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The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina

by Sionainn T. Mac Innéirghe

Some things can be gleaned from the names.

Princess Arelina. Probably a fantastic modification of Latin Aura (air/breeze) or Aurum (gold) or Ariel (a Hebrew angel)+ the Latin/Italian/Spanish feminine diminutive suffix –ina

Except for the Princess' name, Garry Spiegle went all out on the Indonesian names:

Rusak's two henchmen:

Sample PCs:

(It's certain that Spiegle was looking at an Indonesian dictionary, since the PC Penchuri indeed has the Thief class.)

Note: Indonesian and Malay are nearly the same language, with slightly different spellings. But this is Indonesian rather than Malay, since Malay for 'broken' is "rosak" not "rusak."

Note: the use of Indonesian/Malay as a stand-in for fantasy languages was a "thing" among some early TSR designers. Weiss and Hickman's magic words "shirak/dulak" for activating and dismissing Raistlin's light spell, were reportedly quasi-Indonesian in origin. (I don't have the source at hand though.) Note: Garry Spiegle was on the Dragonlance design team
I would guess he had a hand in the Indonesian sound of the Magius language of Krynn.
And in the B2 Orange Cover, Jean Wells suggested the Malay city "Jitra" as the name of a PC; she explicitly said it's from a Malaysian city.

In the sequel, Zeb Cook didn't stick to Indonesian names at all. [Edit. Except he kept 6 of the 8 sample PCs, which have their same Indonesian names of course, but now higher level.)

General Ernst Ziegler, Warden of the Garrisons.

Kirkenny of Loch Glenfirg

Magister Throrogast = probably a fantastic name inspired by Tolkien: Thror (a dwarf, a name which Tolkien got from Norse mythology) + Radagast (which Tolkien got from the Slavic god Radegast)
I'd suggest a Norse+Slavic interpretation:

These next three names (two of Rusak's henchman, plus the innocent wagon driver) all have the Russian/Bulgarian patronymic suffixes: -ov or –ev

Philip of Marabone (also spelled "Marabon" in the PDF) is a Chaotic Thief.

Marabone is an obscure name which only has a few random hits on google:

Zeb Cook was probably aiming for a sort of haughty-but-sinister sounding Anglo-French name.

Also timewise:

"some time has passed"/"many years" between the Kidnapping of Princess Arelina and the Revenge of Rusak. Princess Arelina was a "young girl", now "grown into womanhood."
There are "borderlands" AC8 p.3. Which suggests another country borders the kingdom.

Other gleanings and extrapolations:

Based on the names, there are four other cultures near to this M-Indonesian kingdom:

Could this weird hodge-podge of five cultures comprise the Sea Kingdoms?

Here are suggested reverse-engineered names for the five Sea Kingdoms: