Lhomarr: The Land, Its People, and Their History:
by Geoff GanderOverheard at a public lecture by Gallos the Aged, at Myiad:
"...and as I said earlier, the history of the Lhomarrian people has been shaped by many things, not the least of which was our survival of the destruction of the old world. As some of our surviving records state, our old world was a wondrous place, filled with nature's bounty. But our war with Y'hog nearly destroyed us. All of us here learned the Tale of the Homecoming by rote, how our fair land was destroyed by their powers, how only a handful of villages, filled with the most virtuous among us, were picked up by Xeron Himself to be brought to this new world, and to our fair continent of Selhomarr, which He created for us.
"We have not squandered His bounty, but have expanded in our new realm only when overcrowding demands it, for we were far too acquisitive in the Old Times. Thus we ensure there is plenty of nature's bounty for all to enjoy, for there can be no wilderness, no animals, and no free lands to enjoy, if we cover all we see with our roads, our houses, and our public buildings. Truly Selhomarr is paradise on our world.
"Xeron has also taught us the value of co-operation. Never in the Old Times would the good of the people come before the good of the individual, but now we know it cannot be otherwise. Only if we band together, help others as we would help ourselves, can we hope to survive the challenges Xeron has set before us.
"Now, before I accept questions, let us briefly discuss the importance of the Codex of Ilyonior, and its ramifications on our current legal system..."
The History of the Lhomarrians
Old Lhomarr, The Migrations
In the ancient times before recorded history, there was a mighty human civilisation, one which predated even the elves, and expanded to unprecedented proportions. This was Lhomarr. None but the most learned sages know of it now, and even these doubt much of their information, diluted as it is through the passage of over 8,000 years.
The people who were to become the Lhomarrians first appeared on the southern coast of the landmass that we know as Skothar, some 12,000 years ago. In those times, a large series of islands, some of them very large, ran from that coast almost to Vulcanian Peninsula of Davania. The early Lhomarrians were simple hunter- gatherers, living off of the bounty of the rich southern savannahs and forests, and occasionally exploring the coasts of these lands in their tiny dugout canoes. Some migrated south, colonising the uninhabited islands to the south, slowly leapfrogging their way towards Davania. There they would have ultimately settled, were it not for the discovery of a very large island - almost a small continent - not 200 miles north of the tip of what we now call the Vulcanian Peninsula. This was approximately 11,500 years ago.
While the early Lhomarrians of the south were exploring their world, those of the north - those who remained in southern Skothar - suddenly found themselves in competition with a people known as the Tanagoro, who also lived off of the savannahs and forests. While the Lhomarrians were brave, the Tanagoro were far more numerous, and much more proficient at combat. A series of wars erupted between the two peoples over the next 200 years, in which each side inflicted great suffering on the other. Ultimately, the northern Lhomarrians were beaten, some fleeing to the southern islands, and others migrating to the northwest. Those who went south joined their fellows on the islands, and those who went northwest travelled for many years, until they came upon a rich land, with great forests and plains. Here they settled, and, before long, met the natives of this new land, who were fair-skinned and pastoral. The two peoples, having no desire to fight each other, learned to co- operate. Soon, their cultures mingled, and they became one people. This new people, who called themselves the Yanifey, would enjoy a peaceful existence on proto-Alphatia until BC 1000, when they were pushed aside by a new set of newcomers - the Alphatians.
The southern Lhomarrians, free from the conflicts of their northern brethren, were able to concentrate on improving their own existence. They eventually settled down, and converted from a semi-nomadic lifestyle to that of pastoralism. They domesticated many kinds of crops, as well as animals, and began a rapid rise to civilisation that was to see them build stone houses, wooden sailing ships, and forge bronze weapons. These achievements were completed some 9,800 years ago, around BC 8800. By this time they had also taken to the sea, collecting great catches of fish, and exploring farther and farther away from their homes. Within 200 years, the Lhomarrians had explored the entire Davanian coast from the Vulcanian to the Cestian Peninsulas. It was also around this time that the melting of the large polar icecaps was well under way. As a consequence, many of the smaller islands south of Skothar sank into the sea because of the rising sea levels. Eventually, only the small continent of Lhomarr still existed, and even then many low-lying coastal plains were inundated. By this time (around BC 8600-BC 8400), the Lhomarrians had become well-established upon this land, which they named Lhomarr, meaning "Land of the Sea".
