Languages of Mystara 2.0
by Giampaolo AgostaHere is the second version of my table of human languages of Mystara. It is still not complete, but from the first version I have added the Oltec, Tanagoro, and Southern Neathar languages, plus some corrections to the Nithian and Jennite.
Prehistoric Ancient Languages Old Tongues Modern Modern Dialects ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Neathar-+--->Antalian---+----->Old-Thyatian-- >Thyatian-+ | | +-->Glantrian | | +-->Slag | | | +----->Old-Kerendan-- >Kerendan-+ | | +-->Caurenzan | | | +----->Ispan---+------>Espa--+ | | | +----->Belcadizian | | +------>Verdan | | | +----->NeoAntalian+--->Hattian--+ | | | +-->Aalbanese | | | +-->Heldannic | | +--->Heldanner-+ | | | +->Vestlander | | | +->Ostlander | | | +->Soderfjorder | | | +->Oceansender | | +--->Eusdrian | | | +----->Dunaelic-+----->Dunael | +----->Ranax | +----->Thratian | | (Skotharian Oltec) | | +--->Proto-Jennite-+-->Old-Jennite---->Jennite | | +->Old Makai------>Ierendian Makai | | | | +--->Brasolian | | | +--->South. Neathar-+->Varellyan--+--->Modern Varellyan ++ (Antalian) | | +---->Milenian--+---->Modern Milenian | | Nithian-+-+-->Traldar----+---->Old Traladaran->Traladaran-+ | | +->Boldavian | | +->Slagich | | +->Olgarian | +---->Daro Dialects-->Daro--+ | +------>Shire Daro | +------>Ierendian | +---->East. Nithian--->Thothian------->Modern Thothian | +---->West. Nithian-+ | +---->West. Oltec---+->Savage Coast Oltec | Oltec---+---->Skotharian Oltec--->(see Jennite) | | (Neathar) (Yellow Orc) | | | +--+->Proto-Ethengar-+>Old Ethengar--->Ethengarian | +---->Azcan----------->Atruaghin------>Modern Atruaghin Dialects | +---->Oceanian Oltec-->Old Oceanian--->Oceanian--+ | (Varellyan)--+-->Cestian ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ogrish) | Tanagoro+---->East. Tanagoro-->Tangor-+--+---->Ak'an---+ | | +---->Gombarian | | +---->Suma'aian | | | +------->T'kala--+ | +---->Durhanian | (Elven) +---->Mawuru | | +---->West. Tanagoro+->Proto-Yavi--+-->Yavi | +->Old Nuari------>Nuari ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Laterran---->Latin & Germanic-+->French------->Sylaire----+ Indo-European | +--->Renardois | | | +->Old-English-->Anglais-------->Fenswick | +---->Laterran Gaelic---->Scot. Gaelic->Kaelic ------------------------------------------------------------------------Notes:
*Modern Tanagoro tongues are based on G. Caroletti's Swanamutu Gazetteer.
*The Dunael here are considered fully Antalian, like the Thratian, rather than Nithian-descended.
*I use Heldannic for the Hattian dialect spoken by the HK, and Heldanner for the native language of the Heldann Freeholds and Northern Reaches.
*I'm still considering the origin of Alasiyan, Hulean, Sindhi, Denagothian, Essurian and a few other languages, so these are not included here. I'd probably have Sindhi as derived from Neathar, though.
Any suggestion or source material on the others?
*Belcadizian is spoken by Elves, but IMO it was directly derived from Espa or Ispan (I go with the first because Espa and Belcadizian are very similar, much more than Belcadizian and Verdan, for example).