A Gazetteer of Limn part 2
by Hausman Santos and Alexandre de Luna from Threshold Magazine issue 12A Gazetteer of Limn
Lining up the maps, Part 2 (central region)
By Hausman Santos and Alexandre de Luna
This article presents and compares the versions of Limn maps published in the Mystaran Almanac (AC 1018) with those developed by Bruce Heard on his blog1 circa AC 1000/AY 2000 with a brief general description (with this part focusing on the central lands) and proposes an alternative to unite the unusual passages in each version of the maps in order to put them together. This article also makes extensive use of the material previously developed by Jamuga Khan2, Rodger Burns3, Francesco Defferrari4 and Geoff Gander5 in their descriptions of the region.
More than 3000 years in review
As explained in the previous issue6, despite being a very small kingdom, by Alphatian standards, Limn is indeed a very special one and during the centuries the Alphatian Empire allowed many unusual and monstrous races to dwell in this stretch of land. The central region of Limn (between the Bay of Torpes and the Bay of Trollhattan) experienced similar conflicts between Antalian tribes, goblinoids, lizardmen, undead, sylvan folk and occasional monsters from the region, and those coming from the mountains such as giants, dragons and the like.
“The History of our beloved great island of Alphatia is more complex than many Alphatians realize,[...] What I know is that fairies, dragons and giants are most certainly among the oldest inhabitants of Alphatia. But not only them. Several reptilian races [...]
(Compiled by Thiserstian of Alphatia, magician and scholar of the Imperial University)7.
In the old times (earlier than 3000 BC), the Alphatian Sea on the coast of Limn (and along the Kerothar Mountais) was ruled and inhabited by the Gandhar Empire of the giants. They maintained their power in the northern Kerothar Mountains (from the Kerothar Spur near Maskin-Xul Forest and to the north near the Glacier of Kazarn) and extending south on the Ridge (probably until Mogban Ranges and Bolgrim Mounts).
Map of Limn
The region suffered successive raids and migrations through the mountains and the coast over the centuries and millennia, which contributed over time to the weakening (in addition to the insulation) and decline of the giants of this region until finally almost extinguishing the traces of culture of this civilization and its historical records. The information still keeps that there are a few locations where the giants still live.
"There is a peculiar case in the ancient culture of the giants that interests me; I had the opportunity to learn about it in the court of Limn. The descendants of the colonies of giants believe that the high concentration of trolls in the Bay of Trollhattan is due to an invasion by a Gargantua beast coming out of the sea; defeated at the time by the ancient kingdom of the giants, and thrown in the bottom of the pit, parts of the dead Gargantua corpse had multiplied, originating the trolls. Their children were living in the caves below, which were called by some Trollmark, since the time before the formation of the current capital of Limn"
(Lord Vantor - imperial scribe visiting Trollhattan)
Ancient lizardmen (probably from the Old Repth civilization on the Haunted Marches in Haven) crossed the mountains coming from Southeast Plains and swamps led by a great dragon despot (circa 2100 BC) invaded Limn and seized the plains along the Great Bay (now the Bay of Trollhattan).
With the arrival of the dragon H'ssar8 and its horde of troglodytes, lizardmen and giant lizards, the trolls of the shaft were subjugated and the dragon made its domain in Trollshaft9 (Trollmark) and the swamps north (between the river Dar-Engal and the bay).
[Image: The Dragon H’ssar ?]
The structure of Trollmark (Trollhattan Pit) consists of lizardmen buildings in the upper levels, and trolls in the lower part of the shaft, under the command of the dragon, now in his new lair underground.
Having established their main colony next to H'ssar’s domain (The Older), the lizardmen built another new colony years later in the northern part of the Bay of Trollhattan where the terrain tends towards that of swamps and marshes. This outpost eventually becomes the city of Theraba.
The arrival of H'ssar brings other dragons over the years as they begin to establish dens in several places in the valleys and mountains, which starts a territorial confrontation in Kerothar with the giants of Gandhar. This succession of conflicts beyond the bay initiated by the lizardmen generates an isolation of communications as well as trade between the giants in the north and south of Kerothar Mountais. From there many smaller cities and colonies are abandoned or destroyed in the ensuing conflicts.
“On a final note about this age, I should add that the Great Rain of Fire also caused a temporary resurgence of some non-human races. For example lizardmen ruled the modern Haunted Marshes of Alphatia and all the lands around it, possibly allied with the nation of Mogreth in eastern Brun.”
(compiled by Thiserstian of Alphatia, magician and scholar of the Imperial University).
Northern lands beyond Limn still dominated all of northeastern Brun and northwestern pre Alphatia. The Yannivey ruled the northeast, while the central forests were again dominated by fairy and sylvan folk.
Immigrants, formerly from Taymora, established the colony of Ymathra in the current Kingdom of Haven (these already had enmity with Mogreth before10) Western Alphatia, in the hills south of the Kerothar Mountains (Approximately 1700-1750 BC).
The Ymathran11 nobility were colonists/refugees from distant Taymora, but far reduced from their ancestors' days of glory - they focused mainly on enhancing their own power and status, ruling from the shadows and keeping the common folk as terrorized feeding stock. In spite of this, they were a definite threat to the Alphatian newcomers - many Ymathrans were powerful necromancers, others were skilled in combat and able to use their vampiric talents to infiltrate and assassinate. The Ymathran underclass also fought against the Alphatian interlopers (probably between AY 65/935 BC until AY 100/900 BC) with desperate strength, more afraid of their lords' punishment than any vengeance the Alphatians might visit upon them.
The Lords of Ymathra and settlers also came to see the Limn region as a probable domain after seeing the decrease in strength of the giants of old Gandhar.
After this period (BC 1750) were the first waves of goblinoids into Alphatia, in particular on the west coast, and also by Kerothar Mountais where many settled in Limn. During the migration of Traldar and Taymorans to the Alphatian mainland, the goblinoids traversed from Brun to Alphatia over the natural land bridges that existed at the time. Such bridges were later destroyed by climatic changes and rising sea levels after the earthquakes that destroyed the Taymora civilization from 1750 to 1700 BC. Giants and fairies in the north took the worst brunt of this invasion. For the most part, the goblinoids settled in the plains near the foothills of the mountains of Kerothar, but managed to stay near the coast.
The giants of Gandhar in part repelled the goblinoids who came to Limn, but were betrayed by tribes of lowland hill giants that had allied themselves with the goblinoids. The giants in Kerothar became increasingly isolated from the southern mountains because of the migration plains flooding and dragon domains established in the mountains.
Among the first wave of goblinoids and their expansion in Alphatia, and before the arrival of the second migration (BC1300 -1000), Antalians from the north began to establish colonies on the west coast (Terkyn, formerly named Grønborg, being one of them) coming from the realms and domains of Ystmarhavn and Yannivey.
The disadvantaged geographical terrain of the golbinoid tribes forced them into an alliance with the lizardmen of Trollmark (Trollhattan Pit) so as to not be driven by attacks from various sides of the plains which were favoured by the lizardmen who were strengthened on it.
The arrival of the second wave of goblinoids who came by sea in the west (AY 0 /1000 BC) creates a beachhead in the hills of Nin-Marag and another in the Sound of Ishme (Hills of Akh-Kharu). This starts many confrontations on the coast of Limn against local human tribes (mostly Ystmarhavners).