The Old Kingdom, The Tyranny of Galhossian, and the Rebellion
The early stages of Lhomarrian civilisation were marked by periods of imperial expansion, global exploration, and sometimes peaceful relations with other peoples. Lhomarrian colonists had already sparsely settled the Cestian Peninsula by BC 8400, as well as the peninsula we know as the Vulture Peninsula, then a land of verdant forests and pastures. The Vulcanian Peninsula, although much closer geographically, had poorer soils, a more severe climate, and more hostile animals than the more distant Lhomarrian colonies. No large numbers of Lhomarrians settled Davania at this time. Only after the edict of Galhossian, Emperor of Lhomarr, was announced in the capital city of Regemnon in BC 8397 were large numbers of colonists sent to Xerothyni (the Lhomarrian name for the Cestian colony), and Prys (the old name for the Vulture Peninsula) on Davania.
That such an edict came to be only because of the machinations of Galhossian, who ascended the throne due to an accident at sea that claimed the life of his older brother, Yoros. Never a very stable man, Galhossian constantly sought to root out traitors in his midst, and often passed judgements indiscriminately, for he saw enemies everywhere. The most common means of getting rid of opponents (both real and imagined), was to deport them to the Lhomarrian colonies on Davania. At first, only a trickle of people went to the continent, but after the edict was announced, hundreds were shipped away every week. Many of these people were simply dumped on the shores of their new homes, and told to make do with what they had. Few survived this treatment.
At home, high taxes were levied against the people, and the powers of the regional princes were curtailed severely. By BC 8392, Galhossian ruled with an iron fist. As he ever more zealously defended himself from imagined enemies within the capital, real opponents arose in the countryside, demanding fair taxation and more autonomy. The event that touched off the rebellion happened in early spring, BC 8389, when the emperor, while touring the southern countryside, received a less than hearty welcome at one of the villages. The local garrison had just requisitioned the commoners' tools and food stores for their own purposes, and many were starving. Outraged at this reception, Galhossian had the entire village burned, and its people put to the sword.
Such actions would never have been conceived when Lhomarrian society was developing. Understanding the need for co-operation, and the fact that no one person could administer every region of the continent, and its colonies, a federal system was set up, where a council of twelve regional princes looked after local affairs, and reported directly to the emperor, who handled affairs of state. Such as system had been in place since BC 8600, when the first emperor appointed ten of his best warriors to rule in his stead across the continent. Two princes were later appointed in BC 8395 to look after the two colonies. Galhossian's actions circumvented the rights of his princes, and violated the balance of power that had existed for centuries.
Word of this event spread like wildfire throughout the countryside, and ten regional princes, along with their supporters, declared an open rebellion. The two princes in the colonies declared themselves for Galhossian, and sent their forces to his aid. Over the next 12 years, a vicious civil war spread all over the continent, and in the colonies to a lesser extent. The hostilities ended in BC 8377, when Galhossian and the two loyal princes were killed in the palace by a rebel disguised as one of his personal guards. In the aftermath, the ten victorious princes redivided the Lhomarrian empire into ten regions, wherein each would look after local affairs. Galhossian's successor and son, Tylios, was only 14 years old at the time, and could only accept what was being decided. The princes only wrote a series of binding laws, which explicitly divided the national powers between the two ruling groups. Now it would be illegal for a usurpation on the scale of Galhossian to happen again.
The New Kingdom, The Golden Age of Lhomarr
In the centuries that followed, Lhomarr settled into a new peace. The regional princes looked after the people, and the successive emperors remained within their allotted sphere, dealing with foreign rulers, concluding new treaties, and enacting legislation. Colonisation of Davania proceeded in a leisurely manner, with colonies existing on the Vulcanian Peninsula, what would eventually become the Lost Valley, and on the aforementioned established settlements of Xerothnyi and Prys. Relations were also concluded with the Tanagoro of Skothar to the north, the Oltecs to the northeast on Brun and northern Davania, and with the kingdoms of the lizard men around the Aryptian Basin region. Trade increased, the people prospered, and explorers went further afield.
