Mystara 3E - Chapter 1: Characters, Races
by Roger LV Girtman IINote: A good bit of this text is very similar to the same topic from the FRCS, so if anyone wants to suggest a bit of language modifications, by all means feel free.
Humans come in all shapes and sizes, without really any common theme to unite them. Historians claim that all the humans on MYSTARA are descendants from three ancient races of humans: the Neathar, the Oltec, and the Tangor. A fourth major race, the Alphatians, arrived on our world just over 2,000 years ago, and has also contributed to the various cultures now found today. With such a short life-span (compared to demihumans), humans have evolved rapidly and there are now more races of humans on MYSTARA than one can possibly keep track of.
Humans can be found on all the continents of MYSTARA, and seem to have adapted to almost any climate. As mentioned, there are too many races of humans to describe fully, but the two most common are the Thyatians with their olive complexion and dark hair as well as the Common Alphatians with coppery complexions and brown or red hair.
If there is anything that can be said to generalise humans is that they are all unique. Racial unity is rare, and only takes place when there is a non-human threat close by. Otherwise, they fight more often amongst themselves than with other races.
Regions: Humans can be found in almost any corner of MYSTARA. Decide what character class you wish to play and pick a region listed in the class description, consult Table 1-8: Character Regions or browse through Chapter 4: Geography for a region that seems appropriate to your character.
Racial Abilities: Human characters, regardless of region, have all the human racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
Automatic Languages: Trade common and local language. Bonus Languages: Any, except for secret languages such as druidic.DWARVES
The dwarves of MYSTARA all came from the same source: the mountains of Rockhome. They claim that Kagyar
their patron Immortal
created them circa BC 1,800, and they have since spread throughout the continent of Brun. Some have even sailed across the sea and made their homes in the land of Alphatia in the nation of Stoutfellow. Whether or not dwarves have colonised other continents in the past is yet to be discovered.
Dwarves are lawful beings who only change their ways of life after a very, very long period of time. Every dwarven colony still speaks the exact same dialect of Dengar (the Dwarven language) that is still used in Rockhome. The same holds true for their physical characteristics: all dwarves on MYSTARA are still identical to their racial ancestors.Rockborn Dwarves
Rockborn, or Denwarf, dwarves are the prototypical dwarven race in MYSTARA. Rockborn dwarves are those who hail, or whose ancestors hailed from the dwarven region of Rockhome. Rockborn dwarves are stocky and muscular with a deep tan or light brown skin, often with ruddy cheeks. Their hair is often black, grey, or brown, with similar colours for their bright eyes. They vary in height between 4 and 41/2 feet.
Regions: The dour and taciturn Rockborn dwarves can be found in most places throughout this region of MYSTARA, frequently acting in the roles of stonemason, weaponsmith or armoursmiths. The largest concentration of Rockborn dwarves is found in the country of Rockhome, which is the ancestral home of their people. Other countries where Rockborn dwarves are likely to be found include: the Alphatian kingdom of Stoutfellow, the Northern Reaches, the town of Highforge in Karameikos, Fortress Island in Minrothad, and the Barony of Buhrohur in Thyatis. One country you can almost be certain a Rockborn dwarf (or any dwarf, for that matter) is not from is Glantri, where dwarves have sometimes been treated as little more than lab specimens by wizards intent on learning the secrets behind this race's innate resistance to physical damage caused by spells and spell-like effects.
Racial Abilities: Rockborn Dwarves characters have all the dwarven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
Automatic Languages: Trade common and Dengar. Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, and Terran. Rockborn dwarves are familiar with the languages of their enemies and of their subterranean allies.Help on this one came from my good r/l friend, V Geisz.
Modrigswerg, also Moulder or Rot Dwarves, as they are commonly called, are a large clan of dwarves who inhabit underground dwellings in the Northern Reaches. While they are biologically identical to Rockborn dwarves, their extensive history of exile and isolationism have caused their culture to drift from their more well known brothers. They are reputed to be among the greatest artisans in all of MYSTARA. They would be sought out by all except for their worship of evil Immortals. This worship is what caused them to be exiled from Rockhome.
