This one is a Yorkshire legend, a giant killed stalking the night.
Jack in Irons
by Cab Davidson
Stat Jack in Irons* AC: 5 HD: 8** Movement Rate: 90’ (30’) Attacks: 1 club or 1 bolder Damage: 3d6 + energy drain Number Appearing: 1d4 (1d4) Save As: F8 Morale: 12 Treasure Type: E+5000gp Intelligence: 7 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 2025 It is unknown precisely which giant must die under what horrific circumstances to produce a Jack in irons, but that is what they appear to be. Standing 15’ to 16’ high, they are green-grey skinned decaying giants clad in heavy chains, condemned to stalk the silent highways at night, seeking prey. Their craving for human and demi-human flesh can never be satisfied, and they will attack and attempt to consume such creatures on sight.
They attack either by throwing boulders to a range of 80/160/240, or with huge spiked clubs. All blows inflict 3d6 damage plus a level of energy drain. The sound of a Jack in irons approaching is the mournful scraping of rusty chains, and when first exposed to this in an encounter all hearing it within 90’ must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be paralysed in fear for 3d10 rounds. Jack in irons can only be struck by silver or magical weapons, have all of the usual undead resistances, and can be turned as spectres.Jack in irons are thankfully rare, but they are hugely dangerous in outlying areas where travellers can be caught out on roads and trails after dark. They have a strange aversion to populated centres, and seem incapable of entering any settlement of more than 100 souls. This does not stop them hunting around those locations.