HWR4: The Kogolor
by Mischa Gelman (though Thorfinn Tait proved a huge help, giving information from the PWA, new ideas and suggestions and reworking some old ideas. A few sections below are entirely due to his help and most of them were influenced by him in some way)Gender/Marriage
Family Structure
Interclan Relationships
Social Status
History/Ancestor Reverence
Foreign Relations
Skills, crafts, professions
Kogolor society overview
Note on Names
Critters/Deep Glaurants
Kogolor city layouts
Examples of PLACES, CLANS, NPCs
Kogolor are more egalitarian than most Hollow World humanoids. Women can rise to the highest levels of the priesthood, of the household, of the clan. Men take an equal hand in raising children, which is never considered the sole duty of the mother. Women are trained in arms just as men are. Women handle all jobs in society, as do men, no profession being limited by gender. Still the society is more male-dominated than female, vestiges of how things worked when the Kogolor were in the Outer World.
Kogolor marry for love generally. They practice endogamy, all marriages taking place within the clan. All legal marriages anyways. Marriages outside the clan can cause all sorts of troubles. Marriages are conducted separate from religious law, usually presided over by a high-ranking member of the bride's clan. Marriages are usually lifelong, divorce being highly looked down upon. If someone divorces, they may become ostracised.
Family Structure
Kogolor Dwarves lived in extended families. Five or more generations commonly live in one household, impossible in human households with their shorter lifespans. Grandparents and great grandparents and other ancestors take an equal share with parents in raising children and elders in general run each household. The heads of household can be anyone, but it is often the senior member and if not him/her then a high religious or political official or the main wealth-earner in the house. The young are raised by the whole household but Kogolor young are greatly spoiled. Discipline is rather lax, children being given years to learn life's lessons on their own. Young dwarves learn responsibility through trial and error, with little intervention. It promotes independence in youth, but also promotes the idea of dependence on the clan - if you get into any real trouble, they'll be there for you. Also, as someone put it, you get raised by "the entire family" with so many generations under one roof.
Kogolor worship Garal Glitterlode. He is praised for all that happens that is well. Parts of each family's earnings are sent to the nearest temple. Works of art are made in his name and honour. In return, he watches over the Kogolor and is a visible presence in daily life. Fred and Fredara have small followings but are not considered a protector of the Kogolor as Garal is and few families donate anything to his temples. The priests of Garal are mostly artisans but all care deeply for the society and the people. Kagyar was the original patron of the Kogolor and is still worshipped by a few, but he no longer grants these dwarves clerical powers as he has basically given up on the Kogolor as a whole. When Kagyar withdrew his gifts from the Kogolor, Garal Glitterlode stepped up in his place and started to protect the folk whom he was once one of.
This was covered a lot in earlier sections but as more information on some things has been requested here it is. Dwarves generally marry around age 50, though everywhere between 30 and 300 has been heard of. Children are born around every 30 years on the average, with women giving birth from ages 30 to 230, most mothers of age 60-180 though. This works out to an average of 4 siblings per couple, though of course there is great variance. Children reach partial adulthood (what we consider teens or so) at age 20 and full adulthood at age 30. Geez, that number comes up a lot :) Anyways, tried to keep that all simple since many of you probably find it dull.
The reaching of adulthood is not joined with any religious ceremony but, unlike most Kogolor events, is considered more solemn than joyous. The Kogolor realise that the days when they can most play and enjoy themselves are over, and that it is their time to take their place in society. As Kogolor enjoy silliness and merriment, this event is seen in the solemn light mentioned earlier. Then again, if a Kogolor does not take her or his place in society they are looked down upon. All Kogolor are expected to contribute and one cannot be immature all the time once you reach a point in life. This time, of course, is a period of joy as well in a way. Marriages may occur at age 30. Kogolor may also be glad to take their place in adult society, to show their skill in their field of occupation. No ceremony is done at this milestone, though, that is not done at other Kogolor anniversaries of birth.
