksmithing
Weapons Permitted: axes( two-handed and hand), warhammers, throwing hammer, halberd, poleaxes, bardiche, and lochaber axes
Armour Allowed: any medieval style armour, any shield
Major Access: All, Combat, Necromancy, Creation, Healing, Plant, Protection, Elemental
Minor Access: War
· +1 to st vs. rods, staves, and spells (9th level replaced by MR of 3% with a 3% increase every level after that) (10)
· Gets a +5 bonus to blacksmithing checks and resulting pieces are considered works of art (5)
· Dwarven priests get a +5 (instead of a +2) bonus with stonemasonry. Resulting pieces are considered works of art (5)Karaash, Krugel Horde Priests
Priest AL: any C or N
Min Ability Scores: Int 15 Wis 16
WP required: none
NWP required: riding horses, military tactics
Weapons Permitted: crossbows, maces, club, warhammer, lance, net
Armour Allowed: leather, scale, chain, banded, and shield (horned, knife, sword, tusked)
Major Access: All, Thought, Combat, War, Healing, Numbers, Protection
Minor Access: Chaos
· Military Tactics improve at +4 per slot spent rather than +2 (5)
· Priests get an automatic +2 to hit and damage due to combat prowess (10)
· Priests get a d10 to hp instead of d8 (10)
· Bravery- gains a +2 to st vs. fear and fear effects (5)Karaash
Priest AL: any C or N
Min Ability Scores: Wis9 Int9
WP required: normal sword
NWP required: military tactics
Weapons Permitted: crossbows, all swords, all polearms, all axes, all medieval weapons
Armour Allowed: all , all shields
Major Access: All, Thought, Combat, War, Healing, Numbers, Summoning
Minor Access: Chaos
· Priests obtain a d10 for hp instead of d8 (10)
· Obtains Karaash sword which causes wounds that can be healed only by magic at the rate of 1 hp/ spell (10)
· Military Tactics improve at +4 per slot spent rather than +2 (5)
· Bravery- gains a +2 to st vs. fear and fear effects (5)NOTE: Karaash's non-priest followers gain ability to use a Karaash sword which causes d10 damage per hit at a weapon mastery level of "proficient."
For all orcs, (Broken Lands GAZ) they get a +1 to STR and -1 to Dex. The maximum Int an orc can ever have (without magical intervention) is 16.
Priest AL: any
Min Ability Scores: Wis 15, Int 16
WP required: none
NWP required: engineering
NWP Recommended: planet lore
Weapons Permitted: maces, bludgeoning weapons, staves
Armour Allowed: all, any shields
Bonus Proficiency: Gains "planar geometry" for free with a +5 bonus
Major Access: All, Time Thought, Numbers, Healing, Protection, Astral, Travellers, Creation, Elemental Water, Divination
Minor Access: Guardian
· +2 bonus to individual initiative rolls due to superior timing (10)
· Soothing Word- can sooth 2xpriest's level in HD worth of angry people so that they calm down and listen to what priest has to say (10)
· Can cast all Time spells as if the spell level were one level lower (5)
· Can cast following mage spells: Time Stop, Past Life, Permanency, Slow, Haste, all Extension spells, Alacrity (10)
· Casting time is down by 1 for all spells (5)Korotiku, Pearl Islanders
Priest AL: any (very few evil)
Min Ability Scores: Int 15 Wis 9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: spears, adze, ankus, stone axes, battle axe, hand axe, blowgun, dart, dagger, knife, machete, club, bola
Armour Allowed: none
Major Access: All, Charm, Chaos, Combat, Thought, Number, Divination,
Minor Access: War Animal
· 2nd level - priest get mage's "web" spell that can be used 1/day (5)
· After 3rd level, priest possesses ability to shapechange into a giant or normal spider 3/day (10)
· 5th level priest gets mage's "suggestion" useable 3/day (10)
· can cast 1st-3rd levels of mage's Enchantment/Charm school (5)
· can cast 1st-7th level of mage's Illusion/Phantasm school (10)
· Gains thief's MS and HIS abilities at 5% first level and gains 5% per level to each ability up to the max of 95% (10)
· Induce Chaos- Can be used on one victim at a time 3/day and victim gets a st vs. paralysis to resist. This allows priest to make victim fall, say something silly to a date, spill food on himself while eating in front of the king's court, or otherwise make an buffoon of himself in front of others. Korotiku's priests (unlike Loki's) never use this ability for harmful ends as the pranks done with this ability are always for educational purposes... i.e. to make the pompous rethink their arrogance, make the naïve knight realise his stupidity for lusting after a cheating girlfriend or what not. This ability will automatically fail if used for harmful purposes.(5)Korotiku, Thyatians
Priest AL: any
Min Ability Scores: Int 15 Wis 9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all bludgeoning, battle axe, hand axe, daggers, knives
Armour Allowed: leather and its derivatives only. No shields
Major Access: All, Charm, Chaos, Combat, Thought, Numbers, Divination,
Minor Access: War, Animal
· 2nd level - priest get mage's "web" spell that can be used 1/day (5)
· After 3rd level, priest possesses ability to shapechange into a giant or normal spider 3/day (10)
· 5th level priest gets mage's "suggestion" useable 3/day (10)
· can cast 1st-3rd levels of mage's Enchantment/Charm school (5)
· can cast 1st-7th level of mage's Illusion/Phantasm school (10)
· Gains thief's MS and HIS abilities at 5% first level and gains 5% per level to each ability up to the max of 95% (10)