Regions: The Moulder dwarves can be found in the deepest caverns beneath Rockhome and the Northern Reaches.
Racial Abilities: Modrigswerg dwarves have all the dwarven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
Darkvision out to 120 feet.
Light Sensitivity: Moulder dwarves are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
+2 racial bonus to Appraise checks that are related to rare or exotic items. This replaces the standard dwarf's Appraise checks on stone or metal items.
+2 racial bonus to Spellcraft, Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), Disable Device and all Craft skill checks related to metals and stones. This replaces the standard dwarf's bonus to Craft stone or metal items.
Moulder dwarves do not need to sleep but can rest by sitting quietly working for a few hours each day. This is enough to regain any spells.
-2 racial penalty to Diplomacy and Perform skill checks.
Automatic Languages: Dengar and Heldannic. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elfin (Shadowelf dialect), Giant, Goblin, Orcish, Terran, and Thyatian. This trait replaces the Rockborn dwarf's automatic and bonus languages.
Favoured Class: The Moulder dwarves have not one but two favoured classes; Wizard and Fighter, whichever is greater (See the DMG, Chapter 6). Most Modrigswerg are enchanter specialist wizards as well as accomplished warriors.This one is a sidebar. Source: Gaz 5
Dwarven Women & Beards
Popular myth says that all dwarves, even the womenfolk, sport magnificent beards. While it is true that dwarves pride themselves in their beards, and consider it a disgrace to wear a cut or unkempt beard, the women of the Dwarven people do not normally grow beards. They do have craggy facial features and a light down of hair on their chins, which can be mistaken for a short beard from a distance; they are not true beards
not in the dwarven sense.ELVES
Mystaran elves mingle freely with the other races throughout the Known world. They are well known for their poetry, dance, song, lore, and, especially, their magical arts
in the Known World, everyone "knows" that even the lowliest elf is capable of arcane spellcasting. Most elves favour things of natural and simple beauty, although there are some Mystaran societies where elves have come to not only understand but respect and pursue the materialistic and complicated ways of humans, such as those found in Darokin. Whenever danger threatens them and theirs, whether they are in the woodland homes of their traditional lands or the towns and cities of their adopted homes, they quickly reveal a strong martial streak, demonstrating skill with sword, bow and battle strategy.
Elves are more often amused than excited, more likely to be curious than greedy. With such long lives, they tend to keep a broad perspective on events, remaining aloof and unfazed by petty happenstance. When pursuing a goal, however, whether an adventurous mission or learning a new skill or art, they can be focused and relentless. They are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. They reply to petty insults with disdain and to serious insults with vengeance. The elven language is called Elfin, and most clans have their own particular dialect of Elfin. Areas where large groups of clans reside together, such as Alfheim, Wendar, the Shadowelf caverns, or Shiye-Lawr, generally share a singular dialect. All elves can understand any dialect of the language, however.ForestElf
Forest elves are the descendants of the elves who followed Ilsundal from Evergrun to the Sylvan Realm and later made their way to the Known World. They are also called Ilsundal elves.
The forest elves are short and slim, standing about 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall and typically weighing 85 to 135 pounds, with elven men the same height as and only marginally heavier than elven women. Forest elves have delicate features and pointed ears and are generally fair-skinned and fair-haired; they tan lightly and never sunburn. Forest elves usually have fair or tan skin, blonde or golden hair and blue or green eyes
In general, elves prefer simple, comfortable clothes, especially in pastel blues and greens, and they enjoy simple yet elegant jewellery. Elves possess unearthly grace and fine features. Many humans and members of other races find them hauntingly beautiful.
Elves live naturally to between 400 and 600 years old. A very few have reached over 800 years old; and more have died of disease or violent deaths before their 500th birthday. They take about 20 years to grow to full size, and then have a free-spirited "adolescence" of about 80 years. It is during this time that an elf chooses whether to remain in the forests of her birth or follow the wandering path of the adventurer.