Interclan relationships
The clans of the Kogolor people get along rather well. They do not war against one another. Few seek to show up others. Few are considered "superior" or "inferior" to another. Foreigners may have a lot of trouble picking up on the difference clans as they are not different greatly. Clans do tend to congregate, especially in bigger cities. Instead of districts divided by use, as popular in some other nations, districts among the dwarvish cities are divided along clan lines. A large clanhouse (for larger clans and in larger cities) welcomes members of the clan from outside communities.
I think the clans get along rather well. They meet each other day to day, conduct commerce and so on and so forth. It is just most socialising tends to go along inside the clan than with outsiders. And vying for control.. I really don't see them as in competition with each other.
Social status
There is no caste system in Kogolor society. There is a rather well-accepted system of cultural status though based on occupation. The most important members of Kogolor society are the Clanmasters/mistresses. After them are the Keepers of the Forge, followed by High Priest(esse)s of Garal Glitterlode. Heads of household are also given much prestige in the society. After that, there is no set correlation of prestige and occupation. The more skilled members at anything are appreciated more, as are the more elder members of the community. Most dwarves do not actively seek high status. They do not disdain it, nor do they indulge in it.
The Kogolor judicial system is fairly simple. Crimes like murder, rape, mass destruction of property, the study of magic or treachery against the state are all punishable by death. Less serious crimes are often punished by fines or required social service. The judgement of crimes is passed by a Klaurmann, a dwarf well-versed in the Kogolor legal tradition, who has spent 10 years studying and watching an established Klaurmann do his/her job. For the crimes that are punishable by death, a council of 3 established Klaurmann preside over the case. Occasionally one of the students is allowed to judge a minor case, but they never sit on these councils. A female judge is also entitled a Klaurmann. The councils are called Desklaur. In certain situations, the judicial system is not used. In times of attack from an enemy nation or in times of mass civil unrest, the higher members of Kogolor society may take the law into their own hands with little threat of future repercussion(sp?). On military campaigns, the commanders are given a Klaurmann aid to help deal with any problems that may arise.
While all the events concerning the Kogolor that were discussed in the Hollow World Boxed Set did occur, the dwarves do not have records of much of it. The major historical events thus look vastly different to their eyes. Their views are they were not moved from the Outer World, but were created in the Hollow World. They believe Garal Glitterlode created them, though he was not a power yet in truth at that time. The Denwarf incident is considered by a small few to be myth, but is regarded as truth. In times of trouble, portions of the people may expect Denwarf to return again to lead them out of it, likely resulting in a surprise when he fails to. No incidents of wide-spread import have occurred in the HW for the Kogolor, save those listed in the HW boxed set. They are not a people often plagued by conflicts or troubles as a whole. Local groups though have their own true stories and myths developed around the personal experience of their ancestors. Almost all dwarven communities have a historian or chronicler to maintain the records of times, and as such events stand less chance of changing to myth with time. Then again, the chroniclers and historians put their own twist on events, which could lead to several perceptions of one incident.
Ancestor Reverence
The Kogolor greatly respect the past and their ancestors and while they do not worship them, they often cite great leaders of the past for inspiration. The dead are considered heroes much more than the living, as the living still may err in their lives, whereas the fates of the dead have been sealed. Dwarves are buried in clan-tombs, which are often visited by the clans of modern times. Such tombs are considered among the most important structures in nearly any Kogolor city or town or village. If someone dies and is not entombed in the clan-tomb, it is considered an extremely sad and unlucky event.
Foreign Relations
The Kogolor get along rather amiably with almost all their neighbours, as is summed up in the HW boxed set. They have very little contact with the Oltec, but the two peoples are hardly at odds. The constant sending of raiding parties between the Kogolor and Schattenalfen, through Oltec lands, has caused some trouble, but the Oltec see the Kogolor generally as allies against the pale elves.
The Kogolor are not at all a vegetarian nation. They live off the meat of elks, mountain goats and similar animals of the mountains. This high-protein, high-calorie diet leads Kogolor to develop the strength and rotundness of the Outer World dwarves, a trait that they did not possess upon arrival in the Hollow World.
