by Christopher Richard DaviesSince the current edition of the D&D game rules doesn't include any penalties or bonuses for growing older, I don't feel any particular compunction about increasing the lifespans for various PC races so that they match the information in the Gazetteers and other sources. (Since Dragonborn and Tieflings weren't discussed in the Gazetteers and other sources, I'm keeping them at the same "human-equivalent" lifespans that the 4e core rules proscribe.)
Dwarves: Dwarves reach physical maturity at about the same time as humans, or a little later, but aren't legally adults until they turn fifty. Barring disease or misfortune, they normally live up to 200 years, and some have lived as many as 275 years.
Eladrin: High elves also reach physical maturity at about the same time as humans, but aren't considered adults until they see their hundredth birthday. They can naturally live to between 600 and 800 years, though some few have lived more than 1000 years.
Elves: Common elves reach physical maturity at about the same time as a certain species that no introduction, but aren't considered adults until they reach the age of 75. They don't live anywhere nearly as long as their high elven kindred, only living as many as 300 or 400 years, though very rare elves have seen their 600th birthday.
Genasi: Genasi reach physical maturity at around twenty-five years, and typically live to the age of 200 or 300 years. Many Alphatian wizards have sought methods to allow them to live even longer, without demonstrable success. (Typically, such wizards become liches or other sorts of undead, and end up in Blackheart.)
Half-Elves: Elves with human ancestry (or humans with elf ancestry) age much like humans, but can have lifespans reaching up to two hundred and fifty years -- though they will be extremely venerable by that point.
Halflings: While halflings age much like humans, their oldest elders have been known to live up to one hundred and fifty years.