It was near the end of this period, around BC 8260, that word of a strange land far to the northwest became known. Tales were told of a large island near the great Western Sea, upon which were built cities of blackest basalt, obsidian, and marble. The inhabitants were said to be like those of the lizard man realms, but unlike them in many ways. They were said to be very reclusive, refusing to respond to requests to dock at one of their harbours, while it was obvious there was much wealth there, as strange-looking ships laden with riches continually arrived, crewed by those queer people. Tales were also told of columns of refugees fleeing their communities in the area, of great wars and destruction. Many of these were not believed by the average Lhomarrian, content as he was in his security.
The emperor at the time, Mordalios, decided that this land required study, and ordered the furnishing of an expedition to this land. This expedition had several diplomats and other officials come along as well, in the hopes of concluding formal relations with these people, if they existed. After many years of searching, the island of Y'hegg-T'uhath (as it was called by the locals) was discovered in BC 8250. Upon being guided to the capital, the mysterious city of Y'hog, the representatives of Lhomarr were treated to a sumptuous banquet by the island's masters, a degenerate breed of Carnifex. Unknown to them, the food they were served was laced with sleeping poisons, which took effect quickly. Once asleep, the Lhomarrians were sacrificed by the Carnifex to their dark gods. One of the envoys, who was feeling ill, had declined to eat and had gone outside, only to witness the foul deed. He fled to the ship, and ordered the crew to head back to Lhomarr.
The Time of Isolation, The First War
The Lhomarrian ship returned home by BC 8249, and the tale of the diplomatic mission was shared with Mordalios. Not a particularly brave man, he decided that Lhomarrian lives were too precious to waste in an obscure corner of the world, and so did nothing in terms of reprisals. He maintained close ties with the various nations on Davania, such as Nevumm and Orimul, in order to ensure that his colonies' western flanks would be well-protected from any menace originating there. So this situation persisted, with successive emperors relying more and more upon the willingness of the Davanian nations to keep the peace on the continent, while the Lhomarrians retreated within their own nation and its colonies, venturing into the world only to trade occasionally, unwilling to risk confrontation. This arrangement suited many commoners just fine, as they had no desire to lose their sons in far-off wars, or to forsake the comforts of their homes.
By BC 8100, the tales of destruction grew more frequent. At this time, Carnifex colonies on Davania were growing mighty, and expanding their holdings at the expense of their neighbours, who all too often found themselves sacrificed to the blasphemous gods of Y'hog. As the years passed, contact with the nations to the west became sporadic, then ceased entirely as city after city fell to the hordes of Y'hog and its colonies. The last city of Nevumm was sacked and burned in BC 8006, and with its destruction the ruin of an entire nation. Orimul shared its fate not long afterwards, in BC 7962, though some of its Oltec inhabitants fled, escaping northeast across the Serpent Peninsula to the future lands of the Atruaghin Clans. By BC 7903, the kingdom of Ilarnn found itself under the Carnifex heel, and its people enslaved. With its conquest the way was clear to the rich lands of Xerothnyi, prize colony of Lhomarr.
Kirthos, the emperor at the time, did not share his predecessors' isolationist tendencies, but found it incredibly difficult to get the regional princes to co-operate with him in his plan to aid Davania. With the conquest of Ilarnn, opposition to his plans dissolved, as rumours spread of an imminent invasion of Xerothnyi, and of Lhomarr soon afterwards. In BC 7900, a massive fleet of Lhomarrian ships landed at Xerothnyi, and disgorged a large force of soldiers to push back the Carnifex horde. Within five years, they managed to push their enemies out of the kingdom of Ilarrn, thus liberating it. There were enough people left for Ilarrn to constitute a nation, and these numbers were bolstered by Lhomarrian settlers, who aided in the reconstruction of the country. For King Dirdani of Ilarrn, ruling what was effectively a protectorate of Lhomarr was infinitely better than dying at the hands of the Carnifex.
