Minrothad Guilds
by Christopher Richard DaviesGAZ9 The Minrothad Guilds was a fairly straightforward book, though the authors seem to have ignored earlier attempts to keep information about Nithia out of the hands of players. (Mr. Allston corrected this in the first Almanac, stating that Minroth's people were of unknown origin.) It also roundly ignored the statement in X1 that the Guilds were firmly allied with Thyatis -- which alliance was reduced to one of mutual self-convenience in X10 -- in favour of the Minrothaddans being firmly neutral. Overall, though, the setting doesn't require a lot of modification to make it "fit".
[*] While the Merchant Princes of the Minrothad Guilds are trained in the arcane arts, rumours that their secret arts include combat magic are either exaggerations, or confused reports of Merchant Princes who'd studied more traditional wizardry. The various weather-controlling abilities that they employ are rituals.
[*] The keepers of the Pearl of Power should be treated as clerics of Calitha Starbrow, though -- as usual with relic keepers -- it's unusual for them to go on adventures. Likewise, the keepers of the Carven Oak should be treated as clerics of Ordana. Augrism is a religion devoted to Kagyar; the Twelve Watchers are "titans"[1] in his service. Minrothism, of course, is devoted to Minroth.
[*] The future of the Minrothad Guilds will see them trying to remain on friendly terms with all parties. However, the eventual destruction of Alphatia and the ravaging of Darokin by the Desert Nomads will both cause the merchant princes quite a bit of trouble, essentially forcing them into an even closer alliance with Thyatis. By mid-century, the guilds will have been wholly absorbed into the Empire, and in more vigorous competition with Ierendi for trade opportunities in the west. (They are already in competition, but it's reasonably friendly.)
[1] "Titans", in this sense, refers to failed seekers after Immortality who were given a limited form of it, as described in Wrath of the Immortals. (There were three kinds of "titans" described in various OD&D products.) In this case, the Twelve Watchers actually weren't seeking immortality, but nonetheless had their exalted status conferred on them by Kagyar, who was impressed with their individual accomplishments.