The Kogolor enjoy themselves in many ways. Games which we might describe as "children's games" are played by Kogolor of all ages, even dwarves in their 300s enjoying silliness above many other things. They have not truly developed sports like the Azcan have. Kogolor children like to explore the caves that abound throughout Kogolor territory, as do older dwarven spelunkers. Kogolor enjoy music, especially from wind instruments or vocals, and at the heart of any Kogolor celebration there is bound to be joyous music. Kogolor dwarves also work well with sculpture and many towns have a statue or two near the centre of town, while cities offer many well-crafted statues for display. The Kogolor are not interested greatly in forms of art other than sculpture. The Kogolor truly enjoy drinking as well and are the only Hollow World culture to have widespread drinking contests. Merriment is central to Kogolor philosophy.
Skills, Crafts, Professions
Most of the Kogolor practices and trades are discussed in the boxed set. As mentioned in another section of this HWR, few professions are considered better than another and there is no truly demeaning profession from the view of Kogolor society. Practically all dwarves take up one major area of study, though this study leads to the equivalence of a Profession skill (non-weapon proficiency by AD&D rules) only some of the time. Kogolor characters are not required as a result to select a Profession skill . There are Kogolors who master in each profession, of course, and these people are highly respected by their community and acclaim of their deeds often spreads much further than praise for 'adventurer' types. Some of these dwarves go on to be known across the entire mountain chain, but such dwarves come only 1 or 2 per generation.
Kogolor Society overview(this paragraph entirely by Thorfinn Tait)
What we are essentially talking about, then, is pretty much a classless, very friendly society. Most people will be fairly content, with very few (if any) criminals or trouble makers. Most of these will come from the younger dwarves, and I think they should be dealt with in as lenient a way as possible, except for really bad crimes that cannot be undone. All part of the "growing up independently" thing. The clan does however look out for these young dwarves in a passive way, to try and avert any really big mistakes on their part. So, dwarven society remains almost entirely trouble-free internally, with no major plotting, scheming or otherwise. The people will be friendly to outsiders until they are given a reason to react otherwise.
The Kogolor do not have a standing army. All the dwarves of the mountains are trained in the use of arms, though, and each community can be organised for defence easily. This is the result of peacetime preparations in the cities, town and villages that occur bimonthly, to keep the folks "on their toes". While the Kogolor are lacking in a true army, they do have military leaders who step to the forefront in times of trouble. Such leaders lead the lives of normal citizens the rest of the time, working like any other Kogolor. Near the Krugel border, the practices are taken much more seriously, and in totally peaceful areas it may be treated more like how school children treat fire drills in the US. Kogolor who are in good shape are required to serve some time manning a fort(ress) if there is one nearby, to ensure the constant defence along the border. None of these fortresses or forts is manned by career soldiers, but the turns overlap so that the composition of the troops is never more than 20% newcomers. If a Kogolor is needed by his family to work, (s)he is not required to help man a fort but must still take part in the military readiness tests.
Skiing (Thanks greatly to Thorfinn Tait, whose idea this was originally. Never would have though of it on my own)
One thing unique to the Kogolor is their recent discovery of skiing. The inventor of skis, still only in his middle years, is one of the few nationally known figures. The Kogolor are already at work in using this invention to patrol their northern borders better, but such a plan is limited to a few test groups for the moment. The hobby figures well into the Kogolor idea of entertainment and has spread nationally. Many new ideas are being incorporated, some wise, some foolish, some just odd, as Kogolor seek to make skiing more useful and more fun. Whether the idea will spread to another Hollow World culture such as the Oltecs is still unknown.
Note on Names
Okay, I personally form names by mixing syllables together till I think I have a name (ex. Kirina, Goralba, Dalowin, Mardelios, Galtin are all examples of chars I have invented). Most Kogolor names have been formed around a similar tendency, with the intention of making 'hard' sounding names (few 's's or 'r's, lots on 'n's and 'd's). Kogolor names could also be derived from Germanic or Swiss names realistically IMO as those areas seem to be those on which Kogolor culture is loosely based. And of course you can always follow the pattern given in the HW boxed set, though that is too Tolkienesque for my tastes, especially seeing how Kogolor dwarves are not based to a wide deal on Tolkien's dwarves. Of course, as with all sections personal preference wins out.