Over the next 400 years the battle lines moved east and west across the northern portion of the continent, with many large cities switching hands several times, decimating the numbers of those who survived the initial onslaught of the Carnifex. Over these years, many large portions of northern Davania were effectively depopulated, entire cultures wiped out. By BC 7500, Lhomarr found itself almost broken by the wars. Too many young men had left their homes, never to return. It soon found it necessary to form an alliance with other surviving human nations in the region, insisting upon a crusade to push the Carnifex out of Davania. Nations such as Ilarrn and Suur eagerly contributed what forces they had, realising that Lhomarr could not do this alone.
The push to the west resumed with renewed vigour, as the allied legions liberated more cities and regained more land. Lizard man mercenaries also gave their aid, for their nations were also endangered by the Carnifex. A great victory was scored in BC 7465, when Azhat-Ith, the largest Carnifex city on Davania, and a main transit point for their armies, was taken after a two-year siege. No compassion was spared the inhabitants, and the city was razed and then resettled by Lhomarrians in BC 7460, naming their new city Eldamir. With such a great setback, the Carnifex could not co-ordinate their armies as well, and soon found they had no secure landing point for their troops. By BC 7380, the Carnifex had been pushed out of Davania, save for scattered bands in the Adakkian Mountains, as well as underground. A time of peace and rebuilding began, but this was cut short less than 200 years later, as a second great horde swept down from Y'hegg-T'uhath, sowing the seeds of destruction once again.
The Dark Years
In BC 7200, a new horde of Carnifex and their servitors landed on the northwestern coasts of Davania, and destroyed all they found. Such was their fury that they swept across the continent with great speed, besieging and destroying Eldamir in BC 7178. The advance was halted here, and the newly-rebuilt Azhat-Ith was taken in BC 7153, but this time no other cities were built upon this site, such were the memories of the destruction of Eldamir. By BC 7140 Davania was once more freed from the hold of the second horde of Y'hog. This time, it was decided that the menace of the Carnifex must be destroyed once and for all. In the early spring of BC 7037, a great naval force of Lhomarrians and their allies gathered at the ruins of the Lhomarrian port of Valannir in northwestern Davania, and crossed the Straits of Mist to the island of Y'hegg-T'uhath. Once there, they systematically destroyed every settlement they found, until they made their way to the capital, Y'hog itself. By BC 7033, Y'hog was surrounded, the siege succeeding two years later, in which much of the city was laid to waste.
Only a couple of years later, a third and final horde of Carnifex and their minions swept out from the catacombs beneath Y'hog, and laid Davania to waste once more. In BC 7027, a valley near the ruins of the city-state of Pelenzor was the scene of one of the worst battles Davania had yet seen, in which Brell, the great general of the Lhomarrian armies who masterminded the siege of Y'hog, was slain. The Lhomarrians and their allies were routed, and they retreated the south and east, with their enemies in close pursuit. Just two short years later, those same armies were fighting to maintain their hold on the eastern coasts of Davania. Xerothnyi and Prys were evacuated, and the line held for a short while - long enough to rout many of the invaders at the Battle of Okhtor Pass. Ultimately, Xerothnyi was lost, and the survivors fled to Lhomarr, to begin preparations for an anticipated invasion. This was not before a scouting party discovered what appeared to be a magical device in the possession of some Carnifex wizards, whom they slew, after which they destroyed the device. This destruction was the undoing of Lhomarr on the surface world, for the device was an artifact belonging to the Outer Beings worshipped by the Carnifex.
The Destruction and Rebirth
In retaliation for the destruction of their artifact, the Outer Beings decided to destroy Lhomarr personally, and, in BC 7022, marshalled their powers to create a breach in their prisons, one which lasted long enough to allow them to send their power unhindered against Lhomarr. In midsummer of that year, the skies grew dark, and torrential downpours flooded many coastal towns. Earthquakes shattered cities, caused landslides, and destroyed the landscape; while volcanoes spewed lava upon the populace. Finally, a tremendous earthquake shook the continent to its foundations on the sea floor, causing it to collapse over several hours into the sea. This was not before Ka the Preserver, seeing what was happening, gathered several villages' worth of people, including the entire town of Pergamnos, and sent them to the continent of Suridal in the Hollow World. Among these people was a cross-section of the Lhomarrian people, from princes to commoners, such that the new nation that would arise would represent all aspects of Lhomarrian society. He also reinforced those attributes which he believed marked the golden age of Lhomarr - a sense of wanderlust that led them to explore most of the world, tempered by a non-imperialist and generally peaceful nature.