Regions: Forest elves are found in many parts of the Known World. The Forest elves' major settlements are in the Canolbarth forest of Alfheim, the Principality of Erewan in Glantri (Ellerovyn) as well as the Radlebb Woods in Karameikos (Callarii). Many Forest elves are also found living alongside humans in other parts of the Known World.
Racial Abilities: Forest elf characters, have all the elven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
Automatic Languages: Trade common and Elfin. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnollish, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, and Sylvan. Forest elves are familiar with the languages of their enemies and of their friends, as well as Draconic, the language commonly found in ancient tomes of secret knowledge.Belcadiz Elf
The Belcadiz elves of Glantri have a distinctly different culture from most other surface elves. By many, they are considered arrogant and foppish. Their honour is not to be joked with, as they are a proud people, and many are master duellists, sporting the rapier as their weapon of choice. The Belcadiz elves have bronze skin and dark brown or black wavy hair and brown eyes.
Regions: Belcadiz elves live in the Principality of Belcadiz in Glantri.
Racial Abilities: Belcadiz elves have all the elven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
+2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution. The city-dwelling Belcadiz have sacrificed their natural agility, best utilised in the thick woods, in exchange for a studious exchange of knowledge with their human peers.
+2 Bluff, +2, Diplomacy, +2 Sense Motive. Belcadiz elves are more refined in their interactions than other elves. This replaces the standard elven racial bonuses to Listen, Search, and Spot.
Weapon Proficiency: Belcadiz Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat for rapier and the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat for hand crossbow as bonus feats, and are always considered proficient with the light crossbows and heavy crossbows (even if they don't have Simple Weapon Proficiency).
Automatic Languages: Thyatian (Glantrian accent) and Elfin (Belcadiz dialect). Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnollish, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, and Sylvan. Belcadiz elves are familiar with the languages of their enemies and of their friends, as well as Draconic, the language commonly found in ancient tomes of secret knowledge.Wood Elf
Wood elves are those elves that have retained the original elven culture, once possessed by the elves of the legendary realm of Grunland. They have made their way to the Known World in different waves of migration, but have a common culture. Most wood elves have brown hair and blue or brown eyes, though the Vyalia Clans, have pale skin, and white or silvery hair, not unlike Water or Shadow elves.
Region: Wood Elves can be found in many parts of the Known World. Their major settlements are Wendar (Clan Geffronell), Minrothad (Clan Verdier), the Isle of Dawn (Clan Trueflower), Thyatis (Clan Vyalia), and Sind (Graakhalia).
Racial Abilities: Wood elves have all the elven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
Weapon Proficiency: Wood Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for hand axe, longbow and shortbow as bonus feats, and are always considered proficient with the spear and longspear (even if they don't have Simple Weapon Proficiency).
Favoured Class: Ranger.
Automatic Languages: Trade common and Elfin. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnollish, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, and Sylvan. Wood elves are familiar with the languages of their enemies and of their friends, as well as Draconic, the language commonly found in ancient tomes of secret knowledge.Shadowelf
Shadowelves are a race of elves that have been forced to live underground for generations. Through that time they have adapted to their underground environments. They are distinguished from Forest elves by their pale white skin and white hair. They are not used to being exposed to direct sunlight and have a dislike for it.
Region: The shadowelves are confined to their own cavernous territories deep below the Known World. Occasionally a few shadowelves can be found infiltrating the communities of the Forest and Sylvan elves in Alfheim.
Racial Abilities: Shadowelves elves have all the elven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
+2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, shadow elves are clever and quick learners, but they suffer the same physical frailties as other elves.
Darkvision out to 120 feet. This replaces the standard elf's low-light vision.
Weapon Proficiency: Shadow Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat for scimitar as a bonus feat, and are always considered proficient with the light crossbows (even if they don't have Simple Weapon Proficiency). This trait replaces the Forest elf's weapon proficiency.
+2 racial bonus to Escape artist, Move silently and Spot and a +4 bonus to Hide. This replaces the standard elf's bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot.
Stonecunning: Shadowelves are as familiar with stone constructions and caves as the dwarves.
