Jormungandr - The Midgard Serpent
by WingofCootHistory: Jormungandr began life as a Sea Dragon in the waters east of Soderfjord, around the time of Alphatian Landfall. Raiding many ships, he amassed a gigantic treasure hoard; by performing the Ceremony of Sublimation many times, he grew to huge size and terrible power.
Eventually, he added an artifact of Entropy to his hoard. While he brooded upon his treasure, the subtle influence of the artifact crept into his mind. His dream journeys to the Outer Planes were more and more bent toward those of Entropy; finally, he met Loki and was offered a pact.
Now a renegade, he began an even greater campaign of ruin all along the shores, sinking many ships and devastating coastal villages; then he turned to the peoples of the sea and wrought even greater destruction beneath the waves, slaying a great many merfolk, tritons, and kna. Over decades of mayhem, he earned Entropic Immortality.
As an Immortal, Jormungandr's primary interests are the spreading of chaos in Norwold, Heldann, the Northern Reaches, and among undersea cultures. In recent centuries, as he has grown distant from Loki, his plots have focused on the cultures of the undersea rather than the humans of the north. In the last century he has become involved with the Hollow World as well.
Some of his clerics and shamans among undersea beings are involved with taming, directing, and working with various sea monsters as weapons against both ships and peaceful undersea cultures.
Allies: Jormungandr's only real ally, in current times, is his Saasskas the Destroyer, his fellow water-oriented Entropic. He no longer works with Loki, his original sponsor. He has also worked recently with Thanatos on plots involving the Lesser Burrowers/Giant Annelids in the Hollow World. He is cultivating the Monster Ruler of Sea Serpents as a potential pawn in his plots.
Enemies: Thor is his primary enemy; Sharpcrest the Squid Slayer and Malafor the Dolphin-Friend work against his undersea plotting. As allies of Thor, Odin, Frey, and Freyja also oppose him.
Appearance: Jormungandr's Manifestation Form is that of a truly gigantic (far beyond even huge dragons) Sea Dragon gleaming with a poison-green aura. Unlike most Sea Dragons, however, he can fly as long as a normal dragon (not limited to 6 rounds).
He also sows trouble with Mortal Identities among merfolk and kna. In the past, he had human Identities in the Northern Reaches, but these have not been used for several centuries.
Game Statistics (following WotI, not Gold Box)
Eternal, Sphere of Entropy
25th level Immortal
AC -15
hp 500, HD 39
MV 180' (60'), 420' (140') flying
#AT 9
Damage 6d8+18 (x2) / 2d8+18 (x7)
AM 80%
Save IM25
Alignment Chaotic
Str 100, Int 28, Wis 21, Dex 22, Con 57, Cha 24
Powers: Dragon Form, Increased Height, Spit PoisonFollowers' Alignment: Chaotic. Clerics must be Chaotic.
Special Clerical Powers: Clerics who are aquatic beings can use tridents or spears as weapons. Those who are land-dwellers (such as humans) instead gain a swimming movement rate equal to their normal land movement.