· Induce Chaos- Can be used on one victim at a time 3/day and victim gets a st vs. paralysis to resist. This allows priest to make victim fall, say something silly to a date, spill food on himself while eating in front of the king's court, or otherwise make an buffoon of himself in front of others. Korotiku's priests (unlike Loki's) never use this ability for harmful ends as the pranks done with this ability are always for educational purposes... i.e. to make the pompous rethink their arrogance, make the naïve knight realise his stupidity for lusting after a cheating girlfriend or what not. This ability will automatically fail if used for harmful purposes.(5)Koryis
Priest AL: LG
Min Ability Scores: Wis 11
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: bludgeoning
Armour Allowed: any medieval armour, all shields
Bonus Proficiency: Gets "persuasion" for free with each slot raising score by 4 instead of 2
Major Access: All, Creation, Guardian, Healing, Protection, Divination, Travellers, Law, Thought
Minor Access: Necromantic
· Turn Undead/ +2 to rolls (10/15)
· Casts "protection from evil" 2/day (5)
· Lay on Hands- 1/day can cure 2 hp/level
· Aura of Goodness- An aura of goodness encircles priest that is so powerful that creatures with an evil alignment have a -2 on all morale checks against the priest (10)
· Soothing Word- Priest can "calm down" an angry mob up to 2xpriest's level in HD worth. Crowd needs to make a st vs. spells and if succeeds the st, the mob continues its hostility (10)
· Priest automatically gets +2 bonus to reaction rolls (10)Kurtulmak( The Shining One)
Priest AL: LE
Min Ability Scores: Dex 13 Wis9
WP required: short sword
NWP required: set snares
NWP Recommended: camouflage, concealment, military tactics
Weapons Permitted: short swords, short bows, blow guns, darts, slings, daggers
Armour Allowed: none
Major Access: All, Astral, Combat, Summoning, Protection, Healing, Thought, Law
Minor Access: War
· Can cast "darkness" 1/dat at level 3 (5)
· +2 to att/dam when fighting gnomes (5)
· Gnome sense- can sense gnomes within 1 mile radius per level of priest (5)
· Flash- 1/day priest can make armour flash blinding all upon failing a st vs. paralysis at -2 causing them to fight at a -4 to hit for 1d6 rounds. Area must be dark or poorly lighted for this ability to be function (5)
· Can backstab with abilities of thief
· HIS and MS as thief 5% level 1 with 5% improvement to each every level until max 95% (15)
· Ambush- in a group of at least 4 kobolds preparing an ambush in a forest or other concealed terrain, opponents get surprised on a 1-3 and if not surprised, the priest's side gets a +3 bonus to initiative in the first round (5)Loki, Northern Reaches
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Int 15 Cha 14
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: daggers, staves, short swords
Armour Allowed: leather, studded leather, padded leather , all shields
Major Access: All, Charm, Elemental Fire, Chaos, Thought, Numbers
Minor Access: none
· Starts at 5% and then gains 20 points per level to be distributed as priest wishes (5 CP for each of the following, 15 CP for the total package) among the following thieving abilities: Find Traps, Remove Traps, Move Silently, and Hide in Shadows
· Induce Chaos- Unless victim makes a st vs. paralysis the priest can make victim fall or say something that can get him in real trouble. Always the priest will use this spell for harmful motives. (i.e. if he falls down, it will be in a pit filled with snakes for instance) If used for "good" this ability will plainly not work. (5)
· Lie- This ability can be used at will. The priest smooth-talking priest can make people believe his lies much easier than others without this ability. The victim needs to make an intelligence check with a -2 penalty, and an extra -1 for every 5 levels of priest with extra -1 penalty if the priest has a Cha of 16 or higher. If victim fails then he believes the priest wholeheartedly. For this ability to work, however, the NPC must have a believable excuse or else the saving throw will not even need to be made because the lie would fail automatically in such a situation. (10)Loki (Bozdogan)
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Int 15 Cha 14
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all medieval weapons
Armour Allowed: all non-metal armours, all shields
Major Access: All, Charm, Elemental Fire, Chaos, Thought, Numbers
Minor Access: none
· Starts at 5% and then thief gains 10 skill points per level to be distributed as priest wishes among these 2 thieving abilities: Find Traps, Remove Traps (10)
· Induce Chaos- Unless victim makes a st vs. paralysis the priest can make victim fall or say something that can get him in real trouble. Always the priest will use this spell for harmful motives. (i.e. if he falls down, it will be in a pit filled with snakes for instance) If used for "good" this ability will plainly not work.(5)
· Lie- This ability can be used at will. The priest smooth-talking priest can make people believe his lies much easier than others without this ability. The victim needs to make an intelligence check with a -2 penalty, and an extra -1 for every 5 levels of priest with extra -1 penalty if the priest has a Cha of 16 or higher. If victim fails then he believes the priest wholeheartedly. For this ability to work, however, the NPC must have a believable excuse or else the saving throw will not even need to be made because the lie would fail automatically in such a situation. (10)Loki (Farbautides)
