I've been working at creating the Lupin race from the RED STEEL campaign for my homebrewed campaign. I've been working on and discussing it at wizards at this link. There I was directed to this site where I might be able to get more feedback. While I'm trying to keep with the original idea of the lupins, I'm also trying to make them balanced for 4th edition. I'm also trying to make them an attractive race for my players without making them too attractive.
by KingNateLupin
Racial Traits
Average Height: 4’7” – 5’1”
Average Weight: 120 – 180 lb.Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Low-lightLanguages: Common, choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Perception, +2 Insight
Acute Senses: You gain +2 bonus to initiative checks.
Lupin Sense: You can use Lupin Sense as an encounter power.Lupin Sense
With a sniff of the air, you locate numerous invisible creatures skulking towards you.
Encounter, Psychic
Minor Action Close blast 3
Targets: All creatures in area
Attack: Wisdom +2 vs Reflex
Hit: Targeted creature grants you line of sight and cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment against you until the end of your next turn. Any target you did not have line of sight for prior to using this ability, grants you combat advantage until the beginning of your next turn.
Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level, and +6 bonus at 21st level.
Sustain Minor: Whenever you sustain this power you make a secondary attack.
Secondary Target: One creature within 3 squares of you that you already have line of sight for.
Secondary Attack: Wisdom +2 vs Reflex
Hit: Target creature grants you line of sight and cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment against you until the end of your next turn (save ends).
Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level, and +6 bonus at 21st level.Racial Feats
Enlarged Lupin Sense [Lupin]
Prerequisite: Lupin, Lupin Sense racial power
Benefit: When you use your Lupin Sense power, you can choose to make it a blast 5 instead of a blast 3.Heighten Sense [Lupin]
Prerequisite: Lupin, Lupin Sense
Benefit: Whenever you use your Lupin Sense racial power you gain +3 feat bonus for all monster knowledge skill checks for any creatures in the area and you also gain +2 feat bonus to your Perception checks and Insight checks until the beginning of your next turn.Memory Sense [Lupin]
Prerequisite: Lupin
Benefit: For the purpose of detecting a unique individual you’ve met before, in a nonmagical disguise, you get +2 to your Insight check.
You gain +1 feat bonus to Perception checks and Insight checks.Detect True Form [Lupin]
Prerequisite: Lupin
Benefit: When dealing with a creature whose true form is changed, concealed or disguised, such as lycanthropy, polymorph, or illusions, you receive a +2 feat bonus to Perception and Insight skill checks to discover the creature’s true form.With the Memory Sense feat, I’m now not sure if Detect True Form is needed or if I should combine the two somehow. If you have questions on why I picked certain things for the race you should check out the above link to wizards where I ramble on about my thoughts on my choices. Thanks
Sharp Awareness [Lupin]
Prerequisite: Lupin, Lupin Sense
Benefit: Gain +1 bonus to all defences until end of encounter or 5 minutes if you use Lupin Sense while bloodied.