As some of you have seen I have been working on methods for converting some aspects of the Savage Coast setting into 3e mechanics. I wasn't too pleased with the way Inheritors might be translated into a prestige class. Here is another optional method I have tried, by doing Inheritors in 3e mechanics via a system of feats. What follows is just an attempt and I'd like some good feedback. Maybe something similar can apply to other organisations throughout Mystara elsewhere. Who knows, maybe another feat can be made called Grand Master Inheritor, just an idea. Here goes... Let me know if I missed anything.
Inheritor by 3E feats
You have joined one of orders of a secret society known by non-members as the Inheritors.
Prerequisites: Be sponsored, All abilities scores 9+
Benefit: Gain a second Legacy. Access to the magical substances cinnabryl, red steel, crimson essence, and smokepowder after full members are supplied.
Special: As an Associate Inheritor you have certain responsibilities and privileges. Joining as an Associate is the only way for un-allowed classes to join the ranks of the Inheritors. An Associate is required to treat and recognise all Inheritors by the Code of the Orders and likewise is granted the protections offered by the Code that all Inheritors are due.INHERITOR INITIATE:
You completed training for initiation into of one of the three secret societies orders known by outsiders as Inheritors.
Prerequisites: Be sponsored, all ability scores 9+, only available to fighters, wizards, clerics, rogues and bards. Only available to 1st-level characters but may be chosen before the character advances another level.
Benefit: Gain a second Legacy. Access to the magical substances cinnabryl, red steel, crimson essence, and smokepowder. The character has learned how to produce crimson essence in two months, instead of six months that others take to create the crimson essence.
Special: An Initiate is required to treat and recognise all Inheritors by the Code of the Orders and likewise is granted the protections offered by the Code that all Inheritors are due. The character may complete his training and then opt out of being initiated into the ranks of the Inheritors. If this happens the character retains the second gained Legacy but loses access to the magical substances that full initiated members gain.
The character is still referred to as an InitiateINHERITOR FIGHTER ADEPT
You have completed initiation into the appropriate order of Inheritors and have begun training into the responsibilities and requirements of Inheritor warriors. Inheritor warriors are the guardians and soldiers of their order.
The Inheritor warrior are charged with the duty of crafting red steel weapons and monitoring red steel trade.
Prerequisite: All abilities 9+, Inheritor Initiate, Craft [redsmithing], 3rd level fighter.
Benefit: The character has learned how to master the magic powers of Legacies and gain further Legacies every three levels starting at 3rd level (and then at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th etc.) by consuming crimson essence.
At 3rd level the Inheritor warrior will now have three legacies.
The Inheritor warrior also gains a +2 bonus on all skill checks with Craft [redsmithing].
Special: The character cannot take feat this multiple times. The +2 bonus on all skill checks with Craft [redsmithing] stacks with other bonuses.INHERITOR WIZARD ADEPT
You have completed initiation into the appropriate order of Inheritors and have begun training into the responsibilities and requirements of Inheritor wizards. The Inheritor wizard study the Legacies themselves and can recognise manifestations at early stages. They make the potions base for crimson essence.
Prerequisite: All abilities 9+, Inheritor Initiate, Alchemy, 3rd level wizard.
Benefit: The character has learned how to master the magic powers of Legacies and gain further Legacies every three levels starting at 3rd level (and then at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th etc.) by consuming crimson essence.
At 3rd level the Inheritor wizard will now have three legacies.
The Inheritor wizard also gains a +2 bonus on all skill checks with Alchemy.
Special: The character cannot take feat this multiple times. The +2 bonus on all skill checks with Alchemy stacks with other bonuses.INHERITOR ROGUE ADEPT
You have completed initiation into the appropriate order of Inheritors and have begun training into the responsibilities and requirements of Inheritor rogues. Inheritor rogues are given the duties of acquisitions and covert missions for their order, often ³collecting² cinnabryl or red steel from its possessors without their knowledge. The job of crafting cinnabryl talismans also falls to an orderıs rogues. Inheritor rogues, along with Inheritor bards are involved in distributing potion base and talismans to Inheritors in regions without an Inheritor headquarters.
Prerequisite: All abilities 9+, Inheritor Initiate, Disguise, 3rd level rogue.
Benefit: The character has learned how to master the magic powers of Legacies and gain further Legacies every three levels starting at 3rd level (and then at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th etc.) by consuming crimson essence.
At 3rd level the Inheritor rogue will now have three legacies.
The Inheritor rogue also gains a +2 bonus on all skill checks with Disguise.
Special: The character cannot take feat this multiple times. The +2 bonus on all skill checks with Disguise stacks with other bonuses.INHERITOR BARD ADEPT
You have completed initiation into the appropriate order of Inheritors and have begun training into the responsibilities and requirements of Inheritor bards. Inheritor bards are responsible for circulating information such as Conclave news to members of the various orders. Inheritor bards also perform the ceremony that completes initiation of new members into the ranks of the order and reports the initiation to the orderıs clerics. Inheritor bards, along with Inheritor rogues are involved in distributing potion base and talismans to Inheritors in regions without an Inheritor headquarters.
Prerequisite: All abilities 9+, Inheritor Initiate, Gather Information, 3rd level bard.
Benefit: The character has learned how to master the magic powers of Legacies and gain further Legacies every three levels starting at 3rd level (and then at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th etc.) by consuming crimson essence.
At 3rd level the Inheritor bard will now have three legacies.
The Inheritor bard also gains a +2 bonus on all skill checks with Gather Information.
Special: The character cannot take feat this multiple times. The +2 bonus on all skill checks with Gather Information stacks with other bonuses.INHERITOR CLERIC ADEPT
You have completed initiation into the appropriate order of Inheritors and have begun training into the responsibilities and requirements of Inheritor clerics. Inheritor clerics are the historians and record keepers of the orders. They keep track of members, associate members and their Legacies; the number of available talismans, amulets, and crimson essence potions; and the rules and strictures of the orders. Clerics make up the bureaucracy of each order, each serving in a semi-official capacity. Clerics are often mediators in minor local conflicts within orders.
Prerequisite: All abilities 9+, Inheritor Initiate, Knowledge [legacy], 3rd level cleric.
Benefit: The character has learned how to master the magic powers of Legacies and gain further Legacies every three levels starting at 3rd level (and then at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th etc.) by consuming crimson essence.
At 3rd level the Inheritor cleric will now have three legacies.
The Inheritor cleric also gains a +2 bonus on all skill checks with Knowledge [legacy].
Special: The character cannot take feat this multiple times. The +2 bonus on all skill checks with Knowledge [legacy] stacks with other bonuses.