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Thoughts about Skyrealms of Mystara

by Håvard

Potential Thyatis/Serraine contact
Why does Thyatis' Retebius Air Fleet have access to Bumber Chutes? These devices were introduced in DoTE, but really come off as gnome inventions. Could the Thyatians have gotten them from the Gnomes of Serraine? It is a closely guarded secret on Serraine, but maybe the Thyatians offer protection and other services to Serraine? Maybe this contact disappeared during WotI which could be why the Heldannic Knights were able to occupy Serraine?

Northern Reaches
Oberack's Flying Longship probably dominates here

Flying Carpets galore!

Dragonflies of Doom (AC11)
Jaggar's Transforming Gargantoid (AC11)