by Andrew Tyrus WielandIn the beginning there were the three who discovered the multiverse. They were joined by the emissary, time began to pass, and things began to happen. The sky began to cool and they called the parts of the sky that cooled more slowly than the other parts light, and they called the substance that was consumed by the light Matter. Then two of them became Energy and Thought and the emissary became Time and there were five spheres.
The immortal who had been Thought became the first hero and one of the four Hierarchs. The immortal who had been Matter took a mortal and made it an immortal. The immortal who had been Time returned to his own place. The immortal from the fifth sphere wanted to be a Hierarch and it made immortals for its own sphere and they were the demons. The immortal who had been Energy stood alone.
In the days of King Uther and before the fall of the Temple of the Frog, Terra was the Supreme Hierarch of the Matter Sphere and she had Ka and Valerias as advisors. Ka spent most of his time in the Hollow World. Valerias sometimes visited the first wanderer around the central fire and tended the beasts that lived there. The first Supreme Hierarch of the Matter Sphere was no more.
Faunus, Gorrziok, Kagyar, N'grath, Ninfangle, and Utnapishtim were immortals of the Matter Sphere and the four Dragon Lords were in the same group. Arachne Prime, Arik, Demogorgon, Orcus, and Skuld were lesser immortals of Entropy. The other two norns, aligned to Matter and Time, were no more.
Ixion was the Supreme Hierarch of the Energy Sphere, he had ended his long isolation and sponsored other immortals. Razud was an immortal from a distant part of the Prime Plane. There was another immortal who claimed that she knew when the first mortal had earned a place in the sphere.
Korotiku, Odin, and one other were immortals with major influence in the Thought Sphere. Bastet, Ssu-ma, and Tyche also had influence. Sinbad may have had influence, he may have been a temporal, or he may have been a mortal on his quest for immortality.Qywattz of the nightmare dimensions had little influence.
Khoronos was the first and current Supreme Hierarch of the Time Sphere but there had been others who took his place in the past. Ordana and Protius were with him and the three of them set the three outer wanderers in their orbits. Fugit, Luca, Simurgh, and Zalaj were other immortals of that sphere.
Calitha was the first elf to become an immortal, she was sponsored by Ordana. She traveled into the future to appear at meetings between humans and elves. She never encountered Blackmoor or the Thonian Empire before she ascended.
Grammaton is an immortal in Thought Sphere that doesn't remember its past. It claims to have been an immortal when the ancestors of Kagyar and Protius walked on four legs and had tails. It never claims to be older than Ka, the Dragon Rulers, or the Elemasters.
Guidarezzo and Ninsun were mortals who lived in the Kingdom of Blackmoor and ascended in the Sphere of Energy. Rathanos ascended to the same sphere in the same era but never visited the Kingdom or the Hollow World.
Steven Rocklin wasn't an immortal but a false prophet who took control of the Temple of the Frog. The Froggies believed he didn't come from the Prime but was a native of the home plane of their patron.
Stodos was mortal in the days of the Thonian Empire, after he descended into Entropy he may helped found the Temple of the Frog or there may have been another swamp god.
Asterius was a mortal who saved the Kingdom of Blackmoor from disaster, which should make him the most important immortal of that era, but it's possible that Garal Glitterlode was more influential. Asterius in the Thought Sphere was honored by later generations. Garal in the Matter Sphere was the creator of the gnomes.
In the days that followed the Great Rain of Fire and before the Broken Lands were formed there were few who aspired to immortality and fewer who achieved it. There will be a post describing the immortals of Brun and Skothar in that intermediate age but it won't be finished this week. Here's a preview.
Wind, Rime, and Waves are the three elements in Antalian poetry and the three immortals who represent them are Odin, Hel, and the Nooga. Wind, Stone, and Fire are the three elements in Ethengar poetry and the three immortals who represent them are Cretia, Yamuga, and Tubak.
