by Jim Lai1. Ability Modifiers - because there are so many breeds of Lupin (most wild canines, many domestic dogs, and mongrel breeds), Lupin characters may (if they choose) add 2 to one physical statistic and subtract 2 from a different physical statistic. They can only do this once (no taking a -2 Dex and -2 Con for a +4 Str).
2. Regardless of breed, all Lupins are medium sized, with a base speed of 30 feet. Smaller breeds tend to favour elf height and weight ranges, while larger breeds tend to favour human height and weight ranges. Lupins live as long as the average human.
3. Their exceptional sense of hearing gives Lupins +4 to their Listen checks.
4. Lupins have an exceptional sense of smell. A Lupin may detect the special scent of a lycanthrope with an Intelligence check vs. DC 8. Lupins can identify the species of a creature by scent with an Intelligence check vs. DC 8 if they have encountered that scent before. Lupins can identify a particular person by scent with an Intelligence check vs. DC 12. A Lupin can also make an Intelligence check vs. DC 15 to tell if a creature's shape has been altered through a supernatural means other than lycanthropy, such as magic.
5. Lupins may make a Will save vs. DC based on the caster's level (or creature hit dice) to detect invisible, ethereal, or phased beings within 10 feet.
6. Their keen sense of smell gives all Lupins the Track feat. Lupin Rangers may add their Intelligence bonus to their Track rolls.
7. Lupins gain the bonus feat Blind Fighting.
8. Lupins have sharp teeth. They may choose to deal lethal damage with their grappling attacks by biting.
9. Lupins have good Night Vision, allowing them to see twice as far as a human in poor light and still distinguish colours and details.
10. Because of their sharp senses of hearing and smell, Lupins suffer a -2 penalty to all saves vs. sound and gas attacks, as well as fortitude saves to resist the effects of noise and very strong odours.
11. Because Lupins rely so heavily on their sense of smell, powerful perfumes or heavy smoke in an area can disrupt many of their natural abilities. In the presence of such distractions, Lupins must make a Fortitude save vs. a variable DC (10-15, depending on how bad the distraction is) or lose their bonus feats, their ability to detect ethereal, invisible, and phased creatures, and their special sensory abilities based on smell. The abilities return once the Lupin has left the area.
12. Lupins are highly allergic to wolfsbane. If they ingest it, they must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or take 1d6 Constitution damage (onset time 1 minute, secondary effect 1d6 Constitution damage 5 minutes later), which heals naturally in 1d8 days minus their Constitution bonus (minimum 1 day). If wolfsbane is somehow injected into their blood, lupins must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or suffer -2 to all rolls for 1d4 days minus their constitution bonus (minimum 12 hours). Wolfsbane is considered a poison to Lupins.
13. The preferred class of all Lupins, whether nomadic packs or the settled citizens of Renardy on the Savage Coast, is Ranger.
14. Automatic languages are Common and Lupin. Additional languages include Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, Sylvan, and Undercommon (sign language).