Another variant of Elementals
by Paul DupuisI would like to brainstorm a new type of Elemental for BECMI/Mystara.
I posted on the "BECMI" and "Mystara Reborn" Facebook Groups (both groups by Bruce Heard), the following post:
"When summoned onto the prime material plane, do I remember correctly that a Summoned Earth Elemental can pass through Earth like air? Also, do Earth Elemental have any Canon ability to create passages or chambers in rock?"The Rules Cyclopedia entry for Elements (starting on page 175) has Elementals in the Prime Material Plane (summoned to the Prime Material Plane by Staff, Device, or Spell) and Elementals in their own Elemental Plane, and Elemental Rules
In BECMI, Elements are first listed in the Expert Book and Elemental Rulers in the Masters DM's book, but the descriptions are essentially the same as the RC.
Form these "canon" sources, Elementals, on the Prime Material plane are essentially just controlled monsters to attack something with. Despite the colorful description of their forms, and limitation on or vulnerability to certain damage from like and posing elements, there only power is to attack and do damage.
From people's kind replies, it seems my memory must have come from another edition of D&D. Shaun Graham on Mystara Reborn kindly posted that 3.0/3.5/Pathfinder does mention it. "An earth elemental can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing earth elemental flings the elemental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save."
So, I want to add a new "type" of Elementals, still for Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, that build on existing Elementals, but when on the Prime Material Plane, have the following characteristics:
1) Intelligence - as an alternative to summoning and controlling them, they can be bargained with for their services. This may imply a new spell to communicate with one on its native plane to strike the bargain or using a means of travel to the elemental plane to bargain with one.
2) Spell-Like abilities. In addition to the powers and abilities of existing Elementals, I'd like for this new type of elemental to have a series of spell-like abilities that allow them to manipulate their element in the Prime Material Plane for service that may not involve combat.
Examples: This type of Air Elemental might be able to cast a Gust of Wind some number of times per day or at will to blow a sail to move a ship.
This type of Fire Elemental might be able to grow or shrink a fire
This type of Water Elemental might be able to lower or raise water (like the spell)
This type of Earth Elemental might have some ability like Stoneform, but to just shape stone rather than create it.In our campaign, we use excellent Tome of Mystara Magic, Volume 1: Arcane Magic and Volume 2: Divine Magic for expanded spell lists.
Using Arcane Magic, I might say the Earth Elemental should have the spell like ability of the Sculpt Stone spell (Arcane Magic, pdf page 103)
They could just have 1 ability each or several or a different number by element
3) I would like to them to move freely through their element. This seems to already be the case with all of the existing Elementals, except Earth.
Air flies
Water swims
Fire takes no damage form Fire and so can move through it like air
Earth should be able to move through earth, I think like described in AD&D 3.x/Pathfinder (above)However, to move "freely" through their elements, should any of the MC values listed change?
Suggestions for 1,2, and/or 3 welcome!