The north beyond the Bay of Torpes (AY 200/800 BC) is readily resisted by Terkyn/Grønborg limiting the beachhead of goblinoids who came by sea to the hills of Nin-Marag. The hordes in Ahk-Kharu also lose the coast and relocate among the foothills. Disputes rage over the hills with the iron mines, with the hordes occasionally being repelled back to the Winterfall Hills.
The Antalians further south of Limn (as far as Hundraal) are limited to the margins of a few territories Sheb-Nigosh and now have a hard time living on land close to the goblinoids. This situation only improves when Ystmarhavner seafarers (Current Seahome Guard) secure the domain of Aroth-Dag Hills and when the Ymathrans establish a hold in the south (near Hundraal River) and mediate (through his powers of manipulation and charms) for a peaceful coexistence with the goblinoids on site.
After the numerous migrations in the plains, the area of H'ssar’s lizardmen, more dragons established themselves in the Kerothar Mountains and after several attacks, the Gandhar core territories became increasingly isolated; both in the north and the south. Thus, Ymathrans choose a faction of the giants in the north and through their magical powers charmed them to help secure victory in the north, stabilizing the area in the mountains and setting a hold in the nearby regions of Dag-Atûr along with their new allies (giants of the foothills, dragons and some goblinoids tribes). At this point what remained of Gandhar was finished.
Realizing the lizardmen were arraying for war in the Bay of Trollhattan, the Lords of Ymathran from the Kerothar Mountains cast their hosts of goblinoids and allies against Trollmark (Trollhattan Pit), but its defenses are very well prepared. H'ssar had established a firm area in the pit-city with its own goblinoids, troglodytes and lizardmen (plus a gross rag-tag army of trolls). However the biggest surprise was revealed by the presence of beholders as allies of the lizardmen, who succeed in pushing back the minions sent by Ymathra (which must then rethink a new course of action against Trollmark).
“The vast majority of the elves fled south to Shiye-Lawr, where they rejoined their brethren in peace - the antagonisms aroused during the war being relaxed in this time of need. The humans found no welcome in Shiye-Lawr, and many either fled south into Alphatia or, along with a small number of elves, westwards to what is now Norwold. Many of the Foresthomes of modern Norwold were in fact founded by these elves. By the first weeks of AY 734, or BC 266 by the Thyatian calendar, Ilmaryl was no more.”
(From a lecture at the University of Wendar12)
In this period after the end of the elven kingdom of Ilmaryl in the north, some Shiye were reestablished in the forests of Shiye and Alfleish while others left for Norwold due to various political problems within the elvish culture. A few houses had teamed up to create a hometree between the forests of Tal-Burud and Maskin-Xul south of Limn. Conflicts and clashes in the plains encouraged sylvan folk to ally themselves with the Shiye elves in exchange for mutual protection. This model followed until the arrival of the Alphatians on Limn.
With the arrival of Alphatian armies in AY 884/116 BC the recognition and consolidation of allies and enemies finally began to define the territory of Limn. Various groups and races had different positions:
Trollmark – Enemies of all, and opposed to any invasion of the plains or the Bay of Trollhattan.
Goblinoids of Plains - Non allies to lizardmen, they start light clashes against both Antalians and Alphatians, but many are too unorganized to resist long against Alphatia.
Giants - In this period, Gandhar has already been undone, and the giants are too few. They stay out of the fighting during the invasion.
Celebryn Elves (Shiye) - Refugee Shiye/Ilmaryl (after falling AY 734/266 BC) the elves were severely limited and driven back into the forests due to raids by goblinoids of the plains of Limn. Seeking allies with sylvan folk, they see the Alphatians as a chance of survival against the goblinoids.
Antalians / Ystmarhavner / Qeodharians - See alliances with the Alphatians as an opportunity to maintain their coastal territories and rid the plain of goblinoids. Grønborg in the north resists hard against both the goblinoids and Alphatian assistance (circa AY 890/110 BC) on the Torpes Peninsula (an independent kingdom since AY 350/650 BC). All territory east of the foothills, connecting with the plains, is subjugated circa AY 940/60 BC.
Ymathra13 – At first the goblinoids are used against Alphatians in battles on the plains, but are soundly defeated and retreat to the nearby mountains hills, leaving the plains in Alphatian hands (except Trollmark in the Bay of Torpes). With Alphatian alliances in place (elves, Antalians south of Limn, and a few sylvan folk) the goblinoid tribes are defeated and ultimately surrender to the Alphatians saving them from extinction. Finally , the strongholds and homes of the Lords of Ymathrans are located and destroyed in Alphatian attacks. Alphatian armies in the area, supported by the Draconic Orders sent from Randel, come into conflict with undead troops just as often as they do with Ymathrans. The main positions to fall are Sheb-Nigosh (now Castle Zychnier), around Dag-Atûr Mountains and Castle Sheb-Talai on Winterfall Hills.
Ultimate Fate to Ymathra
Alphatian war-wizards eventually scourged Ymathra from history, executing the noble class and subjugating the peasantry (which was still likely a kinder fate than continued Ymathran domination). Aasla (already on her Path to eventual Immortality as Alphatia) was at the forefront of the war against Ymathra - and her horror at the tactics used by the Ymathrans, as well as her disgust at the way other Alphatian wizards tried to overawe the Ymathran peasant folk with similar displays of brutality, contributed greatly to her belief in pacifism and constructive study of magic. To the extent that the Ymathran war was a just one, it was Aasla's doing, and part of her Trial and Testimony was creating a network of enchantments and magical wards that sealed away Ymathran curse-magic and made the land lush and bountiful once more. The nexus-crystal of this ward network still exists, in a secluded valley some 250-odd miles northwest of the city of Aasla ... whether any ill force would be unleashed if the crystal is damaged remains unknown.
Lizardmen – After the end of Ymathrans, Alphatian attacks are focused against Trollmark. The defeated lizardmen initiated a negotiation of peace agreements with the Alphatians and Draconic Orders from Randel (which were crucial in H'ssar’s defeat). Later the place name was changed to Trollhattan though the moat below remains known as Trollmark14.
After the Alphatian invasion and the taking of Trollmark, Alphatians established some order in the region. Hundraal established Alphatian cities in the south of Limn’s coast and settled the Ystmarhavner seafarers on En-Hadoth building a naval port in conjunction with the Alphatians in Aroth-Dag (Seaguard Tower). The goblinoids were allowed to assemble in communities and villages provided they remain at peace with Alphatia’s allies and soon, Nin-Marag and Nergath were established north of Trollhattan Bay. Dul-Marag was another goblinoid community established by the Dar-Engal River as well as the sylvan folk village of Zerantha.
Having lost the war (AY 915/85 BC), most lizardmen prefered not to remain under the direct control of the Alphatian guardpost in Trollmark and settled on the north side of the Dar-Engal river in the swamps where the current village Theraba exists.
The northern region of Limn along the ruins of Grønborg stayed disavowed and long forgotten (serving as a refuge place for goblinoid survivors of the battles, which were very bitter to stay under the eyes of Alphatian guard further south) until the founding of Torpes in AY 1180/180 AC.
Below is a summary of Limn chronology from the beginning to the present day15.
5000 BC: Gandhar extends from the northern to southern Kerothar Mountains with Serpentine expansion contained by the Gandhar Empire of the Giants, which at the time ruled also over fairy and human populations.
