Lower Broken Lands Research Dimensions
by RobinThis double overlay envisions how large the Lower Broken Lands actually are to the surface world.
Many conclusions can and most likely will be drawn from this
amongst which many adventure options/keys/locations
Themap is aactually two maps one depicting the area before the Great Crater Forming by Meteor impact in 1007AC, and the other after this event.
One peculiar detail is that the upper crater of Trollhattan, is not positioned above the Lower Trollhattan Region. Most possibly a flaw of the artist we have to do with.
This however makes the lower trollhattan much more fogy as water will drip onto the magma strea, become steam and cause a thick fog in the direct area, greater than the canon described.
It may be the result of a mapping displacement flaw, yet it will have serious effects on the Lower Regions (in my opinion the Crater should had been placed 1 8 mile hex west, so a simple easily made displacement flaw falls in the regions of logical possibilities. a pity I can't ask the artist anymore.
I will have to see how far my 1 mile hex surface map will influence this