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Int 15, Cha 14
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all swords
Armour Allowed: all armour
Major Access: All, Charm, Elemental Fire, Chaos, Thought
Minor Access: Combat
· Starts at 5% and then thief gains 10 skill points per level to be distributed as priest wishes among these 2 thieving abilities: Find Traps, Remove Traps (10)
· Can backstab as thief of same level with all appropriate bonuses (5)
· Induce Chaos- Unless victim makes a st vs. paralysis the priest can make victim fall or say something that can get him in real trouble. Always the priest will use this spell for harmful motives. (i.e. if he falls down, it will be in a pit filled with snakes for instance) If used for "good" this ability will plainly not work.(5)
· Lie- This ability can be used at will. The priest smooth-talking priest can make people believe his lies much easier than others without this ability. The victim needs to make an intelligence check with a -2 penalty, and an extra -1 for every 5 levels of priest with extra -1 penalty if the priest has a Cha of 16 or higher. If victim fails then he believes the priest wholeheartedly. For this ability to work, however, the NPC must have a believable excuse or else the saving throw will not even need to be made because the lie would fail automatically in such a situation.(10)
· Can cast 1st-7t level of Illusion/Phantasm school mage spells (10)Mahmatti Running Elk
Priest AL: NG
Min Ability Scores: Cha 15 Wis 12
WP required: none
NWP required: must choose one of the following, find traps, hear noise, HIS, stealth, treewalking, danger sense
Weapons Permitted: tomahawk (function as a hand axe), short bow
Armour Allowed: light leather (AC 8)
Major Access: All, Animal, Elemental, Healing, Plant, Weather, Combat
Minor Access: Divination
Bonus Proficiencies: Gets Survival(Forests) for free
· Survival(Forests) improves at a rate of 4 per slot instead of 2 (5)
· Knows druid secret language (5)
· Identifies plants, animals, and water with perfect accuracy after 3rd level (5)
· Can learn languages of woodland creatures at 3rd level and above (10)
· Druid-priest can pass through overgrown areas without leaving a trace (5)
· Immune to charm spells cast by woodland creatures at 7th /1st level (5/10)
· Shapechange- At 7th level gains shapechange ability into a bird, reptile, or mammal up to 3/day total. While shapechange the druid-priest heals 1d6x10% of all hp (10)NOTE: The priests of Mahmatti Running Elk are not really priests in the truest sense but the equivalent of druids which explains their almost identical abilities to that class
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Cha16,Wis 9 Int 13
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all bludgeoning
Armour Allowed: all medieval, all shields
Major Access: All, Charm, Chaos, Numbers, Summoning, Protection, Guardian
Minor Access: Combat, Astral
· Gets proficiencies "persuasion" and "fast talking" for free which go up each by 4 instead of 2 points per slot spent (10)
· Lie- As with Loki's priesthoods except that Masauwu's priests can lie even better due to their charming looks. The same penalties discussed in that Immortal's description apply to victim in addition to the following: If the priest's Ch is 16 , -1 penalty, if Ch 17, -2 penalty, Ch 18, -3 penalty. (10)
· Can shapechange into any human/humanoid member of the opposite sex useable 3/day that priest has made contact with (10)
· Has thief ability of HIS at 5% at level 1 with a 5% per level increase up to the max of 95% (5)
· Can cast spells from mage school of Enchantment/ harm from 1-8th level as if one level lower (15)
· Priest receive a +2 bonus to all reaction rolls to anyone they are speaking to (10)Mealiden Starwatcher
Priest AL: LG
Min Ability Scores: Str 13 Wis 10
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all medieval swords, long and short bows
Armour Allowed: any
Major Access: All, Animal, Plant, Elemental, Weather, Healing, Law, Travellers
Minor Access: none
Powers: · Turn Undead (10)
· Choose any 2 of the following mage schools (air, earth, water) (25)Minroth
Priest AL: Lawful
Min Ability Scores: Wis 9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
NWP Recommended: geography
Weapons Permitted: all bludgeoning, trident, cutlass
Armour Allowed: none (people in Guilds don't wear armour)
Major Access: All, Divination, Weather, Animal, Plant, Elemental, Creation, Healing, Protection
Minor Access: Combat, Sun
· Free proficiencies: Agriculture and Farming. Go up by 4 points instead of 2 per slot(10)
· Purify Terrain- area of effect is 480yd2 or 1/640 m2. Duration is 6 months. Make land fertile that has been affected by drought (10)
· Turn Undead (10)
· Priests are hardy and start with a +2 bonus to AC (5)Noumena
Priest AL: LG, LN, NG, or TN
Min Ability Scores: Int 16 Wis 13
WP required: none
NWP required: military tactics
Weapons Permitted: all medieval swords
Armour Allowed: all medieval armour, shields
Major Access: All, Thought, Elemental Air, Numbers, Combat, Divination
Minor Access: Healing, War, Law
· Cast spells from "Thought" and "Air" as if 1 level lower (5)
· Can detect hidden and secret doors like elves do (10)