2300 BC: Fight to the coast and plains of Limn between the giants of Gandhar and a sea troll-like Gargantua coming from the Alphatian Sea.
2100 BC: Lizardmen are established along the Bay of Trollhattan and dominate the trolls. H'ssar establishes his lair in Trollmark (Trollhattan pit).
1990 BC: Dragons in Kerothar. Period of conflict with Gandhar giants defending their domains.
1750 BC: Ymathra is established in modern Haven and the Kerothar Mountains.
1745 BC: First invasion of goblinoids in Alphatia; they concentrate on the plains of Limn.
1740 BC: Confrontation between the dragon alliance (H’ssar and the dragons of the Kerothar mountains) and the giants of Gandhar. Although, the giants were more organized, the overwhelming numbers of the dragon alliance (boosted by lizardmen and goblinoids) gave them the upper hand.
1400 BC: Kingdoms and domains formed by Ystmarhavner explorers north of Alphatia.
1300 BC: Goblinoid expansion mostly in Alphatian Sea and Eastern Brun.
AY 0 /1000 BC: Expansion of Antalian Tribes in Limn is limited by the coast with lizardmen in Bay of Trollhattan and goblinoids in the plains and foothills. Arrival of Alphatians on the continent (Landfall); last Goblinoid invasion coming by sea (Beachhead were today stays Nin-Marag).
AY 4/ 996 BC: Prince Aaslon and his troops are attacked by city states and possibly Ymathrans Ostmarks when crossing the Kerothar Mountains16.
AY 35 / 965 BC: Alphatian expedition explores the west coast up to modern day Limn. There they met by ships from the island of Qeodhar and were driven back.
AY 52-60 / 940 BC: Alphatian imperial navy attacks and invades Stonewall (sea and land); Colonel Aaslon founded a naval base (actually Draco17).
AY 62/938 BC: After a few victories at sea, Qeodharian fleet sailed south to crush their Alphatian enemies completely. Unfortunately they underestimated the reserves of the Empire. Most Qeodharian units were captured or sunk.
AY 65/935 BC: Antalians from the south coast of Limn (Hundraal) established an alliance with the Alphatians. Wizard War of Alphatia against Ymathra in Kerothar continues.
AY 90 / 910 BC: Alphatian Imperial Marines burned down Ystmarhavn, the greatest settlement of the Qeodharian jarls; the Jarls never fully recover again.
AY 100 / 900 BC: Ymathra defeated and officially under Alphatian rule by AY100;A few individual domains still remain in Limn mountains.
AY 200 / 800 BC: Ystmarhvner colonies founded on Alphatian west coast.
AY 350 / 650 BC: Ylsa founded Grønborg Realm18 (over Terkyn city).
AY 400 / 600 BC: Markland established as a realm.
AY 734 / 266 BC: Fall of elven kingdom of Ilmaryl19.
AY 740/260 BC: Several Shiye elves united as a minor clan (Celebryn) move out from Shiye-Lawr (after conflicts with the king) and establish a domain (Treehome) between Alal-Xul and Tal-Burud Forest (Limn).
AY 884 / 116 BC: Alphatian invasion of Limn.
AY 890/110 BC: Brief conflicts with goblinoids; Alphatians make alliances with Shiye Celebryn (and sylvan allies) in addition to the already established alliance with the Hundraal on the south coast.
AY 900/100 BC: The few surviving Ymathran leaders launch their goblinoids, peasant militia and several undead against Alphatians.
AY 910 / 90 BC: Last Ymathrans destroyed; Alphatia takes the plains and begins to fight and make siege against the lizardmen in Trollmark (Trollhattan pit).
AY 915 / 85 BC: Alphatian army joins with units of Randel Draconic Orders and defeat the lizardmen. Lizardmen remain only in the town of Theraba and surrender to the imperial troops. Trollmark (Trollhattan pit) pass to be watched and guarded.
AY 950 / 50 BC: After nine years of siege, Grønborg was taken and destroyed by Alphatia.
AY 1150 / 150 AC: A group of Traldar sailing in a vessel founded the Tarpanades settlement over the ruins of Grønborg.
AY 1180 / 180 AC: Alphatians and Traldar families from Tarpanades20 established an imperial alliance.
AY 1900 / 900 AC: The elven Lord Drushiye (with the support of Dracor and Mitrestu families) manages to convince the Emperor Tylion IV to establish the kingdom of Limn and allow him to rule. His new capital will be established in Trollhattan.
AY 1928/928 AC: Ambitious Alphatians plan to redraw the borders of Limn (to includ the city of Torpes). Several imperial representatives sent to allied groups in the region. Economist Xandaram sent to Torpes (administrator and imperial representative).
AY 2000 / 1000 AC: Time of the Gazetteers series.
Castle Dracor21
Traditional Dracor family castle, that rises on a hill in the mountains like a black spur amid a mist that darkens until daylight, at the foot of ensconced Kerothar in the mountains on the way between the Bay of Torpes and Keep Dagan. It has a small road winding between the passage of the mountains to the castle. Around an old petrified tree forest are spears with heads stuck on the tips interspersed with hanged bodies. In the midst of fogs and mists lurk denizens such as wolves, bats and giant bats, that scan the region from above and serve as spies for the “Count" in his castle.
Central Quarter Order of Dracor
60 inhabitants (with another 60 scattered around the kingdom in small patrol units). A bastion tower-like barbican blocks the way before reaching the castle Dracor (serving as an outpost and general quarter to the Order of Knights and Dracor Avengers) with their gates being opened or closed after investigating any visitors.
Castle Mitrestu22
200 inhabitants - In the mountains north of Nergath the path is protected by a dense temperate forest rumored to be haunted by ghosts and wandering souls who drag the unwary from the track into the forest depths. A stone tip connects the road up to the castle. The land around the castle is a large pit filled with corpses. Most of the Mitrestu family takes refuge in this old place (dated from the time of Ymathrans), with few family representatives allocated in Torpes and Trollhattan. As an extension of its territory there is Nergath village south of the castle. Although, the land belongs to the Mitrestu, the goblinoid population is politically aligned with the city of Dul-Marag, but out of sheer fear, they pay their taxes and obey the commands of the lords in the castle.
Great Temple of Nyx
Inside the forest north of Nergath, rituals and offerings are dedicated to Nyx in the large central chamber. The high priests gather here and from this point also manage their smaller temple in Nergath.
620 inhabitants - Commanded by a tribe of bugbears (the Draw Skin) which subjugates a lesser tribe of goblins that works in the coal mines. The city has its economy based on livestock in the fields, fuelwood collection, charcoal creation and coal extraction with the coal and charcoal supplying the forges of Nin-Marag and Baenil. These activities led to numerous conflicts with fairies, druids and the sylvan folk of Zerantha. Enraged by the clearing of forests to make way for pasture and firewood production, they have required King Drusyie’s mediation more than once, to avoid more serious conflicts. A small contingent of minotaurs, servants of the royal house, was allocated to the city, following the real ambassador responsible for regulating the extraction of firewood and pasture improvement over the forest. They remain in compliance with the city representatives of Mitrestu and a small patrol (outpost) of the Order of Dracor.
