Kerminhae (Land of)
Location: Hyborean Sea, west of the Klagorst region, Continent of Brun. WB
Area: Islands approximately 1,300 sq. mi. (3,367 sq. km.), size of undersea regions controlled unknown.
Population: Unknown number of hresha-rhak; some human merchants live in the Kerminhae surface cities.
Languages: Ub (official), Visneskayan.
Coinage: No official coinage; all currencies of the Klagorst region can be used.
Taxes: Unknown; resident human merchants are subject to a residency tax, assessed at 5% of their yearly earnings, and collected on Ka. 1 each year.
Government Type: Unknown.
Industries: Unknown.
Important Figures: Unknown.
Flora and Fauna: The animals found in the region are seals, crabs, sharks and whales. Very few land animals, mostly birds and seals, live on the small islands.
Further Reading: Previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.