Kameloth (County of)
Location: Norwold, continent of Brun, southeast of Leeha, along the small Bay of Kameloth.
Area: 4,738 sq. mi. (12,271 sq. km.).
Population: 20,000, 77% humans, 17% halfling, 6% elves.
Languages: Alphatian, Heldannic, Hin (Lalor), Elvish (Shiye-Lawr dialect).
Coinage: Crown (gp), mirror (sp), judge (cp); barter common among elves.
Taxes: 25% income tax, collected yearly.
Government Type: County; bears allegiance to the Kingdom of Alpha.
Industries: Fishing, agriculture, cattle, mining.
Important Figures: Shuren (Count, human, male, M18/F15), Jonas Whiteshore (Seneschal, halfling, male, H3).
Flora and Fauna: All kinds of terrain are present in Kameloth: overgrown forests in the south, rolling and steep hills in the west and lowlands and grasslands in the east and centre. As a result, many types of natural products grow here, from vegetables to cereals, from evergreen trees to fruits and underbrush. Wild animals and small tribes of orcs and hill giants live in the western hills between Kameloth and Leeha, while wolves and ferocious predators can be found in the south. Monstrous fishes also prey on the smaller ones in Kameloth Bay. Dragons from the Wyrmsteeth make occasional forays into this territory as well.
Further Reading: CM1 Test of the Warlords.
No description this year. [Adik and Arcadius provided us with basic dominion information, but no insight-watch for more next year. Ed.]