800 inhabitants - Inhabited by a large tribe of hobgoblins (Iron Fangs), who reject the influence of the circle of the elders of Dul-Marag and adopted for themselves the customs of the more "civilized" Alphatians, which are reflected in the city's architecture and the garments of its inhabitants. Nin-Marag is heavily fortified and marked by a constant gray haze coming from countless forges and workshops. The sound of metal being worked sharply resounds through the muddy alleys as an incessant mantra. In the city center, a huge building stands, it houses the beating heart of Nin-Marag, the High-Oven that produces the Ulfberht23, a special steel from the lost old Gandhar Empire, which feeds the city forges. The building is extremely well kept and access to the site is controlled.
530 inhabitants - One of the oldest Villages of Limn, its stone buildings withstood both time and Alphatian invasion when it was spared. The flooded areas have several caves where most of the population lives. The commercial district is the driest area and highest in the city (populated by lizardmen, troglodytes, kobolds, trolls, ogres and some goblinoids; the old allegiances of Trollmark). Its inhabitants are a bit more reclusive and insular because of their history. The village is surrounded by stone walls and lightly fortified. A local lineage descended from the Limn primordial lizardmen line is responsible for the village government. The main buildings and the temple have a similar construction to the Azcan culture.
Great Temple of Ka
Up a hill north of the main avenue of Theraba stays the great temple of Ka, where rituals, offerings and services are dedicated to the immortal in the main chamber. The high priests gather here, and at the central temple in Trollhattan, on dates sacred to their culture, and the ethos of Ka.
Iron (Refining)Tools (Production)
Iron (Mining)Drugs (Kala)
Iron (Trade)
Obsidian (Jewellery)
Obsidian (Mining)
Fishing (Giant Crab)Leather Goods (Production)
Iron (Export)Weapons (Export)
Armors (Export)
Jewelry (Production / Export)
Books (Production / Export)
Weapons (Production)Armors (Production)
Tools (Production)
Leather Goods (Production)Firewood (Production)
Coal (Production)
Monsters (Production)
Potions (Production)
Magic Components (Production)
Crafts (Production)
Ceramics (Production)
Bows and Arrows (Production)
Monsters (Export)
Flint (Export)
Ceramics (Export)
Paints (Production / Export)
Potions (Production / Export)
Magic components
(Production / Export)
Flint (Mining)
Ceramics (Production / Export)
Bows / arrows (Production / Export)
Hardwood (Fine woods)
Fishing (Octopus / Squid / Sepia)
Paints (Sepia Ink)
1. IRON - Extracted in Remina and refined in Baenil, it goes by barge to Ishme and from there to the forges of Nin-Marag and to the port of Torpes, from where it is exported.
2. FIREWOOD / COAL - Produced in Nergath, supplies the forges of Nin-Marag and Baenil
3. ARMS AND ARMOR - In Nin-Marag the Remina iron is processed and transformed into Ulfberht (high quality steel of the Gandhar Empire) being worked in the countless forges of the city, for the production of weapons and armor of exceptional quality. These are produced in series, following a basic model, valuing functionality rather than appearance. Weapons and armor are transported by sea to Torpes, from where they are exported to the whole Empire.
4. OBSIDIAN - Extracted in the mines of Dagan, it is polished and made into jewelry in Ishme and Torpes, from where it is exported.
5. BOOKS - The Sage´s League on Torpes produces cheap copies of the most popular books of the Empire and deluxe editions using rare materials and special inks produced in Trollhattan.
6. TOOLS - Produced in Baenil (mining) and Nin-Marag (forgery) to meet the insatiable local demand.
7. MONSTERS - Caught in the Kerothar mountains, in the Tal-Burud forests and the hills of Akh-Kharu by the Hunters Guild in Dul-Marag, they are sold in markets in the city and exported to all over the Empire from Trollhattan.
8. POTIONS - The Trollhattan alchemists and the Shamans of Dul-Marag produce a wide variety of potions, especially for the control of monsters, which are used to appease the beasts in fairs in Dul-Marag and the Trollhattan Zoo, the surplus production is exported through the capital, and the Blackheart kingdom is its main consumer market.
9. MAGIC COMPONENTS - A lot of magical components, especially those derived from monsters (Half a kilo of basilisk scales? Right away!) can be found in Dul-Marag and Trollhattan, from where they are exported to the rest of the Empire.
10. BOWS AND ARROWS - The elven clans Celebryn, sylvan folk and faeries of Zerantha produce a wide variety of bows and arrows of high quality and rich decoration, which are marketed locally and exported to Stonewall and Aurora Island. Especially coveted are the rare pixy arrows arriving at Celebryn markets.
11. FLINT - Extracted from the mines of the Kerothar Spur, it is prized in Celebryn, and exported through the port of Trollhattan to Stonewall, Frisland and the Isle of Dawn.
12. PORCELAIN - Produced in Celebryn and Zerantha is highly prized for its unusual strength, vibrant colors and "ethnic paintings" being fairly valued in Aasla, to where it is exported, and by the Trollhattan alchemists, who use them for transportation and storage of potions and magical components.
13. PAINTS - Produced in En-Hadoth (sepia) and Trollhattan (derived from monster pigments) are coveted throughout the Empire due to their remarkable resistance to water, especially paints produced by the Guild of Alchemists in Trollhattan, whose magical properties facilitate the spelling of scrolls and grimoires.
TORPES: Additional description
As described briefly in the first part of this gazetteer25 Ylsa of the Sharpened Blade conquered the citadel of Terkyn, and renamed it Grønborg. There were several conflicts with Markland in the north (the capital of which was Taraldstad) whose King was Tarald the Black. Grønborg, which, though it was sparsely populated, more than made up for this weakness through the ferocity of its warriors.
There were also some goblinoid tribes that dominated the foothills of the mountains and occasionally settled the hills of Ankh-Kahru (between the Bay of Eanna and the Sound of Ishme) and imposed their will on local tribes and take control of the iron mines for crafting weapons, until finally being driven back to the passes in Sheb-Talai.
Roughly 200 years after Grønborg was taken and destroyed by Alphatia, a Traldar sailing vessel founds Tarpanades settlement over the Grønborg ruins.
Eventually, after the Alphatians learned of the displaced Tarpanadeans' history, they offered the Traldar the possibility of establishing a local colony in exchange for fealty to the Empire. The Tarpanadeans accepted, on the condition that they were allowed to govern themselves as they saw fit. The Alphatians agreed, so long as taxes were paid, finding this reasonable under the circumstances.
Today, it is now known as "Torpes", a corruption of its old name, "Tarpanades." Technically it is a part of Limn, but is a semi-independent city in its policy and economy of everyday life. A council of families and clans govern the city under the guidance of an imperial representative, Lord Xandaram. Actually Torpes has a population around 7500 inhabitants and a military force of 1795 troops in AY2000.
Port gate with chains and towers of lights; Composed by a minor port exclusively for imperial affairs and a larger port for trade (with an exclusive wing for local noble families).
2.Warehouse District
Neighboring the docks and divided (after the renovation of the port) into imperial and merchant sections.
3.Foreign District
Adjacent to the port, has some inns, general shops and service shops (the district has a curfew at night and guard patrols).
4.Guard Outpost
In addition to a citadel along the bastion tower of the imperial envoy, there are several stone buildings with guards using the imperial and Limn kingdom coat of arms that patrol the city and communicate through cavalry and messages.
5.City Meeting Hall
Built on a hill nearby the citadel, the structure is stylized like the great halls of the Antalians; But nearby buildings are a mix of Traldar and Traladaran design. Some small service shops provide the district with minor magical services (detections, order incantations, apothecary, books and scroll services).