· After 4th level the priest can solve any riddle/puzzle upon an Int check (if easy -2 penalty, if medium -3-5, if difficult -6-8 penalty). The DM always does the roll for the priest. Priest always "thinks" that he has solved the riddle Regardless, the DM has the ultimate say as to whether he will divulge the secrets of a riddle or not. These type of campaign-changing or huge secrets that could take away the mystique of a campaign should never be revealed even upon a successful roll (5)
· +2 bonus to st vs. mind and mind-affecting spells(5)Nyx
Priest AL: any non-good
Min Ability Scores: Str13 Wis9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: scythe, swords
Armour Allowed: any non-metal
Major Access: All, Necromancy(reverse), Healing(reverse), Charm, Creation, Chaos, Astral, Sun(reverse), Combat
Minor Access: none
· Can cast continual darkness 1/day 2nd level 2/day, 3rd and higher 3/day in addition to the spell (
· Control Undead +2/+4 to rolls (15/20)
· Can cast "Creation" and Sun(reverse) spells as if 1 level lower (5)
· Energy Drain- After 5th level priest can energy drain a creature through physical touch or through a hand held weapon 3/day. At 10th level this is 4/day, 15th 5/day, and 2-th 6/day. The priest needs to announce his intent on that round and make a successful hit(10)
· Priests of Nyx are never attacked by the undead (free ability)
· Must pick one of the following undead traits: bloodlust- can regain spells by drinking blood at rate of 2 spell levels per victim. Takes 1d4 turns to drink victim Ghoul's paralysing touch- Must be announced at the beginning of a round but with a successful hit the victim needs to make st vs. paralysis for victim or be paralysed for 2d4 rounds. Only useable 3/day. Immune to sleep/charm- immune to sleep and charm spells and spell effects(10)Odin
Priest AL: LG or LN
Min Ability Scores: Int16, Wis9
WP required: spear
NWP required: artistic ability
NWP Recommended: drinking/boozing, craft instrument
Weapons Permitted: all bludgeoning, spears, javelins, pikes
Armour Allowed: leather, chain mail
Major Access: All, Thought, Numbers, Combat, Elemental Air, Creation, Necromancy, Divination, Animal
Minor Access: none
· Due to friendly nature, Odin's priests receive +2 to all reaction rolls (10)
· Can cast all Necromancy(reverse) spells as 1 level lower (5)
· Receive "Spear of Odin" spell. Similar to magic missile except missiles look like spears (5)
· At 7th level receives "detect lie" 3/day and becomes an Odin's Raven (10)
· Can cast spells from mage school of Elemental Air as 1 level lower (15)Orcus
Priest AL: CE
Min Ability Scores: Str 5 Wis 9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: whip, scourge, all swords, dagger/dirk
Armour Allowed: any medieval armour
Major Access: All, Charm, Chaos, Elemental Fire, Combat, Necromancy(reverse), War, Healing(reverse)
Minor Access: none
· -2 to AC, +2 to att when fighting demihumans (dwarves, elves, halflings, gnomes) (10)
· Control Undead +2/+4 (15/20)
· Poison Attack- 3/day Orcus' priest can poison dripping terror by willing it and victim make st vs. poison or be poisoned. At level 10 can be used 4/day, at 15th 5/day, and 20th 6/day. Poisoned character loses 5 hp/rd for 5 rounds. If bite again the damages accumulate. So if bit twice loses 10 hp/round and so forth (10)
· Can cast spells from mage school of Elemental Fire (15)Ordana
Priest AL: TN
Min Ability Scores: Wis 9
WP required: club
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: belaying pin, trident, cutlass, dagger/dirk, short sword, ironwood club(+1 to att)
Armour Allowed:
Major Access:
Minor Access:
Bonus Proficiencies: woodworking
· Has MS and HIS as thieves. Both start at 5% at level 1 and gain 5 % per level until their max of 95% Only useable among forested or tree-covered terrain (5)
· Cast all spells from "Plant" as 1 level lower (5)
· Can pass through and forested terrain unimpeded w/ normal movement rates (5)
· After 3rd level shapechange into a treant, dryad, or centaur 3/day (10)
· Learns woodland language starting at 3rd and at every level until 11th(10)
· Turn Undead(10)
· Danger Sense- senses large scale destruction of forest at a radius of 1 mile per level of priest(10)Petra, Karameikos
Priest AL: LG or LN
Min Ability Scores: Str 15, Con13
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: javelin, spear, short sword, mace
Armour Allowed: all non-metal, all helmets and shields
Major Access: All, War, Combat, Law, Wards, Guardian, Healing, Protection
Minor Access: Creation, Charm
· All priests gain a permanent +1 to Str(5)
· +2 to hit and +1 to damage with spears(5)
· with successful saving throw vs. spells can ignore results of a "fear" or "intimidation" (5)
· At 2nd level, gets "shield", at 6th "protection from normal missiles" and at 8th gets "wall of fire" (5)
Restrictions: If uses special spell must lose 1 of same level (See Milenian GAZ).Petra, Milenian Empire
Priest AL: LG or LN
Min Ability Scores: Str 15, Con13
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: javelin, spear, short sword, flange mace
Armour Allowed: cuir-boulli, all helmets, all shields
Major Access: All, War, Combat, Law, Wards, Guardian, Healing, Protection
Minor Access: Creation, Charm
· All priests gain a permanent +1 to Str (5)
· +2 to hit and +1 to damage with spears(5)
· with successful saving throw vs. spells can ignore results of a "fear" or "intimidation"(5)
· At 2nd level, gets "shield", at 6th "protection from normal missiles" and at 8th gets "wall of fire"(5)
Restrictions: If uses special spell must lose 1 of same level (See Milenian GAZ).
