The Protectorate of Carytion
by RobinThis is the same map with added art (and corresponding links) as the 1 mile hex map was made For Giulio Coroletti for his Article on Carytion Mystara for the Threshold Magazine.
I thank Roys Art for his Demonic Cliffs
I thank the other artists for the pictures I found. As no names could be retrieved I've added the source links to credit them.I also like to rhank Giulio Caroletti for the Initial map and ideas to build this map upon.
Giulio, with letting me make this map, you've helped me through a very very depressing period ..therefor my greatest gratitude and thanx.
Locations Not mentioned there but available on the map;Acqua Bianca Bollente; boiling white water. A violent geological area known in the Rel World Devils triangle where the water suddenly turns white and sinks ships, this due natural chemical released once a while below. The picture I used is of that effect. A very interesting effect, and a logical reason for ships NOT to traverse the region and displace the shipping lane further East."
Fort Menech; old Taymoran fort later abandoned.
Dragon; Giulio thinks Onyx Dragon could fill the same role of a Copper Dragon. The name might be the Enigmist or something like that, a slightly darker twist but in the end he might still be a joker (and the "mysterious" name might be a joke itself).
Magic Locations (stars); Illusions are strengtghened in effect, and duration, and decreased in chance to recognize them as such.(near the dragon), SW of Nuguro a non magic area (here all magic is suppressed 100% until it leaves the area. spells are thus dispelled, as are other temporary or direct effects, but magic items regain their powers 24 hours after leaving the area. (artifacts in 5- magical bnus hours). and in the Collina Arba, there is a gate of some kind, that opens on specific dates or circimstances, leading to....who knows what." (this is to the DM to decide; but dates related to the carytionids, history might suit best. it could thus be a temporal gate, leading to that time period, where the heroes could become part of history, (maybe even as the important figures), without altering it .
Crystals; The Crystal Coast ---> Costa Cristalla is an interesting region, as it softly sings melodic tunes, nor real music, but a sort of palladium of soft tingling sound. based on this. these crystals shed an eerie pinkish ligh at night, recharge at day. effects. unknown as of yet. The crystals can be harvested succesfully in Autumn when of fullgrow size (3 to 5 feet) and can be used to make magical musical instruments. (the effect increases the creation of such an item wit 50% and doubles duration of ane magical sonic effect. imposed from it. It will regrow each year, Winter seems to "kill" these crystals till they break from their underground roots, thus losing effect. (except as decoration or other nonmagical usage)."
Monsters; Actaeon. (sort of Elk Centaur) near mount Curiosa. Originally a forest creature but sort of forced here in the Hilled bushes due to encroaching humans.
Crone of Chaos; South of Mogoru witthin 5 Nuraghi in a pentagram Shape, a nice location for this magic using monster deriving its strength from these 5 magic (or magic item storing) locations. Her name Merghitta, is known only to a few, most know her by; il cagna, il strega, il diavolo, il mostro, il moglie di inferno, (bitch. witch, devil, monster, wife of hell)Ruins; Fomorian Giants preferred hils to reside (probably due their genetic origin from Hill Giants, so the ruins with orage dots are Fomorian.
Scogliere delle Navi Perdute'; holds several vessels that are still visible in low tides. The sunk pirate vessel being the most interesting, being even visible at high tide. it crashed on these reefs in a freak storm, but the locals say a local witch (the crone of chaos??) caused the pirates to crash when they tried to leave with their stolen virtues and wealth. As thus some strange secrets might be able to be ffound in the wrekage, probably guarded by the undead cursed crew. The locals stay away from this haunted spot, but sometimes a cursed soul ventures within the swamp, binding other to his cused cause.
The scoglieri sulci together with the other cliffs force the vessels towards Casteddu bay.
Scoglieri demonica clifs (south); based on this these cliffs are named as thus because they have spooky faces. These are remnants of Fomorian Giant art. Maybe they might have some magic effects, like causing fear, but that could also well be pure imagination. The cave behind it goes up hundreds of yards into the mountain and hold its own secrets,
The ruins on the southern tip (Necropoli de Fomorois de Chirra) were fomorian ruins, and this was some sort of tomb like structure ;;
The ruins just north of the Saeprus river look similar, like thisAs such, the statue symbol, along the rocks there, is a large partially destroyed by time Fomorian Ruler of long ago....it (and the other ruins) might hide clues, however, to discover Fomorian History.
Fossa Aringae; The Herring Deep" is a popular fishing location for Carytionids. A region resembling a RL region somewhere West of Itali known for many herrings and obscure large fish
The Foresta della Notti, Forest of Night area (Southeastt) Is a collapsed region enclosed by cliffs, enabling a secret hideout for the cult of Nyx
The many caves on the Southern coast go inwards for hundreds of feet and are caused by tidal erosion in the sof rock (Chalk) some could be used for smuggling, secret hideouts, a hidden monster etc.
Read more in the very interesting Article of Giulio Caroletti in the New Threshold Magazine