Light Sensitivity: -1 to all skill checks, attack rolls and saving throws when in direct sunlight or exposed to light from a continual flame or daylight spell.
Automatic Languages: Thyatian (Darokinian accent), Elfin (Shadowelf dialect). Bonus languages: Dengar, Draconic, Gnomish, Gnollish, Gnomish, and Goblin. This trait replaces the standard elven automatic and bonus languages.
Favoured Class: Wizard. As an option, at the DM's discretion, a Shadowelf shaman may consider Cleric as her favoured class instead of Wizard.Water Elf
The water-going elves of Clan Meditor in Minrothad are excellent ship captains, combining their navigational talents with magic. Water elves are towed headed or have light blonde hair that bleaches almost white in the sun. Their eyes are blue-grey and their complexions are pale in spite of their constant exposure to the sun. Their appearance is thus not so different from Shadowelves something many find unsettling. A Water elf's first love is the sea. They have an innate wanderlust and have an avid interest in travelling the seas.
Region: Even though they hail from Minrothad, their love for travelling means that they can be found in most coastal areas of the Known World.
Racial Abilities: Water elves have all the elven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
+2 to Swim, Profession (navigator) and Profession (sailor) skill checks. This replaces the standard elf's racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot skill checks.
Weapon Proficiency: Water Elves receive weapon proficiency with Rapiers, Sabres, cutlasses and similar weapons. They are always considered proficient with light and heavy crossbows, even if they are not normally proficient with simple weapons. This trait replaces the Forest elf's weapon proficiency.
Automatic Languages: Common and Elfin (Meditor dialect). Bonus Languages: Alphatian, Dengar, Lalor, Makai, Orcish, and Patois. Water elves are well-travelled and learn the many languages of the people they trade with.Shiye-Lawr
The Shiye Elves were part of the elves Mealiden lead from Ilsundal's Sylvan Realm. However, the Shiye-Lawr Clans were lead away from the rest of the group by the Elven Immortal Eiryndul. Eiryndul has left his mark on his followers, as most Shiye elves are roguish tricksters. Shiye Elves have pale skin and dark brown or black hair and dark brown eyes.
Region: The Shiye-Lawr elves can be found in Alphatia.
Racial Abilities: Shiye elves have all the elven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
+2 racial bonus on Hide, Move Silently and Escape Artist checks. This replaces the standard elf's racial bonus to Listen, Spot, and Search checks.
Automatic Languages: Alphatian and Elfin (Shiye dialect). Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnomish, Gnollish, Goblin, Orcish, and Sylvan. Shiye-Lawr elves are familiar with the languages of their enemies and of their friends, as well as Draconic, the language commonly found in ancient tomes of secret knowledge.
Favoured Class: Rogue.Sea Elf
The Sea elves, called Aquarendi, are similar to other elves, but with light blue skin, dark blue or green hair and blue, violet or green eyes. They have gills on the sides of their neck and webbed hands and feet.
Region: The Aquarendi can be found in any underwater region, but are most commonly found in the great undersea empire located deep beneath the waves of the northern Sea of Dread.
Racial Abilities: Sea Elves have all the elven racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence. The Aquarendi are not as frail as their land-bound cousins, but neither are they as well-learned.
A sea elf has the aquatic subtype
Sea elves have a swim speed of 40 feet.
Gills: Sea elves can breathe normally under water and can survive out of the water for 1 hour per point of Constitution (after that, refer to the suffocation rules in Chapter of the DMG.
Weapon Proficiency: Sea elves are proficient with the trident, longspear, and net. This replaces the standard elf's weapon proficiency.
Superior Low-light vision: Aquarendi can see four times as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of low illumination.
Automatic Languages: Aquan and Elfin(Aquarendi dialect). Bonus Languages: Alphatian, Patois, and Thyatian.
Favoured Class: Fighter.This is a sidebar.
Dark Elves
Dark elves are a mystery. No one knows who, or what, they are. Perhaps the Modrigswerg legends that tell of dark elves simply mistranslated the name for Shadow elves. Some think that the dark elves are a "clan" of elves exiled from their society. Still others say that there is an enclave of yet another elven subrace, trapped in a massive dungeon of caves deep beneath the Adri Varma plateau. Those scholars, if they are correct, say that these "drow" come from another world, possibly even a different plane or dimension.
