Ancient Nithia 1500BC-8 mile hexes
by RobinThis 8 mile map of Ancient Nithia (Mystara D&D) was based upon the works of James Mishler and Thorfinn Tait, based upon Canon (official) and Fanon (by fans) information, mixed together with the old PC game Stone Prophet AD&D Ravenloft.
It all fits like a glove.
I succeeded to Mix the Old AD&D Ravenloft game Stone Prophet (which was based upon an AD&D Ravenloft adventure module which I forgot its name). The PC game was very good, and I drew all the maps out in those days by hand and mixed them with the sporadic information in those days of Nithia.
In my game it was not a wall of fire preventing the PC's from venturing beyond Nithias borders (like in the Stone Prophet game) but initially a wall of time (heated though) and the cliffs and steep hillsides of Nithia (caused by earlier erodation by the Nithia river.)
Later I abandoned the whole "wall" idea, and let the hero's wander of in a different world. My assumption was and still is that those "walls" only exist in D&D games to prevent the PC's from wandering of the track of the adventure....but hey... a good DM knows how to act accordingly. Just as Real Life, you can and sometimes will abandon a chosen path of actions.