The areas of the Kogolor mountains are home to both highly fantastic beings and to normal, natural ones. For the most part, the areas close to the Kogolor cities, villages, towns and forts are restricted to the common animals that would be found in the mountains. The further and further you go from these inhabited areas, the greater the chance that a more mythical, fantastic being such as a wyvern or mountain giant or red dragon will be found.
Deep Glaurants
There is a Deep Glaurant city near the Kogolor territories. The presence of each group is unknown to the other. The Deep Glaurant city, Ylriark, is located several miles below the surface of SE Kogolor territory, much closer to the Hollow World than the Known. Several Kogolor expeditions have run across underground highways dug by the Deep Glaurants and the presence of a group of intelligent beings in that area is suspected. If the two communities ever discovered each other, violence is likely but not a definite possibility. The Deep Glaurants of the city are not much like the ones described in the Creature Catalogue. Further from other peoples and beings, they have become herbivores and have developed a primitive culture, though nothing to match most humanoids of Mystara. (Note: Feel free to remove or tinker with this idea, as you can with all of these. Nothing is set in stone of course and everything is up to the individual DM.)
Kogolor Architecture/City layout
Kogolor plan cities out well beforehand and allow for growth and how to cope with it. Places don't become disorganised as they grow, not becoming sprawled out messes. The basic Kogolor street layout is:
- - - - - | \ | / | - - X - - | / | \ | - - - - - 3 vertical streets, 3 horizontal, with 2 diagonal and one huge centre intersection.. no area is to far from any other. There are huge long avenues running from the city centre to the edges. Nice, neat and dwarf-like. A larger city would consist of several large blocks of these, with the diagonals continuing through several squares and the other streets heading all the way through town.
The Kogolor coinage consists of the Bifric (50 GP, a large circular coin with the emblem of Garal Glitterlode embossed on it), the smaller but similarly designed Gilder (1 GP), the squarish coin of the same size of the Gilder known as the Platen that is composed of silver (1 SP) and the slightly rarer small copper coin known as the Kufpfen(1 CP). The Bifric is rather rare, the Platen being the most commonly used coin. The latter two coins have the faces of great Kogolor heroes on them, one the founder of Bergholm (on the Platen) and the other Grilban Kogolor, a key figure in the foundation of the Hollow World community (on the Kufpfen). The coins are made in smithies near the mining towns.
Places of note:
A small mining town in the south of the country. Most of the valuable ores used by the Kogolor in trade are extracted by the dwarves who live here. A rather wealthy town with the riches distributed evenly, it has the highest GP-per-capita of any Kogolor town. There is one dominant clan, which conducts most of the trade with Kolmstat, that being the Silverfeet. None of the other clans seem to resent this though, at least they will not admit to it.
Ruud is a backwater village among major Kogolor settings. It and its accompanying fort, Fort Aath, were once vital in turning back eastern Krugel raids. With time, the conflict moved westwards and Aath fell into disuse. Currently it is a rather rusted-out place, scarcely manned by citizens of Ruud. The town itself has settled back into an agricultural lifestyle, content to work the hillsides and lead on with their quiet lives.
A town that sprung up due to its proximity to two military bases more than for anything else, Olarh has developed into a fair-sized community. The people have a sense of security and have allowed themselves to build the basis for a place that may grow into a city with time. Several clans have taken residence in Olarh and annually small ones seem to arrive from the countryside to expand the city. Olarh may become a big part of Kogolor civilisation in the near future.
While listed as the capital of the Kogolor people, it is only assumed so by foreigners. The Kogolor do not have a unified government and as such have no national capital. Kolmstat IS the biggest city of the Kogolor's, the best defended and the wealthiest. Trade over the river has become profitable, with traders bypassing Krugel lands to reach Neathar traders. All the powerful clans of the Kogolor have members in Kolmstat and in times of crisis it is to this city that the people look for leadership. The city as a whole is much like a human one, just built on a smaller scale to accommodate the residents.
