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Thunder Rift Adventure Path

by DMVictory

I'm monkeying around with the old box sets The Goblin's Lair, Dragon's Den, and The Haunted Tower. I've been working out a 4E conversion to fit my PCs.

I'm planning on using all three Goblin's Lair adventures, Rage of the Rakasta, all three Haunted Tower adventures, The Phantom's Wake, Escape from Thunder Rift, and League of the Red Serpent from the Dragon's Den as the Heroic Tier finish. The overall plot is The League has found Thunder Rift and wants to conquer/plunder it.

The PCs will start off with Red Hand Trail. I'm just going to put my notes up. I can always prettify for those who want it later.

The Mayor of Kleine offers treasure parcel 10 but will work his way up to parcel 9.

Cave-ins: The caverns beyond the mine are unstable. Whenever a wall section or ceiling is damaged it could cause a cave-in.

Cave-in Level 1 Warder
Hazard: A cave-in falls onto target square and attacks
DC 20 Dungeoneering or Nature: The character notices the rock is unstable.
A wall or ceiling square is struck by a ranged attack that misses the intended target. Or by a melee strike that misses the intended target while the attacker is adjacent to a wall square. If the wall or ceiling square accrues 20 pts of damage or more, a cave-in occurs.
Immediate Reaction Melee
Target: A creature in the damaged section.
Attack: +4 vs. Reflex
Hit: Target takes 1d10 damage from debris and falls prone.
Miss: Target moves 1 square to an unoccupied square. If unable to move to an unoccupied square, target falls prone.
Effect: Fallen debris creates difficult terrain on the square it occurs. The square is concealed for 1 round by dust also. Two cave-ins over the same square renders it impassable.
A character can take a -1 penalty to attack to prevent striking a wall or ceiling square.

1. Entrance Cave (100xp or 400xp)

Wasp Nest Lurker 1
Hazard 100xp
Wasps boil out from a nest in the wall.
Hazard: Swarm explodes out from target square and makes a blast 3 attack.
A DC15 Perception check hears buzzing wings.
Additional Skills: Nature or Dungeoneering
A DC 15 Nature or Dungeoneering check notices burnt insects.
Initiative +3
When the burning torch is removed from the hole in the wall, the swarm rolls initiative.
Between the trigger and the swarm’s attack, characters in the area know that the swarm is attacking.
Standard Reaction Close blast 3
Targets: Creatures in blast
Attack: +4 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage
Miss: Half damage
Sustain Standard: The swarm continues for 1d4 rounds.
The blast area is difficult terrain and offers concealment during the attack.
A character in the area can take advantage of support timbers on the sides of the mine or drop prone to avoid damage by making a DC 20 Nature or Dungeoneering check. With a successful check, a character takes half damage (no damage if it misses). If someone places the burning torch or a burning object back into the hole the attack ends.

In d3+1 rounds after the swarm attack begins or the PCs make excessive noise, the goblins (2 warriors and 1 blackblade) in room 2 that are supposed to be guarding the entrance come to investigate. If they arrive while the swarm is still attacking, the skirmishers take shots at the PCs until they are engaged in melee. On the last round of the swarm attack the Blackblade will strike a PC within reach. The goblins fight until bloodied then will flee into the Burning Hills, even risking opportunity attacks to get outside.

If the PCs do not release the wasps or are quiet, the goblins will be in room 2 goofing off.

2. Old Mine Workings

The 2 goblin warriors and blackblade will be goofing off here instead of guarding the entrance if the wasps have not been released or the PCs have been quiet.

A DC20 Dungeoneering check or DC25 Perception check reveals the silver vein.

3. Old Mine Store (500xp)

The goblins know of the rats’ nest and they toss scraps and debris here to discourage them from wandering around and for a supplemental food supply.

