Lodestar Clan
by Karl David BrownTiger-blood Gnome
Once Top Cat’s secret is known to the players you might allow them to play members of the Lodestar Clan afflicted by the same curse.The origin of the curse is you, the DM, to determine.
Skyborn Gnome. You gain all the benefits of the gnome species and the skyborn gnome sub-species.
Ability score adjustments. Reduce you Intelligence by two (with the gnome base race the net is result is no adjustment to intelligence). You are also reckless and overconfident so reduce Wisdom by one.
Shapeshifter. When you are on half maximum hit points or subjected to the Blinded, Frightened, Poisoned, or Paralysed condition your shape shifts into that of a gnome-sized anthropoid tiger. You immediately gain 2d8 temporary hit points, advantage on saves against fear, and disadvantage when using your paw-like hands including piloting and weapon use. If you were Frightened that condition ends. You can bite or claw as an unarmed strike doing 1d4+STR piercing or slashing damage respectively. This change persists for one minute after all of the conditions that cause the change are resolved and you are above half maximum hit points.