Perhaps the lone 'troubled' Kogolor community. The town was built over one of the northernmost Borrower locales. As a result, the place has a tendency towards insanity and corruption not normally seen among the dwarven peoples. The atmosphere is notably different than in most dwarven communities and as a result most Kogolor avoid it by a wide distance. There are few smallish communities within reasonable range of Yoht and it is likely to remain so. A likely trouble spot in the future. Note: this burrower is underground and sleeping so cannot engineer the influence and plotting of the 2 Nithian Tower Burrowers.
Examples of clans:
The dominant clan upon the arrival of the dwarven peoples to the Hollow World, the Kogolor clan is no longer of great importance. They have seen themselves shrink in the Hollow World as other clans caught up to the Kogolor in many fields, while the Kogolor, never very large, were spread out so much that the endogamous rules limited expansion greatly, with few Kogolor in each city for another to choose from. Currently, they number only around a thousand, still shrinking and still very spread out. The use of their clan name to refer to all Hollow World dwarves, a practice only common to outsiders, may cause confusion as no other dwarf who lives in these mountains refers to themselves as Kogolor. In this HWR, I only use that term because it is so commonly used to described them all. Dwarves refer to themselves by name, clan, occupation, but never as 'dwarves' or 'Kogolors' (except of course for the Kogolor clan) Kogolor dwarves are still of some importance, and are generally well-educated and of high social standing.
Dankara is a medium-sized clan, numbering around 10 thousand. It has members in many towns and villages and a large district to itself in most of the cities. The clan is fairly normal in most aspects, with one exception. They tend, much more than any other clan in the region, to specialise in nature study. The Denkaran library in Kolmstat is home to many excellent works on agricultural practice and on Oltec druids. These dwarves tend to be farmers more than any other, and with their excellent knowledge of crops do a good job of it. They are still represented in many fields and walks of life, but they are widely known and renowned for this major interest. (Note: see dwarf-druids near the end of this HWR if you wish to allow Denkaran dwarf-clerics to be treated differently due to their clan's nature focus)
The Siltarnee are the dwarves who reside in the village of Siltarn and are members of clan Siltarn. The village is entirely composed of members of the clan. No other town, village or city in the mountains has more than two or three Siltarn dwarves residing in them. If you do see a member of the Siltarnee outside the village and they are not there on a trading mission or the like, it is almost definite that they are an outcast among their people for one reason or another. Few dwarves have heard of the Siltarnee or their village, as they are just another village on the map.
A largish clan, the Drauglain number around seventy thousand. They have clanholds in each major city, as well as a large district of the city to their own. They have high-ranking priests, common brewers, famous craftsmen, everyday farmers and criminals in their number. It would be impossible to find a walk of life which no Drauglain practice. The clan symbol of a deer antler crossed over by a shovel can be found in many residencies across the land, and these symbols are beacons of refuge to a Drauglain traveller. Customs are the same from city to town to village to town to city to village, and the Drauglain culture is rather distinct, though no outsider would probably be able to pick up on the differences. The clan is neither considered 'high' nor 'low'. It just is very well-known and present in all places.
Yoht is a horrid place to live, with its rampant insanity, corruption and violence. Thurdann is a small clan that exists almost entirely within the borders of Yoht. Its small size leads to many mental disorders, with the endogamous nature of the dwarvish clans. The fact that it is in Yoht only increases these problems. Few members of the clan are at all stable and many of these possess an odd quirk or two. It is amazing that the clan can continue to exist with such a situation but it seems to thrive in the odd town. Several of the great 'evil folk' mentioned in Kogolor stories are members of the Thurdann.
Examples of Kogolor NPCs high and low
Matridi Rostun
History: Matridi was born 91 cycles ago in a small village in western Kogolor lands. From an early age, he was involved in his uncle's trading business that worked throughout several villages and towns. He worked in increasingly important roles, eventually working as a trader by himself, trusted to negotiate deals by himself well. He has acquired much knowledge of the far western Kogolor lands in this time, but his wandering life has bothered him sometimes as he wishes to settle down sometime.