The Great Rain of Fire was the second of three disasters that befell the land of Evergrun. It was a minor earthquake compared to the third disaster that gave Vulcania its name and forced Ilsundal to begin his quest. It came at a time when the School of Calitha were in decline and had not yet regained the reputation they lost 250 years earlier, at the time of the first disaster.
The Scholastics studied the writings of Calitha but they were more concerned with the commentary that was written between the Ascension of Calitha to the Sphere of Time and the First Intervention. They expected their patron to intervene and let them know if a volcano was going to erupt. There were three times in the past where Calitha appeared to her descendants and offered useful advice.
Asterius was a new immortal in the Sphere of Thought during the Great Rain of Fire and he had no experience with artifacts that seemed to call down the might of the Old Ones. He had traveled to remote regions of Brun and Davinia when he was a mortal. Some sources say he visited Evergrun shortly after its desolation and others say he was already an immortal by then.
Zalaj was an old immortal in the Sphere of Time and he would gain influence in the period after the Great Rain of Fire because he helped his people to rebuild. He was honored beside Gorrziok in the Sphere of Matter and Zugzul in the Sphere of Energy, they were his rivals and sometimes his allies. They represented Air, Water, and Fire to the people of the later kingdoms.
Wind, Rime, and Waves are the three elements in Antalian poetry and the three immortals who represent them are Odin, Hel, and the Nooga. Wind, Stone, and Fire are the three elements in Ethengar poetry and the three immortals who represent them are Cretia, Yamuga, and Tubak.
Zalaj had lived in a cloud kingdom in the days before the Thonian Republic began. He was honored as the king of a lost Golden Age for the giants. Calitha was honored by the elves for the same reason.
Ixion and Rathanos were the only immortals in the Sphere of Energy who were honored by large groups of people on Mystara. Guidarezzo was known to few, Ninsun was known to historians, and Razud never visited Mystara or the other wanderers. Slizzak was honored by the kopru and placated by large groups of people on the Sea of Dread.
Cretia and Djaea were mortals at the time of the Great Rain of Fire and there are common elements to both of their paths. Both were natives of Brun at the time of the disaster and they would help it to recover as part of their quest for immortality. Both were unwilling to cling to the customs of the past and happy to accept new ways. Both were capable of savagery, neither one wanted a dynasty, and neither one of them saw their path as a crusade until it was close to its summit.
Cretia had iron weapons and traded to preserve the knowledge that was needed to craft them. He was more likely to be fighting a warrior in a chariot than riding in one. Djaea had stone tools and she used iron but didn’t share the knowledge of what it was good for.
Cretia helped the immortals close a gate. He lived in the lands that would one day be known as Ethengar and he spoke a language that was closely related to theirs. The language of the steppes was once believed to be related to the language of the Children of Atruaghin because of certain similarities in the grammar.
In the days before Djaea ascended to the Matter sphere, Terra was worshiped as a goddess. In the days before Diulanna ascended to the Thought sphere and Tarastia ascended to the Energy sphere, Djaea was worshiped as a goddess. In the days of civilized lands like Alphatia and the Thyatian Empire gods and goddesses are a relic of the past or a sign of primitive culture. Djaea and Terra are immortals that could fairly be regarded as gods.
Diulanna is worshiped as the only goddess in primitive lands of Brun. Experienced residents of primitive lands know about other immortal and regard them as less important. Experienced and educated residents of primitive lands know that Diulanna isn't the only leader of the immortals but only represents one faction.
Tarastia is worshiped as the only goddess in primitive lands of Skothar. In civilized lands she could be regarded as a business partner with Diulanna with the East and the West divided between them. Calitha is sometimes included to represent Davania but more likely to be forgotten. Djaea is the next level of control and more remote.
Djaea loves a healthy field of crops as much as she loves the forest. She regards desert and swamp as two necessary regions of the land. She doesn't support a permanent ban on hunting but she may instruct her followers to impose a temporary band for several hundred years or until the land has enough time to recover.