Priest AL: TN
Min Ability Scores: Int13
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: dagger, normal sword, sickle-shaped sword, staff, sling
Armour Allowed: white textile, Nithian plate
Major Access: All, Guardian, Combat, Thought, Protection, Creation
Minor Access: Healing
· Can speak Hutaakan (5)
· Has "Hear Noise" thief ability at 5% per level (5% at level 1), and up to a max 95%(5)
· Can shapechange into a Hutaakan 3/day. In this form regains 1d6x10% of hp lost(5)
· At 1st level can "read magic" at will(5)
· At 5th level gains the "Javelin of Pflarr."(5) This is a more powerful version of magic missile inflicting 1d6+1 hp dam at level 1. At 10th it inflicts 1d10+1m 12th 1d12+2, 14th 2d8+2, and 16th 1d20+3 hp damage per missile
· Before each sleep priest may ask Pflarr to exchange any one priest spell for a mage spell of the same level (5)
· Must choose to become a specialist in 2 mage schools of choice except for Abjuration(25)
Restrictions: st vs. spells saving throws does not improve beyond 5th level. In addition, priest must attempt to destroy any gnoll which he comes across (unless the circumstances are suicidal) and if priest fails to attack gnoll he will lose his spells for 1 sleep until he repentsProtius (Spuming Nooga)
Priest AL: any
Min Ability Scores: Wis9
WP required: trident
NWP required: none
NWP Recommended: seamanship, boating, riding(sea creatures), survival(water)
Weapons Permitted: trident, cutlass, belaying pin, short sword
Armour Allowed: chain, leather
Major Access: All, Elemental Water, Time, Combat, Animal(sea animals only) Summoning(sea animals only), Chaos, Healing, Protection
Minor Access: Weather, Charm
Bonus Proficiencies: Receives "Navigation" for free
· Has "Conjure Water Elemental" instead of "Conjure Earth Elemental" as the 6th level Elemental spell(5)
· Priest gains "waterbreathing ability" 1/day(5)
· Can cast all spells of Elemental Water and mage school of Elemental Water as 1 level lower (20)
· All priests have swimming rates equal to movement rates and can't drown unless they're somehow restrained (5)
· Starting at 3rd level and up to 12th, priest can learn one new language of an underwater race at each level(10)
· Can shapechange into a dolphin or whale 3/day each after 4th level (10)NOTE: Sea race shamans of Protius follow rules given in PC3
Priest AL: any
Min Ability Scores: Int16, Wis9
WP required: none
NWP required: Dweomercraft
NWP Recommended: Alternate magic's
Weapons Permitted: only daggers and staves
Armour Allowed: none or robes
Major Access: All, Thought, Numbers, Creation, Wards, Charm, Guardian, Summoning, Protection, Guardian, Healing
Minor Access: Divination
· Rad's priests receive a permanent +1 bonus to both Int and Wis (both scores can be over 18) (free ability)
· Turn Undead(10)
· Rad's priests get a +3 bonus to st vs. spells(5)
· Can cast all spells from Invocation/Evocation and Abjuration mage schools and as 1 spell level lower. Can't cast 9th level spells(20)Rafiel
Priest AL: any must be neutral
Min Ability Scores: Wis15, Int 15
WP required: none
NWP required: read/write shadow elf, cooking and either teaching, leadership, or persuade. If Dex and/or Str is 13 must take either military tactics, blind shooting, martial arts
Weapons Permitted: all medieval swords, crossbow
Armour Allowed: none( just the white robes appropriate to shaman rank)
Major Access: All, Thought, Numbers, Creation, Protection, Guardian, Divination, Combat, *Necromancy(reverse), *Healing(reverse)
Minor Access: none
Bonus Proficiencies: Engineering
· Gains +1 to Wis permanently after passing ritual as delineated in GAZ 13 (special)
· +1 to st vs. rods, staves, and spells(5)
· Upon reaching level 9 Life Shamans get Ancient History(shadow elves) and this ability rise up by 1 skill point for each subsequent rise in level afterwards.
· Upon becoming a Life Shaman (level 9) Shamans can begin to "call upon souls" by using the 5th level soul crystal
· Upon becoming a Colourless Shaman (level 11) can cast "control destiny" through usage of level 6 soul crystal
· Upon becoming a White Shaman (level 14) can cast level 7 spell "Discharge Soul Power"
· Only Radiant Shamans (at least level 15) can get 'Transcend Life Force" through a special quest
*- When shaman becomes a Life Shaman (level 9) these spheres are replaced by the normal un-reversed versions of Healing and Necromancy
Restrictions: Can't wear non-white robesRanivorus, Broken Lands
Priest AL: any evil
Min Ability Scores: Str 15
WP required: flail
NWP required: persuasion
Weapons Permitted: flail, all swords, all polearms, all axes, daggers
Armour Allowed: all medieval
Major Access: All, Necromancy(rev), Healing(rev), Charm, Combat, Chaos, Thought, War
Minor Access: none
· Gains ability to act and speak in strange scary ways reducing foe's morale by 1 (as per Ch adjustment) (5)
· Turn Undead(10)
· Control Snakes (use same HD as Control Undead) (5)
· At 10th level can instil berserker rage (+3 to hit, -1 to AC, 2att/rd, Int and Wis of 3) in 1d4 people by touching them unless victims save vs. spells. Those affected become crazed killing machines for 1 round per level of priest. They hear nor obey nothing else but the evil priest's commands (10)Ranivorus, Nithia
Priest AL: any evil
Min Ability Scores: Str 15
WP required: flail
NWP required: Persuasion
Weapons Permitted: flail, normal sword, dagger, sling
Armour Allowed: Nithian plate (without penalty)
Major Access: All, Combat, Healing(rev), Chaos, Wards, Thought
Minor Access: none
· At level 1 can whisper hateful suggestions to victims. Roll d20 if this is equal to or below priest's level, the whisper is heard but recipient doesn't remember who said it. If higher than priest's level then the victim does. Victim makes a st vs. death ray or accept whisper as truth. This ability is useful 1/day (5)
· Control Undead (10)
· Control Snakes (use same HD as Control Undead) (5)