Personality: Matridi seeks the best for himself, his family, his clan and his uncle's trading business. This doesn't mean that he isn't a kind dwarf or a caring one. He will never what he considers an unfair deal and never will make a trade that he know s will come back to hurt him or the one who deals with. He avoids trading with anyone who may be considered of a bad reputation. He cares greatly for his family, and would give anything to ensure their safety and well-being. His primary interests lie in opening up the Oltec lands for increased trade with the Kogolor and he has made friends and business contacts among the eastern Oltec.
Appearance: A rather fit dwarf as a lad, he has steadily become rounder with time and wealth. He is still in good shape overall. He has a dark brown beard and long brown hair, both common traits of the Liswern clan of which he is a member. He dresses himself in fancy clothes at home, but when on the road (which is usually) he wears simple travelling clothes, including the traditional Kogolor cloak.
Combat Notes: Matridi does need to protect himself from trouble while on trading ventures so is armed when on the road. He is a 1st level dwarf. AC 7 (Leather); hp 5; At 1; D 1-8 (sword); save D1; ML 9; AL N; S 10, I 14, W 15, D 7, Co 12, Ch 16. Languages: Kogolor, Neathar, Oltec. General Skills: Signalling (Kogolor Yodelling) (I), Mountaineering (D), Bargaining +1 (Ch), Knowledge (Eastern Kogolor, Western Oltec lands) (I)
Gerston Thurdann
History: Gerston was born over 180 cycles ago just outside of the Yoht centre square. Growing up in the extremely odd town, he led anything but a normal childhood. From a young age, he was subject to the same insanities caused by the Burrower that all Yoht residents were. Compounding the problems was his membership in the small and inbred-damaged clan of Thurdann. He became a very violent, power-obsessed individual. Doing anything to seek power, he killed off several other Thurdann clan members whom he perceived as being obstacles in his path to power. Today, he heads the clan which all Kogolor know to fear due to their instability.
Personality: Gerston is a very cruel and heartless individual. He believes himself destined to one day rule over all the dwarves of the Kogolor lands, not just the clan or even the town. He will do anything to achieve these goals. (Whether he is being directly manipulated by the Burrower or not is up to the individual DM, though the direct influence a sleeping one can have is also questionable.) He cares nothing for anyone, save himself. In addition to this extreme self-focus and power-craving, he al so is victim to a phobia of snakes and fits of manic-depressive behaviour. Highly unpredictable.
Appearance: Gerston takes careful attention to his appearance and is usually dressed in fancy clothes. His beard and hair are always well-trimmed and not a stain marks his clothes at all times. From his appearance, most people would assume him a 'proper ' , stable being, not at all the lunatic he in fact is. He is slightly stronger than the average dwarf, but does not carry around excess weight. Gerston is a bit taller than the average male Kogolor.
Combat Notes: He is a 7th level dwarf. AC 3 (Chain, Horned Shield, Dexterity Bonus); hp 34; At 1; D 1-8+2 (sword plus strength bonus); save D7; ML 10; AL C; S 16, I 13, W 8, D 13, Co 14, Ch 13. Languages: Kogolor, Neathar. General Skills: Signalling (Yodel) (I), Mountaineering (D), Persuasion (Ch), Hide in Shadows (D), Bravery (W), Intimidate (S). Gerston is also armed with a poison-tipped knife or two at *all* times, concealed. He is an Expert with daggers.
Anorada Siltarn
History and Personality: Anorada Siltarn was born 217 cycles ago in the town of Siltarn. She was married fairly young, at age 36, and is the mother of 4 children. She was born into a rather poor family of the village, but is not looked down upon for this. She is not wealthy now, either, but is very happy with her life. Anorada contributes to the town with her farming work and as such is respected as any other Kogolor would be. She tries hard to rear her children well and to do her job. She accepts her role in Kogolor society and asks for nothing more, and is accepted by Kogolor society as a result. She is, like almost any Kogolor, a follower of Garal Glitterlode.
Appearance: Anorada is of average height for a female dwarf, but is a tad thinner than would be expected for one of her stature. She wears simple peasant clothing, except for special events like the upcoming wedding of her son. She tries to look her best though her efforts are often hampered by her hard work in the fields. Her clothes are usually tidy, and her hair well-trimmed. She could easily get lost in a crowd, with her common appearance.