Djaea may have been an influential priestess of Terra or she may not have known much about the goddess until she began her path to immortality. She may have been a fighter or she may have been a magician. She may have been a huntress or she may have been a farmer but most say she regarded both of them as equally necessary and useful crafts.
Djaea was a mortal, she had children, and some of her grandchildren earned fame. Some of them were remembered, although their line had died out, by the first people to call themselves Littonians.
In the days when the Jennite kingdom was new, there were four immortals worshiped by the nomads of the steppe. Odin was the bringer of lightning, Rathanos was the bringer of warmth, Tarastia was the bringer of horses, and Valerias was the bringer of wealth. Odin was the Old Man and the only immortal worshiped by the pre-Jennites. Tarastia was the Mother (and a swordswoman) and Valerias was the Child (and an archer).
To the common people, the Old Man was the first ruler of the Jennites. He used lightning to make fire and he taught the Mother how to make and tend fires. She inherited the throne and asked the people to worship him. She asked the people to worship her daughter and when she ascended into the sky the people worshiped her. Rathanos was the spirit of the fire and his worshipers used no weapons other than the dagger and their own words.
To the scribes, the Mother was the sole ruler and the founder of the Jennites. The Old Man was an ancient immortal and the Child was an ancient immortal who was unknown to the pre-Jennites. They believed that immortals were incapable of having children once they had ascended. The founder had a daughter who was influential but not an immortal, and who may have been adopted.
To the chiefs, the Old Man was important because he made men wise and Rathanos was important because he made men brave. The Mother was praised for what she had done and the four immortals were worshiped as a group.
The Jennite kingdom ended when the priests turned away from Odin and Valerias and declared that Rathanos was more important than the Mother. In the ensuing civil war, the arts of fire making and metal working were lost.
Tarastia is a comparatively recent name but there are temples regarded as hers dating back to the early days of Alphatia. The Jennites left no temples but they left records of an immortal patron and inventor who has been identified with Tarastia.
In the days when Donar was a warlord who fought the giants, Fredar and Fredara were immortals in the sphere of Thought. Fredar had contact with an order of paladins, he gave them clerical magic and sometimes used omens to speak to them. Cretia had contact with an order of avengers and did the same. Odin and Fredara had followers, not all of them spellcasters, and sometimes used dreams and visions to speak to them.
Fredar the Barrel Maker was the first king of an independent Antalian kingdom, it was believed that he was buried beside his sister in the mountains far away from his palace. His realm endured for hundreds of years, sometimes the herzog was a sworn ally of a giant king and sometimes an independent. Donar the Dark Haired and Lokar the Scribe drove out the last giants. Donar became a king but he never united all of the Antalians.
Cochere the prodigy was the child of an immortal and a mortal. She wasn't a winged humanoid or a bird with a big brain. She was more heroic than any hero that came before her and earned a place in the Thought Sphere. It's very difficult for immortals to have offspring and the result doesn't look like a human or giant (in some cases it might look like a dragon). It's even harder for the offspring to adapt to a natural environment. It's nearly impossible for the offspring to ascend to the higher planes and requires more work than the four known paths.
Cretia and Djaea were born and raised in the days of Blackmoor. They didn't consider it a paradise but they had a reputation, along with Cochere, as survivors of a lost golden age.
Diulanna was born and raised on Brun, some of the natives might remember the stories of her youth. Tarastia was born and raised on Skothar but there are no stories of her childhood. There's no proof that she was a visitor from the future or a more enlightened realm but it's certainly a possibility. She was a horsewoman, but this is no mark of high status in a land where horses were more numerous than men. She could use weapons, she wasn't forced to fight with a dagger like the magi.
Diulanna is worshiped by some orcs as the step-mother of Karaash. Donar is worshiped by some bugbears and goblins as the father of Bartziluth. Fredar is worshiped by some kobolds because his name came to be translated as 'shining one' and he was identified with Kurtulmarak. This appears to be a case of wishful thinking, but the translation is accurate.