6.Orc Enclave
Separated and watched by guards, the enclave is walled and its accesses are to the outer gate and the Dockside (for cargo services, storage and stevedores from goblinoid guilds). A group of chieftains maintains a hierarchy of control over the enclave.
Fortified on a hill beside the central avenue, this bastion is where the imperial administrator Xandaram resides. Besides the guard barracks and an annexed aerodrome, the bastion consists of administrative offices to oversee the city and imperial bureaucracy.
A square in front of the bastion has a magical accessory to detect sudden changes, such as weather or fog and ashes from Alphaks’ Volcano (like a magic alarm bell).
Castle Dracor
Rikhar - (CN male human F/Avenger 14 lv) Captain Order of Dracor.
Rikhar has white hair and dark hazel eyes, and sharpened teeth. He wears dark plate armor and wields a bastard sword. Rikhar seeks revenge against the kingdom of Stonewall which exiled him some years ago.
See more info on Torpes City.
Krisnak, Dragon Lord in Dracor – (CE male red dragon 15 HD)
He was sent by his master26 many years ago to assist Lord Mzilikazi and guard the skies of the Dracor. Occasionally he serves as the Count´s mount. Unwanted visitors and defeated victims are turned into the main course in his cave in the mountains.
Castle Mitrestu
The Mitrestu, as a house, originated from marriage between Traldar peasant families coming from the lost areas of Ymathran (Alphatia post-invasion). Connoisseurs of Traldar mysticism and Ymathra culture, The Mitrestu have magical abilities, especially within the arts of necromancy.
Political alignment: favors the Traldar families (especially Dracor and others in Torpes) Occasional allegiance with Marthedren. Supporters of King Drushyie.
Duties: Oversees the Bay of Torpes and Kerothar Mountains
High Lord Cheslav - Head of Mitrestu (NE male human W/necromancer 20 lv)
With great responsibility to carry on the family tradition, he has the help of his father, Chesiev, and the support of his wife in matters regarding good relationships with the Dracor and diplomacy with King Drushyie. Sponsors research on the Ymathran lost culture and magic, and has developed concerning dialogue about the matter with Argaloth on his personal basin in Mitrestu castle. Member of the Great Council, even being a man of few words, fiercely defends the interests of Limn (from Mitrestu point of view, of course).
Lady Ellenora (CN female human Avenger 12 lv)
Ellenora was promised in marriage to Cheslav by Lord Mzilikazi from Dracor as a means of keeping the houses united. Her relationship with her husband is a bit cold and something morbid. Makes good use of her connections from Dracor to guide the diplomatic policies of Mitrestu to good relationships with the royal house of Limn. Occasionally goes to the capital, Trollhattan, where her daughter Rhadasta lives.
Viorel (the young)
See more information under Torpes, below.
Ruxandra (CE female human C13 Nyx)
High Priestess on the Great Temple of Nyx. She has a short blonde hair and green eyes, and a prominent face. She wears dark garments and an ornamented mantle. She desperately seeks the secret of immortality in serving Nyx and the Lords of Limbo.
ArchMaster Chesiev – (CE male human lich W/Necromancer 22 lv)
This old Mitrestu established the current domain of the family. After attaining lichdom he devoted his time to magical studies and to sponsor the investigation of Ymathran civilization. Part of the success of his research was the capture of an ancient Ymathran vampire, currently magically trapped in the basement of his castle. Now he leaves the leadership of Mitrestu in the hands of his son Cheslav.
Petrica (CN male human C10 Nyx)
Priest of Nyx at the temple in Nergath. He disseminates the doctrine that redemption can only be achieved after the big night (death). A Skillful orator and strong charismatic man, Petrica is the main representative of Mitrestu in Nergath. His mother Ruxandra runs the Great Temple of Nyx hidden in the forest.
Kathrador the Older(CE male human wraith Lord 11 HD)
(Elder Ymathra Spirit) An old Ymathran who obediently served his masters in life and was preserved after death. Trying to regain secrets of his people (and the truths that lead to knowledge of the remains of Taymora culture). He joined Viluskra and extended his condition to her, so she could help him in his plans.
Lord Svojar (Mitrestu) (NE male human undead 6 HD)
Revived a few years ago as a Zombie Lord27, Svojar commands the undead in special detachments on family missions. The most important warriors of the undead unit serve as skeleton warriors28 under his command (personal escort).
Great Matriarch Viluskra (NE female human wraithlord 16 HD29)
She lived there centuries ago as the main thrall of Lord Chesiev, and lost her life while investigating the past Ymathran culture . While still alive she had contacted the Kathrador spirit to dig up and recover old Ymathran secrets. Her thirst for power to house Mitrestu and the desire for eternal life are her main passion and motivation to remain among the livings. She can contact the old deceased Mitrestu relatives (something like a speak with dead ability) to retrieve knowledge and information.
Chief Gulmud, Grizzly Bear (LE Male Bugbear 7HD)
Smarter than most bugbears, Gulmud knows how to pick his fights and only attacks a target when he is certain that he can defeat them. Extremely superstitious, he only makes decisions after consulting the oracles of the shaman Saath, which makes him a marionette of the circle of elders of Dul-Marag.
Saath (NE Female Red Orc Shaman 6)
Cunning and cynical, this young shaman aims to gain power at any cost. Devout of Jamudaru, she advises Gulmud on the interests of the circle of the elders, but always takes into account her personal gain.
Nahzir (LE Male Minotaur 8HD)
Proud commander of the personal diplomat escort of Master Ardabryn, a position that he plays with great competence and greater arrogance. He never forgives the mistakes of his subordinates, punishing them severely for trivial faults, as well as for his own mistakes (and they are many), always finding a way to hold anyone else accountable for them.
Master Ardabryn (LN male elf W8 lv)
Diplomat and ambassador of the royal house of Limn sent to mediate the conflict between Nergath and Zerantha, Ardabryn wants to resolve the issue as soon as possible, in order to "return to civilization", as he is often ranting from time to time.
Diko - Undertaker of the Cult of Nyx – (N male human T7 lv)
Diko has tangled black hair and amber eyes. He is responsible for collecting corpses and carrying them to the Temple. He wears black leather armor, a strange top hat and wields a poisoned dagger and darts. Diko is cursed with traumatic nightmares (always related in some degree to his masters in the Great Temple of Nyx).
Petrica-Priest of Temple of Nyx in Nergath
See more information under Castle Mitrestu, above.
Vojta (CN Male Human Avenger10 lv).
Order of Dracor member in Nergath. Vojta has red hair and dark brown eyes, and a cropped moustache. He wears leather armor and wields a poisoned short sword and dagger.
Great Chief Whungar (LN Hobgoblin, F6 lv)
The tough task of modernization and technology for all local goblinoids is on his shoulders. His ancestors had invested in the construction of the city and the same was expected of him. To stay in power and be free from opposition he signed an alliance with the Baluk family in Torpes and so secured one of the widest goblinoid trade networks in all of Limn. Has carefully studied alliances with Thorberg (so that he does not end up becoming a puppet). His visionary nature has caused him to strive as a swordsman and he has trained with great ability to defend his position as chief.