If the DM decides that the dark elves of legend are indeed the Drow Elves of other campaign worlds, they should worship the Immortal Arcane Prime instead of Lolth. It should also be remembered that, aside from ancient legends of the Modrigswerg, the Drow have had no contact with any sentient race of MYSTARA
within or without.GNOMES
Like dwarves, gnomes claim they were created by their patron Immortal
Garal Glitterlode
who also placed them among the dwarves and along buffer zones between humanity and the sterner races. Unlike the dwarves, however, gnomish colonisation of the rest of the world wasn't so successful. Only when they colonised areas with the dwarves such as Highforge in Karameikos or Stoutfellow in Alphatia did their colonies survive. Still, small scattered communities can still be found in the Known World and Norwold.
Gnomes stand about 31/2 feet tall and have rather pronounced noses of which they are quite proud. They have either pale blond or red hair, which often turns white as they age. Their skin ranges from dark tan to woody brown, and they usually have bright blue eyes.Earth Gnomes
Gnomes are welcomed everywhere for their skills in trade, artistry, and invention. In most cases this is a blessing and a curse
gnomes are willing to live where ever the money is good, but more often than not the gnomish goods tend to horribly misfire, blowing the poor gnome and his patron up in the process!
Region: Gnomes have no nation or developed land of their own. Most tend to dwell among the lands near the dwarves, content to have their burrows near the surface where the dwarves like to avoid. The largest concentrations of gnomes are in Rockhome, the Northern Reaches, the city of Highforge in Karameikos, the Barony of Buhrohur in Thyatis, and on the flying city of Serraine
a techno-magical marvel.
Racial Abilities: Earth gnomes have all the gnomish racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
Automatic Languages: Trade common and Gnomish. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dengar, Elfin, Giant, Goblin, and Orcish. Gnomes deal more with elves and dwarves than elves and dwarves deal with one another, and they learn the languages of their enemies (kobolds, giants, goblins, and orcs) as well. In addition, an Earth gnome can speak with a burrowing mammal (a badger, fox, rabbit, or the lake, see below). This ability is innate to gnomes. See the speak with animals spell description, Player's Handbook chapter 11.Skygnomes
Strictly speaking, there is only one race of Gnomes present on MYSTARA. The second "race" of gnomes is the sky gnomes which inhabit the flying city of Serraine. Physically the two races of gnomes are identical (hence the reference to just one race of gnomes), although their attitude and culture are so different that many sages prefer to separate them into two races.
Approximately one thousand years ago, a group of Mystaran earth gnomes found and deciphered the mechanism of an ancient artifact. This artifact enabled them to create an incredible flying city called Serraine. Those gnomes that lived in this city developed different traits to their land-bound cousins and now form a gnome sub-race known as skygnomes.
Region: The skygnome subrace is almost exclusively confined to the floating city of Serraine in this region of MYSTARA, thus an adventuring skygnome will most likely be from that city.
Racial Abilities: Skygnomes have all the gnomish racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:
+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength: Skygnomes are less hardy than earth gnomes but make up for this with increased agility.
Saving Throw Bonus: +1 racial bonus on saving throws against air-based spells and attacks, including lightning and electrical attacks.
Flightcunning: With flightcunning, a skygnome can intuit height above ground and speed while flying as naturally as a human can sense which way is up. Additionally, a skygnome can also use a Spot check (DC 10) to determine if weather patterns are natural or in any way affected by magic.
Sure Footed: +1 racial bonus on Balance, Climb and Jump checks. Skygnomes are agile, sure-footed and fearless of heights.
Aerial Acrobats: +2 luck bonus to reflex saves when attempting to prevent falling from any heights greater than 10 feet. This ability only works in a skygnome's natural habitat (the sky).
Invention: +1 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to machinery and works of Engineering; +2 racial bonus on Alchemy checks: earth gnomes love to tinker and create all kinds of wonderful inventions involving strange mechanism and frequently explosive chemical reactions.