Donar and Fredar had artifacts that were remembered as Mjolnir, the rainmaker, and Skidbladnir, the container ship. Fredar is the patron of boats along with Nooga (better known as Manwara or Protius).
Fredar isn't an Antalian or Skandaharian name but it was common in some parts of the Thonian Empire. It came to be a synonym for nobility and eminence and Brian could mean the same thing.
Fredar and Fredara were the son and daughter of a rich merchant. There are no records linking him to any of the ancient Antalian families but he was a respectable member of society and may have been more than he seemed. He wasn't a friend to any of the immortals or descended from anyone who was, but he could pay clerics to cast spells for him. Lokar was a friend to Cretia and received help from him in his quest for power. This led to a permanent rift between Cretia and the other Antalian gods.
Fredar and Fredara wielded artifacts on their quest for immortality and had to destroy an artifact of Entropy. My research hasn't revealed anything about the things they broke. Fredar wielded a Dancing Sword and gave it away when he no longer needed it. Fredar was neutral to Surtur when they first met, but became hostile as the centuries passed.
Fredar established some of the customs that were later attributed to Odin. He wasn't the first lawgiver but he modified the laws of Ixion, who was known to the Antalians as Tiwaz. The Antalians depict Tiwaz with one hand, a terrible fate. This doesn't represent the immortal but it may be an attempt to explain why there are no more priests of Tiwaz alone even though he is worshiped as a power equal to Odin.
Fredara wielded Brisingamen and her ascension was much more difficult than her brother's quest.
Ilsundal and Rafiel ascended to the Energy Sphere, they were known to the elves and unknown in civilized lands before the rise of the Nithian Empire. The Nithians remembered the disaster that created the Broken Lands as something far away that happened before the rise of the pharaohs. The Nithian Empire was the birth of a new world, the end of the dark age, and brings my story to a stop.
Khoronos was sponsored by Khoronos and ascended to the Sphere of Time around BC 4050.
Thor (Donar) was sponsored by Ixion and ascended to the Sphere of Thought around BC 1750.
Along with Thanatos and the first Hierarch of Thought, they are the first and last immortals described in this record.Slizzak, patron of the kopru, ascended to the sphere of Energy around BC 2740.
Saasskas, patron of the devilfish and a hissing demon, descended into Entropy at about the same time.
Kallala and Saturnius ascended sometime after BC 2000.
All of them were overlooked in this record.Faunus, Gorrziok, Ka, Kagyar, N'grath, Ninfangle, Terra, Utnapishtim, and Valerias were immortals of Matter
Fugit, Luca, Ordana, Protius, Simurgh, and Zalaj were immortals of Time
Bastet, Grammaton, Korotiku, Odin, Qywattz, Sinbad, Ssu-ma, and Tyche were immortals of Thought
Arachne Prime, Arik, Demogorgon, Hel, Nyx, Orcus, Skuld, and Thanatos were immortals of Entropy
& Razud was an immortal of Energy. All of them, earned their place before Khoronos began his quest, as did the Dragon Rulers and the Elemasters of the Blackmoor Era.Rafiel ascended to the Sphere of Energy without a sponsor in BC 3000.
Tarastia ascended to the Sphere of Energy around BC 2330.
Ilsundal ascended to the Sphere of Energy around BC 1800.
Guidarezzo, Rathanos, and Ninsun ascended to the Sphere of Energy in the Blackmoor Era.Frey was sponsored by Odin and ascended to the Sphere of Thought around BC 1660, according to most sources. I suggest a change because Frey was worshiped in a historical period before the Viking Age. Fredar lived at the beginning of the heroic age and Thor defeated the last of the giants. I suggest an ascension date around BC 2100.
Calitha was sponsored by Ordana and ascended to the Sphere of Time. I suggest that her path was completed before Evergrun became Vulcania.
The Korrigans were sponsored by Ixion and ascended to the Sphere of Energy around BC 1600.