Rats’ Nest Lurker 1
Hazard 100xp
Rats boil out from a nest of debris.
Hazard: Swarm explodes out from target square and makes a burst 3 attack.
A DC15 Perception check hears rustling noises and sees debris moving.
Additional Skills: Nature or Dungeoneering
A DC 15 Nature or Dungeoneering check notices rat droppings.
Initiative +3
When the debris is searched or burned, the swarm rolls initiative.
Between the trigger and the swarm’s attack, characters in the area know that the swarm is attacking.
Standard Reaction Close burst 3
Targets: Creatures in burst
Attack: +4 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage
Miss: Half damage
Sustain Standard: The swarm continues for 1d4 rounds.
The burst area is difficult terrain.
A character in the area can take advantage of support timbers of the mine by hanging off of them to avoid damage by making a DC 20 Nature or Dungeoneering check. With a successful check, a character takes half damage (no damage if it misses).

Along with the rats boiling out are 3 dire rats and 4 giant rats that attack also. The giant rats flee back into the nest after 3 rats (dire or giant) are killed or have fled. The dire rats flee back into the nest when bloodied.

4. Face Entrance (500xp)

This area is blocked by rubble at the entrance. The following skill challenge must be completed to gain access. Once the rubble is cleared the PCs will be under attack by the skeletal remains of the miners (10 Decrepit Skeletons). The wraith will join the attack unless it is regenerating from a previous battle.

Setup: You must use your dungeoneering knowledge to clear rubble to enter a blocked area.
Level: 1.
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 2 failures).
Primary Skills: Dungeoneering, Endurance, Perception.
Endurance (moderate DCs): At least one character in the party must make Endurance checks each turn to resist the debilitating effects of dealing with exposure to the mine conditions, dust, etc. A failed check indicates that all members of the party lose one healing surge, in addition to counting as a failure for the challenge.
Dungeoneering (moderate DCs): At least one character in the party must make a Dungeoneering check each turn to help the group move the debris, avoid hazards, and utilise sufficient water. A failed check indicates that all members of the party lose one healing surge, in addition to counting as a failure for the challenge.
Perception (easy DCs): You notice something that helps you better survive the work. Using this skill doesn’t count as a success or failure for the challenge, but instead provides a +2 bonus or –2 penalty (on a failure) to the next character’s Endurance or Dungeoneering check.
Success: The PCs clear the debris and gain access to the shafts beyond.
Failure: The wraith of the miner (room 5) attacks the PCs. The wraith will fight until bloodied, then retreat. After dealing with the miner, they must complete another skill challenge to clear the rubble.

5. Collapsed Gallery

The remains of the miners are located here.

Wraith Level 3 Lurker
Medium shadow humanoid (undead) 150xp
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +2; darkvision
HP 25; Bloodied 12
Regeneration 5 (if the wraith takes radiant damage, regeneration is negated until the end of the wraith’s next turn)
AC 14; Fortitude 11, Reflex 14, Will 12
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic, insubstantial; Vulnerable 5 radiant (see also regeneration above)
Speed fly 6 (hover); phasing ; see also shadow glide
Shadow Touch (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
+8 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 4 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
Combat Advantage ✦ Necrotic
The wraith deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage against any target it has combat advantage against.
Shadow Glide (move; encounter)
The wraith shifts 6 squares.
Spawn Wraith
Any humanoid killed by a wraith rises as a free-willed wraith at the start of its creator’s next turn, appearing in the space where it died (or in the nearest unoccupied space). Raising the slain creature (using the Raise Dead ritual) does not destroy the spawned wraith.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common
Skills Stealth +11
Str 4 (–1) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 10 (+2)
Con 13 (+3) Int 6 (+0) Cha 15 (+4)

The wraith flees when bloodied. It will hide and regenerate until it recovers. It will attack until destroyed if anyone disturbs the remains or attempts burial rites (Religion DC10).

