Azcan Feats
by argentmantleHeroic Tier Feats
Ritual Sacrifice [Human, Azcan]
Prerequisite: Human, from the Azca region; Ritual Caster; Evil or Chaotic Evil
Benefit: You gain a one of the following benefits when using ritual magic: increase the duration by 50% or decrease the casting time by 25%. To use this feat you must sacrifice a living creature.Living Sacrifice [Human, Azcan]
Prerequisite: Human, from the Azca region, Ritual Sacrifice; Evil or Chaotic Evil
Benefit: You gain a one of the following Benefits when using ritual magic: increase the duration by 25% or decrease the casting time by 50%. To use this feat you must sacrifice a living creature.Tlachtli Survivor [Human, Azcan]
Prerequisite: Human, from the Azca region
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Acrobatic and Athletics checks and +1 to Initiative.Azcan Warrior [Human, Azcan]
Prerequisite: Human, from the Azca region
Benefit: You gain proficiency and a +2 bonus to damage with short bows and spears.Student of the Stars [Human, Azcan]
Prerequisite: Human, from the Azca region, trained in Arcana
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Arcana. Once per day you may choose a damage type and gain a +1 bonus to it for the remainder of the day.Paragon Tier Feats
Tough[Human, Azcan]
Prerequisite: Human, from the Azca region
Benefit: You gain +1 hit points per level.Perfect Sacrifice [Human, Azcan]
Prerequisite: Human, from the Azca region, Living Sacrifice; Evil or Chaotic Evil
Benefit: You gain a both of the following Benefits when using ritual magic: increase the duration by 100% or decrease the casting time by 50%. To use this feat you must sacrifice a living sentient creature.