Heimdall is Woden's child. He is full of woe because his senses and his magical divination ability let him see all the wicked things that men and elves have done. He is the guardian of Bifrost. The Korrigans have one patron and nine mothers, they are a suitable candidate for the Heimdall of Mystara. They're tireless sentinels because there are nine of them.
Rainbow Singer is also called Bragi, he listens to the others and repeats their words. Eternal Wanderer is also called Hermod, he is the most like Odin of the Korrigans. Verdant Caretaker is also called Hod and his weapon is the sickle. He cuts to keep the organism healthy and he cuts when it's ready for harvest.
Spring Maiden is also called Idun, she is the patron of youths. Wise Healer is also called Eir, she is the patron of surgeons. Silent Hunter is also called Uller, he is the patron of archers. Fiery Champion, Silver Carver, and Dreaming Seer are the default patrons of work, leisure, and rest. Elves don't need to sleep but they need to dream and when they do so their eyes are closed and they are inactive.
The Korrigans are elves and each one has a sacred weapon. Mace and short sword are sacred to Singer and Wanderer. Oak leaves and all druidic weapons are sacred to Verdant Caretaker. Spear, sling, and bow are sacred to Maiden, Healer, and Hunter. Long sword and dagger are sacred to Champion and Carver. The sacred weapon of Seer could be described as a shepherd's crook.
There are two cults in the Northern Reaches that worship an immortal they call Heimdal. The cult of the Korrigans is the older one, the other one started around 600 AC. The new Heimdal was a man from Soderfjord with nine sisters. There may be two cults in the Northern Reaches that worship Bragi. Guidarezzo was a man of Blackmoor, he is earlier than the Korrigans but more obscure. There are two immortals that could claim to be Aegir, Brom the ancient and Hymir of BC 1475.
Tiuz is the name given to the immortal Ixion by Antalian herders. Tiuz was worshiped along with Terra and Cretia. Tiuz's child is fair of face. This may refer to golden hair, fire, or lightning. It's appropriate to a solar manifestation.
Frigga is the name given to the immortal Terra by Antalian farmers. She was the keeper of bargains and marriages. Woden was worshiped as her husband and began to replace Cretia as the patron of tricksters.
Fulla is the name given to the immortal Djaea by Antalian farmers. She was worshiped alone or as Frigga's sister.
Sjofn is the name given to the immortal Valerias. She was worshiped as Tiuz's wife. She was the patron of love that leads to marriage and love outside of marriage.
Var is the name given to the queen of the Jennites. She was a keeper of bargains like Frigga and Fulla. She was a new immortal and had a tendency to be strict.
Nott, Hel, and Angrboda were never worshiped but placated when their children became a threat. Skuld was worshiped by those who wished to know their fate, she revealed it but did nothing to change it.Woden would later sponsor Fredar and Fredara as new immortals. Tiuz would later sponsor Donar and the Korrigans.
Tiuz came into conflict with the cult of a new immortal called Wogar. They competed for land and his followers lost. The priests of Tiuz were all killed or forced to convert. This behavior was frowned upon by the other immortals. Wogar is known to the Antalians as Fenrir and he is unable to take a high place in his sphere.The Antalian immortals in the days before the heroic age formed a group of nine that may be familiar to readers.
Frigga, Tiuz, Woden
Fulla/Var, Skuld, Sjofn
Nott, Hel, Angrboda
Mani's child is full of grace.
Tiuz's child is fair of face.
Woden's child is full of woe.
Donar's child has far to go.
Fredara's child is loving and giving.
Sidri's child works hard for a living.Ashtat was Donar's child. She was born in the days when the Nithian people began to forget the immortals. She didn't rely on the immortals to protect her. She went far away from her home and came to the Cynidicea before it was lost. The Doulakki people of that city knew her as Madarua.
Madarua was known as Yarella when she started a warrior tradition in another land. She believed she was only following the example of Maat, who lived in the early days of the empire. She heard stories about other fighting women in the course of her travels, including stories of one immortal that she hadn't known was significant to Nithia.