Automatic Languages: Trace common and Gnomish. Bonus Languages: Auran, Dengar, Draconic, Elfin, Giant, Goblin, and Orcish.
Favoured Class: Rogue or Bard. A multiclass skygnome's rogue or bard class (whichever has the highest class level) will not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty (see "Experience for Multiclass Characters" in Chapter 3: Classes of the Player's Handbook).These abilities replace the standard Earth gnome abilities and bonuses related to earth, stone and metal: saving throws vs. earth based magic, stonecunning, appraisal, stone and metal craft and the language ability to speak with animals, as well as the standard earth gnome abilities and bonuses related to combat with the traditional enemies: attacks vs. kobolds and goblinoids and AC bonus vs. Giants.
Half-Elves are a curiosity of MYSTARA. Normally, the offspring of a human and elf results in either a human or elf. True half-elves are so rare, in the Known World, they are thought to be legendary and do not exist. In the SAVAGE COAST, on the other hand, due to the deforming effects of the Red Curse, half-elves are quite common.
Ordinarily, a character may not be a half-elf outside of the SAVAGE COAST. As an option, the DM may decide to allow a half-elf character. This should be the exception to the rule and not the norm. If the DM chooses to allow half-elf characters, their racial abilities are identical to those in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook.HALF-ORCS
Like half-elves, half-orcs are an oddity, believed not to exist by most scholars. However there have been reports of a human woman being violated by orcish raiders and bearing children. Often times, the surprise of such a union is too much to bear, and the woman would leave the newborn infant to die in the wilderness, where it is found and raised by orcs. Other times, the mother's instincts kick in and they raise their children as a human.
Half-orcs raised in human society often suffer from prejudice or shame because of their orcish ancestry. Depending on the personality of the individual half-orc, they can find themselves prone to either pushing harder to become better and stronger heroes to prove their worth to the humans or powerful criminals that wish to get revenge on the entire human race that scorned them. Half-orcs in orc society often ultimately find themselves in positions of power due to their ability to out think their orcish relatives. However, half-orcs raised in this environment rarely see humans as potential friends or worthwhile creatures.
If the DM chooses to allow half-orc characters, their racial abilities are identical to those in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook.HALFLINGS
The hin, often called halflings by other races, are a small folk who enjoy a good life. Hin have no knowledge of their creation or arrival, although historians trace them back to the original elven homeland, leading them to speculate they "appeared" (that is, were either created or arrived from another world) with the elves. Hin tend to blend in with the surrounding communities rather than create their own. Most Hin are therefore found in human nations. The Five Shires of the Known World and the city-state of Leeha far to the north of the Known World, in Norwold, are the only known true hin communities. On the Savage Coast, they have been completely absorbed into the local nations.
Hin rarely grow larger than 3 feet in height. They have ruddy complexions, sandy to dark-brown hair, and blue or hazel eyes. Their faces are small and childlike when compared to a human. Hin also have thick hair atop each foot.
Regions: Although the largest concentrations are, of course, found in the hin homeland of The Five Shires, pockets of hin can be found throughout this region of MYSTARA. The most common countries that an adventuring hin might be from include: Darokin, Five Shires, Karameikos, Minrothad (esp. Open Isle); Rockhome, and Thyatis.
Racial Traits: Halflings conform to the standard traits of halflings in the Player's Handbook except as follows:
Automatic Languages: Trade common and local language. Bonus Languages: Dengar, Elfin, Gnomish, Goblin, Lalor, and Orcish. Smart halflings learn the languages of their friends and enemies. The hin have no native tongue except for the ancient language of Lalor which is normally reserved for old sages and the Masters.HUTAAKANS
The Hutaakans are jackal-headed humanoids. While bearing a superficial resemblance to gnolls, they are actually an older, far more sophisticated race.
Hutaakans were created by the Immortal Pflarr, one of the patron Immortals of the Nithian people, and as a race, have long served that Immortal. Individual Hutaakans can be messengers for the Immortal or just adventurers wandering and learning about the world.
