I am sure someone has done this one before? Feeling a bit silly today:
Elephant of Surprise (BECMI)
by Håvard
STATS (BECMI) Elephant of Surprise Mastodon of Surprise Armor Class 5 3 Hit Dice 9** (L) 15** (L) Move 120' (40') 120' (40') Attacks 2 tusks or trample 2 tusks or trample Damage 2d4/2d4 or 4d8 2d6/2d6 or 4d8 No. Appearing 1 (0) 1 (0) Save As F5 F8 Morale 8 8 Treasure Type Special Special Intelligence 5 5 Alignment Neutral Neutral XP Value 425 1750 Monster Type: Monster
The Elephant of Surprise looks like an Elephant, but you never see them coming. Elephants of Surprise gain surprise on 1-6 on a d6. You still need to roll , because it is possible that both the party and the Elephant will be surprised. These Elephants are sneaky, getting a 95% on Hide in Shadows, Move Silently and Climb Walls.
The Mastodon of Surprise is similar to its Elephant counterpart, but is also surprisingly wooly.
Tusks of these Elephants and Mamoths are worth 500-1000 GP.
Terrain: Any (where you least expect them!)
Load: 9,000/18,000
Barding Multiplier: x3