· At 10th level can instil berserker rage (+3 to hit, -1 to AC, 2att/rd, Int and Wis of 3) in 1d4 people by touching them unless victims save vs. spells. Those affected become crazed killing machines for 1 round per level of priest. They hear nor obey nothing else but the evil priest's commands (10)
· At 14th level the priest finishes his transformation into a gnoll and any future victims of the berserker rage at this point become "soldiers" of Ranivorus (special)Ranivorus, Gnollish Hills of Soderfjord and Vestland
Priest AL: any evil
Min Ability Scores: Str 15
WP required: flail
NWP required: persuasion
Weapons Permitted: flail, all swords, all polearms, all axes, daggers
Armour Allowed: all medieval
Major Access: All, Necromancy(rev), Healing(rev), Charm, Combat, Chaos, Thought, War
Minor Access: none
· Gains ability to act and speak in strange scary ways reducing foe's morale by 1 (as per Ch adjustment) (5)
· Turn Undead (10)
· Control Snakes (use same HD as Control Undead) (5)
· At 10th level can instil berserker rage (+3 to hit, -1 to AC, 2att/rd, Int and Wis of 3) in 1d4 people by touching them unless victims save vs. spells. Those affected become crazed killing machines for 1 round per level of priest. They hear nor obey nothing else but the evil priest's commands (10)Rathanos (Ra)
Priest AL: any CG, CN
Min Ability Scores: Int 15
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: dagger, normal sword(or sickle sword), staff sling
Armour Allowed: textile(no helmet) only
Major Access: All, Elemental Fire, Creation, Sun, Thought, Guardian, Protection
Minor Access: Wards
Bonus Proficiencies: Field of Studies
· Can cast Elemental Fire as 1 level lower (5)
· Can cast "resist fire" and "produce fire" each 1/day (5)
· Can cast magic user spells of Elemental Fire as 1 level lower (5)
· After 4th level can shapechange into a fire being with +1HD to priest with all attacks being fire damage 3/day (10)
· +2 to st vs. saving throws vs. heat and fire-based spells, fire breath weapons, wands of fire, and all fire magic (10)
· Can walk across hot coals without damage and in lava suffering only half damage(5)
· At 5th level priest get half damage from all energy-based attacks, as if made the st. (5)
· At 10th level priest is immune to flame and fire damage (10)
· Anytime casts a fire-based spell roll 3d20. If results is equal to or less than his level than one aspect of spell is doubled(one aspect from- double damage, double duration, double range, ..etc) (5)
· At 14th /3rd level when dealing with flame or energy-based beings gain ability similar to "charm" (5/10)
Restrictions: Flame-Bearers have no st against and always take double damage from water/cold based attacks. These priests can never harm beings of a fiery nature unless they must. They must always honour Rathanos or suffer losing spells for 1 sleepRazud
Priest AL: any non-evil
Min Ability Scores: Wis 13
WP required: staff
NWP required: none
NWP Recommended: bravery
Weapons Permitted: staves, dagger/dirk
Armour Allowed: none of leather
Major Access: All, Divination, Travellers, Combat, Astral, Protection, Elemental(air and fire), Protection, Summoning, Guardian, Healing, Charm
Minor Access: Wards, Weather, Sun
· +1 bonus to initiative, +1 bonus to Wis(10)
· Turn Undead(10)
· Can cast both air and fire mage Elemental schools as 1 level lower. Can't cast 9th level spells(20)
· Every time priest does a task(DM's discretion) on his own without help he gets a granted random extra mage spell (level and strength of granted spell again DM's discretion)determined by the difficulty of task and how successful priest was in performing it. The granted spell stays with priest for a month. Priest can only have one granted spell at a time (5)
· Automatically takes 1/2 damage on all fire/air spells used against him. Likewise elemental attacks based on those elements only do half damage(5)Tahkati Stormtamer
Priest AL: LG, LN, TN, NG
Min Ability Scores: Str 15 Wis 9
WP required: none
NWP required: Riding Horses, Animal Trainer(Horse)
NWP Recommended: Leadership, Bravery
Weapons Permitted: lance(that functions as a spear), bows(considered cowardly in combat), stone axe, bone axe, hand axe, dagger
Armour Allowed: worn buffalo hide, shields, leather clothing (AC 8)
Major Access: All, Combat, War, Divination, Animal, Plant, Healing, Protection, Elemental
Minor Access: Law, Thought
· Their warlike character grants them an AC bonus of +2 (10)
· Berserker rage- +2 to att/+2 to dam whenever they lose 1/2 hp. Useable on 1 battle/day(5)
· "Riding Horse" and "Animal Trainer" increases at 4points per slot rather than 2(10)
· HD hp increases from d8 to d10(10)
· At 5th level, priests can cause a +1 to att, +1 to damage with weapon(5)
· At 9th level, priest can cause an extra +2 to att/+2 to damage with weapon(10)
· Immune against fear and fear-like effects (5)Talitha
Priest AL: NE
Min Ability Scores: Dex 15
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: normal swords, dagger, knife, two-handed sword
Armour Allowed: leather armour or none
Major Access: All, Divination, Charm, Combat, Summoning, Healing(rev), Protection
Minor Access: War
· Can use following thief abilities: Hide in Shadows (starts at 10%), Pick Pocket (starts at 5%), and Move Silently(starts at 15%). Each ability increases by 5% per level until 95%(each ability costs 5 CP)
· Detect Importance- priest can sense importance of something to someone within a 20'radius on an intelligence check useable 3/day modified by -1 per 4 levels of the priest. If check fails or the person really has nothing of value on him, the priest does not sense anything(10)
· Can cast mage spells from Illusion/Phantasm and Enchantment/Charm(20)
· Control Undead(10)Tarastia
Priest AL: LG or LN
Min Ability Scores: Str 13
WP required: axe
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: axes(all)
Armour Allowed: all medieval armour
Major Access: All, Chaos, Combat, Healing, Protection, Summoning