Ehinar (LN Male Hobgoblin, Wokan 6)
This old wizard has seen many winters, calm and soft-spoken, he hides a sharp mind behind the fragile facade. True to his people and to his boss, Ehinar strives to achieve his goals and never forgives those who fail to fulfill his orders or threaten his tribe.
Rajmund (N Male Hephaeston30, 25 HD)
Years ago Rajmund was attacked by giants led by Martoth who wanted to plunder his stock of weapons and armor to attack Limn. During the attack his mate was killed and the children that they were forging together were destroyed. He managed to escape after killing some of the giants and ogres and wounded, sought refuge in Nin-Marag, since he had an old business relationship with the hobgoblin clan, to which he sold weapons and armor in exchange for food and iron. He taught them the secret of Ulfberht and built the High-Oven, and in exchange, Rajmund received protection from the Iron Fangs clan and their allies of Baluk family from Torpes. The tribe sent troops to help the Dracor contain the Martoth rebellion. He resents that the Dracor have spared the leader of the giants after his rebellion was defeated.
Her “Scaliness” H´SSarri (NE female lizardmen 7 HD)
The ruler of Theraba harbors a certain pride that the seed of her lineage dates back to the times of the lizardmen horde. She is a little severe with failures and tries to show strength against her enemies. Her need to bear influence and power ensures neither she nor her people (of Theraba) can be intimidated by other races and houses. She believes these “invaders” will one day be humiliated in Limn (when lizardmen will have the opportunity to regain their influence in Trollhattan).
Glashakk Master of Hunting (N male troglodyte 8 HD)
Glashakk patrols the marshes with scout groups and keeps the region free of unwanted invaders (which are trapped in the city dungeon). He still maintains the city guard and can gather the flock for armed struggles in times of need. Currently he is the longest lasting master of hunting to stay in the position and to meet the demands of his master H’ssari.
Pss´hazz Priest of Ka (LN male lizardmen P6 Ka)
Pss'hazz was blessed by the immortal Ka with the ability to progress as a priest31 with great access to the common spells of Ka’s clerics32. He works for the preservation of the memory of his people, with tomes and documents written in a small library in his temple and emphasizing the cultural and religious memory through the religious festivities of the temple calendar.
Torpes City
Tarpanades Family
Torpes began as the village of Tarpanades, named after their only surviving Traldar clan leader. Over the years, Tarpanades grew, slowly influencing the entire region around it and is still one of the major clan houses in the city.
Likely location: City of Torpes
Political alignment: Favors the small families in the city and common allegiance with Marthedren, Mitrestu and Dracor.
Duties: Oversees the Bay of Torpes and Oversea Trading Market
Master Aphales the Old Patriarch (NG male human W10 lv)
Oldest surviving person from the Tarpanades tradition, Master Aphales is a skilled Alchemist. He is slender, with white hair and green eyes. He wears modest garments and a gold amulet. He compulsively clenches his left fist.
Lord Aulius the primogen (NG male human C9 lv Zirchev)
First son of Lord Aphales, he has a long face, with white hair and green eyes. He wears dark robes and wields a dagger and short sword. He is the main figure of influence in the family.
Lady Lymaia (LN female human W5 lv)
As a member of an aristocratic family and representative to the City Council. Lady Lymaia has delicate mannerisms and calm voice, and is a skilled politician. She wears well-made clothing and large dresses.
Eubas, the Young Lady (N female human NW)
This young girl is very naive and shy. She has been much courted but has not yet promised her hand in marriage to anyone. She remains most of the time in the household.
Sir Perasith (NG male human F8 lv)
Master of the Port of Torpes. Sir Persith is concerned about the progress of trade on the harbor docks. He oversees and assists the royal guard. Occasionally some cases that require greater care are referred to Lord Aulius or the City Council.
Hela, the Wise One (NG female human W6 lv)
She has red hair and green eyes, wears green robes and wields a quarterstaff. Hela seeks to become an instructor at the guild of Magicians of Torpes (and is actually a member of Sage´s League).
House of Dracor
Mizildravish (NE male human w/ necromancer 9 lv)
He is pleasant in appearance but steadfastly represents the Dracor in Torpes. With matted gray hair and brown eyes. He wears fancy clothes and wields a rapier and dagger. Mizildravish is thoughtless and callous and always accompanied by a household escort.
House of Mitrestu
Lord Viorel (CN male human W7 lv)
Viorel has black hair and hazel eyes. He was recently sent to Torpes to learn some of the city politics (to represent the interests of Mitrestu there) and observe their customs. He wears leather armor and wields a short sword. He seeks to continue the noble legacy of his father.
House of Thorberg
Halvik (CN male half Orc F4 lv)
Halvik was sent by the old crow (Asmund, his father) from Ishme, to build influence for Thorberg in the city through agreements with the Iron Guild led by Hanna Marthedren and to further enhance alliances with the family of Baluk (which holds strong relations with the Iron Fang clan from Nin-Marag). He has silver greasy hair and large gray eyes, and numerous horrific scars. He wears leather armor and wields a longsword and dagger. Halvik has an animal companion, a raven named Katla.
House of Marthedren
Sindre (NG female human W6 lv)
Sindre is the direct daughter of Hafthorr Marthedren and she provides significant magical aid to the House of Marthedren and the historical research of her father in particular. She enjoys her stay in Torpes to study magic at the local guild and develop her skills. Her close relationship with Hogni33 (the ravensfolk sage) led her to ask for his help with studies of ancient Grønborg items in possession of her father Hafthorr in Marthedren tower, east of Torpes.
Gunnar (LN male human C7 lv Thor)
Gunnar is in Torpes in order to represent his father on the Council, keep the union of the minor Antalian families, and ensure the family financial affairs in the city. He wears expensive clothing and a copper amulet (house coat of arms).
Minor families
Traldar family of maritime merchants with a tradition of building ships. Descendants of the ancient Traldar sailors and navigators who built ships with skills and techniques to cross the deep water between the continents. Most boats and ships of the city bear their mark.
Traldar family of builders and bricklayers. They made their renown and considerable influence by helping to build the city on the ruins of Grønborg and are constantly consulted on urban reform issues. The family manages several estates and some places to rent.
The Cymia family invested its resources in the various businesses developed in the city and now has a tradition as investors. They have significant representation in the Imperial Bank in the city and hold several financial businesses with other local families.
From Antalian heritage, Horgi holds its influence hunting and raising cattle in the field. Magic is a family tradition and they have a small guild of magicians (with a mixed of old Traldar sympathies and sorcery of the wise woman and wokans) located in the foreign district. They provide services to the Cymia family (which financed them to set up their guild) and the traditional Tarpanades, who sponsored the vote for the guild establishment in the City Council.
Antalian family from maritime tradition of seafarers. They are responsible for the defense of the coast, the sea mercenaries and protectors of the Bay of Torpes (along with major house of Seaguard to the south protecting the Bay of Trollhattan). They also have many warriors hired as guild guards, soldiers and personal escorts for other families.
A traditional Antalian family related to the Marthedren. Civilized and diplomatic. They are responsible for the good relations between the Antalian and Traldar families. Their main allies in business is the Iron Guild, and the iron trade coming from Remina is their major source of revenue.
From the Baluk house came the support which enabled the Thorbeg clan to unite and civilize some of the local hill tribes and thus they succeeded in reducing the chaos of violent power struggles between those tribes; a situation that ended up having a nice result for the other families in Torpes since those hill tribes now work in various menial jobs (dockers, miners, transporters) vital to the city’s economy.