Madarua was sponsored by Thor (Donar) and joined Sphere Energy. Not all of the members of that society belong to the same sphere. Fredara's children may do things to make cure wounds spells work better. Sidri's children may do things to make cause wounds spells work just as well and make lightning bolt equal in power to fireball. Woden's children may do things to make curses work better when they are deserved.
Talitha is Sidri's child. She's a talented thief but she can't resist doing extra work when it can't be traced back to her. She claims it helps her goals because it spreads confusion and demoralizes the mark.
Saturnius is one of Mani's children and the most influential immortal in that society. Djaea is one of Tiuz's children and the leader of that society. Alphatia joined the society that was founded by Valerias and named for Fredara.
The next post in this thread will say more about Madarua.
Madarua does not remember the name that her parents gave her. She remembers her native language and she remembers that she knew how to read and write. She didn't understand the Cynidicean alphabet when she came to the city. Her fighting skill and her neutrality relative to the political factions made her useful as a bodyguard. She preferred to work for merchants but she would work for anyone who had troops to command. When she worked alone, she recruited young men and women and taught them how to fight in self defense. Time passed and she was hired as a captain of the caravan guards, then the captain of the city guard, and then the major for a wilderness raid.
Madarua became queen and married an heir to the throne. When he passed away, she made her son Oroth the king and made one of her best captains the regent. She left for the wilderness to retrace the path of Gorm. She also wanted to track down rumors of another warrior queen named Talestria in the Traldar language.
Madarua encountered a sphinx and was given a drink from a fountain that restored her youth and vitality. She forgot most of her life before she came to Cynidicea. She remembered that a woman named Tanit taught her how to fight. She remembered that she fought against corrupt barons in her native land. She wanted to learn how to read other languages so that she could find clues to her history.
Madarua heard stories about a land where all of the people were seers or scribes. The Sky People ruled over a land where there was no hunger, or so the stories said. The farmers who worked the land were called Mystarans. In one story, the Mystarans were a group of female warriors who traded with the Sky People. She set out to find a Mystaran.
Isiris was worshiped in the Nithian Empire as the mate of Ixion and the daughter of Geb and Nut. Geb was the son of Shu and Nephit. Shu was the son of Ra and Raet. Nephit was the daughter of Corona.
Clerics that received spells from the nine immortals had the most social status. Clerics that received spells from Shu, Nephit, and Corona were nearly as significant. Other clerics received spells from another group of nine. They didn't need support from every one of their patrons to get spells and they got no support from empty names.
Isiris and Shu were new arrivals to the Nithian culture. Nut was one of the first immortals to be recognized, along with Hapi and Ptahr. Nut taught the Nithians how to build tombs. Hapi established the Nithian agricultural calendar, based on the central furnace instead of Matera and starting in Klarmont or Felmont. Hapi was know in other lands as Manwara or Protius.
Nephit is a vanished immortal and a grain goddess, also known as Zurda daughter of Surt.
Saturnius is barely remembered in the Outer World and that's the way he wants it. He prefers a world of less magic and more adventure and he sees the Hollow World as such a place.
Saturnius is Mani's child, a covert agent working to thwart the schemes of those who would bring desolation to Mystara. He doesn't claim to be a covert agent and infiltrator but everyone knows he's not the irresponsible and cruel thief that he pretends to be. Of course since everyone know he's a covert agent he sometimes has a hard time infiltrating evil cults. Many see him as a joke and some see him as a bad joke.
Tiuz's children volunteer to bring good fortune to those who deserve it.
Woden's children volunteer to bring good fortune to those who deserve it.
Donar's children have far to go. In space! They volunteer to explore the other stars on the Prime Plane and contact other races. They don't travel in floating cities and don't need any help to cross the void.
Fredara's children govern healing magic and Sidri's children govern magical attacks.
