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More subsetting logos (Jungle Coast, Thunder Rift, Sea of Dawn, Sea of Dread)

by Sionainn T. Mac Innéirghe

Next up, the Isle of Dawn. I posted the IoD logo

I based this logo on the fact that the island is RW Jurassic Britain.

I asked Mentzer years ago if this was the basis for the name of Isle of Dawn:

"Since this land is Mesozoic Britain, the name was chosen based on the saying that the British Empire was "the empire on which the sun never sets"."

He didn't deny my hypothesis.

So, I used the "British Imperial pink" color and the "Keep Calm" font, like the iconic WWII poster.

I strung the name out in the style of official "long form" names seen in such long-winded British territorial entities as:
"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
"Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands"
"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"

Besides the vertical poster format, I also made a variant horizontal format.

I added a SEA OF DREAD subsetting logo

It uses the Banshee font, as seen in the SAVAGE TIDE Adventure Path by Paizo. Also the parchment and striped pole motif.

Though the mainland ports and coasts of the Dread Coast are closely connected to the setting, I would technically define the subsetting as all the waters and islands within (and beneath) the Sea of Dread, but outside of the redlined coastal waters. So the Eastern Thanegioth Archipelago is the primary landmass. And the Isle of Dread is the primary adventure site.

I'm personally not sure exactly where the Official western and eastern bounds of the Sea of Dread are. If anyone has references feel free to chime in.

Today I did a variant "old school" SEA OF DREAD logo which uses the yellow-on-blue font (Quentin Caps) seen in Goodman Games' Isle of Dread redux.

I posted a Son of Dawn-based logo today.

The font is Romic Extra Bold.
I do like it best. Good idea.

Just now I recreated the Kron logo, with Bernhard font

I do like it the best.

I recreated the existing THUNDER RIFT logo, as seen in the TR map

Well, minus the rock-face frame. Not sure how to implement that.

I used Becka Script Italic font.

In my campaign, Thunder Rift is located in central Davania.

A simple Jungle Coast logo

Based on Thorf's recreation of the Sea of Dread Region map from PWA, which covers part of the Jungle Coast.

Korinna font.