Those few Lhomarrians who still survived on the surface were doomed to an even quicker end now that Lhomarr proper was not there to support them. No one lived in Xerothnyi or Prys anymore, and those scattered settlements on the Vulcanian Peninsula and in the Lost Valley regions soon lost contact with each other. Many of them succumbed to invasions from neighbouring peoples, while others destroyed each other in civil wars. Some decided to leave north for greener pastures, settling briefly in the Adakkian Sound region, but these were eventually wiped out by barbarian raiders, who had taken over northern Davania in the absence of any organized authority. Some isolated villages in the Lost Valley managed to survive, banding together when they had to, but shunning contact with the outside. What their condition would be today, if they survived to the present day, is up to the DM, though a suggestion is given below.
Other Remnants
Apart from isolated communities in far southern Davania, most traces of Lhomarrian culture have been wiped clean either by war, or by the passage of time. Adventurous people, should they dig deeply in the Aryptian or the Izondian deserts, the Vulture Peninsula, or on the Isle of Cestia, might find foundations of buildings, as well as remnants of paved roads. But this would tell them nothing. Some travellers have related tales, while trekking across the Izondian desert, of hearing the sounds of a great battle, and the screams of the dying. Still others claim to have seen a spectral battle somewhere in that desert, between lizard-like creatures and strangely-clad humans, with one majestically-armoured figure overseeing the humans, who is killed by an arrow.
Sailors venturing in the region where Lhomarr once lay can make fabulous discoveries. The seas in that region have long been known to be shallower than others, though no one knows why. Some enterprising divers have been able to dig up bizarre pieces of pottery, and well-preserved pieces of metal (although these are still unidentifiable) some 200 feet below the surface. Furthermore, at every low tide, a tiny marshy islet surfaces, no more than 500 feet across. Sailors have described this islet as solid, and not just floating vegetation. Some have even claimed to have dug up foundations of a building of some sort, but such claims are often dismissed as fantasy. This islet is, in fact, the tiny plateau-like summit of Mount Masalior, the tallest peak of Lhomarr. On its peak was the oldest temple to Xeron, otherwise known as Ixion, whose foundations still exist to this day. It is by the will of Ixion that this place survived the cataclysm relatively intact.
Summary Timeline of Lhomarrian History on the Surface
BC 11000: The early Lhomarrians arise on the southern plains and forests of Skothar, where they lead a simple hunter-gatherer existence. The sea levels are much lower at this time, due to an ice age.
BC 10700: Some Lhomarrians migrate south along an island chain connecting Skothar with the Vulcanian Peninsula of Davania. They lightly settle every island they come across.
BC 10600: Southward-migrating Tanagoro begin to encroach upon the hunting grounds of the Lhomarrians who remain in Skothar. Wars erupt.
BC 10500: The southward-migrating Lhomarrians discover a large landmass, almost a small continent, just 200 miles north of the tip of the Vulcanian Peninsula. The forests and plains here are very rich, and they settle here.
BC 10400: The Lhomarrians of Skothar are defeated by the Tanagoro. Some migrate south to join their fellows on the islands, and the remainder head to the northwest.
BC 10200: The southern Lhomarrians take up pastoralism, and begin to build permanent settlements. Domestication of plants begins.
BC 10150: The northern Lhomarrians find a new home in proto-Alphatia, where they encounter the local population, and mix with them. The Yanifey develop as a result.
BC 8900: The first king of the Lhomarrians is declared, taking the title due to his prowess in combat. His armies force other villages to recognise his authority -a dynasty begins.
BC 8800: By this time the Lhomarrians in what will become Lhomarr have developed an early Bronze Age culture. Agriculture is widespread, as well as the domestication of animals. Small towns are present, and more complicated forms of government arise. Sailors explore their surroundings.