Combat Notes: She is a 1st level dwarf. AC 8(Dexterity Bonus);hp 4; At 0;D 0; save D1; ML 9;AL N; S 9, I 8, W 11, D 13, Co 11, Ch 11. Languages: Kogolor, Neathar. General Skills: Knowledge (Farming) (I+2), Signalling (Yodel) (I), Mountaineering (D)
Stillan Steelfinder
History and Personality: Stillan Steelfinder has lived all 348 cycles of his life in the town of Bergholm. For the past 74 years he has served as leader of his clan in that town. He has led the Steelfinders well during the town's rise to prosperity. While he knows his clan will never reach the importance of the Silverfeet, he wishes them to do well and they have. Now a great great grandfather, he knows his days are numbered and he is hard at work finding a successor. Due to his work so far, the clan likely will not have any problems in the near future, barring a major crisis in the town. He just wants to make sure that things will be in capable hands when he passes on. He is generally a kind soul, though he is a tad miserly with his money.
Appearance: Stillan, a dwarf of average height in his youth, is now stooped over slightly with age. His hair is nearly all grey, from the top of his not-bald head to the end of his beard. He dresses in fine clothes and always makes sure his clothes are neat and orderly. He still possesses the remnants of a strength he developed through many years of toiling in the mines. His features are very weathered with age and time.
Combat Notes: He is a 5th level dwarf. AC 11(Dexterity Penalty);hp 20; at 0;D 0; save D5; ML 11;AL N; S 9, I 14, W 14, D 5, Co 8, Ch 12. Languages: Kogolor, Neathar. General Skills: Signalling (Yodel)(I), Mountaineering (D), Leadership (Ch+1), Caving (W), Bargaining (Ch)
Niggalda Surilan
History: Niggalda Surilan was born 261 cycles ago in the small town of Knarr in northern Kogolor. Always interested in learning, she served an apprenticeship to the local historian for several years. When her time came to serve in the nearby Fort Aath.
In the few battles that occurred in her time there, she fared well. During that time though, she witnessed her head trainer charged with treachery against the Fort. Not believing the charges set against him, she helped work with the Klaurmann bought in for the trial. While the trainer wound up being found guilty, the incident led Niggalda to study more and more of the Kogolor justice system. She studied with the Klaurmann of Knarr upon returning home, putting aside her studies of history, and after the requisite 10 years she achieved the status of Klaurmann.
Nowadays, she is the chief judge of the town. She is married and has one child, whom she cares for greatly and is trying to get to follow in her footsteps.
Personality: Niggalda's main interest is seeing justice served in any case. She has learned from her first experience with law, and now is known as a very impartial judge, hearing both sides and deciding based on the facts, not on foreknowledge of the people involved. Outside of the courtroom, she is a very different person. She is kind and caring to all in the community, a fact that has helped her during her time as judge, as the people respect her persona. She still bears an interest in Kogolor history and often is found reading over records of the past, both those relating to law and those not. Living in a fairly peaceful town, even by Kogolor standards, Niggalda has less work than a typical Klaurmann and as such has the leisure time to become the scholar she is and still devote time to her family and to the community. While her war record was not spectacular, she is often asked to lead the bimonthly war preparations in her village. She is one of the most respected citizens of the town, more respected even than the typical Klaurmann.
Appearance: Niggalda, while neither beautiful nor ugly, is not average either appearance-wise. She is below average height for a female dwarf, but is also at least average weight and very strong. She wears the typical grey Klaurmann cap at all times, marking her out in a crowd, and wears fine, but usually ill-kept clothing. Her eyes are a shade of grey somewhat atypical among the Kogolor. Her hair is still the light brown they have been most of her life, cut rather short. She does not care much for her appearance, but knows that it makes an impression on strangers so does try to look somewhat dignified, an achievement usually attained.