Regions: Most Hutaakans live in the Lost Valley
a haven in the Black Peak mountains, unknown to most men, between Karameikos and Darokin, where they live to serve Pflarr. Some, however, reside in the Dwarfgate Mountains of Darokin and Rockhome and in the hills of Ostland where they are almost exclusively misidentified and treated as gnolls by humans.
Racial Traits: Hutaakans conform to the following racial traits:
-2 Strength, +2 Wisdom. Hutaaka are frail but very spiritual creatures.
Medium: As Medium creatures, hutaaka have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Hutaaka base land speed is 20 feet.
Low-Light Vision: A hutaakan is able to see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish colour and detail under these conditions.
Natural Armour: +1 natural armour bonus.
Lightfoot (Ex): Move Silently is always a class skill for hutaakans, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on all Move Silently checks.
Gnoll Blood: For all effects related to race, a hutaaka is considered a gnoll.
Automatic Languages: Hutaakan. Bonus Languages: Common, Gnollish, Lupin, and Traladaran.
Favoured Class: Cleric (Pflarr). A multiclass hutaaka's cleric of Pflarr class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience penalty for multiclassing.LUPINS
Lupins are race of dog-people that have spread over the world of MYSTARA. The origins of the lupins are unclear; some believe they are merely a type of more civilised gnolls, and if this were the case, then gnolls would be a race of lupins and not goblinoids. Others think that they are the descendants of the Hutaakans, a race created by the Immortal Pflarr during the height of the Nithian Empire. Because of this belief, some lupins have returned to worshiping Pflarr, and this has caused much trouble in the lupin nation of Renardy in the Savage Coast.
Over the centuries, lupins have scattered over most of Brun and the rest of MYSTARA, evolving into several different races. Like humans and other short-lived species, there are too many races of lupins to mention here, just as there are far too many breeds of dogs to describe in a couple of paragraphs.
Region: The Ogrish Chow-Chow was once a slave race to the ogre-magi of Ochalea but is now free. The Foxfolk is scattered throughout Brun, while the Glantrian Mountaineer is limited to the Glantrian Alps. The Heldann Shepherd is a goat and sheep raising race found in the Heldannic Freeholds and the Northern Reaches. Many, many more exist, especially cross-breeds and mongrels (as they are called). There is certainly at least one breed of Lupin somewhere in every region of the human lands. Described below is the Mongrel. Other breeds will be detailed in future supplements.
Racial Traits: Lupins have the following racial traits.
+1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom. Lupins are strong and sturdy but are quite often quite naοve.
Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, Lupins have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Lupin base speed is 30 feet.
Low-light vision: Lupins can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish colour and detail in these conditions.
+2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks: Lupins have an acute sense of smell and hearing.
+2 racial bonus to Spot checks to find Invisible. This bonus stacks with the lupin racial bonus of +2 to Spot checks.
Bonus Feat: Blind-Fight. A lupin's heightened senses allow him to fight, even when he can't see his opponent.
Racial Familiarity: A Lupin has a +4 Sense Motive checks to recognise a werewolf in any of its forms, as well as a +1 Sense Motive to recognise other lupins in unusual forms.
Lupins can recognise the smell of a person or creature they have encountered before. Recognition of a particular race is automatic, but the lupin must make an Intelligence check (DC 15) to recognise a particular individual by smell. Perfumes or strong odours in the area can give the lupin a -1 to -4 penalty to this ability, depending on the strength of the odours.
Natural Weapon: Lupins have a natural bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage and has a critical threat range of x3.
Bonus Feat: Track. A lupin's acute sense of smell provides him with Track as a bonus feat.
-2 penalty on their saving throws against attacks based on odour (such as those made by ghasts or stinking cloud spells) or sound (such as a banshee's wail or a harpy's song).
Wolfsbane repels lupins. The substance is even more poisonous to them than it is to humans. Wolfsbane ingested by a lupin acts as sassone leaf residue. Fortunately, the keen senses of a lupin nearly always alert it in time to avoid ingesting the substance. If wolfsbane is somehow injected into a lupin's bloodstream, it acts as dark reaver powder.