BC 8750: After centuries of expansion and progress, the Lhomarrian king, Uripos, names himself emperor.
BC 8600: Lhomarrian explorers have made simple maps of the Vulcanian coast, as well as the rest of the Davanian coast up to the Cestian Peninsula. A refined alphabet is developed, as well as improved bronze weapons and armour. The Middle Bronze age has arrived for Lhomarr. The polar ice caps, already melting due to rising temperatures, start to make their effects known. Some Lhomarrians settle on the Cestian Peninsula, naming it "Xerothnyi" (New Coast). Emperor Santhalis divides Lhomarr into ten provinces, and names ten of his bravest warriors to become regional princes, to rule in his stead in the provinces, and to take care of local affairs.
BC 8563: The first Lhomarrian settlers reach the Vulture Peninsula, then a verdant land, which they name "Prys" (Garden).
BC 8500: The climate warms up at an even faster rate. Many of the small islands between Lhomarr and Skothar have sunk by this time. Some low-lying coastal plains in Lhomarr begin to flood.
BC 8405: Emperor Theros falls ill and becomes bedridden. He abdicates in favour of his eldest son, Yoros.
BC 8401: Emperor Yoros drowns at sea due to a mishap. His younger brother Galhossian takes the throne.
BC 8400: The increase in temperatures slackens, but Lhomarr finds itself alone in the sea, having lost about one-quarter of its landmass. The Lhomarrians are accomplished sailors by this time, so the developments over the past centuries are not catastrophic. The Lhomarrians also have developed a national consciousness, and name their land "Lhomarr" (Land of the Sea).
BC 8397: The Edict of Galhossian is pronounced in the capital city, Regemnon. Anyone suspected of political subversion is deported to the colonies, or executed. Many people "rat" on their neighbours in order to settle longstanding grudges. The flow of colonists increases from a couple hundred per month into the thousands. Many are thrown into Prys and Xerothnyi with little more than the clothes on their backs, and hundreds die during the winter, especially in Prys, where the climate is more severe. In Lhomarr proper, taxes are increased by an average of 40% to fund extravagant civic works projects, such as roads, bridges, and monumental statues of the emperor.
BC 8395: Xerothnyi and Prys are elevated to full provinces of Lhomarr, receiving their own princes to represent them. This is also a ploy to curry favour with the colonists.
BC 8392: The last public opposition to Galhossian is crushed, having been sent to Prys the previous winter. He now rules with an iron fist, randomly arresting the people in his court. Discontent increases in the countryside.
BC 8391: Prince Albassis of Burienos publicly criticises the emperor, making demands for lower taxation and more regional powers. Many commoners agree with him, having seen their own situation deteriorate since Galhossian ascended the throne.
BC 8389: Galhossian, while touring the southern countryside, visits the village of Brissalithos, and is scorned by the struggling villagers and farmers. Enraged, he orders the entire village executed, and its buildings razed. Word spreads quickly of the deed, and the ten princes of the continent of Lhomarr rise up in open revolt, along with their supporters. The princes of Xerothnyi and Prys declare themselves for Galhossian, realising they owe their positions directly to him. A civil war ensues.
BC 8377: The Lhomarrian Civil War ends, with the rebels being victorious. Galhossian and his two loyal princes are killed by a rebel disguised as a guard. The realm is redivided, giving the victorious princes an equal portion of the total area of the empire (including the colonies - they are no longer separate provinces). Galhossian is succeeded by his 14 year old son, Tylion, who is forced to sign the new political division of power into law. What was once a verbal agreement between the emperor and the princes is now written down.
BC 8350: The first group of colonists goes south to the Vulcanian Peninsula, where they found the port city of Erkalion. A minor population explosion occurs in Xerothnyi, forcing that region to expand westwards, onto Davania proper. Formal relations with the kingdom of Ilarnn, which now borders Xerothnyi, begin.
BC 8299: A group of explorers lands in what will become the Lost Valley, they found a small trading post, and do business with the Oltec inhabitants.
BC 8289: Peace treaties and trade pacts are established with the Tanagoro on Skothar, the Oltecs of Brun and Davania, and the lizard men kingdoms of the Aryptian Basin region.
