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The Killium Corporation

by Aoz

The Killium Corporation is a sinister organization founded by a fiend (or infernal) in mortal form. This Infernal fiend called Ruvus (equal to 25th level wizard) seeks to spread chaos and corruption by selling powerful weapons and infernal charms at surprisingly affordable prices. The corporation is a front for harvesting souls, transforming them into servile infernal(s) for Entropy.

Ruvus was once a promising wizard in Glantri. However, during the Day of Dread and the following disappearance of Etienne d'Ambreville, he discovered the Radiance researching both events. Despite his best efforts, he was not prepared to confront an exalted being of Fire after casting a certain spell. Consequently, he fled and was transformed into a red imp. Utilizing hidden funds, he ascended through the ranks by purchasing multiple souls. He has now returned, having discovered a unique ore, and has devised a new plan.

Location: Glantri. Vesubian Marshes a little way off the road before leaving south through Port Deux. For general area see Robin's Map

Business Model
Cheap Weapons and Charms: The Killium Corporation offers Hellfire Weapons and various hell charms at low prices, making them attractive to adventurers and mercenaries. This accessibility ensures that a wide range of individuals, from seasoned warriors to opportunistic thieves, can acquire these items.

Soul Payment System
The corporation pays a flat fee for each soul captured by their weapons and charms. The fee is based on the experience points (XP) of the defeated creature divided in half. For example, a humanoid worth 100 XP would result in a payment of 50 dc. This system incentivizes adventurers to use Killium's weapons and charms to maximize their earnings. Minimum price for souls is 10 dc.

Soul Tracking
Infernal Clerks: The clerks (least infernal(s) in disguise) of the Killium Corporation possess the ability to track the number of souls captured by each weapon. These fiendish accountants can provide precise information on the number of souls harvested and offer payment to adventurers accordingly.

Payment Process: Once an adventurer or mercenary brings a Hellfire Weapon to a Killium Corporation clerk, the clerk will use their infernal senses to determine the number of souls the weapon has claimed. The adventurer is then paid the corresponding fee based on the flat rate system.

Infernal Charms
The Killium Corporation also offers various infernal charms that grant unique abilities, often at a dark cost. One such charm includes:

Infernal Spellcasting Charm: This charm boosts the spellcasting abilities of its wearer, allowing them to cast spells with greater potency. However, any spell that kills a humanoid will capture the soul and send it to Meikai (his personal world or H'ell), just like the Hellfire Weapon. The charm glows faintly with a sinister light whenever it absorbs a soul, marking its user as an agent of entropy.

War and Chaos
The Killium Corporation has strategically timed its expansion with the impending war between orcs and humans. By supplying both sides with infernal weapons and charms, the corporation ensures a steady flow of souls to the infernal realms. This war presents an opportunity for the fiend to harvest countless souls from both sides, fueling the infernal legions of Meikai and furthering its dark agenda.

Conflict with Other Powers
Other infernal and celestial entities might notice the fiend's rise and take action to curb his influence, leading to potential conflicts and power struggles that could impact the mortal world. However, the fiend is well-prepared for such challenges:

Immortal Loophole: The fiend and his team have meticulously researched the laws of the immortals, discovering that there are no specific regulations against selling weapons to mortals and allowing them to harvest each other. He plans to use this loophole to his advantage, citing precedent cases where other immortals broke the rules and received only minor punishments.

Citing Precedents: The fiend will point to instances where other immortals have received mere slaps on the wrist for more severe transgressions, emphasizing that he has done nothing wrong according to the current laws.

Swaying Opinion: Strangely, his arguments will manage to sway 66% (3/5 votes) of the immortal council to his side, securing a majority that allows him to continue his operations without interference.

Impact and Influence
The Killium Corporation's presence in the world of Mystara has significant implications. By distributing powerful infernal weapons and charms, the corporation enables widespread chaos and conflict. Adventurers, drawn by the promise of easy gold, unknowingly further the fiend's agenda, contributing to the proliferation of devils in the infernal plane of Meikai.

Hellfire Weapon
The Hellfire Weapon is a unique and formidable +1 magic weapon crafted from infernal iron. This material, harvested in from the infernal planes, is imbued with the very essence of the infernal realms. The weapon's veins of hellfire pulsate with an otherworldly glow, casting dim light in a 5-foot radius. This eerie illumination serves as both a warning and a testament to its dark power.

Magical Properties
+1 Enchantment: The Hellfire Weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, making it more effective in combat compared to non-magical weapons.

Dim Light Emission: The veins of hellfire emit dim light in a 5-foot radius. This is not just an aesthetic feature but can provide tactical advantages in dark environments.

Soul Capture: Any humanoid slain by the Hellfire Weapon has its soul funneled directly into the fiend's home plane of Meikai (in Pyts). Once there, the soul is transformed into lemure devil, the lowest form of infernal, eternally bound to serve the entropy powers.

Bypassing Resistance
As an uncommon magic item, the Hellfire Weapon possesses the ability to bypass resistance to non-magical weapons. This makes it particularly useful against creatures that are otherwise resistant or immune to mundane attacks, ensuring that its wielder can effectively deal damage even to the toughest adversaries.

Value and Acquisition
The Hellfire Weapon is priced at 400 dc, which is relatively low for an uncommon magic item of such potency. This makes it accessible to adventurers, bandits and assassins who seek to harness its dark power without breaking the bank. Its origins in the infernal realms, however, mean that it is not commonly found in typical markets and may require special connections or quests to obtain.

Infernal Spellcasting Charm
The Infernal Spellcasting Charm is priced at 700 dc but acts as an arcane focus as well.
This charm boosts the spellcasting abilities of its wearer, allowing them to cast spells with greater potency. However, any spell that kills a humanoid will capture the soul and send it to Meikai, just like the Hellfire Weapon. The charm glows faintly with a sinister light whenever it absorbs a soul, marking its user as an agent of entropy.

Additionally, whenever the wearer strikes a living creature with a spell while having advantage on the attack roll, the spell deals an extra die of necrotic damage. This necrotic energy further emphasizing the dark nature of the charm's power.

Note: The weapons and charms would cost five times value to craft, but Ruvus and his followers are forging this weapons and charms at a loss to gather souls. He has other ventures earning gold.