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by WingofCoot

Armor Class 7
Hit Dice 7*
Move 30' (10')
Attacks 4 pincers
Damage 1d6 (x4)
No. Appearing 1 (1) - usually, see below
Save As F8
Morale 11
Treasure Type Nil
Intelligence 5
Alignment Chaotic
XP Value 850

In its true form, which is rarely seen, this horrific predator resembles a writhing mass of rope-like tendrils, some of which end in very sharp pincers. At the center of the mass is a mouth and a barrel or pillar like body, similar to that of a sea anemone. The tendrils are at least 10' long, for a full span exceeding 20'; the body, usually 3' to 4' high and 2' or more in diameter, may appear small in comparison. A muscular foot at the base of the body allows the creature to move slowly by creeping like a slug or snail.

The lurefiend has an inherent ability to project illusions, identical to the Phantasmal Force spell except that its duration is unlimited; if the illusion is dispelled or destroyed, the lurefiend can create a new one the next round.

Furthermore, the lurefiend can read the desires and needs (though not other thoughts) of any creature with Intelligence 1 or more within 300 feet; it uses this ability to choose an illusion that is compelling (a pool of water for thirsty travelers in the desert, a fresh carcass for hungry scavengers, a pile of coins for treasure-seeking adventurers, a saddled horse for someone desperately fleeing enemies, etc.) Once its prey approaches within reach, the lurefiend tears it apart with its pincers and devours it.

Lurefiends are normally solitary, but there are one or two exceptions:
1) Lurefiends reproduce by budding; very occasionally an adult will be found with a newly budded young individual which has not yet slithered off on its own.
2) Travelers' tales speak of a deadly valley where a great many of these creatures congregate - where the viewer who stumbles upon it will be driven mad by conflicting illusions, or devoured. The stories disagree about its location - some place it in the wilds of southern Upper Deshret, others southwest of Noctaurus not far from the border of Daedalia Planum, yet others in the hills of Terra Sirenum.

[This is drawn pretty much directly from A Martian Odyssey/Valley of Dreams by Stanley G. Weinbaum.]