-2 racial penalty to saving throws vs sonic attacks, spells, and abilities.
Automatic Languages: Common and Lupin. Bonus Languages: Goblin, Gnollish, Hutaakan, and Orcish.
Favoured Class: Ranger. A multiclass lupin's ranger class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty from multiclassing.RAKASTA
The Rakasta are a race of cat-like beings who also claim that a patron Immortal created them. This time, it is the Immortal Ka who transformed a cat into a human when she fell in love with her master. But when Ba-steh still behaved like a cat, Ka instead transformed her and her human lover into cat-people: the first Rakasta. When this happened is still unknown, but it is believed to have occurred prior to the Great Rain of Fire, explaining how they have since spread throughout most of the world. They have adapted to various climates and evolved into several sub-races.
Rakasta are mainly wild, and most have fled lands that were colonised by humans, and as such are quite rare in the Known World. Rakasta have one nation on the Savage Coast, but beyond that are mostly scattered tribes throughout the world. Like all short-lived races (that is, those of less than 100 years), rakasta have evolved rapidly and many races now apparently exist in the wild, so below we'll only describe those who often come in contact with the rest of the civilised world. In general, rakasta are man-sized, but weight easily two or three times as much. One noticeable difference in the fact that rakasta need 12 hours of sleep per day.
Many breeds and races of rakasta exist, ranging from the common Alley Rakasta to Lynxman, Mountain Rakasta to the ancient Rakastadon. Their appearance and personalities vary just as widely as their regular feline cousins. Described below is the standard Rakasta. Other breeds will be described in future supplements.
Region: Rakastas can live in any wilderness terrain, so long as it is not pock-marked by the cities of civilisation. They are often found in steppes of Ethengar, the deserts of Sind, the wastelands of the Adri Varma plateau, and the deep jungles of the Serpent peninsula.
Racial Traits: Rakastans have the following racial traits.
+2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom. Rakastan are nimble and possess good reflexes, but they lack knowledge of facts or of the world from their time spent as nomadic tribes.
Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, rakasta have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Rakasta base speed is 30 feet.
Low-light vision: Rakastan can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish colour and detail in these conditions.
+2 racial bonus to Balance, Listen, and Spot checks: Rakastan have excellent reflexes as well as strong ears and eyes.
+2 racial bonus to Spot checks to find Invisible. This bonus stacks with the rakasta racial bonus of +2 to Spot checks.
Bonus Feat: Blind-Fight. A Raksata's heightened senses allow him to fight, even when he can't see his opponent.
Natural Weapons: Rakastan have several natural attacks. They may bite or use one of their four claws in melee. When using these natural attacks, a Rakasta is considered armed.
Weapon Familiarity: Rakasta automatically fain the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat for their War Claws.
-2 racial penalty to saving throws vs sonic attacks, spells, and abilities.
Automatic Languages: Common and Rakastan. Bonus Languages: Dengar, Gnomish, Gnollish, Goblin, and Orcish.
Favoured Class: Fighter. A multiclass rakasta's fighter class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty from multiclassing. The rakastan culture is stepped in a warrior code, and the path of the fighter is natural to a rakasta.These are two separate sidebars
Rakastan Natural Weapons
Weapon Cost Dam Crit Wt Type Bite Attack 1d4 x2 Piercing Front Claws 1d2 19-20/x2 Slashing Rear Claws 1d3 x3 Slashing War Claws 3 gp 1d4 19-20x2 ½lb Slashing Rakastas, Lupins & Invisible Creatures
A rakasta or lupin character automatically gets a Spot check (with the bonus) when an invisible creature approaches within 10 feet and during every round the invisible being remains that close. He does not automatically know where the invisible creature is, just that it is close by; locating it still requires other clues. They can also use this ability to detect the presence of ethereal creatures, such as ghosts, phase spiders, or someone wearing plate mail of etherealness. They recognise the difference between things ethereal and those simply invisible but gain no special attack or defence capabilities against ethereal beings.