Minor Access: Sun, War, Thought, Time
Bonus Proficiencies: Detect Deception
· When fighting the leaders of those who have wronged priest, priest gets a +2 to dam/att for duration of battle (10)
· Priests die on -15 instead of -10hp (5)
· Eye for an eye- At 3rd level at start of round, if priest get hit by opponent he can "return the favour" by hitting opponent with same total amount of damage retained by priest on opponent's turn that round. By announcing intention and hitting opponent as only attack that round (with +4 att roll bonus) on a successful hit roll, the damage inflicted is what the priest had absorbed on enemy's turn. Useable 3/day. 4day at level 10 ,5/day at level 15, and 6/day at level 20(10)Terra (Yamuga)
Priest AL: LG or LN
Min Ability Scores: Wis9
WP required: none
NWP required: none
NWP Recommended:
Weapons Permitted: long and short bows, scimitar, lasso, dagger/dirk, darts, maces, short swords
Armour Allowed: leather, chain, lamellar
Major Access: All, Creation, Elemental, Summoning, Animal, Necromancy(as well as reverse), Time, Healing, Law, Protection, Weather
Minor Access: none
· Can cast spells of Healing or Necromancy as 1 level lower (10)
· Can cast "feast" and "renew" spell as in GAZ12(5)
· Can "speak with animals"(10)Thanatos, Nithia
Priest AL: any evil
Min Ability Scores: Int15 Con14
WP required: scythe
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: scythe, dagger, staff, sling, normal sword
Armour Allowed: none
Major Access: All, Healing(rev), Astral, Chaos, Thought, Combat, Wards, Sun(reverse)
Minor Access: none
Known Priests and Proxies: Synn the Night Dragon
· Control Undead +2/+4 (15/20)
· Vampiric Energy Drain- At 2nd level priest pre-announced 3/day on a successful hit can "leech" half of the hp he has inflicted on an opponent. At level 10 can be used 4/day, level 15 5/day and level 20 6/day(10)
· At 3rd level priest can use "pyramid energy collectors" to reanimate dead creatures into undead by expending 5 points of energy per HD. Remains undead for 1 day(rest is special)
· At 5th level priests can wrap themselves in mummy cloth as mummies and gain immunity from infravision and level drain
· At 9th a priest of Thanatos learns the procedures in making "Ba-warriors."
· At 14th level can sprout "gargoyle-like" wings and fly at running movement rate
· Can shapechange into any dead humanoid victim 3/day(10)
Restrictions: must always wear black articles on body, if not, loses all priest abilities until priest does don black clothingThanatos, Thyatis
Priest AL: any evil
Min Ability Scores: Int15 Con14
WP required: none
NWP required: scythe
Weapons Permitted: scythe, dagger, staff, sling, swords(all)
Armour Allowed: none
Major Access: All, Healing(rev), Necro(rev), Charm Chaos, Thought, Combat, Summoning
Minor Access: none
Known Priests and Proxies: Synn the Night Dragon
· Control Undead +2/+4(15/20)
· Vampiric Energy Drain- At 2nd level priest pre-announced 3/day on a successful hit can "leech" half of the hp he has inflicted on an opponent. At level 10 can be used 4/day, level 15 5/day and level 20 6/day(10)
· At 3rd level priest can use "pyramid energy collectors" to reanimate dead creatures into undead by expending 5 points of energy per HD. Remains undead for 1 day(5)
· At 5th level priests can wrap themselves in mummy cloth as mummies and gain(special is rest) immunity from infravision and level drain(rest is special)
· At 9th a priest of Thanatos learns the procedures in making "Ba-warriors."
· At 14th level can sprout "gargoyle-like" wings and fly at running movement rate
Restrictions: must always wear black articles on body, if not, loses all priest abilities until priest does don black clothingThor
Priest AL: LG or NG
Min Ability Scores: Str15, Con15
WP required: hammer
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all medieval swords, polearms, bludgeoning, hammers (especially hammers)
Armour Allowed: leather, chain, all shields
Major Access: All, Combat, War, Travellers, Protection, Guardian, Healing
Minor Access: none
· All priest get a permanent +1 to Str (can go over 18) (5)
· Can cast spells of combat/war as 1 spell level lower (5)
· Receives "berserk", and "fist of Thor" spells at 2nd level as described in GAZ7 (5)
· St vs. fear and fear effects at +2 bonus (5)
· Can cast "leomunds' secure shelter" at appropriate level (5)
· Priests gain a d10 instead of d8 for hp (10)
· In hands of this priest warhammers have a base damage of 1d8+2 (instead of 1d4+1) and on an unmodified natural 20 the hit incapacitates one extremity of opponent if the natural 20 was 4 or more the required number to hit(10)
· Priests can become "specialists" with weapons(usually with warhammer)(15)
· Turn Undead(10)
Restrictions: If use Healing spells on yourself, loses spells for 1 day until one day is spent kneeling in repentanceVanya
Priest AL: any
Min Ability Scores: Str15
WP required: normal sword
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: short swords, long swords, dagger/dirk, lancer
Armour Allowed: all armour(medieval)
Major Access: All, Combat, War, Chaos, Time, Healing
Minor Access: none
· Bonus proficiency: "Wild Fighting" for free and increases by 4 instead of 2(5)
· Priests receive a +2 to morale checks(10)
· St bonus +2versus fear and fear effects(5)
· Priests 1/day can unleash a demoralising battle cry which lowers the morale of all enemies in a 30' radius by 2(5)
· After 3rd level, gains berserker rage which instils +3 to att, +1 to damage on priest against Milenians or against anyone else for 3/day(10)
· On a natural 20 priest if hits by 5 or more can severe a limb (arm, leg) or hapless opponent where applicable(5)
· Can become specialists with swords(10)
· Gets d10 instead of d8 for hp(10)Valerias , Thyatis
Priest AL: NG or CG
Min Ability Scores: Cha16
WP required: none
NWP required: seduction
NWP Recommended: artistic ability, acting