Setup: You must complete burial rites to put the wraith to rest.
Level: 1.
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 2 failures).
Primary Skills: Dungeoneering, Insight, Religion.
Dungeoneering (moderate DC): You notice that the mine supports are improperly set and probably led to the collapse that killed the miners. Confronting the wraith with this information counts as one success and can only be done once.
Insight (moderate DCs): You notice the wraith hesitates when it passes over the remains of the other miners. Using this skill doesn’t count as a success or failure for the challenge, but allows the use of Dungeoneering.
Religion (easy DCs): You give the remains last rites. On a success the wraith loses its regeneration ability as if it had taken radiant damage. On a failure the wraith’s regeneration score doubles until the end of its next turn.
Success: The wraith is destroyed.
Failure: The wraith reanimates 4 decrepit skeletons to attack the PCs.

9. Bat Roost (625xp)

Once the bats are disturbed, the room is treated as Lightly Obscured for 1d6 rounds. After that the bats have cleared out through a ceiling crack. The disturbance will also rouse the Kruthiks (8 Hatchlings and 3 Young) in the ground and guano.

10. Underground River

A DC10 Jump check is needed to clear the river. A failed check means the character has fallen in and will need to make a DC10 Swim check to get out.

11. Sentry Cave (125xp)

The sentry is a goblin cutter and behaves as listed in the adventure. The PCs will have to succeed in a skill challenge get past the sentry.

Setup: You must use your stealth skills to sneak past the sleeping sentry or to eliminate him quietly.
Level: 1.
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 2 failures).
Primary Skills: Dungeoneering, Perception, Stealth.
Dungeoneering (easy DCs): You can see terrain details that help you stay quiet. Using this skill doesn’t count as a success or failure for the challenge, but instead provides a +2 bonus or –2 penalty to the next character’s Stealth check.
Perception (moderate DCs): By keeping a sharp eye or ear on the goblin you judge how deeply asleep it is and time your movements accordingly. A failed check also indicates that all members of the party freeze in place for the remainder of the round unsure if the goblin is waking.
Stealth (moderate DCs): You carefully and quietly move near the sleeping goblin. A failed check also indicates that all members of the party freeze in place for the remainder of the round unsure if the goblin is waking.
Success: The PCs cross the cavern without waking the goblin. The PCs can choose to sneak past the goblin or eliminate him.
Failure: The goblin awakens and immediately runs for the goblin archers in room 12.

12. Bridge Point (375xp)

The archers are goblin sharpshooters and act as listed in the adventure until the PCs reach the river. Once that happens, they draw their swords and hold their actions. They attempt to intercept any PC trying to jump across, hoping to cause them to fall in the river. They also try to keep anyone from getting out of the river that fell into it. Crossing the river without the log in place requires the same skill checks listed at location 10.

13. Bear Cave (500xp)

A cave bear protects its den.

14. Small Cavern (875xp or 0xp)

If no warning has been given, this cavern is empty.

If the alarm has been raised the goblin chief (goblin underboss) meets the invaders with what he hopes is overwhelming force: 6 goblin cutters and 3 nearly grown dire wolves (wolves).

15. Occupation Cave (125xp or 0xp)

There are only 5 goblin cutters in this cavern if the alarm has not been raised. Otherwise there are no changes.

16. Chief’s Antechamber (375xp or 0xp)

It is occupied by the dire wolf pup (wolf) if no alarm has been raised and behaves as indicated in the text. The bell alarm in the blanket can be detected on a DC20 Perception check or with a DC15 Thievery check.

17. Chief’s Chamber

There is more than one chest in here. The items listed in the text are present in the chest but are equal in value to parcels 5-8. There is also another chest here that has parcels 1-4.

A note to the chief from the Goblin King is found in the chest too. It tells the chief that he is to hold this chest until a goblin squad arrives to pick it up. Then his tribe will go with that squad to be part of a sneak attack on Hearth-Home.

At a time of the DM’s choosing, a level 3 encounter group of goblins with one sharpshooter instead of two, ambushes the PCs before they get back to Kleine. They fight until bloodied then will attempt to flee.

18. Wolves’ Lair (275xp or 0xp)

If no alarm has been raised there is one goblin cutter and 2 dire wolf pups (wolves) here.

I've chosen to skip Areas 19-21.