Crakkak and Cretia both attained immortality in a scarred world and both of them could be seen as explorations of the survival of the fittest philosophy. One of them is the patron of sangfroid and mercenaries and the other is the patron of misfortune and horse thieves so there would seem to be little common ground. They both work together to oppose the followers of Alphaks but they are as different as wind and water.
Crakkak and Cretia are aware of each other because both of them sponsor avengers. The avenger is a name level fighter with magical ability from a divine patron. The avenger is usually human but willing to work with humanoids as a substitute chief of the tribe. The avenger may pose as an honorable knight and fight beside a baron, count, or duke. The avenger sometimes gets cleric spells and buys space at a wicked temple.
Avengers of Cretia are almost cowardly and they prefer to fight from ambush. Some of them would rather steal something without a fight, especially if they can watch the victim react to the loss. They will sometimes fight when outnumbered but they will make plans to retreat when they take damage. They think of themselves as expert tacticians and they have the experience and skill to escape while avoiding serious harm.
Avengers of Crakkak could be found in the Nithian Empire, when their patron was known as Sebek. They fight bravely but they don't intend to keep their word at the cost of their own life. They're less likely to steal from the clerics of their patron than avengers of Cretia. They may refuse to follow orders because they think that a plan is too risky and if the plan fails the immortal won't discipline the avenger.
Avengers may have problems because they immortals they follow aren't always accepted by civilized people and they may have problems because of their allies. In most cases these problems are resolved by additional tribute or by attacks against the cleric's enemies. If the tribute demanded is too much the avenger may form an alliance with a rival cleric, or in extreme cases convert to another immortal patron.
Bemarris was sponsored by Thor, who was sponsored in turn by the Supreme Hierarch of the Sphere of Energy. He is allied with Taroyas, who was sponsored by the Supreme Hierarch of the Sphere of Time. He is allied with Bartziluth, another immortal sponsored by Thor. It was probably a bad idea to lock this guy up. It was an even worse idea to lock him up beside Taroyas while Bartziluth remained free to act.
Patura is believed to be the prime mover in the Olympus plot and she was the second in command of the heptad. She may not have known that one of the princes of Glantri was secretly and immortal from her own sphere named Rad. She may have hoped that her friends in the Sphere of Entropy would have delayed or prevented a reprisal. She was surprised when three immortals from the Sphere of Entropy led a group of archmages to attack and capture her.
Bemarris was the military leader of the heptad and he would not abandon his two leaders. Kythria, Palson, and Turmis were unable to escape. Lokena retreated to find help, or maybe she let her allies down and fled.
Bartziluth and Khoronos had already learned of the results before Lokena had reached Terra, the Supreme Hierarch of Matter. Khoronos would not have acted swiftly but he would not have permitted Taroyas to remain confined. He may have believed that Taroyas was attempting to replace him. Bartziluth prepared for a fight and began to direct his mortal forces. Some of them may have already reached "Mount Olympus".
Wogar was opposed to Bemarris because he was opposed to Ixion and Thor. He was afraid of Bartziluth and jealous of him at the same time. He knew that Bartziluth was willing to intervene personally and when he did Thor was bound to follow. He began to direct his mortal forces and prepared for a war between immortals.
Halav knew Wogar and what he was capable of. He prepared to fight beside Thor. His sponsor, the Supreme Hierarch of Thought, had some friends he hoped to use to rescue Patura and company without a fight.
Gorrim is a vanished immortal, a mortal giant imprisoned by the immortal, an imprisoned entity from the nightmare dimensions, or the personification of a natural force.
Hundreds of years after the Kingdom of Blackmoor was founded, Gorrim was awoken by an earthquake. Or perhaps Gorrim was awoken by a greedy wizard and triggered an earthquake to demonstrate his power. There was a wave of human and dwarf murders that was blamed on a family vendetta. The stories say that Gorrim met his end at the four clawed feet of Pathmeer, who expired from his own wounds shortly thereafter.
The Duchy of the Peaks was the site of the battle, according to one version of the story.