Schattenalfen Feats
by argentmantleHeroic Tier Feats
Embrace the Night [Schattenalfen Elf]
Prerequisite: Schattenalfen Elf
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls when you use a power that has the necrotic keyword while in darkness. Increase this damage to +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 21st level. This bonus decreases to +1 when not in darkness, +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st. If your skin is exposed to sunlight, this bonus is removed.Eyes in the Dark [Schattenalfen Elf]
Prerequisite: Schattenalfen Elf
Benefit: You gain darkvision and +1 feat bonus to Perception.Schattenalfen Soldier [Schattenalfen Elf]
Prerequisite: Schattenalfen Elf
Benefit: You gain +2 feat bonus to damage with crossbows.Knife in the Dark [Schattenalfen Elf]
Prerequisite: Schattenalfen Elf
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Stealth and a +1 feat bonus to hit while in darkness.Viper’s Tongue [Schattenalfen Elf]
Prerequisite: Schattenalfen Elf
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves vs. Poison and a +1 feat bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.Cloak of Night [Schattenalfen Elf]
Prerequisite: Schattenalfen Elf
Benefit: You may use the Cloak of Night power once per encounter.Cloak of Night Feat Power
The shadows rise up from the ground and envelop you.
Minor Action Close burst 1
Effect: The burst creates a cloud of darkness that remain in place until the end of your next turn. The cloud hinders line of sight, squares within it are obscured. You gain concealment if you had none before, or superior concealment if you were previously concealed.Paragon Tier Feats
Redeemed [Schattenalfen Elf]
Prerequisite: Schattenalfen Elf, Lawful Good or Good alignment
Benefit: You gain Resist 5 + half your level to Necrotic damage.Bane of the Light Above [Schattenalfen Elf]
Prerequisite: Schattenalfen Elf
Benefit: You now gain benefit from short rests while exposed to sunlight. At 21st level you gain benefit from extended rests.