Korobokuru as "Lost Halflings"
by Marc SaindonThis is an import from the old Oriental Adventures (p.12) sourcebook (which is in Kara-Tur, basically FR's China with Japanese culture). The quick reflex is to make Korobokuru a variety of Dwarves, but Rockhome, Kagyar and Kogolor all tell an already interesting story about the Dwarf origins. Instead, maybe another short-sized race could play the role, Hin that were left behind in Davania during the Halfling migrations northward towards the future Five Shire. Colonized by the Rakasta from Myoshima, they have partially adopted the japanese culture of the Cat-folk and built their own society as the Korobokuru. They are insular, living in the wilderness, enjoy sake, and grow their facial a lot (in contrast to many clean-shaven Humans of Yasuko).
If they met Hin from the Shires (or fanon Sea of Dread polynesian Menehune), they would see the similarities but still consider themselves from a Yasukan culture first. PCs who play Korobokuru would typically be from the lower castes (even their community are seen as somewhat of outsiders) and not samurai, although expect a few to make the jump to the Monk class to ditch the caste system (especially as Drunken Masters). Korobokuru don't look "asian" and keep their european features, and frequent red hair - something which confuses visiting Hin.
(Image from: https://www.deviantart.com/asfodelo/art/Halfling-Monks-812931933)