Creating Lhomarrian Player Characters
by Geoff Gander
A Hollow World SupplementThe following rules will show you, the reader, how to design your own Lhomarrian PCs. DMs can also use these rules to create detailed, recurring NPCs as well. These rules have been written in the same format as those entries in the Player's Handbook of the Hollow World(tm) boxed set. As such, you can keep it with the other races and cultures detailed there, if you wish.
A note to the player - more information is contained within the DM's handbook. Ask him or her if you can consult with this other book to gain a better picture on your character's culture.
The Lhomarrians
The Lhomarrians are a unique people in the history of Mystara, mainly due to the fact that they have left virtually no trace on the surface world of their passing, because their heyday was so long before modern recorded history. In fact, they are now so obscure, that even the most knowledgeable sages question their existence. If you were to look for their descendants today, the closest matches would be the inhabitants of the Yannivey Islands, who carry some Lhomarrian blood, the and kingdom of Niscosenia, in the Lost Valley region of Davania, who also claim descent from them.
The Lhomarrians travelled far and wide during their time on the surface, though, and it would not be absurd to find tiny traces of their heritage in many peoples today, especially those who spent any time on Davania, or had contact with the native peoples there.
Dress and Appearance
As a people, the Lhomarrians are of average height and are stockier than the average human, and also tend to have more hair on their bodies. In terms of skin tone, they range from a medium olive to a light pink complexion. Despite their appearance, however, the Lhomarrians are not a people who live in hot climates. When the Lhomarrians first arose on the surface, they developed in southern Skothar, which was then near the equator, and very tropical. They eventually migrated to old Lhomarr, which, although far to the south, was blessed with milder temperatures thanks to both warmer ocean currents, and a microclimate. Thus, they arose in a tropical land, but migrated to more temperate climes. Their constant exposure to the sun allowed them to retain their pigmentation. Most Lhomarrians have brown hair and eyes, although hazel or green eyes, and reddish-brown hair, are not uncommon. Lhomarrians with blond hair or blue eyes are quite rare, and people having such a hair and eye colour combination will not escape notice.
Generally, Lhomarrian women wear their hair long, with the wealthier ones often tying it up with delicate, wire-like jewellery made from precious metals and stones. The most common form of dress for women is an ankle-length dress with sleeves reaching down to the elbows, belted at the waist. They are often white or brown in colour for the average woman, but richer ones will have dresses with vibrant colours. Over top of this dress many wear a long vest, extending below the waist, which often has colourful patterns dyed into it. Again, richer women will wear vests made from better fabrics, and having more colours. Counter to what many would expect, there is nothing forbidding women in lower economic classes from wearing upper-class garments - as long as they can afford the clothes, they can wear them. In terms of footwear, most women wear stockings (of finer fabrics for the wealthy) underneath sturdy leather shoes.
Lhomarrian men generally keep their hair short, although many have short, well-trimmed beards. Most commoners wear simple cloth sleeved tunics, belted at the waist, and pants. They will also wear boots or shoes. As with women, the richer the man, the more vibrant and well-made his clothing will be. Commoners generally wear clothing that is white, grey, or brown in colour, although colour choices are not limited to these.
Most Lhomarrians are a simple folk - living off of the land or from the bounty of the sea. They are a peaceful people, who respect nature's bounty and what it has to offer them, who are eager to learn about other people, and who are always ready to explore what lies over the next hill. This does not mean they do not cherish their homes - far from it. While Lhomarrians are slow to anger, they will not hesitate to lay down their lives for their families, their homes, or for their friends. They show no mercy towards those who obviously have no regard for the lives of others.
Many live in towns and villages scattered across their lands. Their homes are made of stone, covered with bright frescoes depicting heroic scenes, natural beauty, or other inspirations. Most houses are only one storey, topped with a shingled roof of baked clay. The layout of a home is often in a courtyard pattern - all rooms open into a central living area, which is sometimes open to the sky.
As a people, Lhomarrians admire heroic figures, whether they are great warriors, bold explorers, or brilliant politicians. To be heroic, though, a person must know when to fight, and when not to. A warrior who kills his enemies with abandon would not be respected, while a less powerful fighter who chooses his fights, and negotiates a non-violent solution for many conflicts, would be given accolades. Above all, Lhomarrians have no respect for those who resort to violence as a solution, those who are selfish, and those who despoil nature's offerings by taking from the world without giving anything in return. They also believe that the greater good must be served - the welfare of the people must come before that of the individual. This is offset by the national drive to perfect oneself in all things that one tries, and to accomplish as much as possible with what one is given. Great achievements will benefit the people as a whole, thus initiative and achievement are encouraged.