The Baluk family structure is actually a coalition of prominent tribes which established a commercial structure that controls a large share of Remina iron transportation business and the weapons production in Nin-Marag.
Sh’larr (the voice) (CE male Lizardmen 7/Wo2/Sh3)
Leader of the Circle of Repth, he dedicates his life and efforts to rekindle the power of his people in Limn, through secrets he found in ancient records, dating back to the time of Repth (an ancient lizardman civilization in the Haunted Marshes, east of Kerothar mountains) and their former Carnifex lords. Currently his cult tries to recover an artifact, The Eye of Reph, that was lost during the chaos of the Alphatian invasion, in order to restore communion with their former masters and bring doom to those responsible for the fall of his kind (his Cult now has 20-30 worshipers).
Black Hags of Theraba Swamp (CN female Hag 12 HD)
The Theraba Marsh also serves as a shelter for a group of three hags seeking isolation. Visitors pay a high price for the visit (or their services).
Jahmadrys (N female adaptor 8 HD)
Leader of the League Sages in Torpes, she has assembled a good group of allies to collect tales and legends of the region (Hogni, Master Dulnor, Sindre, Hela and others in Trollhattan). Her liaison with the Empire is the scribe Lord Vantor Pendrike (an adaptor serving as royal scribe to the court in Theranderol) that has occasionally investigated ancient facts about Limn, Ilmaryl, Frisland, the Wizard War and the north lands of the old Argonath on behalf of the Empress, and used the league to keep a low profile. The league has developed a small library for study of exotic themes. The main purpose of Jahmadrys is to gather knowledge for the order of their race, the adaptors, who live on a plane outside Mystara, and she uses her small group to achieve that.
Sir Quenthinar (NG male human F/ Knight 12 lv)
Quenthinar is originally from Theranderol and was a paladin before failing his duty. After being removed from his original home, he spent some time wandering Haven and then went on to serve in Stonewall. There, he was assigned to journey to Torpes and spy on the actions of Mitrestu and Dracor and report to his masters in Draco. More than that, Quenthinar is waiting for an opportunity to cause serious damage to these undead sires and regain some of his former glory as a paladin and, maybe, attune for his sins.
Lord Althrezam, Officer of the Imperial Army (LN male human W5 lv)
Captain of the Alphatian Reserve Unit stationed in Torpes, he despises Limn, but when Lord Xandaram settled in the city, Althrezam saw a golden opportunity to improve his career in the Imperial Army, and despite that he has proven to be up to the task. Harsh and cold he keeps his men sharp and disciplined with uncountable drills and military exercises.
“His Imperial Envoy” Lord Xandaram (LN male human W14 lv)
Xandaram comes from Greenspur and due to his knowledge in history and economy of various civilizations and cultures, was recommended to take over the management of Imperial representation in Torpes. Recently he developed a passion for local history and with the help of the League of Sages, he has obtained information about the magical practices of the region before the Alphatian colonization. His current study focuses are dating old rune stones (monoliths) from the old Grønborg/Terkyn period.
Argaloth - Minion of chaos34 (CE male undead 11 HD)
Argaloth was sent by the Lords of Chaos in Limbo (by the request of Nyx) to establish agreements and negotiations on the dead who are offered in worship to the immortal in his temple near the city of Nergath (the more souls he negotiates with the priests, the stronger are his manifestation powers on the primary plan). He is also one of the main protectors of the Great Temple and is occasionally called by Lord Cheslav to castle Mitrestu for unknown purposes.
Rajmund plans revenge
Vraakhys35, a cleric of Alphaks, met in secret with the hephaeston and made a strange commission, in exchange for the service he promised Rajmund revenge against the mountain giants’ leader, Martoth36. Every lunar cycle the cleric uses a submersible ironclad to journey into the city from the northern coast on moonless nights, and picks up mysterious objects. Parts of the pieces he collects suggest some kind of metal golem made of Ulfberht. The truth on this process remains unknown.
Rune Monoliths
Stored in dungeons in the imperial bastion of Torpes, Xandaram seeks the support of rune wizards to unravel the ancient secrets of the stones. This fact attracted the attention of Jahmadrys (Leader of the League of Sages on Torpes) who has offered her services (knowledge of many languages and old records) to find clues about the connection between the ancient history of Limn, the goblinoids and the old monoliths.
Underground Vaults
In some underground ruins of ancient Terkyn/Grønborg, hidden by magical protection, still lie some rune monoliths not yet located. Undead warriors still inhabit the ruins, watching the stones for their long dead leader, Ysla. They roam and keep these passages and chambers with the support of old beasts, and will destroy any one who disturbs their sacred duty.
League of Sages
A small guild of sages, scholars, and researchers based in Trollhattan and in Torpes. They study the past history and legends of Limn, particularly the north, Ahk-Kharu Hills, Grønborg, the mythical Gandhar and legends of Ymathra (this last subject made some members investigate the Mitrestu and Dracor). Xandaram is consulting the members of this guild on its collection of monoliths recovered from lost tombs.
Group of Suppression
A Group of Antalians trying through the influence of the Iron Guild, agreements with goblinoids, and alliances with Thorberg, to weaken the strength of the Tarpanades and other Traldar families in the City Council of Torpes. Its main articulator is Hanna Marthedren.
The Nyx undertakers
All the unclaimed corpses (such as slaves, convicts, thieves, murderers, etc.) are collected by acolytes of the cult of Nyx and delivered to the great temple in the forest north of Nergath. Here they are used for ritualistic activities or stored underground in the catacombs of Mitrestu Castle, as part of an agreement between the Immortal, the Lords of Chaos from Limbo and the Mitrestu family.
The Mitrestu Catacombs
In the lower levels of the castle lies a huge catacomb where thousands of embalmed corpses are stored for use in the defense of Limn (as a secret army) whenever King Drushiye so needs37. Priests and necromancers are instructed to turn them into undead in small amounts at a time. This dead army has another secret purpose (known only by the heads of Mitrestu family), the digging of more tunnels and galleries. Parts of these new galleries are justified with the explanation of expanding the space of the catacombs for storage. In fact, the Mitrestu are digging tunnels and secret paths to remote locations abandoned or forgotten by the old Ymathrans colonies in Kerothar. One of those tunnels, in particular, led then to the recovery of the body of a former Ymathran lord imprisoned in some kind of magical stasis (actually an old nosferatu38 lord). They also found clues that there are more secrets to be recovered around Dag-Atûr. Inevitably this operation will end up entering the territory of Stoutfellow.
Worship of Nyx and the Lords of Chaos
After the Alphatian invasion and the chaos that followed the conquest of Trollhattan, the Mitrestu end up in possession of an artifact from some obscure lizardmen cult: a mirror to contact other planes39. The Cult of Nyx (led by members of the Mitrestu) through ceremonies and rituals used the artifact to establish a direct contact with the Lords of Chaos in Limbo, and this resulted in an alliance. A herald was sent to assist them in the work of necromancy: Argaloth (a Minion of Chaos). Inside the main chamber of the temple, during the ceremonies, Argaloth can use his powers as if he were using them in Limbo itself. The more souls and bodies sacrificed in the ceremonial basin of the temple, the stronger the power Argaloth can manifest. Thanks to magic preparations of the ceremonial basin, the manifestation powers of Argaloth can be reproduced in a replica of the basin hide in a secret chamber in Mitrestu castle.