BC 8264: The permanent settlement of Thallios is built upon the old trading post in the future Lost Valley region. The Lhomarrians have entered the Late Bronze Age.
BC 8260: Word reaches Lhomarr of a large island far to the northwest, upon which are built great cities of obsidian and basalt, inhabited by lizard-like people. There are also tales of the fabulous wealth that lies in abundance there. Word also spreads of many wars in that region, and of refugees fleeing southwards and eastwards. Many Lhomarrians do not know what to make of this. Emperor Mordalios sends a diplomatic envoy to where this island is said to be, in the hopes of concluding relations with them.
BC 8250: The Lhomarrian envoys finally locate Y'hegg-T'uhath. They are guided to Y'hog, the capital city, and are treated to a banquet. The food was drugged, and those that partook of it are sacrificed. One man does not eat, but witnesses the sacrifice from a secure vantage point. He flees to the quay, and orders the Lhomarrian ship's crew to head for Lhomarr immediately.
BC 8249: The Lhomarrian ship returns from Y'hegg-T'uhath, and the tale is told to the emperor. Mordalios decides to do nothing, relying on the military might of Nevumm, Orimul, and other Davanian nations to keep any threats from the west at bay.
BC 8006: Nevumm is conquered by the invading hordes of Carnifex and Troglodytes. Those who do not escape are sacrificed.
BC 7962: Orimul is destroyed by the Carnifex. Some survivors flee to the Serpent Peninsula, and go to what will become the Atruaghin Clans.
BC 7903: Ilarnn is occupied by the Carnifex. Xerothnyi now borders the enemy. Panic spreads throughout the peninsula, and in Lhomarr proper.
BC 7900: Emperor Kirthos sends a large naval force to Xerothnyi, and lands 30,000 soldiers there to hold the peninsula.
BC 7895: Ilarnn is liberated by the Lhomarrians. It becomes a protectorate of Lhomarr.
BC 7500: Lhomarr, almost broken by the strains of war, demands assistance from its neighbours, who have been rebuilding themselves behind the Lhomarrian shield. Ilarnn and Suur send military aid.
BC 7465: The Carnifex port city of Azhat-Ith is conquered. Both it and its inhabitants are destroyed.
BC 7460: Eldamir is founded on the site of Azhat-Ith by the Lhomarrians.
BC 7380: By this time the Carnifex have been pushed out of Davania. The time of reconstruction begins. The great fortress-city of Valannir is built on the northwestern coast of Davania by the Lhomarrians.
BC 7200: A second horde of Carnifex and their servitors sweeps down from Y'hegg-T'uhath, landing near Valannir and destroying it utterly.
BC 7178: Eldamir is besieged and destroyed.
BC 7153: Furious Lhomarrian forces take vengeance and destroy the rebuilt Azhat-Ith.
BC 7140: The remaining Carnifex-led forces are thrown out of Davania a second time.
BC 7037: Lhomarr decides to end the Carnifex menace once and for all. The emperor orders Brell, a legendary Lhomarrian general, to lead a force of 120,000 men to Y'hegg-T'uhath, and to destroy everything they find. The Lhomarrian armies, and their allies, gather at Valannir and cross the Straits of Mist to the island.
BC 7033: Y'hog is surrounded. A two-year siege begins.
BC 7031: Y'hog is looted and burned. Many of its inhabitants are slaughtered, and those who survive flee into the catacombs beneath.
BC 7029: The third horde arises from the ruins of Y'hog, overrunning coastal settlements on Davania.
BC 7027: The City-State of Pelenzor is utterly destroyed by the Carnifex horde, who now possess the rich Izondian grasslands. The Lhomarrian Fifteenth Legion, and the Suurian Second Legion are dispatched from the Adakkian Sound to meet the force. They do battle amidst the ruins of Pelenzor, in which Brell is killed by a poisoned arrow. The Lhomarrian and Suurian forces are routed, and flee to the southeast.
BC 7026: Suur falls to the Carnifex hordes.