Combat Notes: She is a 6th level dwarf. AC 9 (4, Chain and Shield, if trouble arises); hp 31; at 1; D 1 - 12+2 (sword, strength bonus, Skilled-carried only in times of crisis or in battle practices); save D6; ML 11; AL L; S 16, I 15, W 15, D 9, Co 11, Ch 1 4. Languages: Kogolor, Neathar, Krugel. General Skills: Signalling (Yodel)(I),Mountaineering (D), Knowledge (Kogolor Law Code) (I+2), Profession (Klaurmann) (I), Knowledge (NW Kogolor History) (I)
Hernril Cagnon
History and Personality: Hernril Cagnon was interested in travelling the mountains for nearly all of his 205 years. He grew up in the village Brillan on the summit of a mountain and always loved the long trek downward when the family went to the town of Yavi at the base of the mountain. An inventive sort, he always fiddling with simple mechanical devices. Naturally, most of these involved ways of travelling either up or down the mountain. Some, like a pulley-type device, were of use, but most were not . Then he hit on his greatest invention: skis. As explained in the Skiing section of the HWR, his invention has spread all over, as has his reputation. He is always amazed to see the ideas other dwarves have to utilise his invention and he is even more thrilled to see modifications. Rather than seeing these as challenging to his invention, he sees them as improvements, or more often, his inventive side likes seeing the odd concepts of others. Hardly the standard Kogolor, he works no job other than his inventions, a strange way to make a living. He is interested mostly in the new, the different. Even more of a young child at heart than most Kogolor, he sees the main goal of life as to have fun and experience the new. He could care less that he is a folk hero already.
Appearance: Hernril definitely has a 'mad scientist' look to himself. His hair and beard are rarely combed or trimmed. His clothes are often ruffled, torn and stained from his latest meals. Still fairly young and unmarried, he is rather handsome, but pays scant attention to women (other than fellow inventors, a purely academic interest). He is never armed, as war and battle are far too serious an endeavour for Hernril.
Combat Notes: He is a 1st level dwarf despite his fame. AC 9; hp 5; at 0;d 0; save D1;ML 6 (this does not mean he is brave. He is rather fearless. He knows he is not a warrior, though, and hence flees from the sight of an armed opponent);AL C; S 8, I 14, W 14, D 12, Co 8, Ch 15. Languages: Kogolor, Neathar. General Skills: Mountaineering (D+1), Signalling (Yodel)(I), Craftsman (Ski-Maker)(I)(He is not a great craftsman or inventor. He just made a simple, albeit useful invention through constant trying and tampering. His more complex inventions usually fail marvellously, which does not daunt him in the least. Few members of his town would be mad if an invention damaged their property, as his inventions have helped them as well in making the trip down and back up the mountain)
Dwarf-Druids, if allowed, are a mix of dwarf-clerics and druids as can be guessed. If they are allowed, I suggest that only Denkarans can be dwarf-druids and Denkaran dwarves cannot be dwarf-clerics then. They follow the rules for dwarf-clerics with the following exceptions. Their cultural weapons must meet Kogolor (not dwarf-cleric) standards and be made of wood (staff, club, sling or all-wood spears or swords or arrows or whatever which would naturally inflict less damage). Their armour is limited to Leather and only wood shields may be wielded. Dwarf-druids are limited to level 10 but have access to druidic and clerical spells as per a druid. (Only spells allowed within the Spell of Preservation can be used, of course). Normal druid restrictions on spell use (evil/good oriented magic not allowed) apply. Dwarf-druids must be neutral. They do not worship Garal Glitterlode, but rather the elemental forces themselves. All notes under 'Druid Philosophy' in the Companion rulebook apply to Denkaran Dwarf-Druids. Dwarf-druids also have a natural ability to sense the approach of snowstorms up to a day in advance. A 16 wisdom is required to be a Dwarf-druid, as Hollow World restrictions apply.
This HWR is not intended for profit. It is for use with the TSR-created setting the Hollow World, a boxed set that is basically required to derive much use from it, as well as the OD&D rules. Also, the information in the Poor Wizard's Almanac seems to me inconsistent on some counts with the information given elsewhere so some of it is ignored. The coinage section has been used in this HWR, but otherwise nothing else. If you wish to mix my work with the PWA, feel free to of course, if you can find a way.