Nithia 1000 BC, 24 miles per hex
by Thorfinn TaitMaps
None as of yet. (But see Unofficial Sources below.)
This thread is for development of a chronological map of Nithia in 1000 BC. It was started at Chimpman's request. I will update this post with information periodically as the project progresses, and eventually the maps will be presented here.Sources: GAZ2 The Emirates of Ylaruam (1987), GAZ9 The Minrothad Guilds (1988), Dawn of the Emperors (1989), Hollow World Campaign Set (1990), HWA2 Nightrage (1991), HWR2 Kingdom of Nithia (1991).
Unofficial Sources: Nithia at the Vaults of Pandius, Ancient Nithian Empire (1998) by James Mishler.
Notes from GAZ5
- Steppes - GAZ5 describes pre-Canolbarth Alfheim as a "forbidding place" of "wind-torn steppes" which "had rarely tasted rain before". It also mentions how the "water-starved steppes plants suddenly changed and adapted overnight." (All quotations from GAZ5, page 8.)
Notes from Hollow World Campaign Set
- Nithia - "The Nithian Empire is at its peak; it features monumental architecture, large urban complexes in the delta region of the River Nithia, conquest of neighbouring states, establishment of more remote colonies, and the development of more sophisticated arts and culture." (Hollow World DM's Sourcebook page 14.)
To Do List
- Update sources list to include all products with references to Nithia.
- Research official sources for details of Nithia and write notes for creating a map.
- Develop historical map as far as possible based on official sources.
- Complete development using fan sources and personal judgement.
- [Ancient Civilisations] Extent of the Nithian Empire - discussion thread here at The Piazza.