BC 7025: By this time the fleeing allies have been pushed into eastern Ilarnn and Xerothnyi, as well as Prys. The southern front, manned by Lhomarrians and lizard men, is holding, allowing the people of Prys to evacuate en masse to Lhomarr - a flight of some 250,000 Lhomarrians and 5,000 lizard men over eight months, with ships arriving and departing almost around the clock. The western front is continually in danger of collapsing, as it is facing the brunt of the Carnifex military might. The evacuation of Ilarnn and Xerothnyi is not nearly so organized, with many overcrowded ships sinking in the harbours. While the front holds, about 180,000 Lhomarrians, 50,000 Ilarnnians, and 28,000 Suurians manage to flee to Lhomarr. The Battle of Okhtor Pass is also fought this year, which routs about half of the Carnifex horde, and buys valuable evacuation time.
BC 7024: Late in this year, the last port in Xerothnyi, Pirolos, falls to the Carnifex after bitter house-to-house fighting. Many thousands of Lhomarrians were not fortunate enough to escape during the evacuation. Those who are discovered are killed, though a couple thousand manage to flee into the forests, ready to conduct a guerrilla campaign. Before the land is lost, a band of Lhomarrian warriors ambushes a Carnifex encampment, which is guarding an artifact of the Outer Beings. Not knowing what it is, but guessing at its importance, the Lhomarrians destroy it.
BC 7023: Lhomarr is already feeling the pressure of having to house and feed over 500,000 refugees from the wars. Many died the previous winter, and plagues become widespread due to the inability of the authorities to remove the dead in time.
BC 7022: The Outer Beings are enraged over the destruction of their artifact, and decide to destroy the Lhomarrians themselves. They gather and channel their powers, and are strong enough to break free of their prisons long enough to concentrate their power unhindered upon Lhomarr. Earthquakes, torrential rains, and volcanic eruptions destroy the land, which sinks within 48 hours into the ocean. This is not before a few villages' worth of people, including the entire town of Pergamnos, are gathered by Ka the Preserver and sent to Suridal, in the Hollow World.
BC 6500: Some residents of Thallios (in the Lost Valley region), realising that Lhomarr is well and truly gone (many surviving colonists searched vainly for it over the centuries), decide to move north to better lands. The local climate has been getting cooler, and it is harder to survive.
BC 6415: Thallios is destroyed by a volcanic eruption. Both it and its inhabitants are preserved in the falling volcanic ash (sort of like Pompeii).
BC 6300: Survivors of the northern migration from Thallios reach the shores of the Adakkian Sound. They settle here for a while, and trade with the locals.
BC 6130: The Lhomarrian settlers in the Adakkian Sound region are annihilated by roving barbarians. A few stragglers are absorbed into the local tribes. This is part of a plan by the Immortals the remove the Lhomarrian presence from the surface world, as their Hollow World counterparts are flourishing.
BC 6000: By this time the settlements on the Vulcanian Peninsula, including the city of Erkalion, have been destroyed by wars amongst themselves, the worsening climate, or by barbarian hordes.
BC 5800: Some scattered villages in the Lost Valley region still survive, although they have reverted to an Early Bronze Age existence. Since they are so isolated, and so few, the Immortals decide to allow them to remain. These people have forgotten much of their history, telling tales of their legendary ancestral home which are more exaggeration than fact. Frequent invasions by neighbouring peoples prevent them from expanding.
BC 3000: The Great Rain of Fire. Many surviving Lhomarrian settlements in the Lost Valley are destroyed, many others are decimated by the climate change as temperatures drop considerably. Those that survive revert to a hunter-gatherer existence.
BC 500: The Lhomarrians of the Lost Valley attain Early Bronze Age technology once again.
AC 300: The Lhomarrians meet Milenian refugees, who fled the collapse of their empire. The newcomers are cautiously accepted, once they prove they mean no harm. The two cultures gradually combine, and a new nation is created, albeit a tiny one, once the language barrier is overcome. By this time legends of Lhomarr are all but forgotten.
AC 1000: The present day. The Confederated Kingdom of Niscosenia enters the Middle Bronze Age. No contact with the outside world is yet established, save for those with the Tanagoro tribespeople to the east, with whom the Niscosenians trade and war. Rumours are spread of a tall ogre-like people over the mountains to the west.