Pachydermions: The Elephant-folk / Loxodons of Mystara
by HåvardPachydermions are the elephant-folk of Mystara. They make for terrifying opponents and are able to wield an additional weapon with their trunks.
Official material:
References in major fan material:
- AC9 Creature Catalogue
- DMR2 Creature Catalog
Suggested lands:
- Myoshima Gazetteer
Sind, Serpent Peninsula, Davania, Shajapur and on Myoshima (the monster description says they can be found in temperate regions, tropical jungles, and savannah)Subraces (proposed):
Bloodlines (proposed):
- Sindhi
- Davanian
- Norwold Wooly
- Long-eared flier,
- Dwarf
- Thyatian War
- White
- Malfera
- Bodendrucker
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