by HåvardAs Thief, except as follows:
- Nithian Cultural Limitations:
- Illiteracy: Nithian characters must spend a skill slot in order to learn how to read and write. (This is a modification of the rule in the HW boxed set)
- Armor Limitation: may not use any armor that gives an AC better than 5 (not including bonuses for Dex, magic or skills).
- Cultural Weapons limitation: Nithians are limited to using the weapons associated with their culture.
- Automatically succeeds in opening locks the Lock Master himself has designed.
- Recognize lockmaking style - May roll 1d20 below level to see if he recognizes the lockmaker's style. If so, this adds a +10 to the Open Locks Check.
- If failing an Open Lock check, the character may make a Dex check. If this succeeds, the character may try to open the Lock again with no penalty. If the second roll fails, the character may not make another attempt.
- Master Burglar - May make an INT check to find value of gems, jewelry and art objects at no more than 1 GP per 100 GP off.
- Flowkey - drawing upon Pyramid Magic, may defeat magical locks and barriers like Wizardlock or Magic Door. Available at 5th level. Operates at 15%+5% per level.
- Recommended Skills: N/A
- Limitations:
- -1 to all to Hit Rolls
Notes: Although the Flowkey ability is pretty cool, I can't think of any player who would want to take a penalty to attack rolls for these abilities. If I were to redesign this Class Speialization, I would replace the bonuses to Open Lock with a more solid bonus and if needed, maybe a penalty to another Thief Skill. Pick Pockets maybe?