Manacupuru Tribal Lands
by Marc SaindonProbably inspired by the Hovitos in Raiders of the Lost Ark, this Oltec-descended tribe worships snakes and uses blowguns to keep outsiders from entering their homeland (like all Mystaran nations, they are isolationists...). They can serve as an alternative to the Atruaghin Tiger (Jaguar...) Clan to place modules like the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan and could also be part of Atzanteotl's greater schemes. Perhaps they have lost Oltec portal magic or artefacts, explaining why they are in Davania?
And rather than just being antagonists, maybe they can have a schism, with some tribes moving away from the worship of Atzanteotl to more neutral, natural forces, focusing on (non-celtic) Druids and Shamani.
Or maybe they are minions toiling under Yuan-ti masters?