Weapons Permitted: bludgeoning, short swords
Armour Allowed: any medieval
Major Access: All, Charm, Healing, Protection, Chaos, Creation, Necromancy, Guardian, Combat
Minor Access: Sun
· Seduction increases by 4 instead of 2 (5)
· All priests receive permanent +1 to Ch (5)
· Can cast Charm and Enchantment/Charm spells of mage as 1level lower(20)
· Can cast "locate," "remove fear," "ventriloquism," and "friends" 1/day.(5) Mostly used for romantic purposes but can be used for combat too
· At 3rd level gets "suggestion" 1/day(5)
· At 5th level priest can cast the new spell "love song." All combatants within a 10' radius per level of priest must make a st vs. spells at -4 or lay down weapons and talk out differences. At any rate, combat will cease among those affected(10)
· In addition at 5th locate, remove fear, ventriloquism and friends can be cast 2/day each(5)
· At 10th /1st level priest gets the "Girder-On" ability. Priest may call upon Valerias to either supply them with weapons and armour under dire circumstances (life threatening to oneself or a loved one or friend)or one of more warriors from 1st-6th level. The weapons/armour that priest obtains will be appropriate to the situation at hand. Once the task is completed (or warriors slain) the weapons (or warriors) will disappear in a shower of red petals(5/10)
Restrictions: Must honour Valerias properly by attending to aesthetic concerns or feeding strangers or homeless children or suffer 2d6 points of Charisma drain. If Ch of victim is 2 or less, he becomes an ugly brute irredeemable in the eyes of Valerias. More details are given in the Nithian GAZValerias(Isiris)
Priest AL: NG or CG
Min Ability Scores: Cha16
WP required: none
NWP required: seduction
NWP Recommended: artistic ability, acting
Weapons Permitted: bludgeoning, short swords
Armour Allowed: any Nithian such as Nithian plate or textile
Major Access: All, Healing, Protection, Chaos, Creation, Guardian, Combat, Travellers
Minor Access: Sun
· Turn Undead(10)
· Seduction increases by 4 instead of 2(5)
· Thorn may attempt one advance on member of the opposite sex per sleep and the effects are identical to a "charm" spell. If Thorn hands a flower to subject, subject must save with a -2 penalty. In either case a failed saving throw means that the subject falls madly in love with the priest(5)
· 1d4 devoted members of normal folk of opposite gender will accompany the Thorn under effects identical to a "charm" spell(5)
· At 5th level priest can cast the new spell "love song." All combatants within a 10' radius per level of priest must make a st vs. spells at -4 or lay down weapons and talk out differences. At any rate, combat will cease among those affected(10)
· In addition at 5th locate, remove fear, ventriloquism and friends can be cast 2/day each(5)
· At 10th /1st priest gets the "Girder-On" ability. Priest may call upon Isiris to either supply them with weapons and armour under dire circumstances (life threatening to oneself or a loved one or friend)or one of more warriors from 1st-6th level. The weapons/armour that priest obtains will be appropriate to the situation at hand. Once the task is completed (or warriors slain) the weapons (or warriors) will disappear in a shower of red petals(5/10)
Restrictions: Must honour Isiris properly by attending to aesthetic concerns or feeding strangers or homeless children or suffer 2d6 points of Charisma drain. If Ch of victim is 2 or less, he becomes an ugly brute irredeemable in the eyes of Isiris. More details are given in the Nithian GAZWogar (Maglubiyet)
Priest AL: LE
Min Ability Scores: Dex 13 Wis9
WP required: none
NWP required: Animal Training(Wolf)
NWP Recommended: Military Tactics
Weapons Permitted: short swords, spears, and maces
Armour Allowed: any partial armour, shields or none
Major Access: All, Combat, War, Elemental Fire, Animal, Law, Healing(reverse), Divination, Protection, Charm
Minor Access: Sun(reverse)
· Can shapechange into a werewolf once per full moon (every 4 weeks) or can turn into a normal or dire wolf 3/day. While in shapechange priest recovers 1d6x10% of hp lost (5)
· At 5th level can incite berserker rage on a group of 1d10 goblins/hobgoblins giving them a +2 to att/+2 to damage(10)
· Danger sense- Can sense gnomes or dwarves at 1 mile radius per level (5)
· Can cast spells from the mage school of Elemental Fire(15)Yagrai (He-Who-Always-Rises)
Priest AL: LE or NE
Min Ability Scores:
WP required:
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: swords, halberd, pikes, glaives, bows(all), spears, flail
Armour Allowed: partial armour or no armour
Major Access: All, Combat, Necromancy, Healing, Charm
Minor Access:
· Control Undead(10)
· Gains ability to revive without "resurrection" magic on successful Wis check 1d4 rounds after death. Hp healed = 1d20 roll+1 - score needed(10)
· Immune to all energy drain attacks(10)
· Regeneration- Can regenerate 3hp/rd 3 rounds after first blood(10)
· Because of indomitable will and ability to come back to life , priests are immune to all fear and fear like effects (10)
· Danger Sense- Can sense elves and dwarves at 1 mile radius per level of priest (10)Zirchev
Priest AL: NG, TN
Min Ability Scores: Wis12, Int15
WP required: none
NWP required: none
Weapons Permitted: all bludgeoning weapons
Armour Allowed: any non-metal armour
Major Access: All, Animal, Divination, Elemental, Plant, Weather, Thought, Charm
Minor Access: Numbers, Sun
Bonus Proficiencies: receives "tracking" and alertness" for free
· At 7th level can shapechange 3/day into a hawk or a wolf (10)
· Starting at 3rd level gains a new woodland language every level until 12th(10)
· Soothing word on animals is useable 3/day which dispels fear or calms down momentarily 2xpriest level in HD worth of antagonistic creatures for 1 turn(10)
· Danger Sense- can sense within 1 mile radius per level of priest large scale destruction to forest folk (10)