Circle of Repth
This lizardmen cult had in its possession ancient clay tablets dating back to the time of Repth (an ancient lizardmen civilization) and their former Carnifex lords. The tablets contained Carnifex ritual instructions to contact the Outer Beings40, and the cult intended to use it as a secret weapon against the Alphatian invaders during the siege of Trollhattan (AY 915), but the city fell before the rituals were finished, and an artifact used as focus to the ceremony (The Eye of Repth) was lost in the chaos that followed the breach of the city walls. The artifact is actually a mirror to contact other planes41 and no one knows for sure how it ended up in the hands of the cult, since many of its members were killed by the Alphatian invaders, this knowledge is lost forever. The Circle seeks to recover the artifact since then, but still hasn’t found any clues to its whereabouts. The clay tablets remain secretly hidden in a building in the capital, guarded by cultists.
The envoys of the Night
Some spectral beings connected to entropy had periodically visited and probed the castle Mitrestu and its catacombs, spying on the family activities. Occasionally, two of these “specters” have been captured and magically interrogated, however their purpose and the identity of their master remains unknown.
Appendix: References
-Bruce Heard,“The Alphatian Province of Limn” from About Bruce Heard and New Stories, 2012.
-Geoff Gander, “Torpes”, from the Vaults of Pandius, originally from the Mystara Mailing List 30 January, 1999.
-Geoff Gander, “Antalians of the East”, from the Vaults of Pandius, originally from the Mystara Message Board, 1998.
-The Almanac Team, “Mystaran Almanacs” AC1018-1019, from the Vaults of Pandius.
-Bruce Heard, “Lower Stoutfellow -- Alphatia's Underworld” on About Bruce Heard and New Stories, 2012.
-Jamuga Khan “The Conquest of Alphatia” from the Vaults of Pandius.current as of 26 January 2000.
-Rodger Burns “Alphatia: Kingdoms Before Landfall” from the Vaults of Pandius.from The Piazza posted 5 October 2010.
-Francesco Defferrari “Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia” on Threshold issue 11
- Geoff Gander “The Fall of Ilmaryl” from the Vaults of Pandius.from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 September 1998.
- Geoff Gander "Insanity, Horror, and the Outer Beings in Mystara" from the Vault of Pandius
1More info see topic “The Alphatian Province of Limn” on Bruce Heard’s blog: http://bruce-heard.blogspot.it/2012/05/alphatian-province-of-trollhattan.html
2“The Conquest of Alphatia” developed by Jamuga Khan on the Vaults of Pandius http://www.pandius.com/alphconq.html
3“Alphatia: Kingdoms Before Landfall” developed by Rodger Burns on the Vaults of Pandius http://www.pandius.com/ab4lfall.html
4“Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia” in Threshold issue 11
5Accordly to the articles “Torpes” http://pandius.com/torpes.html, “The Fall of Ilmaryl” http://www.pandius.com/ilmaryl.html and “Antalians of the East” http://pandius.com/ant_east.html developed by Geoff Gander on the Vaults of Pandius.
6“A Gazetteer of Limn” in Threshold issue 11
7As explained in “Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia” by Francesco Defferrari in Threshold issue 11
8Known as “The Dragon” this character was presented in the Mystaran Almanac AC1019 (available on the Vaults of Pandius).
9Trollmark and Trollshaft are alternate names used to this trolls under caves. See at “Lower Stoutfellow -- Alphatia's Underworld” map by Bruce Heard on his Blog.
10See some of this description of Mogreth in “Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia” by Francesco in Threshold issue 11 page 118.
11The Ymathran colonies in Alphatia emerged with goblinoid invasions in Brun and the Island of Dawn. See more on “Alphatia: Kingdoms Before Landfall” developed by Rodger Burns on the Vaults of Pandius and again in “Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia” by Francesco Defferrari in Threshold issue 11.
13 The Ymathrans was presented by by Rodger Burns at “Alphatia: Kingdoms Before Landfall” on the Vaults of Pandius.
14A brief map can be seen of Trollmark on “Lower Stoutfellow -- Alphatia's Underworld”
By Bruce Heard on his Blog.
15This proposed timeline is compiled of all data used as reference in this chapter and can be checked (with the exception of what has been developed here) one by one on the Vaults of Pandius.
16As related in “The Conquest of Alphatia - The Early Years” by Jamuga Khan and Captain Ebenezum on the Vaults of Pandius. This event was included Ymathra and Ostmark accordly to development to History of Limn on this article.
17According to Jamuga Khan and Captain Ebenezum “In AY 52 the Qeodharians started a counter-attack. Over the next years some minor naval battles occurred, and bases were constructed and destroyed. In AY 60 the Stonewall base was conquered by the Qeodharians”. See more on “The Conquest of Alphatia - The Early Years” on the Vaults of Pandius.
18See in “Antalians of the East” by Geoff Gander on the Vaults of Pandius.
20The Tarpanades was described in “Torpes” by Geoff Gander on the Vaults of Pandius.
21Castle Dracor was presented as seen in Limn map in Mystaran Almanac AC1018 (available at the Vaults of Pandius). See more about Dracor on “A Gazetteer of Limn” part 1 on Threshold issue 11
22Castle Mitrestu was also presented as seen in Limn map in Mystaran Almanac AC1018.
23See more about Ulfberht description on http://www.medievalhistories.com/ulfberht-swords/
24Most of this information was collected according to “The Alphatian Province of Limn” (industry summary info) on Bruce Heard’s blog.
25Not only in the first issue of this article (Threshold 11) but also described in "Torpes" and "Antalians of the East" developed by Geoff Gander on the Vaults of Pandius.
26See more information on “A Gazetteer of Limn” –Part 1 (Threshold issue 11) page 158 within the DM PLOT INFORMATION section.
27See more info on Monstrous Manual AD&D,TSR publishing page - 373.
28See more info on Monstrous Manual AD&D,TSR publishing page - 317.
29More info about Wraith Lord on X11 - Saga of the Shadow Lord (TSR publishing) and FGAZ 2 The Denagoth Plateau on the Vaults of Pandius.
30See more info on Monstrous Compendium Mystara,TSR publishing page - 50.
31You can use the rules presented on “The Complete Book of the Humanoids”,TSR publishing.
32More info about spells to Priests of Ka, see on “Wrath of the Immortals” TSR publishing and “Codex Immortalis” from Marco Dalmonte.
33These mysterious seers are in fact kin of the ancient Fey, and thus remain bitter opponents of the Ogam as related in “Foresthome : Burwyn, Orfeander, & Rathmore” on Bruce Heard’s Blog.
34See description about Lord of Chaos and Minions of Chaos (and Limbo) on Voyage of the Princess Ark series, Dragon Magazine issue 180, page 48.
35Vraakhys was described on “A Gazetteer of Limn” – part 1. Threshold issue 11 page 157
36Martoth was described on “A Gazetteer of Limn” – part 1. Threshold issue 11 page 156
37Hordes of Limn: Regular Division, Regiments 6-7. Accord to Poor Wizards Almanac I & II (TSR publishing) “Armies of the World” session.
38The Nosferatu was initially presented in GAZ 1 The Grand Duchy of Karameikos.
39See on CM5 Talons of Night (TSR) publishing.
41Initially used by Araneas on Thothia to contact their masters on Plane of Isle of Night.