Priests, as keepers of the nation's soul and spirit, are venerated, as are druids, for their protection of the land, and the long line of emperors, who care for the state. The priests, as well as the elderly, are also respected for their roles as keepers of the lore and memory of the Lhomarrian people.
As in many other aspects of their culture, Lhomarrian names are unique in that they have no real parallel on the surface world, save for perhaps those of Niscosenia. Generally speaking, Lhomarrian names are two to three syllables long, with suffixes determining gender. Some sample names are below:
Male names: Arsanos, Atlan, Aymar, Brell, Coran, Derdan, Galen, Galhossian, Hardian, Iyonos, Loran, Mardan, Remos, Samanar, Trestian, Yorian
Female names: Arsana, Atlania, Aymara, Brellia, Carilla, Disana, Gerinna, Ilyena, Jia, Lorii, Mirini, Narnaz, Redina, Semina, Tirini, Zikiza
Unlike some other cultures, the Lhomarrians do not use last names to denote their families. Instead, a Lhomarrian will declare himself/herself as the son or daughter of a parent. Often, a man will be named "son of" whatever his father's name was, with the same true for women regarding their mothers. Many Lhomarrians also include their birthplace as well. Thus, Atlan, a typical Lhomarrian from Calimnis, would name himself Atlan of Calimnis, son of Hardian. His sister, Jia, would be named Jia of Calimnis, daughter of Thessia.
In Lhomarrian society, men and women are considered equal in the home. Both are responsible for raising the next generation, although more pressure is put on men to ensure that they can provide for their families. Only men may officially enlist in the imperial army or the navy, although, if a woman were to prove herself individually (i.e.: she is able to reach level two on her own), she would be allowed to join the army or navy. Women dominate the priesthood and the druidic orders, providing the largest part of the nation's spiritual power. In the political sphere, empresses are accorded the same respect as emperors - the imperial succession is filled with examples of great empresses who have fearlessly led their nation to better things. Although Lhomarrian society is quite egalitarian compared to other cultures in the Hollow World, visiting adventurers are quite likely, if they stay in Selhomarr long enough, to attract the attention of an adventuresome young woman, who wishes to leave home and see the world, and prove herself to her family.
Lhomarrians speak Lhomarrian, Ilarnnian, and Neathar.
Due to their isolated location, the Lhomarrians have no real friends or enemies, aside from the Azcans. They are generally on neutral terms with most cultures. If they had any true allies, they would be the Ilarnnians.
Character Classes
Since Lhomarrians are humans, they can be fighters, clerics, magic users, thieves, and foresters (if that class is allowed). Since druids are an important element of their society, Lhomarrians (like the people of Robrenn) can start as druids from level one. Most adventuring Lhomarrians are fighters, although clerics are the second most common class. As Lhomarrian society is officially monotheistic, clerics are likely to be worshippers of Xeron (Ixion). In Lhomarrian society, thieves are looked-down upon, and are considered criminals who are not giving their due to the society that supports them.
Lhomarrians prefer to use the spear, dagger, short sword, mace, trident, wooden staff, and hand axe for melee weapons. For ranged weapons, only the short bow and the sling are available. Lhomarrian warriors have few choices for armour, being limited to leather or bronze scale armour. The bronze scale armour is a scale mail, knee-length vest, worn with a bronze helmet and bronze bracers on the limbs. A normal shield is also used by warriors. This provides and AC of 6, 5 with a shield. The armour itself weighs 400 cn.
Cultural Melee Weapons: Axe/hand, dagger, mace, spear, staff/wooden, sword/short, trident
Cultural Missile Weapons: Bow/short, sling
Cultural Armour: Bronze scale, leather, shield/normal, leather barding for horses
Clerics: Mace, sword/short, any armour
Druids: Sling, staff/wooden, leather armour.
Magic Users: Axe/hand, dagger, sling, staff/wooden, no armour
Thieves: Axe/hand, dagger, mace, sword/short, leather armourCompensation
The average Lhomarrian is pretty limited in terms of weapons and armour. They make up for this with their long history in the Hollow World - they have learned much about their world, and the average Lhomarrian will know more about geography and other languages than others might. As a result, each Lhomarrian PC gains an extra free language slot, and a choice of either the mapping or navigation skills for free. This is what you get for being a culture of explorers - the average Lhomarrian will know where he or she is, or will know how to make accurate maps of new terrain. Should a Lhomarrian PC forsake his or her culture, he or she will be forced to pay for the free skill by losing one skill choice later on.